Tag Archives: Biden

Why the End of the American Empire is Good for the Republic

This past weekend, the Ukrainians fired missiles at Russia. It’s not the first time. U.S. fingerprints are all over this attack, too. It was yet another provocation to war with Russia. A war with Russia wouldn’t be a limited affair, despite the conceits emanating from Washington. And it wouldn’t revolve around Ukraine’s future. It would center on the fate of the American empire.

The Biden administration is pushing brinkmanship with Russia. Of course, that’s a monumental gamble. Washington’s defense and foreign affairs establishment is trying to win through intimidation what Ukraine isn’t winning on battlefields, regardless tens of billions of dollars in U.S. aid and hands-on support. But brinkmanship with Russia opens the door to miscalculations. Triggering a conventional war between the world’s premier nuclear-armed powers risks escalation to nuclear conflict.

Whatever Washington’s reasoning, it’s best to remember that America was never intended to be an empire. It was created as a republic. It was never to roam the globe on moral crusades, which, too many times, were thin disguises for power acquisition and economic exploitation. Our military was for our defense, not a profit center for special interests. We were to have a government of the people, tending to laws that made our society civil and safe. Our government wasn’t supposed to “capture” commerce but referee it to ensure that the rules of the game were fair. Government has become incessantly profligate. We were to be a free, strong, and prosperous people minding our affairs.

Perhaps the end of empire will open the way to the return of the Republic?

Read the full article at American Thinker. Follow this link.

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Biden’s Failings Make Trump Look Like A Saint

By Anthony Trevlac

  • May 24, 2024
  • 3 min read

One of the saddest and least accurate themes you hear from Dems/anti-Trumpers/Dem Socialists is that Trump is somehow uniquely despicable. As any reasonable person knows, all human beings are flawed. And Trump is often unkind in his comments and takes on unnecessary arguments. There is much about him I do not like.

The key, though, is that America was much better off under Trump if you look at metrics involving things like inflation, war, crime, drug deaths, and the open border. Trump haters, though, don’t like to talk about issues, because they know Biden’s record is indefensible. So, they tend to claim Trump is just a foul person, as if Biden isn’t.

The argument, essentially, is that Biden may be pushing us toward nuclear war, but Trump is mean, and we don’t like his tweets. Somehow, they look at this situation and conclude they should vote for Biden.

Trump’s faults would be more meaningful and persuasive IF his main opponent was better. He is not. You can admit it, or you can be willfully ignorant, your choice, but Biden is provably immoral and detestable. Plus, the evidence is overwhelming that he and his family have received many millions in direct payoffs from our foreign adversaries.

The House of Representatives has already documented – proven – the Bidens received tens of millions funneled through scores of LLCs that were created JUST TO RECEIVE the bribes. This money was not paid for any actual work done; they were just payments, and they ended up in the hands of more than a dozen family members, including Biden grandchildren. Even Hunter’s business partners have testified that Joe was part of the shakedown and that Joe received money from it. The proof is there. If you are ignoring it, you are part of the problem. Sorry.

Again, your choices are to pretend it isn’t true, be willfully ignorant, or just hate Trump so much you don’t care how horrible the other choice is.

As ONE example, consider this: Ashley Biden, his daughter, has written extensively that she was coerced into taking showers with her dad, Joe, when she was far too old for it to be even remotely acceptable. She considers herself a sexual molestation victim. And she blames Joe’s abuse of her to be the main reason she has a problem with sexual addiction. She discusses all of it in her diary, which became public, and has admitted it is hers. IT IS HER DIARY.

If we had a reasonable media, or if the American people really gave a shit about the facts and the corruption of our leaders, this would have been front page news for years. Joe would have, and should have, been driven out of office. But this story receives little attention. If you are interested, even Newsweek and MSNBC have admitted her diary is real, and she has never walked away from its content.

Hate Trump? Good for you. How you use that to justify voting for a pedophile is astonishing.

