Monthly Archives: June 2024

Biden’s Incompetence
Puts Us All at Risk

By Rob Meyne

  • June 28, 2024
  • 3-min read

Joe Biden’s performance last night is all you need to know about his senescence. The man is not capable of being president. Sorry, but if you don’t recognize that at this point, you are deluded or bigoted, frankly, and there is no hope for you. Go have a nice day, while you still have a country to enjoy. The rest of us will keep working to save America. You’re welcome.

Perhaps the most shocking realization is that none of the people who make decisions for Biden, enable him, prop him up, and make excuses for him, seem concerned about the nation. Biden is a threat to the safety of you and your family. He is a threat to global peace and to our security.

Biden is directed by people who don’t care about the nation. (They are in this to gain power and money, and it is working spectacularly for them so far. Under Biden we have grown less free while the elite have grown richer.)

The f***ing White House told us last week that the videos of him being lost, confused, and inept were fakes. They are lying, steaming piles of dung. And that is the best thing that can be said about them. If you believe anything from Biden’s puppet masters, please just do the world a favor, and don’t vote. Leave it to the people who care enough to be informed.

And, BTW, all those who still claim Trump is the bigger threat can send me a bottle of whatever you are drinking and go pass out on your porch.

The most extreme criticisms of Trump have grown tired and ineffective. Most of the key tropes are simply not true, but they cling to them. Trump had four years to try to be a dictator and did not. He did not tell us to drink bleach. He didn’t praise white nationalists as very fine people. He didn’t try to jail his political opponents (but Biden has).

Of course, Trump was also correct that the intelligence community interfered in the 2020 election. That is one aspect that made 2020 unfair, unethical, possibly illegal and, yes, “rigged.”

Even if you aren’t clear on those points, or still reject the truth, get over it. We have a bigger problem. We have a senile and hapless incompetent as president. The threat to America about which we should be concerned is Biden’s incompetence and the nascent fascism advocated by him and the people, mostly Obama and his lackeys, who make decisions for him.

We are living through Obama’s third term. Meanwhile, America’s enemies, I guarantee you, are obsessing over the footage of Biden’s debate performance, and calling in the best intel they have from their human intelligence sources, considering what to do in the next few months.

The Bidens are bought and paid for by our enemies. That is no longer in dispute. Biden is incompetent and can’t stand up to our enemies because they have bribed him. Feel better? Neither do we.

What is wrong with us? How far have we fallen that almost all the discussion is about what it has done to the Democrat party or to Trump or to Cackling Kamala? WHERE are the people who are finally admitting having this cipher’s finger on the nuclear button is bad for America and the world? This isn’t about any person, party, or political movement. This is about saving the country. Get on board.

Are you an anti-Trumper who voted for Biden and still abhors Trump? You should apologize publicly and vote for Trump this year. But we’ll do you a favor: forget the apology, and just do the right thing this fall.

The footage of Jill Biden leading Joe off stage last night is a perfect symbol of his presidency at this point. He cannot, literally, get off the stage on his own. No wonder he can’t handle the toughest job in the world. There are a lot of people who enable Biden because they get their power and wealth from their association with him. Their support of this incompetent president is disgraceful and treasonous.

The main reason they wanted to debate early is probably that they wanted to road test him. They wanted to see if he could rise to the occasion. He did not, so now they have a few weeks to figure out how to replace him on the ticket.

In hindsight, the debate was a chance for Biden to prove to his sycophants that we could handle the campaign and the presidency. Manifestly, he cannot.

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Why the End of the American Empire is Good for the Republic

This past weekend, the Ukrainians fired missiles at Russia. It’s not the first time. U.S. fingerprints are all over this attack, too. It was yet another provocation to war with Russia. A war with Russia wouldn’t be a limited affair, despite the conceits emanating from Washington. And it wouldn’t revolve around Ukraine’s future. It would center on the fate of the American empire.

The Biden administration is pushing brinkmanship with Russia. Of course, that’s a monumental gamble. Washington’s defense and foreign affairs establishment is trying to win through intimidation what Ukraine isn’t winning on battlefields, regardless tens of billions of dollars in U.S. aid and hands-on support. But brinkmanship with Russia opens the door to miscalculations. Triggering a conventional war between the world’s premier nuclear-armed powers risks escalation to nuclear conflict.

