Monthly Archives: July 2022

Americans Reject Extreme Democratic Positions on Abortion

By Rob Meyne

  • July 25, 2022
  • 3-min read

The decisions issued in June by the Supreme Court are, collectively, about as important a collection as we have seen in decades. The most notable, and most relevant to conservative Constitutionalists, is of course the reversal of Roe v. Wade.

When a major decision is issued, especially one that impacts the laws of the fifty states and DC, it can take time for the effects of it to work their way through the system. Many state laws will remain unchanged while some will fine-tune them as a result of the decision. In fact, in several states, it happened automatically, as they had trigger laws that went into effect because of the ruling.

It is important to recognize, up front, that abortion is among the most contentious issues in America. Yet a look at the opinions of Americans shows there is actual common ground. In addition, the people overwhelmingly reject the position of Democratic leaders.

The Democratic position on abortion today is that there should be no restrictions on it. None. Women (if you can define the term) should be able to kill their babies through the ninth month, for any reason or no reason. Biden says so, apparatchiks like Stacey Abrams say so, and so do 49 out of 50 Democratic senators who voted for a bill that would eliminate all restrictions on abortion. About ninety percent of Americans oppose that view.

Yet, the prevailing narrative is that the GOP is the extreme party. Nonsense. Republicans have an opportunity to demonstrate they are the party closest to the American mainstream.
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Biden to Declare Climate Emergency? Stop Laughing

By J Robert Smith

  • July 19, 2022
  • 2-min read

From the Daily Caller, July 19:

President Joe Biden could declare a climate emergency as soon as this week, according to The Washington Post, in a bid to implement elements of his environmental agenda as climate legislation has stalled in Congress.

Despite what Democrats and the corporate media say, the country is in the opening phases of a recession. Overall inflation – by the official measure – is at 9.1%. But key categories like gas, home heating and cooling, and many groceries (meats, in particular) are double digits on the inflation meter. A deeper recession is very likely.

Throw Biden’s potential “climate emergency” into the mix and a deeper recession isn’t just likely, but probable. In fact, “deeper” might be an understatement. Clamping down on conventional energy – namely, fossil fuels – will send a jolt through the entire American economy that will cause inflation to spiral up, businesses to fold, job losses galore, and slews of personal bankruptcies.

Sounds apocalyptical? Well, it could be if the president imposes the full radical green agenda on the nation.

Anyone following what’s happening in Germany? Germany’s an advanced industrial nation (forget the “post” crap). The German elite have been shutting down coal energy plants and forcing Germans out of gas-powered vehicles. They’ve upped Germany’s reliance on wind and solar power – both of which are highly unreliable and costly.

Again from the Daily Caller, July 5:

After pouring billions of dollars into green energy, Germany is facing economic calamity, including potential collapse should Russia shut off gas supplies.

On July 5, Germany announced their plan to rewrite 1970s legislation to send taxpayer funds to energy suppliers in an attempt to prepare for a possible recession, the Wall Street Journal reported. The collapse comes after Germany unveiled their plan to spend $220 billion to transfer all their energy needs to renewable sources, Reuters reported.

The situation in Germany is so alarming that the government has begun putting coal-fired powerplants back on line. Other nations in the EU are facing a similar possible crisis.

Biden’s handlers (more so than Biden, who is clearly suffering dementia), are simply delusional. There is no climate crisis to contend with in the U.S. or across the globe.

The notion that human activity (and even herds like cattle) are pumping so much carbon and methane into the atmosphere that the world is on the brink of tumbling into a greenhouse catastrophe is sheer whacky science fiction… utter nonsense pimped by cynics and cultish believers who want to exert more power over our lives. These people – mostly affluent progressives – have abandoned God and replaced traditional faith with zany cult beliefs under the guise of science.

Biden’s handlers, if successful – if they push their radical “save the planet” agenda to the max – will plunge this nation into economic woes that might rival the Great Depression. But anything close is bad enough.

This developing folly, by the way, is the consequence of Donald Trump being cheated out of his 2020 reelection. Unfortunately, even the honest and innocent are paying prices for that folly, which could grow worse in the coming months.

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Unlimited Dollars for Ukraine (But Pennies for the Border)

By J. Robert Smith

  • July 12, 2022
  • 1-min read

Bipartisanship is alive and well in Washington. Democrats and Republicans are providing Ukraine’s military with lots of stuff to fight the Russians. Even some conservative talkers and TV show opinionators are gung-ho for the U.S. lending ever greater support to the Ukrainians. Humanitarian aid has poured into that war-torn country as well.

Back in May, Congress approved an eye-popping $40 billion in aid to Ukraine. Imagine if only a fraction of that money was allocated to stop the epic troubles happening along what was once the U.S.-Mexican border? That’s not said flippantly. The U.S. southern border has effectively disappeared. It’s being overrun monthly by tens of thousands of “migrants.” Well, they’re migrants until they cross into the U.S. Then they become illegals. But that’s fine with Biden and Democrats, who as unspoken policy, not incompetence, laid bare the border for the invasion that’s taking place. Democrats want new constituents and voters. Big business wants cheap labor. It’s an unholy alliance.

So, showing that Ukraine matters more to the DC crowd than the security of our own border comes Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-ND), who dropped this bomb on the Charlie Kirk Show the other day. Said Cramer:

“Well, I don’t know that the line is a dollar amount, Charlie,” Cramer began. “I think each request or each requirement, each demand, each circumstance requires its own discovery if you will. I don’t think we should do a whole bunch, necessarily, at one time. I think we should do smaller tranches, just for the purpose of renegotiating, and reaccessing.”

So, Cramer is basically saying that the U.S. commitment to Ukraine is open-ended, but pouring resources into finishing the Wall and putting whatever is needed in terms of law enforcement and National Guard on the southern border, well, isn’t the priority. Fighting for liberty in Ukraine matters more to Biden and Democrat and Republican members of Congress like Cramer than securing our nation. I guess gangbangers, cartel thugs, and lots of bad drugs pouring into the country take second place – if that – in the minds of the pea-brains who are supposed to represent us in Congress.

When will we say enough is enough and elect men and women to Congress who put America first?

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