Biden also lied for years about the driver who killed his wife and kid, claiming he was drunk; he was not, and eventually Biden apologized for it. Biden said poor kids are just as smart as white kids. Biden claimed Obama was the first “clean” black man to run for high office. Biden and his AG have long argued that black Americans need special treatment because they are either too stupid or otherwise incapable of accessing legal help, using computers, or even getting ID. Biden had to drop out of previous runs for the presidency because of plagiarism. He has lied about his academic record, going to jail for supporting Nelson Mandela, and defends racism and discrimination against high-achieving Asian Americans in higher ed. Hunter Biden even paid tens of thousands in “rent” to his dad and paid his household expenses with the money he had coerced foreign interests into giving him. The list goes on.

Trump is flawed – so are you and me. Trump was excoriated for making crude comments about his treatment of women, crude “locker room” talk that is disgusting and embarrassing. THAT receives nearly daily coverage. Biden molesting his daughter, however, hardly makes a ripple in the news. If you are OK with that, vote for the “pedo.” If not, grow a spine and vote for Trump or Kennedy. But not Biden.

The nation is at risk and too many Americans are asleep at the switch.

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Third Trimester Abortions are Common & the Democrats Love Them

By Rob Meyne

  • March 23, 2024
  • 5-min read

It has been said you are entitled to your own opinion but not your own facts. Which brings us to probably America’s most contentious issue.

The facts on abortion have been challenged recently in these pages. That is understandable because the prevailing Democratic position on abortion is horrifying and indefensible.

Remember, I don’t ask people to just believe me; I want people to learn the facts. Most of us don’t go to the trouble. But we are a better, stronger nation when people know the truth. Plus, as I have often said, conservatives usually win when the people know the truth. The left usually wins when they don’t.

So, the following is the truth. I have even included a few references. If anyone wants to challenge me, please, buckle up. Let’s go. Do your best. But, please, those who keep just saying things like “no one supports third trimester abortions,” in spite of the reality that they do, just don’t talk about it anymore if you’re going to ignore reality.

  • The Democrats are today the extreme party on abortion. While members of both parties often have more varied opinions than their leaders, key Dem leadership supports abortion through nine months.
  • In his debate with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, California Gov. Gavin Newsom — a party star and disastrous governor — said it is just up to the woman and doctor, no matter how late in the pregnancy.

In a March campaign stop in Las Vegas, Biden said he had a message for Donald Trump: “Don’t mess with the women of America unless you want to get the benefit!” Whatever that means, in the same speech he said he supported abortion through three trimesters, but later argued that was not abortion on demand. Perhaps Biden thinks there is a fourth trimester. MSNBC reported on this as did many other outlets. In May, 2022, The Washington Post ran a piece showing that Democrat Tim Ryan and Bernie Sanders both support abortion through all nine months, and that, at the time, Biden’s press secretary wouldn’t provide a direct answer to the question.

  • When SCOTUS reversed Roe in 2022, Biden was asked directly if he thought there should be “any” restrictions on abortion. He said “no.” Such clarity is hard to ignore.
  • Most Republicans, including Trump, do not support a national ban. Trump has even criticized Ron DeSantis for Florida’s six-week limit being too severe. Trump said this past week, as reported by NBC News, that he favors a 15-week limit.
  • Most importantly, IF you opposed abortion through nine months, and were directly asked about it, you would say so. Biden and Harris refuse to, because they support it.
  • More telling, the entire Democratic U. S. Senate caucus (minus Joe Manchin) in 2022 voted for a bill that would have removed all gestational restrictions on abortion. Just one Democrat opposed it. (There are a ton of articles on this, including on Apnews.com. Axios news has also reported on this.) Planned Parenthood spent millions to support it.
  • The abortion opinions of most GOP leaders are closer to the American mainstream than the opinions of their Dem counterparts.
  • Abortions are routinely performed in dozens of states in the third trimester. Seven states have NO time limits on abortion. Another 12 allow it through the whole pregnancy if it is claimed the mental, emotional, or physical health of the woman (despite what the Biden Administration says, men still can’t have babies) is at risk. If a woman says she doesn’t think she can mentally or emotionally handle motherhood, her doctor can abort. (There are many sources, but this is from the World Population Review. Go ahead, check for yourself, but save time by using a search engine that is more objective than Google, like DuckDuckGo.)
  • The difference between an abortion in the 8th or 9th month is essentially just what you do with the healthy, viable child. For an abortion, if the mother doesn’t want it, it is killed. In Nevada, where you can abort through six months, an abortion is performed by the doctor inserting shears into the mother and cutting off the child’s arms, legs, and head. The pieces are then assembled on a tray to make sure they didn’t miss anything. If this makes you sick, it should. You must be a normal human.
  • A good question is where do Americans stand? This is from a May 2022 Gallup survey. “When asked about the legality of abortion at different stages of pregnancy, about two-thirds of Americans say it should be legal in the first trimester (69%), while support drops to 37% for the second trimester and 22% for the third. Majorities oppose abortion being legal in the second (55%) and third (70%) trimesters.” Dozens of surveys over the years reflect similar data.

