Tag Archives: Democrats

Getting Crazy with Speculation

Democrats will shortly elevate Vice President Kamala Harris to the Democrat presidential nomination. Democrats will spin her nomination furiously. (Photo by Gage Skidmore)

By J Robert Smith

  • July 22, 2024
  • 3-min read

In the aftermath of the near-assassination of Donald Trump, there was a deluge of speculation on X (formerly Twitter) and other social media. A lot of higher profile conservatives suggested that the shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks, was somehow linked to a conspiracy to kill the former president. Some of the speculation has been wild.

The speculation about Crooks was fueled, in part, by the lack of transparency by the FBI, Secret Service, and other law enforcement agencies. Granted, with an ongoing investigation, law enforcement must withhold some details, lest the investigation be hampered. But there’s plenty about Crooks and the event’s general circumstances that could be discussed. Lack of communications has only ratcheted up guesswork.

Now, does that mean we should write off the possibility that Crooks was the gunman in a scheme to kill Trump? No. Certainly, authorities should have or are exploring that avenue. Should we trust law enforcement? Maybe not, but let’s see what they claim first.

Based on the information that has surfaced about Crooks to date, it seems unlikely that he was anything more than a misfit. He was another in a long line of losers who decided killing – in this case a former president – was a way of evening scores for failures in his own life. And/or Crooks was a radicalized left-winger.

Democrats and corporate media spent months demonizing Trump as the next Hitler, a wannabe dictator, and the destroyer of democracy. It may be that such highly inflammatory, hate-filled language helped Crooks rationalize attempting to assassinate Trump. Perhaps, Crooks believed that important establishment voices branding Trump as dangerous gave him license to commit murder? Perhaps, in his twisted mind, he thought he’d be celebrated as a hero for killing Trump?

“Where’s Biden” Craziness

Joe Biden hasn’t been seen since – well, for days. In fact, he issued (or someone did) a statement declaring that he was backing out of the presidential contest. It was announced a few days ago that Biden was battling COVID. That may explain why he hasn’t been visible. It may also be that Biden is stewing because he didn’t chose to leave the race. Chances are, Biden was forced out of the contest. Who knows, he may have been induced to leave with financial guarantees and guarantees of legal cover for himself and his clan of grifters. But that’s guesswork, too.

Nonetheless, Biden being scarce has sparked oodles of speculation that the Democrats or whoever are keeping him out of the public eye for whatever nefarious reason. Again, we can’t exclude that Biden is being kept under wraps to serve some dark purpose, but not likely. Biden is sick, and he and Dr. Jill are probably taking time to lick their wombs. If Biden stays out of sight much longer, then there may be legitimate questions about his well being and whereabouts. We’ll find out more shortly, so let’s exercise a little patience and not spin crazy tales.

Tag, Kamala is It

Meanwhile, the Democrats will shortly elevate Kamala Harris to the Democrat presidential nomination. They’ve already locked up the delegates. Democrats will spin her nomination furiously. They’ll gaslight like maniacs hoping that no stink clings to her as part of Biden’s failed presidency. Along with corporate media, they’ll use all their powers to try to make Kamala who she isn’t and never was.

Kamala Harris is a silly, unsmart, untalented politician. Harris is a double box check: Female and part Black. Harris has no slave ancestry – at least, not related to the American south. She spent a big chunk of her growing up years in Toronto, Canada. She’s a knee-jerk left-winger. She would be a terrible president if she’s elected (with a little help from creative balloting).

A Harris presidency would extend the Barack Obama team’s hold on the White House and executive authority. Harris would simply replace Biden as chief puppet.

You can take all that to the bank.

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Dumping Biden Shows Which Party Doesn’t Give a Flip About Democracy

The Dems appear to be coalescing around Kamala. THIS is their best hope? I was happy to see Trump run against Biden, but if it can’t be him, Kamala is maybe the weakest replacement they could choose for him.

Again, the leadership of the national Dems – led, apparently, by Pelosi – have just given a big middle finger to every Democrat voter and to the whole democratic process. They rearranged primary dates to help Biden, kept others off of the ballot, denied Secret Service for Kennedy, tried to throw Trump off of state ballots, tried to put Trump in jail, and now have thrown away and semblance they may once had had of caring about democracy. They are vicious and playing for the highest stakes on the planet. There is quite literally NOTHING they could do that would surprise me.

Many folks will just vote for Harris based on race or gender, of course, and that is sad. But a GOP wouldn’t get those votes anyway.

Remembering Kamala, in no particular order:

ANY attack on Kamala will be called racist and misogynist. That will be their go-to. If Harris robs a bank, and is recorded in the process, and you mention it, you’ll be accused of being racist. Write it down.

