Tag Archives: 2024 Elections

The Democrats are Proving
They Are a Threat to Democracy

By Anthony Trevlac

  • July 11, 2024
  • 4-min read

I certainly wish we had better choices, in the campaign and among political parties. I suspect most people would agree with that.

Unfortunately, that isn’t the same thing as saying both sides are the same. With respect, anyone who believes Democrat leaders are in a struggle to “save democracy” is asleep at the switch.

They are currently in a cluster f**k panic about how to remove Biden from the ticket, EVEN THOUGH MILLIONS OF PRIMARY VOTERS CHOSE HIM. So much for elections. Certainly, I get it — Biden is a disaster, and our nation is at risk, we are in danger — but a political party that is working hard to replace a candidate chosen by the voters cannot credibly claim they are saving democracy.

They are terrified the election might be left up to an actual vote of the people. There are two major party nominees. The Dems want to ignore the democratic process and put in their own preference.

As we write this, Senate Democrats are meeting privately with White House staff to figure out a way forward. House Dems met earlier this week. They are desperate to save their own political fortunes.

None of that would be needed, of course, if the Administration and mainstream media hadn’t worked diligently to keep you from knowing about Biden’s ineptness and senility. They covered it up. As recently as a month ago, they claimed videos of Biden showing him to be lost and confused were fraudulent. Suddenly, Dem leaders must admit it because Biden’s horrible mental and physical health was on full display in the debate. They can no longer deny it.

For years we have been governed by an unelected cabal that runs the country because the person who was elected president is non compos mentis. He is not mentally capable of functioning at the level needed to run the nation.

It is astonishing that not one prominent Democratic leader has made the point that Biden’s senility is a threat to the nation. Not one. ALL the discussion from the Democratic elite has been about how this crisis affects their chances of beating Trump and of winning House and Senate seats.

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A Right to Voice Antisemitism?

By J Robert Smith

  • May 2, 2024
  • 6-min read

The Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh (he of “What is a Woman” fame) aired a segment from his show last week at X. Walsh addressed Governor Greg Abbott’s crackdown on anti-Israeli/pro-Hamas protests at Texas colleges. Abbott declared, in effect, that there wasn’t room in the Lone Star State for antisemites. In fact, yes, there is.

As odious as antisemitism is, Americans have rights to be antisemitic – anti-Christian, anti-Muslim, anti-white, anti-black, anti-homosexual, anti-heterosexual. You get the point. We have rights to our prejudices no matter how vile. Moreover, we have a right to public expression of those biases. We’re free to assemble with likeminded people so long as assemblies are peaceful and laws are obeyed. On the other hand, we’re free to condemn bigots and haters. We should. We can gather publicly to do so if we care to.

Eruptions of lawlessness and violence at Columbia, Harvard, and UCLA in the last 48 hours underscore that protesters had no interest in civil demonstrations. Threats and acts of intimidation toward Jewish students are appalling. Arrests have been made and charges filed. Penalties should be stiff, though societal permissiveness and affluent parents’ checkbooks are likely to shield student-violators from tough consequences.

But, mind you, mass arrests haven’t happened because students expressed a noxious mix of antisemitism and pro-Hamas sentiments. They acted criminally.

Here’s Abbott’s statement, posted at X, that Walsh reacted to:

“Arrests being made right now & will continue until the crowd disperses. These protesters belong in jail. Antisemitism will not be tolerated in Texas. Period. Students joining in hate-filled, antisemitic protests at any public college or university in Texas should be expelled.”

Abbott’s declaration swings and misses, unless he meant to grandstand. While condemning students’ antisemitism, he skipped mentioning lawbreaking. Was Abbott playing to the passions of the moment? Was he simply venting his own disgust?

Perhaps Abbott assumed that the public understood? He’d enforce the law and restore order, not deprive anyone of their rights. But when passions run high, clearer language is required.

Protesters don’t belong in jail for repugnant speech. But when speech crosses a line – threatening violence toward persons – protections are forfeited. Real violence – harming persons, property destruction, and/or causing mayhem – are felonies. There are also misdemeanor infractions like trespassing. Columbia University failed to deal swiftly with lawbreakers. The consequence was to embolden lawbreaking on campus.

Under Ron DeSantis’ leadership, the University of Florida laid down clear ground rules for protests. The university issued a statement defining boundaries.

The Citizen Free Press posted the university’s statement at its X account. The statement listed dos and don’ts for protesters. It made clear that lawbreaking and/or failure to comply with the institution’s rules would result in penalties. Under the header, “Consequences for Noncompliance,” the statement read that “[i]ndividuals found responsible for engaging in prohibited activities shall be trespassed from the campus. Students will receive a three year trespass and suspension. Employees will be trespassed and separated from employment.” Florida State troopers and campus police haven’t hesitated cracking down on violators.

The University of Florida’s directive addressed acceptable and prohibited behavior. It didn’t address cause for protest. Not that leaders should remain mum in the face of vitriol directed at Jews or others. There’s a moral imperative to speak up. But upholding the law is a governor’s chief obligation.