Leftist propagandists and abortion fans want you to believe that every woman loves abortion and it is a genuine women’s rights issue. Nonsense. Some women promote abortion, some don’t, as is also true of men.

Perhaps the least defensible bromide repeatedly offered is that only the opinion of women should matter on the issue. Not to be too gentle, but that is bigoted, sexist crap. It takes a man and a woman to make a baby. They both should take responsibility for it, love it, care for it, and determine every important decision about it, including whether to kill it. There is no logical, reasonable, or ethical argument to be made for the suggestion that men should have no vote on whether a baby lives. This may be news to some, but millions of fathers, like me, love their children and wanted them very much. Men and women should be equal partners in this journey. It is indefensible to say that your opinion on whether your own child should live ONLY matters if you happen to have a vagina.

Like it or not, by the way, the issue with abortions is not, in any way, what a woman does with HER body. Support abortion or oppose it, the issue is completely about what happens to the separate body and life that is a developing human being. That person/fetus/baby/whatever term you prefer is a totally different living thing than the mother, with separate DNA. The “my body” line sounds good but doesn’t survive even cursory examination. With apologies for speaking so clearly, it is another life, not yours.

So, the real question is this: Which party more closely represents your views? Which is more extreme? Which is better for America, policies that represent a middle ground on the issue, or those that promote unrestricted abortion through nine months?

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Biden Makes It Clear:
He Doesn’t Like Us

By Rob Meyne

  • March 15, 2024
  • 5-min read

For those keeping score at home… The “success” in Biden’s SOTU speech was that… wait for it… he didn’t fall down, soil himself (maybe he only does that when he is with the Pope), or stand for a half hour frozen without speaking. Those were the highlights.

It was not a presidential speech so much as a campaign event that revealed more than they probably intended. There may never have been a more hate-filled speech given in the well of the House. The loathing of huge swaths of Americans was palpable and hard to miss given that he yelled most of it.

If you want to give the most important and powerful job in the world to the crazy old man who lives down the street and keeps yelling at you to keep your dog off his lawn, you will have your chance this November.

Let’s add this caveat: if certain terms like “hate” offend you, or seem excessive, think of your own term. Whatever is the right word – and hate doesn’t seem too strong to me – it is clear Biden no longer even bothers to pretend he likes many of us. If he doesn’t use the word “hate,” find your own. What do you prefer? Loathes, despises, vilifies? Get out you thesaurus and have at it.

He brags about it. If you are Republican, Independent, Conservative Democrat, corporate leader, or advocate for peace or financial responsibility – just a partial list – he despises you and considers you the enemy.

The field is stripped. It could not be clearer.

It is odd to me, as a lifelong political hack and campaign communications trainer, to see the Dems rejecting a clear component of any effective speech: you want to be likable. This isn’t as sacrosanct, I suppose, as it was at one time. Most people don’t find Trump warm and cuddly. Maybe we are beyond all that. But at least Trump is clearly fond of average, run of the mill Americans. Biden makes it clear he is not.

The Republican nominee is an unlikely hero for those who love freedom. Like the Kennedys or the Roosevelts, he is a wealthy man who somehow still has a link to the common person. Sometimes a lifeline is thrown to us from an unexpected source. President Trump is spectacularly right: they are coming for you and me. They aren’t even subtle about it. Please, please be cognizant enough to realize it before it is too late.

Unless you’re a Democratic Socialist (which is like being a free slave; it isn’t possible) or just a brainless sycophant, you can’t name a major human cohort he didn’t attack. He slammed businesses and their owners, the Supreme Court, and anyone who doesn’t buy into open borders and his brand of bigotry.
Basically, if you like free speech, a secure America, or a society where we know what a woman is, Biden hates you. If you are not willing to support the racist policies they promote in the name of DEI, he hates you. If you aren’t in love with the idea of another long war, he hates you.