Whatever Washington’s reasoning, it’s best to remember that America was never intended to be an empire. It was created as a republic. It was never to roam the globe on moral crusades, which, too many times, were thin disguises for power acquisition and economic exploitation. Our military was for our defense, not a profit center for special interests. We were to have a government of the people, tending to laws that made our society civil and safe. Our government wasn’t supposed to “capture” commerce but referee it to ensure that the rules of the game were fair. Government has become incessantly profligate. We were to be a free, strong, and prosperous people minding our affairs.

Perhaps the end of empire will open the way to the return of the Republic?

Read the full article at American Thinker. Follow this link.

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Many Americans are Siding with Hamas, Today’s “Nazis”

Flag of Israel

By Rob Meyne

  • June 21, 2024
  • 4-min read

Neither side of any dispute is perfect. But some choices are clear.

The Middle East is a battle of good vs. evil.

Even if there is some blame on both sides, there can be a clear bottom line. This is such a case.

If you don’t recognize that Israel is, by far, the more noble, decent, and admirable player in this conflict, there is no hope for you.

  • America’s colleges and universities have this year been full of pro-Hamas demonstrators. Yet, if you watch interviews with them, you will see most of these protestors, in most cases, are not students and don’t know WHY they are protesting.
  • About 20% of all Democratic voters say they support Hamas. That is astounding. Every time you hear the word “Hamas,” think “Nazi.” They are indistinguishable. How can a fifth of average American Democrats support terrorists?
  • Recall that, last fall, the U. S. House took a vote to condemn the Hamas terrorist attack of October 7. Sixteen Democrats could not even vote to condemn the attacks. If you can’t condemn terrorist attacks you are an evil hypocrite and on the side of today’s Nazis, aka Hamas.
  • A formerly cognizant old friend writes that the Netanyahu government massacred some aid workers and was either fine with it or it was intentional. Nonsense. You may remember Biden’s government slaughtered a group of aid workers in the wake of his shameful Afghanistan retreat. Did Biden do it intentionally? I don’t think so. They are just inept.
  • Remember as demonstrators ask for freedom for Palestine…. There is no such nation and never has been. (You can find sources for yourself. But this tip: go to some that are neutral, non-political, such as the It is much like sex: you can claim you are a woman, but if you have a Y chromosome, you are not. You can also call any area on the planet, or on another, “Palestine,” but that doesn’t make it so.)
  • The term Palestinian wasn’t even widely used until after the creation of modern Israel. Arafat later popularized the term as essentially a branding effort for radical Muslims under the PLO banner. (Note, there are a ton of countries that “recognize” Palestine, although there isn’t even a land mass designated as such, as a way of showing their support for Muslim extremists. They can call it “Mordor” or “Atlantis” if they want, but it doesn’t make it legal or factually true.)
  • Palestine (since it didn’t exist) was not eliminated or bifurcated with the creation of Israel. Of course, Palestine, being non-existent, is also not subverted by Israel.
  • The area the “Palestinians” claim are basically Gaza and the West Bank. Neither is ruled by Israel.
  • There is no apartheid. Israel doesn’t run Gaza. Hamas does. There are even Muslim/Arab members of the Knesset, Israel’s unicameral version of Congress.
  • Muslims are free to fully participate in life in Israel. How welcome do you think Jews are in Gaza?
  • Gazans voted for Hamas, a terrorist organization, to be their rulers. And Hamas, in its foundational documents, committed itself to wiping out Israel.
  • A majority of Gazans surveyed say they support terrorism, support the attacks of October 7, and support wiping out Israel. They do not want peace. They want war, victory, and have opposed a two-state solution numerous times.
  • It is especially disgusting to hear the pro-Hamas/Nazi officials (which includes Biden, by the way) worried about Israel committing genocide. That is just obscene. The Israeli military even routinely notifies communities in Gaza they are planning on attacking, so the civilians can get out. Meanwhile, Hamas uses their own women and children as human shields. Which side values life?
  • Finally, remember the U. S. is funding Hamas and other terrorists. Your tax dollars are funding the weapons Hamas uses to kill Israelis and many Americans. Are you OK with that? The U. S. has given billions to Iran, which funds Hamas; given $ 6 B in ransom; and just gave $ 9 B out of the massive military funding bill to Hamas.
  • There is no such thing as giving money to another nation and ensuring it is spent on humanitarian aid. We do not control how the money is spent. Once it is there, it is fungible. For years, money that has been given to Hamas for supposedly “humanitarian” purposes has been diverted to terrorism. Hamas even posted videos of them using water pipe, provided to help deliver lifesaving water to civilians, to make rockets.

