By Rob Meyne
- Feb. 21, 2022
- 4-min read
As we have discussed in this space, most public policy decisions involve a distinct choice between alternatives that either decrease or increase freedom for our citizens. Invariably, expensive national programs that are purported to benefit Americans do so at a high cost of reducing our freedom while increasing the size and power of government..
On a broad scale, the major policies advocated by the more conservative of U. S. political parties, the Republicans, tend to protect our constitutionally guaranteed freedoms. The more leftist of the major parties, the Democrats, generally promote actions that place more power and resources in government, particularly Washington.
There are several prominent Democratic leaders and officeholders who embrace socialism and proudly claim that moniker for themselves. On the GOP side, there are none. You could hold a meeting of Republican Socialists in a phone booth (remember those?) and have room left over for an adult manatee. (In some cases, that animal might be a significant upgrade over the incumbents!)
One can argue about the extent of the ideological differences in the two parties but cannot dispute its existence. The parties are neither as similar, nor as different, as many claim. However, depending on what you value – freedom, for example – you cannot make a coherent argument there is no difference.