Name one significant Harris achievement? Right. We can’t think of one, either.
She ran for president in 2020 and got zero votes and zero delegates.
She openly described Biden, accurately, actually, as a racist.
She was assigned the job of securing the border. It is today a complete disaster.
She got her first jobs in politics by sleeping with an older, married, powerful man. That probably doesn’t disqualify her, but certainly isn’t a plus. If you have a daughter, think about what you’ll tell her when, one day, she says “Why is it ok for Kamala Harris to use sex to get ahead but not for me?” Good luck with that.

Harris is a liar. She has contended for years that Biden is active, clear headed, and effective. That was a lie. Biden, as those of us who have been watching knows, didn’t suddenly decline into senility in the past three weeks.

Harris was a fraud as a prosecutor. She plead out a ton of cases to be able to claim she had a good conviction record. And she withheld exculpatory evidence in some cases.

She has actively supported, and helped to fund the defense of, people who committed acts of violence, arson, and even murder. She raised money for a bail fund that covered fees for hundreds of people who were part of the 2020 riots, which were the longest, most numerous, most expensive, and deadly in American history.

She cannot put together a coherent sentence on many occasions. The term “word salad” is often used to describe her speeches, and it is justified.
Of course, she has also trashed families of white people who had ancestors that held slaves. Unfortunately for her, her own family includes slave owners from Jamaica. Whoops.

Harris is NOT stupid, however, and very ruthless and ambitious.

There is much more to be said about her. But the biggest problem she has is that the failed policies of Biden are now hers to own, as she was part and parcel of all of it.

But, if you support Trump or even just America, DON’T underestimate Harris. She can absolutely win. If the election is even close, it can be stolen.

This is no time for Republicans and patriots to become complacent. Work like your life depends on it. It does.

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The Democrats are Proving
They Are a Threat to Democracy

By Anthony Trevlac

  • July 11, 2024
  • 4-min read

I certainly wish we had better choices, in the campaign and among political parties. I suspect most people would agree with that.

Unfortunately, that isn’t the same thing as saying both sides are the same. With respect, anyone who believes Democrat leaders are in a struggle to “save democracy” is asleep at the switch.

They are currently in a cluster f**k panic about how to remove Biden from the ticket, EVEN THOUGH MILLIONS OF PRIMARY VOTERS CHOSE HIM. So much for elections. Certainly, I get it — Biden is a disaster, and our nation is at risk, we are in danger — but a political party that is working hard to replace a candidate chosen by the voters cannot credibly claim they are saving democracy.

They are terrified the election might be left up to an actual vote of the people. There are two major party nominees. The Dems want to ignore the democratic process and put in their own preference.

As we write this, Senate Democrats are meeting privately with White House staff to figure out a way forward. House Dems met earlier this week. They are desperate to save their own political fortunes.

None of that would be needed, of course, if the Administration and mainstream media hadn’t worked diligently to keep you from knowing about Biden’s ineptness and senility. They covered it up. As recently as a month ago, they claimed videos of Biden showing him to be lost and confused were fraudulent. Suddenly, Dem leaders must admit it because Biden’s horrible mental and physical health was on full display in the debate. They can no longer deny it.

For years we have been governed by an unelected cabal that runs the country because the person who was elected president is non compos mentis. He is not mentally capable of functioning at the level needed to run the nation.

It is astonishing that not one prominent Democratic leader has made the point that Biden’s senility is a threat to the nation. Not one. ALL the discussion from the Democratic elite has been about how this crisis affects their chances of beating Trump and of winning House and Senate seats.

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Will Tech, AI, Censorship, and the Fascism of the Left End America? Maybe.

By Rob Meyne

  • June 18, 2024
  • 4-min read

People have, for millennia, thought the end was near, it can’t get worse, etc. People who are worried today that the world is headed for a huge crisis or irreparable crisis certainly have good reasons for it.

Then again, just because we have been worried before doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be worried now. Sometimes there really is a wolf at the door.
There are differences this time. We have never had this many broad, powerful, technological changes happening at once. Their collective impact will be like nothing before.

First is just the impact of technology. The printing press was groundbreaking tech in its day. So were the telephone, radio, and television. And each of those advances had a huge impact. Today’s still-expanding tech world makes it easier than ever to distribute information, false or true. It also makes it easier to CENSOR information. That is unprecedented. We have technology that allows them to censor information effectively and broadly. And they do.

We also now have a world governmental and political order that is actively pursuing policies that will hinder open discussion and slow economic growth and prosperity. (Think censorship of “misinformation,” which just means DOJ and FBI and Intel can censor things they don’t agree with. Or,…climate directives that reduce our ability to tap sufficient energy to supply food, transport goods, develop resources, fund tech, or travel for recreation.)