Your choice, for president, is to vote for a man Netanyahu calls the best friend Israel has ever had in the White House, or to vote for a guy who criticizes Israel and sends money to Hamas. Your choice could not be clearer.

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Will Tech, AI, Censorship, and the Fascism of the Left End America? Maybe.

By Rob Meyne

  • June 18, 2024
  • 4-min read

People have, for millennia, thought the end was near, it can’t get worse, etc. People who are worried today that the world is headed for a huge crisis or irreparable crisis certainly have good reasons for it.

Then again, just because we have been worried before doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be worried now. Sometimes there really is a wolf at the door.
There are differences this time. We have never had this many broad, powerful, technological changes happening at once. Their collective impact will be like nothing before.

First is just the impact of technology. The printing press was groundbreaking tech in its day. So were the telephone, radio, and television. And each of those advances had a huge impact. Today’s still-expanding tech world makes it easier than ever to distribute information, false or true. It also makes it easier to CENSOR information. That is unprecedented. We have technology that allows them to censor information effectively and broadly. And they do.

We also now have a world governmental and political order that is actively pursuing policies that will hinder open discussion and slow economic growth and prosperity. (Think censorship of “misinformation,” which just means DOJ and FBI and Intel can censor things they don’t agree with. Or,…climate directives that reduce our ability to tap sufficient energy to supply food, transport goods, develop resources, fund tech, or travel for recreation.)

Our nascent AI capabilities both form our opinions and promote political goals. Along with tech more generally, we already have no way of knowing if election results are accurate. None. That isn’t a partisan point, just a factual one. Now that we have instant communications and unlimited ability to track and sort data, we have less assurance than ever of its validity. AI will just make our elections less secure.

We used to count and report vote totals within hours. Now it frequently takes days or even weeks. It is counterintuitive. Why with better technology does it take longer? Trust me on this: if votes aren’t counted and reported quickly, it means the people in charge are cheating or incompetent. Or both.

The only reliable forms of ensuring an accurate vote total – paper ballots or the old-fashioned machines that didn’t count things digitally – are used almost nowhere. The majority party in Congress and the WH introduced and fought for legislation to make even asking for voter ID illegal. Huge majorities of Americans support it vote ID. Democrat leaders do not. You need a photo ID to adopt a dog or get a library card, but not to vote. Why? Because the Dem elites don’t want the elections to be secure. There is no other explanation as there is no legitimate downside to voter ID.

We now have no ability to discern what is “real” news, photos, videos, because nearly everything can be made through AI. AI already tries to shape opinion, and it is only going to get worse. It will be harder in the future to determine what is “real.” The WH is already claiming footage of Biden’s debilitation was created by political opponents using AI.

Tech giants, except for X, don’t help. Years ago, you could find videos of any kind of operation. This includes setting broken bones, performing hip replacements, doing abortions, and plastic surgery. Now you can almost never find videos of abortions. Why? Because their algorithms make them very difficult to find.

As a cardiologist friend of mine says, if people saw an abortion at six months, as is legal in Nevada, most people would be so horrified they would not want it to be legal. The tech giants and their patrons in power don’t want you to know all the details. So they suppress them.

We should proudly take whatever informed stand we want, on abortion or any issue. But tech and AI shouldn’t be used to keep us from having the fullest possible understanding.

