Tag Archives: Elizabeth Warren

NEWSFEED TUESDAY: Will Bernie be the Democrats’ Nominee?

J Robert Smith

  • Jan. 28, 2020
  • 3 min read

“Suddenly, we have the Democratic establishment very nervous about this campaign. We got Wall Street nervous,” Sanders told a crowd of roughly 1,100 Sunday night in Sioux City. “They’re starting to think, could this really happen?”

“We are their worst nightmare,” he added.

NBC News, January 27, 2020


In Bernie Sanders’ race for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, he has one big thing going for him. He commands an ardent following on the left. In a weak and fractured Democratic field, Bernie’s minions may just get him to the top. Let’s assume, too, that Liz Warren folds tent. Sopping up her leftist support only strengthens Bernie. Or better positions him to claim the nomination come the summer.

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Democrats Love the Police As Long As They’re After Someone Else

Rob Meyne

  • Dec. 27, 2019
  • 3 min read

Updated: Dec 29, 2019

Someone who dozed off in the mid-1960s and woke up yesterday would have a hard time understanding what the major political parties stand for. On some issues, there appears to have been a switch more extreme than the trans-gender surgeries that we are now supposed to think turn a man into a woman. That isn’t possible, of course, but we’re supposed to pretend it is.

Through much of history, the Democrats have positioned themselves as defenders of liberty, advocates of civil rights, and the party of the oppressed. Even as recently as the Obama years, you couldn’t swing a dead cat (not that one often does that under any circumstances) without hitting a Democrat who was criticizing police and law enforcement in general, because common assumptions were that cops were a problem. The pejorative “pig,” used to attack police officers, was popularized by mainly Democratic activists and their enablers in public office.

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Why Don’t Democratic Candidates Seem to Like America Much?

Robert Meyne

  • Nov. 23, 2019
  • 4 min read

It’s astonishing how politically bifurcated we have become. Many people who’ve spent years supporting politicians who are seriously flawed – liars, crooks, hypocrites –have adopted faux outrage over everything done by President Trump. Some Democratic leaders announced before Trump was even inaugurated that they wanted to impeach hm. Their entire agenda, for more than three years, has been driven by a single goal: to get rid of Trump. They put politics ahead of the national good, consistently and reliably. (There are days that I wish Republicans in Congress were as disciplined and committed as the Democrats.)

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NEWSFEED WEEKEND: Lyin’ Liz’s $52 Trillion Medicare for All Rip-off

J Robert Smith

  • Nov. 1, 2019
  • 4 min read

Warren said her plan would cost about $52 trillion over 10 years and would provide insurance for every person in America.

— The Epoch Times, November 1, 2019

The U.S. government’s public debt is now more than $22 trillion — the highest it has ever been. The Treasury Department data comes as tax revenue has fallen and federal spending continues to rise. The new debt level reflects a rise of more than $2 trillion from the day President Trump took office in 2017.

— NPR, February 13, 2019

U.S. national debt stands at $22.9 trillion – and growing.

— U.S. Debt Clock, as of November 1, 2019
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NEWSFEED WEEKEND: Democrats’ Path to Defeat in 2020

J Robert Smith

  • Oct. 5, 2019
  • 3 min read

The gamble of a Biden nomination, then, is a big one. It’s a bet on whether Americans really do want a return to the political establishment when signs here and around the world seem to be pointing in the opposite direction, empowering both far-right strong men and socialists as center-left and center-right parties stumble. Biden’s chances in a general election also hinge whether he can muster support from enough Obama-loyal, reliable primary voters to counteract a lack of enthusiasm among younger and more progressive segments of the electorate, who won’t back him with nearly the same vim as they would Elizabeth Warren or (especially) Bernie Sanders. Did the mythical white working class voters that Biden is supposed to appeal to really just want to vote for another white guy (as cynical pundits have claimed) or did they too want to drain the swamp?

— The Guardian, October 5, 2019
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Democrats’ Dayton Silence

J Robert Smith

  • Aug. 7, 2019
  • 2 min read

Banging the drums loudest about the El Paso and Dayton mass shootings, Beto, Bernie, Biden, and Liz Warren. Not, mind you, to mourn the dead and commiserate with the bereaved. Expressions of sympathy were cursory from that unfabulous four. But to dump on Trump. To brand the president a white supremacist sympathizer, a gun-happy, wannbe exterminator of Hispanics. Or so MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace claimed – until she backtracked.
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