Should college students be expelled for joining hate-filled protests on campuses, as Abbott recommends? Should peaceful antisemitic crowds be disperse for hate speech? What is “hate speech?” Who makes the determination?

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Let’s Skip Ousting Mike Johnson …
For Now

By J Robert Smith

  • April 22, 2024
  • 5-min read

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has been joined by two of her House Republican colleagues in calling for Speaker Mike Johnson’s ouster. These three have ample cause. But when – not if – Johnson is booted matters. Trump wants Johnson to stay, saying, “I stand with the speaker, we’ve had a very good relationship.” Lindsey Graham claims Trump helped win Ukraine funding. But after the elections are over, Trump needs to ditch Johnson. The speaker has all the signs of being another Paul Ryan.

As conservative activist Ned Ryun remarked about Johnson last Sunday on X:

“I say this as an evangelical: this guy is one of the worst combinations you can ever have in politics. A smarmy evangelical who bends to the will of Democrats and the administrative state. And thinks he’s righteous in doing so.”

Last Saturday, the U.S. House, led by Speaker Johnson, committed an outrage. House Democrats and Republicans passed a stand-alone $60.8 billion funding bill for Ukraine, though there’s a carve out to “replenish [U.S.] weapons and stocks.” There’s also $13.8 billion for “advanced weapons systems.” The defense industry must get its kickbacks.

To flaunt their victory, uniparty members waved little Ukrainian flags on the House floor.

Despite Johnson’s oft-stated concerns for border security, not a penny was approved to stop the illegals deluge. Johnson’s words are meaningless. His actions speak volumes.

The uniparty’s display was one of defiance. Such congressional brazenness might be a first for the Republic. Democrats and a Republican faction showcased their contempt for the people’s will. Their votes were a statement. They’re jobs are to promote establishment interests. Those interests? A crass drive for money.

Mike Benz, a former State Department cyber security expert and analyst stated at X:

“Ukraine “Aid” & The Blob Uniparty: it ain’t about ideology, it ain’t about democracy — it’s strictly business.”

Benz offers a deeper dive about “The Blob” in his February 16 interview with Tucker Carlson.

Despite Marjorie Taylor Green’s very public attacks on Johnson, he isn’t going anywhere. Only one member of the GOP caucus is needed to cause the speaker’s chair to be vacated. Removing Johnson now and starting another speaker’s election – surely contentious and protracted – may satisfy a political blood lust but would make all sorts of trouble as election season kicks into higher gear. It’s trouble for Trump on his flank. Trump is picking his way through a perilous minefield as is.

Booting Johnson for his weak-kneed leadership risks more defections by establishment Republicans. Given the one-seat margin House Republicans enjoy, it wouldn’t take a RINO stampede out to flip the lower chamber to Hakheem Jefferies. If you don’t think Jeffries and his collection of statists, America haters, and cultural degenerates would make worse legislation on a broader range of issues, think again.

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What does Easter have to do with our rights?

By J. Robert Smith

  • March 28, 2024
  • 2-min read

Christians know the pivotal importance of Easter. Jesus Christ sacrificed Himself for our sins to bring about God’s reconciliation with man. Repentance of sin was made possible through the Almighty opening the door to His forgiveness. Christ’s resurrection was proof of His divinity. His sacrifice and ascension accomplished His mission.

But I’ll suggest that Christ’s suffering, death, and resurrection not only restored our full humanity in God’s eyes, but was meant to lift us out of thousands of years of human bondage – that’s bondage to others with the power to hold fellows captive in some way. We were no longer to be chattel. Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection broke the chains forever, spiritually and in this world.

Our human rights – our natural rights – were granted by God and God alone. We are free-willed by nature. Our rights didn’t derive from governments and weren’t subject to the desires of kings, queens, emperors, or modern dictators. We were created and meant to be free to strive to be our best selves; free to produce; free to express – free from the whims of potentates and, today, in America and across the globe, from establishment elites, who in their arrogance believe that their affluence and stations entitle them to not only order our lives, but decide our lives’ worth.

Elites are no way entitled. The 2,000-plus years of history since Christ’s death and resurrection have been a struggle by our ancestors — and now us — to throw off shackles. We’re to live completely in the sunshine of God’s grace. We’re to live as decent, civilized people, respectful of others while seeking ordered, fruitful lives.

Too many American elites now are electing to challenge God… to not just question our birthright, but to steal our rights from us. They’re turning their backs on our founding. As John Adams said, “Our Constitution was only made for a “moral and religious people.” For only under God, in accordance with His laws, do we fully achieve our liberty as human beings, both in our earthly and spiritual lives.

It does us well to reread our Declaration of Independence, which unambiguously states:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

The Declaration’s words weren’t chosen for effect. They boldly declared that our liberty was given to us by God and wasn’t subject to the narrow interests of any tyrant. Those words aren’t any less true today. They remain consistent with Jesus Christ’s gift of liberation two millennia ago.

Happy Easter.

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Fear Not RFK Jr.

