Tag Archives: Barack Obama

SPECIAL: Free Blacks from White Progressive Democrats

J Robert Smith

  • June 4, 2020
  • 3 min read

“What I’m saying to Black America, we must stop victimizaton [sp]. We must stop complaining about what white folks have done to us in the past. We must go into ourselves, as Dr. King said, and find indelible ink — our own emancipation proclamation.”

Robert Woodson Interview, CNS News, May 12, 2015


Black generational poverty is a fact. It’s persisted, if not increased, since Lyndon Johnson’s “Not-So-Great-Society” was launched in the mid-1960s. That seems contrary to common sense, but it isn’t. You must look deeper – to the facts and politics – to appreciate why Democrats’ policies and governance have failed poor blacks, spectacularly.

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Thank God the Left Doesn’t Get It

Rob Meyne

  • March 2, 2020
  • 4 min read

Never in memory has our country been dominated by political cohorts that seem to know less about each other, as these piece from the Guardian and Town Hall edify. Yet understanding the person sitting on the other side of the table is fundamental to making progress.

If you’re seeking to get a job, buy a house, or negotiate a union contract, it’s essential to understand what the other side wants. You can’t solve problems, come to agreements, or conclude deals that both parties endorse unless you understand what you both care about. It’s that simple.

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Why Don’t Democratic Candidates Seem to Like America Much?

Robert Meyne

  • Nov. 23, 2019
  • 4 min read

It’s astonishing how politically bifurcated we have become. Many people who’ve spent years supporting politicians who are seriously flawed – liars, crooks, hypocrites –have adopted faux outrage over everything done by President Trump. Some Democratic leaders announced before Trump was even inaugurated that they wanted to impeach hm. Their entire agenda, for more than three years, has been driven by a single goal: to get rid of Trump. They put politics ahead of the national good, consistently and reliably. (There are days that I wish Republicans in Congress were as disciplined and committed as the Democrats.)

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NEWSFEED WEEKEND: Is Obama at the Center of the Russia Hoax?

J Robert Smith

  • Oct. 25, 2019
  • 2 min read

The opening of a criminal investigation is likely to raise alarms that Mr. Trump is using the Justice Department to go after his perceived enemies. Mr. Trump fired James B. Comey, the F.B.I. director under whose watch agents opened the Russia inquiry, and has long assailed other top former law enforcement and intelligence officials as partisans who sought to block his election.

— New York Times, October 24, 2019
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NEWSFEED WEEKEND: Will Democrats & the Deep State Come for You?

J Robert Smith

  • Oct. 12, 2019
  • 3 min read

The X-Files once had a tagline for describing administrative state nefariousness: Deceive, Inveigle, Obfuscate. Clearly, that is the mantra for the parts of the intelligence community that are still beholden to Obama’s bewitching ideological spell (as well as the Clinton family’s implied threats against any who dare to oppose their unjust claim to power).

— The American Spectator, October 2, 2019
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Should Facts Interfere With Our Understanding of the Truth?

Rob Meyne

  • Sept. 5, 2019
  • 3 min read

There is an old joke about the three biggest lies: two can live as cheaply as one, check’s in the mail, and… well, the third, the punchline, isn’t appropriate for polite company. But the point resonates: there are many dominant beliefs today, as throughout history, that simply aren’t true.
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Where Are the Happy Warriors?

Rob Meyne

  • Aug. 26, 2019
  • 4 min read

In previous political seasons, successful politicians were known for their optimism. Hubert Humphrey was referred to as the “Happy warrior,” as was Sir Winston Churchill. Churchill was optimistic in the face of some of the greatest challenges any nation has ever faced.

Humphrey was upbeat, pleasant, and confident. I saw him speak many years ago, and he seemed like someone with whom I would enjoy having lunch. He knew that people are attracted to those who are joyous, fun, and happy.

Ronald Reagan reflected on the good that is intrinsic in people, especially Americans. He was cognizant of the need to make changes, but it did not define him. There was nothing depressing about Reagan. He was unashamedly proud of our country.
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