He did nothing to build bridges. A man who has claimed he wants to be president of all the people gave most of us a middle finger. Typically, even the most partisan presidents spend quite a bit of their speech claiming they want unity. Several years ago, it was even a key part of Biden’s address. But no more.

Today, he doesn’t even bother to make a pitch for unity. He did claim the border bill, which is dying a well-deserved death, is bipartisan, except that…. Well, it really isn’t. Mitch McConnell, who is thankfully stepping down as leader this year, and his hand-picked stooge agreed to the latest draft. It wasn’t bipartisan in any significant way, and even if it were, so what? It is a bad bill. The border bill doesn’t restrict illegal immigration, it enshrines it into law. The legislation would allow nearly two million illegals to enter the nation each year, without triggering any enforcement at all. If that is your idea of sealing the border, you belong in the open borders party. Maybe you can be the first person in America to put up a Biden sign.

This just in: having one or two GOP senators support a bill does not make it bipartisan in any meaningful sense. Bipartisanship is not a useful adjective unless it represents a sample from both parties that is sufficient to affect the process.

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Pick A Lane:
America is At Risk, and We Can’t Afford the Luxury of Protest Votes

By Rob Meyne

  • Feb. 22, 2024
  • 5-min read

If you’re like us, you’ve probably heard a lot of folks expressing the usual quadrennial complaint that “both candidates suck.” That may be a tad inelegant, but you get the point.

Many surveys show a huge majority of voters wish we had better choices.
You can count me among them. I’d love to be able to pick between Thomas Jefferson and Abe Lincoln. Let me know when we can work that out.

There is, however, this thing called “reality,” and it says that, barring a miracle, one of the two major party candidates will be elected president. The only relevant decision a person needs to make is this: under which of these two candidates can we reasonably expect the nation to be better off?

There is a lot of talk about the “lesser of two evils.” If one wants to look at politics in that way, be our guest. The question we would offer to inform the discussion a bit is this: in what part of life are we not faced with alternatives that are the “lesser of two evils?” Put another way, what part of your life is perfect? (My wife is perfect, and please tell her I said so.)

Most of human existence involves choosing from among two or more options, and they are never perfect. That is the nature of life, and certainly of human beings. As long as politics involves people, our choices among candidates will be imperfect. Get used to it, get over it, and next time support better candidates.

For today, let’s get back to reality.

For those who want to sit this one out – to note vote, or to vote for a third-party candidate with no chance of winning – you need to ask yourself whether the future of the country is more important than casting some kind of protest by way of a wasted vote?

If you don’t vote, no one sits and cries. No one will beg you to reconsider. No one will write it down and say, “Mr. Jones in Topeka didn’t like the candidates, so we need to do better next time.”

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All Trump. All the Time?

Is Hunter’s Middle Name “Diogenes?”

By Rob Meyne

  • Jan. 3, 2024
  • 4-min read

If you turn on Netflix or even broadcast TV, you would likely see something that would have been startling twenty years ago. Nudity, profanity, and main characters that identify as transexuals or ficus trees are common.

A similar situation has evolved in American presidential politics. Every week, something happens that would have been a headline-generating event in our parent’s generation. The unusual has become usual. The uncommon has become common.

The search for a decent journalist makes Diogenes’s challenge seem like a piece of cake. (It is not at all certain Diogenes ever said he was looking for an “…honest man.” If he were, he could steer clear of Washington and not reduce his chances of finding one.)

Digoense, by the way, was a founder of stoicism, and would be considered weird even if he was hanging out with the bizarre crowd at a waterfront sunset in Key West. Diogenes was known for doing all manner of things in public that one normally does in private – defecating, fornicating – all in a crowd. He sounded like someone you’d want to party with. If he lived today, he would livestream himself in flagrante delicto. Basically, he’d be Hunter Biden without the influence peddling gig.

Biden and Trump are the two likely nominees, but people are lining up in droves to say they wish they had another choice – anyone – hog, dog, or frog. Both candidates have high negatives and their average age is “deceased.” Trump at least still exhibits signs of life and mental acuity. Biden would likely lose a political debate if he had the gonads to accept one, unless he debated a kumquat or three-toed sloth, in which case it would probably be a push.