By J Robert Smith

  • Oct. 25, 2023
  • 5-min read

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. gives some conservatives the willies. Kennedy is a vote stealer – from Trump more than Biden come autumn 2024, they claim. The fear was, is, and will be baseless. Kennedy just came out for reparations, which is a zany proposition. Even in whacko California, they’re having second thoughts about this fabulous free lunch justice measure for blacks or anyone who has Rachel Dolezal’s or Jessica A. Krug’s hutzpah.

Reparations, however, are adored by scads of affluent, progressive whites. This crowd is always looking for ways of relieving their perpetual white guilt. Kennedy’s call for reparations resonates with them. They’re mighty fine pickings for RFK Jr. That should give you a hint where Kennedy’s votes will come from. America First has nothing to do with it.

Kennedy won’t pull Trump’s voters, not many, anyway. His strategy of bestriding the ideological spectrum to gain support from the right and left is destined to fail. So, who should have the jitters? Democrats.

RFK Jr. will siphon off most of his votes from Joe the dementia sufferer. Joe, the frail, befuddled guy who a year from now – if he’s not pushing up daisies – is going to be even more feeble and witless. But if Joe is gone, you say, Democrats will move on to a more attractive candidate, say, Gavin Newsom. Surely, Newsom complicates things? He isn’t old Joe.

Au contaire! Newsom is no less a puppet – a cogent one, but no less than Joe. He has no intentions of “messing with the primal forces of [the establishment].” The moneybags will have their puppet.

Newsom, if he’s the nominee, will end up running a crimped campaign. His record as governor may appeal to California flakes and the bluest of blue precincts elsewhere, but voters who make up the broad middle will be appalled.

But Newsom has to scramble to the center. The establishment knows the game.

It may, and Newsom’s instinct will be to try, unless he has a suicide wish. But how far can Newsom stray from the weird mélange of globalism, woke, and racism that’s become orthodoxy among progressives?

Even if the string-pullers give Newsom wiggle room, he won’t venture to the middle in a void.

Unless they’re entirely lame – and they won’t be – the Trump and Kennedy campaigns will unload on Newsom as he tries to dance toward the middle. Super PACs aligned with Trump and Kennedy will weigh in. And Newsom needs to be made to own Biden’s awful policies and governance. Continue reading

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Will Democrats False Flag Us into a War with Russia?

By J Robert Smith

  • Sept. 15, 2023
  • 1-min read

Mention the Ukraine War to most Americans and their eyes glaze over. A lot of folks can’t locate Ukraine on a map. Yes, that’s partly the fault of our educational system.

Historically, though, if it ain’t happening here at home, it ain’t happening — until the Lusitania sinks or Pearl Harbor is bombed. Vietnam was peripheral until LBJ and the “military-industrial complex” took advantage of the Gulf of Tonkin incident. Only then did Americans grab their Rand McNally’s to discover where Vietnam was. Then there was Iraq, Saddam, and “weapons of mass destruction.” But that was a short war and casualties were fewer. People barely had time to unfold maps.

The Ukraine war is still a blip on the radar. Fortunately, more people oppose sending billions to Zelinsky’s corrupt regime. They’re starting to wonder why Biden’s handlers and dazed and confused Mitch McConnell give more of a damn about Ukraine than Maui and East Palestine. But those radar blips may soon balloon. Speculation is afoot that Democrats may provoke a hot war with Russia. A diversion is necessary for 2024.

To read the article in its entirety, go to American Thinker.

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With McDaniel’s Reelection, the GOP Establishment Doubles Down

By J Robert Smith

  • Jan. 28, 2023
  • 3-min read

During last year’s midterm elections, Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell thumbed his nose at the GOP’s conservative base. He now famously said that the crop of America First Senate candidates were lackluster, at best. Now, why would wily old Mitch say that? Oh, to pour cold water on the chances of Arizona’s Blake Masters, Georgia’s Hershel Walker, and New Hampshire’s Don Bolduc to raise money and build grassroots support. But, principally, old Mitch wanted to dampen down fundraising for these men.

Then Mitch pulled Senate Republican dollars from Masters and Bolduc, while sending millions to help his crony, Lisa Murkowski, win against fellow Republican Kelly Tshibaka in Alaska. The deck was already stacked against Tshibaka when Murkowski and her allies pushed through ranked choice voting. Without that fix and McConnell’s heft, Murkowski would have lost.

To make matters much worse, after the elections, McConnell helped Democrats pass an obscenely costly budget, to the tune of $1.7 trillion. McConnell didn’t want the new GOP House majority – not yet sworn in – to interfere with the binge spending that he heartily approves of.

Now, Ronna McDaniel was just reelected Republican National Committee chair. She won decisively with 111 votes out 168. The RNC is controlled by establishment Republicans who despise Donald Trump, the America First movement, and grassroots conservatives generally. They’re a subset of the Washington establishment and serve, for the most part, as the Democrat Party’s shadow. It’s the Washington establishment versus the grassroots, and we know where GOP mossbacks stand – against us.

Harmeet Dhillon — a smart, shrewd, politically savvy lawyer and longtime activist — was the insurgent candidate for the chair. She’s also one of Trump’s lawyers defending him against the relentless onslaught from Democrats and establishment to destroy him.

Dhillon made these charges against McDaniel, per the New York Post:

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