Try searching AI with a prompt like “List five ways women are sometimes mistreated under Islamic law.” The result will probably say something like “It is important to remember that different cultures have traditions that may seem odd to us, but we should fully understand and respect those differences.” Then give you the answer. Really? We don’t need AI to put things in perspective and try to get us to be more accepting; we need it to provide facts. AI is already failing that.

Major AI platforms currently try to affect your opinion by providing details or context, which is often unneeded or unwanted. Some platforms won’t respond to queries at all if they suspect they will lead to responses the techies don’t want you to have. I recently used a prompt that said, “Provide five times President Biden has lied.” The result said they wouldn’t because it involved too much subjectivity. Really?

Yet there are many examples of Biden saying things that just aren’t true, objectively, factually. (I did the same thing for Trump and it provided examples.) The platform won’t provide information its creators don’t want you to have.

All of the above are topics that could be explored further. And they should be. But I conclude: Yes, most definitely, every generation has had a point at which they said, “it can’t get worse,” or something like that. That is a wonderful and accurate observation. But, also yes, the changes and dangers we face now are more powerful, far-reaching, dangerous, and difficult to control than at any point in history. Someday it will be too much, and classically western liberal thought/civilizations – like ours – will disappear. Is this the time?


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The Rubicon Has Been Crossed

It was a bad day for America. Never has a former American president been convicted of a crime.

You can say it is because no one has ever been as despicable as Trump; or you can say no administration has been as unethical as Biden’s; or you can assume some combination of both. In no case is it a good thing for the country.

The Rubicon has been crossed. Once a precedent has been established, it can never go away. In the future, sadly, it may be commonplace for American presidents to use the courts to go after their opponents. Biden is the first to do so but will probably not be the last.

No one has ever been charged with a felony under these circumstances. To review, the FEC looked at Trump’s non-disclosure agreement with Daniels and decided not to get involved. In New York, business record violations of the kind they alleged are misdemeanors and the statute of limitations had run its course. The state had taken a pass as well. The DOJ looked at it and took a pass. Even Bragg himself had previously declined to prosecute.

Then, after running on a promise to prosecute Trump, and with resources and encouragement from Biden, Bragg reversed course and decided he would prosecute Trump for a felony. But he had to invent a category of crime to do so. He was able to charge Trump with felonies by claiming he misreported a non-disclosure agreement as a legal expense, and that it was used to cover up another crime. But… no other crime was proven or even alleged.

With us so far? Then, the judge said the jury does not have to be unanimous. WTF? He said they can agree he committed a felony, and convict him, without agreeing on the details.

That is akin to a judge saying you could be convicted of theft even if the jurors don’t agree on what was stolen. If this sounds like an unethical way to run a court, and probably an unconstitutional one, it is.

For comparison, Hillary, aka “The Hildebeast,” was fined for misreporting campaign expenses. She funded development of bogus opposition research. A foreign national, Christopher Steele, was paid to put together a memo describing alleged ties and activities involving Trump and Russia. It was made up, and completely unverified. Not one bit of it was proven to be true.

Yet, it was used as the basis for beginning a federal investigation into Trump’s supposed Russian links, to justify the FBI spying on the Trump campaign, and to launch the Robert Mueller investigation, at a cost of about 40 million of your dollars, which resulted in zero Russia-related charges.
The Clinton campaign reported the project as legal expenses. The money was funneled through their law firm and then paid to Steele. For this, Clinton paid a fine.
The non-disclosure agreement between Trump and Stormy Daniels, of course, did not involve campaign funds or expenses. Non-disclosure agreements are a normal part of life, common in business, perfectly legal, and not unique to a person running for office.

It requires willful ignorance not to recognize the double standard and intent to weaponize our judicial system. But the goal of the leftist fascists now pulling Biden’s strings was to find a way to call Trump a felon. So, they alleged a bogus crime, forbade testimony from subject matter experts on election law, allowed witnesses hostile to Trump to talk about things unrelated to the issue at hand, and gave the jury instructions that they need not be unanimous in their opinions.
Every word of Stormy Daniel’s testimony was irrelevant. Whether they had sex, under what circumstances, if she was paid or just offered it for free, and every other sordid detail had nothing to do with the reporting of business expenses. But it made Trump look bad, so they allowed it. They threw the concepts of justice and constitutional rights out the window.