Never has a major political candidate been indicted for a crime while he was running for office. Certainly, never has a sitting president indicted his opponent. Never have the political machinations of state, local, and federal governments been coordinated deliberately to try to put a candidate, for whom they have expressed great disdain, behind bars. Never have the courts been used to try to throw a candidate off the ballot by claiming they were part of an insurrection.

If memory serves, the only significant political figure to run for president from prison was four-time candidate Eugene V. Debs, with home I share a hometown, who ran as a socialist. His highest vote total – something shy of a million – was when he was in prison. Somehow the phrase “Vote for Inmate 3994739 never quite caught on as well as the ”Hey, look me over” song used by Birch Bayh (also from Terre Haute) in his first run for the Senate.

On the Democrat side, the evidence that Joe Biden is a crook increases faster than Hunter’s bar bill at the Chateau Marmont.

The problem, of course, is not just that Hunter is a piece of human dung, although that is irrefutable. The PROBLEM is that this particular piece of dung routinely paid his father directly, as did other family members, paid him exorbitant rent, and even paid many of his bills for him. That Joe benefited financially from Hunter’s influence peddling is undeniable. Plus, courts have held that a person can be enriched in a way that qualified as criminal even if the actual financial largesse accumulated only for his close family. If a wife or son is “paid off,” does anyone really believe the husband or father does not benefit?

So we have a massive case of influence peddling, money laundering, and plain old-fashioned bribery that is being ignored or slow walked by a very corrupt Attorney General. On the other side, we have a former president who has been indicted in two jurisdictions with spectacularly weak cases that will require juries to accept legal arguments that are literally unprecedented. Another case is civil because the paucity of evidence against Trump would not sustain an actual criminal indictment.

So you have two possible or even likely crooks competing for the votes of people who loathe them. You have a complacent, lapdog media where true journalists are as rare as an honest Biden, and you have the entire political structure of one of our two major political parties doing their best imitation of a banana republic. Oh, and you have a credible third-party candidate taking votes from both of the major candidates.

You’ve got an economy on the brink and war breaking out on TWO international fronts with our allies involved and a non-zero chance we’ll have American boots on the ground. A cyberattack, EMP, or global nuclear holocaust is also a non-zero possibility.

And those are just the GOOD things happening.

If one tries to take the positive approach, that can help, but coming up with a rational reason to think everything is going to work out fine is more difficult by the day.

For now, I have to go buy a kumquat and see if I can talk a three-toed sloth into running as an independent. I’ll get back with you.

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Why Did Democrats Spiff Up San Fran for Murderous Dictator Xi?

By J Robert Smith

  • Nov. 15, 2023
  • 2-min read

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but some people’s eyes are downright screwy. Case in point, San Francisco, where multitudes of homeless roam the streets. Said streets, sidewalks, and entrance ways are depositories for human feces, urine, vomit, blood, and whatever else humans exude from their bodies. There are also plenty of criminals who wander among the walking dead.

This is how Democrats – who laughably style themselves as “progressive” – want it. We know so because Democrats, led by their slick-haired, used car salesman-of-a-governor Gavin Newsom, just cleaned up the streets of San Francisco for Xi Jinping, the despicable tyrant atop China’s communist pyramid. Evidently, Xi doesn’t share Democrats’ sensibility that filth, crime, and general nastiness make for a pleasant, hospitable environment.

So, why do you think California Dreamin’ Democrats would go to such great pains to make San Francisco resemble a livable city again?

Sure, Democrats admire the hell out Xi and the PRC model for controlling organizing society from the top down. Scratch most progressive Democrats and there’s a Mao admirer just below the surface. More and more Democrats don’t worship God. They worship money and power – or power to get money. Power, also, to impose their debauched values on you and yours.

But for all Democrats’ blather about equity, fairness, inclusivity, and compassion, they love money and the high life. While working- and middle class Americans struggle in the Not-Golden State and across the republic, Democrats up the food chain are living like Xi and his Politburo chums live: fat and happy. You can bet their neighborhoods are homeless-free and clean as a whistle.

