By Rob Meyne
Almost everyone likes to say we need to keep politics out of one thing or another. Which is certainly a nice sentiment. Rainbows and unicorns would be nice, too, but they aren’t reality.
It is good to operate in the real world. The truth is that all the major decisions that determine the circumstances of life are political. If you recall your political science, politics has been defined as the authoritative allocation of goods and services. In other words, what happens in our society is directed or at least affected by the laws, regulations, and mores under which we operate.
Every rule imposed on us that is enforceable by a court is provided by the political process. Even the decisions we feel like we control – what to eat, where to go to school, or how much to exercise – are made within societal and governmental guidelines that limit us or empower us, as the case may be.
That is, basically, why this author is a conservative. Which means voting Republican more often than not.
Nothing in the Democrat Party agenda makes us freer. It all makes government more powerful and richer. Think if you can come up with even a single component of the Harris campaign that makes government less rich, powerful, and coercive. Just. One. We won’t hold our breath.
The border is a disaster today completely because of political acts. On taking office, Biden and Harris reversed about 90 executive orders put in place by President Trump. Trump’s policies, including “remain in Mexico,” led to a more stable border with fewer Illegal crossings. And violent crimes committed by people who didn’t come here legally were fewer.
If the border is a humanitarian crisis, it is one that was created intentionally. Even Democrat House leaders and former presidents admit it. Representative Jerry Nadler, President Bill Clinton, and others don’t even bother to deny it.
Of course this is not a revelation to anyone who pays attention. Democrats wanted this crisis and made it happen. Why? They want the workers, the new voters, and the political power.
The border under Biden and Harris was deliberately opened to allow as many foreigners in as possible, as quickly as possible, in violation of the law, to swell the ranks of current and future voters. If you think Democrat leaders have suddenly in the past few years been overwhelmed by an epiphany of compassion, you must be drinking some of whatever Kamala seems to overindulge in.
A decade or less ago, everyone in Democrat leadership was opposed to illegal immigration. Obama, Clinton, and Schumer are among those who spoke eloquently on this. Then some demographic changes came along and Democrats realized they could stack the deck in their favor.
Traditional Democrat constituencies aren’t having babies at a high rate. Those groups are not growing. Many Democrat voting blocks are starting to look to the GOP. Time will tell, but many polls now show a majority of Hispanics support Trump. Black Americans are also apparently growing more favorable toward Trump, but, again, we will see.
Recognize the Democrat’s worst nightmare would be for Hispanic and Black Americans to vote guided by informed and independent thought.
The Democrats have become largely the party of elites: corporate CEOs, Hollywood, Wall Street, the defense complex. Millionaires/Wall Street/High Tech give to Democrats today much more generously than to the GOP. It wasn’t always the case.
Democrats used to portray themselves as the party of free speech, peace, and working people. Today, the roles have completely flipped. Republicans are the party of free speech, enjoy broad blue collar support, and are actively trying to disengage in wars.
When Black voters deign to exercise independent thinking, or (shudder) vote Republican, they are vilified and called Uncle Toms, and worse, by the Dem leadership. The lesson: Democrats love Black people as long as they stay in their place and do what they are told.
Barack Obama has lectured, insulted, and criticized Black men for not supporting Harris. Obama’s lesson is that Black men are misogynist and hateful if they DON’T vote for a candidate because of their sex. Obama wants Black men to fall in line and do what they are told. Fortunately, there are a ton of smart, independent Black men who don’t want to be told what to do.
It does not mean you are rational, principled, and well-informed if you vote for or against someone because of their sex. In fact, it shows just the opposite.
The border crisis Harris and Biden created gives Democrat leaders and their donors cheap labor, illegal votes, and likely future voters.
If Kamala wins and takes both houses, non-citizens will be given immediate amnesty and citizenship. Game, set, match. Millions of new Dem voters will spring up overnight, changing the electoral composition of the nation forever.
Consider the Democrats have also pledged to pack the court, eliminate the filibuster, give DC and PR statehood, and we’ll never have another competitive election. The deck will be stacked in favor of the Democrats for our lifetimes and beyond.
Yes, the border is a political issue. As is everything else.
Trump is our best hope of saving our republic. If Trump wanted to be a dictator, he would have done it when he had the chance. He did not.
In the last four years, we have seen Democrats use the courts to stop their political opponents, including those within their own party. Only one party wants a functioning “democracy” with an informed and free-speaking citizenry, and it isn’t the Democrats.