The case will likely be reversed on appeal, possibly by the Supreme Court, but the damage has been done.

ALL you need to know to affirm Biden’s corruption is this: the Biden DOJ’s third-highest ranking official was sent to prosecute it. He left one of the three highest-profile legal job in America to handle a state prosecution. Why would you do that, other than to ingratiate yourself to the partisan president you serve? Right. You wouldn’t. There is no other reason.

Team Biden thinks we are so uninformed, and so gullible, that we either don’t know that or don’t care. In fact, the left’s hope for winning in 2024 depends on a huge swath of Americans not being informed, not caring, or simply hating Trump so much they don’t care about Biden’s corruption.

Recall that the FBI said Hillary could have been prosecuted for espionage, mishandling sensitive information. But given the chance, Trump chose not to. He thought it would be wrong to go after a political opponent, even though they were probably guilty of a crime.
Trump cared more about the nation than about revenge. Biden does not.

The Dems want you to be afraid of Trump because he is a threat to expose their own corruption. Yet it is only Trump who has demonstrated restraint in using the courts for political purposes. Biden is more than happy to do so. Biden’s conduct is more appropriate for Tony Soprano than for a president.

Recently, when asked about getting revenge, just after his conviction, Trump said he would not use the justice system to put his opponents away, saying, “No, it has to stop.”

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What the Elites Don’t Want You to Say about Trump’s Conviction

Per the dictates of corporate media and sober establishment Republicans, I’ll refrain from declaring Trump’s conviction worthy of a Cuban or Venezuelan or even a Columbian court. You know, Columbia, where that paragon of virtue, presiding Judge Juan Marchan, hails from. Oh, heavens, perish the thought that Marchan’s querida hija, an equally virtuous Democrat stalwart, isn’t mining the Trump indictment and conviction for all the loot she can haul off. And roly-poly Alvin Bragg isn’t in cahoots with Biden’s Justice Department. The Number Three guy at DoJ, Mathew Colangelo, left his gig to join Bragg’s prosecution team just to help a little.

Democrat jurors in a Democrat run courtroom in deep blue Manhattan rendered fair and impartial justice. Trump deserved conviction. He poses an ‘existential threat” to our overlords’ grip on power. A Trump win this autumn is ominous for elites and us, their minions.

Imagine an America without the Biden administration? What would happen to the economy, the border, crime? Cities would go all Clockwork Orange. Without the establishment, neocons righteous quest for war with Russia – and put up your dukes, China and Iran – would come to naught. How would the military-industrial complex survive? Perhaps a big, beautiful war with Russia will be the marvelous October late summer surprise we’re awaiting?

We mustn’t question anything about the Trump verdict. Think that good Chinese and Russian citizens question court verdicts? Just send Bragg a baker’s dozen Dunkin’ Donuts and celebrate the rule of law, as splendid Republican defenders of order insist we do. Trump’s sentencing? Why, pure coincidence that it’s happening four days before the Republican National Convention kicks off in Milwaukee.

We won’t dis Trump’s conviction anyway, anyhow. What we’ll say is that the days ahead look full of tropical storms gathering force and merging into a helluva hurricane. Battening down the hatches ain’t gonna be good enough.

Why is worse coming? As we’ve learned over the last, bitter nine years, the clash isn’t so much between two Americas. The preeminent fight is elites versus most of the rest of us. The elite are a tawdry mix of cynics who want power for profit and Jacobins whose neurotic obsession is to remake our lives, right down to what we say, eat, and do. They won’t be satisfied until we’re ant farm drudges.

You might believe that convicting Trump in a show trial was the worst. Yet, on July 11 at Trump’s sentencing, what happens if 45 is forced to appear Marchan’s circus wearing an orange jumpsuit and cuffs? You know Marchan is salivating like Biden with a triple scoop ice cream cone in hand to do just that. Yes, Trump’s appeals will forego imprisonment for a time.

If that spectacle doesn’t tank Trump’s poll numbers – his conviction has failed to dent his numbers so far – elites’ heads will detonate sometime thereafter. If their best punches aren’t bringing him down, what will?