California enterprises – particularly high tech outfits – make bundles of dough off Xi’s China. You don’t think that California’s Democrat elite have their grubby fingers in those high tech pies?

Keeping Xi happy – and not revolted by the craphole that San Fran usually is – matters to Newsom and his own version of Xi’s politburo. San Francisco is disgusting and crime-ridden because Democrats perverted ethos makes it so.

Bet on it.

Hat tip: American Thinker contributor Olivia Murray

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DC Lifers want Gaza Ceasefire; Where were they with Ukraine?

By J Robert Smith

  • Nov. 14, 2023
  • 3-min read

Per Y! News, November 14:

More than 400 political appointees and staff members representing some 40 government agencies sent a letter to President Joe Biden on Tuesday protesting his support of Israel in its war in the Gaza Strip.

Oh, yeah? So, where have these DC lifers been when it comes to Ukraine? Since the Russian invasion happened in February 2022, mum’s been the word. If estimates are true, anywhere from 400,000-650,000 Ukrainian combatants have lost their lives in that misbegotten conflict. Millions of Ukrainians have fled their country, living as refugees in Central Europe.

Russia has lost 50,000 soldiers by some counts.

Ukraine’s summer offensive pushed by the Biden administration proved a tragic bust. Ukraine has spent itself. It didn’t have to be this way.

Whatever the propaganda from Ukraine and the U.S., the Russians didn’t want war. Putin wanted a negotiated settlement. His primary ask was that Ukraine not join NATO… that Ukraine position itself as unaligned. Period.

At first, the Ukrainians were open to the idea, but Biden’s handlers insisted otherwise. They convinced Zelenskyy to fight. The U.S. would give his regime full backing, including billions of dollars in aid. We’ve learned since that an untold amount of that money was siphoned off and pocketed by By generals and bureaucrats. Corruption is rife in Ukraine.

And let’s not forget that U.S. defense contractors are turning tidy profits off the war.

So, the war happened, but not once – not once – did the usual DC suspects send a letter to Biden calling for a halt to the killing and destruction in Ukraine.

But now they send a letter to Biden asking that his administration insist that Israel halt it’s offensive in Gaza … that humanitarian aid be rendered the Palestinians. Never mind that Hamas leaders are worth billions of dollars.

From NewsNation via MSN:

(NewsNation) — While the people of Gaza are struggling for food, water and medical care, Hamas’ wealthy leadership lives luxuriously in Qatar, according to Israeli officials.

The terrorist group has ruled the Gaza Strip since 2007 after winning parliamentary elections and violently seizing control from the internationally recognized Palestinian Authority.

Now, its top three leaders are worth over $11 billion together, according to reports confirmed by the U.S. Treasury.

While there is a web of men who lead the terror organization, Abu Marzouk, Khaled Mashaal and Ismail Haniyeh are the primary heads, each worth billions. Haniyeh, the “prime minister,” does not live in Gaza and allegedly flies between Turkey and Qatar in a private jet.

So, why this side of the Suez Canal should the U.S. send humanitarian aid to Gaza when Hamas leaders are sitting on billions of dollars in fortunes? Where’s the concern for their fellow Palestinians?

Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu insists that the war in Gaza will continue until Hamas is effectively wiped out. He’s not wrong to do so. If similar gruesome attacks had occurred in the U.S. by a (fill in the blank) terrorist group, what do you think our response would be? Would it be unlike the Israelis?

The only way the Israelis should settle is if Hamas is forced from Gaza for good with ironclad guarantees that Hamas or like terrorist outfits will be kept out. The Israelis must be permitted to police Gaza.

Israel is right to wage war. Hamas demonstrated that it’ll engage any savagery to kill Israelis. “No more” is Netanyahu’s cry. As it should be.

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Will Democrats False Flag Us into a War with Russia?

By J Robert Smith

  • Sept. 15, 2023
  • 1-min read

Mention the Ukraine War to most Americans and their eyes glaze over. A lot of folks can’t locate Ukraine on a map. Yes, that’s partly the fault of our educational system.

Historically, though, if it ain’t happening here at home, it ain’t happening — until the Lusitania sinks or Pearl Harbor is bombed. Vietnam was peripheral until LBJ and the “military-industrial complex” took advantage of the Gulf of Tonkin incident. Only then did Americans grab their Rand McNally’s to discover where Vietnam was. Then there was Iraq, Saddam, and “weapons of mass destruction.” But that was a short war and casualties were fewer. People barely had time to unfold maps.

The Ukraine war is still a blip on the radar. Fortunately, more people oppose sending billions to Zelinsky’s corrupt regime. They’re starting to wonder why Biden’s handlers and dazed and confused Mitch McConnell give more of a damn about Ukraine than Maui and East Palestine. But those radar blips may soon balloon. Speculation is afoot that Democrats may provoke a hot war with Russia. A diversion is necessary for 2024.

To read the article in its entirety, go to American Thinker.

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How Much More Evidence of Biden’s Corruption Do We Need?

By Rob Meyne

  • June 21, 2023
  • 3 min-read

You are probably aware of the corruption that has infested the DOJ in general and especially the FBI. No reasonable person can deny America’s law enforcement infrastructure operates with a double standard. If you are leftist, rich, in elite professions and well-connected families, you generally get lenient treatment.

Hunter Biden got a slap on the wrist for serious tax and gun crimes. Anyone with thirty seconds and access to a search engine knows people are routinely sentenced to prison for the exact offenses to which Hunter pleaded guilty.

The DOJ has said their investigation of Hunter Biden is ongoing. While one is tempted to be reassured by this, hoping he will eventually be held accountable for more extreme crimes, there is a better explanation. If they claim it is an ongoing investigation, they have yet another reason not to cooperate with Congressional investigators.

Even the two charges they filed were based on evidence in their possession since 2016. If it takes them seven years to decide to charge someone when the evidence is undisputed and overwhelming, it doesn’t bode well for effective enforcement of the law to return any time in the future.

Information that has come out from an IRS whistleblower, meanwhile, shows the FBI had possession of Hunter’s laptop and confirmed it was authentic in 2019. That is more information (as if we needed it) that the leadership of the FBI is corrupt, hypocritical, and completely in the tank for America’s leftist elites. Is there another conclusion one can reasonably draw?

The FBI, CIA, DOJ, and even at times the Democratic National Committee (often working through the White House) took great pains throughout the 2020 cycle to push news media and social platforms not to cover stories that were damaging to the Biden campaign. About 80% of the American people get most of their news from social media, so this is important. The DOJ and FBI told Twitter, for example, the Hunter laptop story was unconfirmed, possibly stolen or hacked. They knew at the time that wasn’t true.

In addition, 51 intelligence agency leaders said the story appeared to be “Russian disinformation” so the media would not cover it. Yet they had no personal knowledge of the situation, had not reviewed the information, and had no evidence of Russian involvement. It didn’t stop them from pushing for censorship. Meanwhile, post-election surveys show that about 1 in 6 Biden voters would not have voted for him if they had known about the corruption revealed on the laptop. (For the record, at no time has the Biden family even denied the laptop belonged to Hunter. The media and deep state reflexively went farther to defend the Bidens than they did themselves.)

Leon Panetta, the former Secretary of Defense and Director of the CIA, signed the letter to help the Biden campaign. I’ve met Panetta and found him to be engaging and friendly. A fine guy with whom to share a cocktail. But a friend, who knows Panetta well, goes further. He says he is a great guy, a patriot, honest, and a straight shooter. BS. Panetta is a partisan hack, not to put too fine a point on it. You can be both charming and dishonest.

But the latest news is the new evidence of the attempt by Hunter to extort China to pay him $5 million for. The Federalist has the story, and it is linked here.

Hunter sent a message demanding payment and threatening to use his father, and his many friends, to hurt them, if they did not pay. Hunter’s associate in the Chinese Communist Party, Mr. Zhau, then forwarded $5 million to Hunter. If that isn’t clear evidence of corruption at its highest level, nothing is.

Another revelation confirmed what was already obvious: the DOJ moves at a glacial pace to investigate the criminal activity of Dem leaders, if they look at it at all, and many investigations are simply halted. An IRS whistleblower has testified to this before Congress.

Biden needs to go, stat. Even if we are doomed to have some months under a Kamala Harris presidency, Biden is a threat who needs to be neutralized. There is too much at stake to have a president in office who is bought and paid for by hostile foreign powers.

Stay tuned.

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