What will is the big question. How desperate will elites get, to what extreme are they willing to go? Tucker Carlson has said he thinks Trump’s life is endanger. Trump and his Secret Service detail always have to contend with haters and lunatics who want him dead. But what about the establishment? If lawfare fails. If election rigging fails. How far is the establishment willing to go to stop Trump? It’s a sobering thought. Unfortunately, today we have to wonder.

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Their Ways are Intimidation and Violence

By J Robert Smith

  • June 2, 2024
  • 3-min read

After Donald Trump’s sham conviction last week, South Carolina Congressman Benny Thompson (D) introduced legislation to pull Secret Service protection from Trump. Thompson, the chair of the defuncted J6 inquisition, couldn’t have done so without knowing the consequences. Nor were Biden’s handlers ignorant of the consequences when they denied RFK Jr.’s requests for protection. Nor did Biden’s White House not know what could happen when security was shorted at conservative Supreme Court justices’ homes after Roe v. Wade was overturned. Thompson knows that without Secret Service protection, Trump’s life is endangered. Even with private security, Trump’s risk increases.

Trump is the target of every left-wing hater and lunatic across the country. That hellish lot make up an indispensable Democrat constituency. From that pool are the ones eager to break things and hurt people. Of course, Trump can afford private security. But not in prison, where an in-your-face hack Democrat masquerading as a judge – Juan Marchan – plans to sentence Trump. That sentencing will occur on July 11, just days before the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee. No bare-knuckled politics to see here, so move on.

But, heaven forbid, if Trump was attacked and his private security had to dispatch the attacker(s). It better happen in Florida or another red state. Otherwise, a Democrat hatchet man dressed up like a DA would indict Trump for murder. Do you really think that’s an exaggeration?

Thompson is a member of the Democrat minority in the U.S. House. His legislation won’t gain traction. The ballast we call House Republicans is good for at least inertia. But his legislation is more than window dressing. When Trump is sentenced, expect Thompson to make a full-throated call to withdraw protection. Thompson’s voice won’t be a voice in the wilderness. Since Democrats coordinate their hit jobs, Democrats and corporate media will manufacture an outcry.

Remember, prisons are convenient places to have troublesome people killed.

As if on cue, Profiles in Courage Republicans will mostly keep silent. Some will stand at podiums to beclown themselves by claiming that while Trump’s conviction is a bitter pill, we must abide by the rule of law – as if that transparently fraudulent proceeding in Manhattan wasn’t a good, old-fashioned fix. Who’s worse, the perpetrators of this injustice or their enablers?

But don’t dare publicly question the Trump trial or conviction. As Mike Benz (Foundation for Freedom Online) stated at X, “we’re at the stage where the system just straight-up tells you you can’t question the system.”

You have to hand it to the DC establishment, which at its heart is that bundle of intelligence and security bureaucracies who Schumer, Jefferies, and Pelosi bend knees to – and RINOs fear. They’ve received only scattered pushback for their crimes. The giant hasn’t been wakened yet, and that giant is the American majority – decent, hardworking, God-fearing, family and country loving Americans.

What’s the necessary pushback from our side? As conservative wags like Sean Davis have suggested at X, it’s time for red state DAs to begin indicting Democrats and Deep Staters for legitimate crimes. No need to twist the law as Democrats have done to indict Trump and others. Legit indictments for legit crimes.

Then, as Mike Benz suggests, red states need to become sanctuary states for freedom’s friends. That is, red states need to provide safe haven to liberty stalwarts who are targeted for malicious prosecution or other destruction in blue states.

Finally, support Trump. Yes, a financial contribution helps – whatever you can afford. The Trump campaign smashed records raising more money in the 24 hours following his sham conviction than any other presidential campaign has done in a 24-hour period. Give what you can. Money is critical.

Talk to family and friends who are willing to listen. If the DC establishment swipes the ’24 presidential election, it will brazenly double down shutting down our rights, starting with our 1st Amendment rights to free speech and peaceful assembly. Become ambassadors for Trump’s election. Never surrender. We are the majority. Working together, we will prevail.

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