Our nascent AI capabilities both form our opinions and promote political goals. Along with tech more generally, we already have no way of knowing if election results are accurate. None. That isn’t a partisan point, just a factual one. Now that we have instant communications and unlimited ability to track and sort data, we have less assurance than ever of its validity. AI will just make our elections less secure.

We used to count and report vote totals within hours. Now it frequently takes days or even weeks. It is counterintuitive. Why with better technology does it take longer? Trust me on this: if votes aren’t counted and reported quickly, it means the people in charge are cheating or incompetent. Or both.

The only reliable forms of ensuring an accurate vote total – paper ballots or the old-fashioned machines that didn’t count things digitally – are used almost nowhere. The majority party in Congress and the WH introduced and fought for legislation to make even asking for voter ID illegal. Huge majorities of Americans support it vote ID. Democrat leaders do not. You need a photo ID to adopt a dog or get a library card, but not to vote. Why? Because the Dem elites don’t want the elections to be secure. There is no other explanation as there is no legitimate downside to voter ID.

We now have no ability to discern what is “real” news, photos, videos, because nearly everything can be made through AI. AI already tries to shape opinion, and it is only going to get worse. It will be harder in the future to determine what is “real.” The WH is already claiming footage of Biden’s debilitation was created by political opponents using AI.

Tech giants, except for X, don’t help. Years ago, you could find videos of any kind of operation. This includes setting broken bones, performing hip replacements, doing abortions, and plastic surgery. Now you can almost never find videos of abortions. Why? Because their algorithms make them very difficult to find.

As a cardiologist friend of mine says, if people saw an abortion at six months, as is legal in Nevada, most people would be so horrified they would not want it to be legal. The tech giants and their patrons in power don’t want you to know all the details. So they suppress them.

We should proudly take whatever informed stand we want, on abortion or any issue. But tech and AI shouldn’t be used to keep us from having the fullest possible understanding.

Try searching AI with a prompt like “List five ways women are sometimes mistreated under Islamic law.” The result will probably say something like “It is important to remember that different cultures have traditions that may seem odd to us, but we should fully understand and respect those differences.” Then give you the answer. Really? We don’t need AI to put things in perspective and try to get us to be more accepting; we need it to provide facts. AI is already failing that.

Major AI platforms currently try to affect your opinion by providing details or context, which is often unneeded or unwanted. Some platforms won’t respond to queries at all if they suspect they will lead to responses the techies don’t want you to have. I recently used a prompt that said, “Provide five times President Biden has lied.” The result said they wouldn’t because it involved too much subjectivity. Really?

Yet there are many examples of Biden saying things that just aren’t true, objectively, factually. (I did the same thing for Trump and it provided examples.) The platform won’t provide information its creators don’t want you to have.

All of the above are topics that could be explored further. And they should be. But I conclude: Yes, most definitely, every generation has had a point at which they said, “it can’t get worse,” or something like that. That is a wonderful and accurate observation. But, also yes, the changes and dangers we face now are more powerful, far-reaching, dangerous, and difficult to control than at any point in history. Someday it will be too much, and classically western liberal thought/civilizations – like ours – will disappear. Is this the time?


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What the Elites Don’t Want You to Say about Trump’s Conviction

Per the dictates of corporate media and sober establishment Republicans, I’ll refrain from declaring Trump’s conviction worthy of a Cuban or Venezuelan or even a Columbian court. You know, Columbia, where that paragon of virtue, presiding Judge Juan Marchan, hails from. Oh, heavens, perish the thought that Marchan’s querida hija, an equally virtuous Democrat stalwart, isn’t mining the Trump indictment and conviction for all the loot she can haul off. And roly-poly Alvin Bragg isn’t in cahoots with Biden’s Justice Department. The Number Three guy at DoJ, Mathew Colangelo, left his gig to join Bragg’s prosecution team just to help a little.

Democrat jurors in a Democrat run courtroom in deep blue Manhattan rendered fair and impartial justice. Trump deserved conviction. He poses an ‘existential threat” to our overlords’ grip on power. A Trump win this autumn is ominous for elites and us, their minions.

Imagine an America without the Biden administration? What would happen to the economy, the border, crime? Cities would go all Clockwork Orange. Without the establishment, neocons righteous quest for war with Russia – and put up your dukes, China and Iran – would come to naught. How would the military-industrial complex survive? Perhaps a big, beautiful war with Russia will be the marvelous October late summer surprise we’re awaiting?

We mustn’t question anything about the Trump verdict. Think that good Chinese and Russian citizens question court verdicts? Just send Bragg a baker’s dozen Dunkin’ Donuts and celebrate the rule of law, as splendid Republican defenders of order insist we do. Trump’s sentencing? Why, pure coincidence that it’s happening four days before the Republican National Convention kicks off in Milwaukee.

We won’t dis Trump’s conviction anyway, anyhow. What we’ll say is that the days ahead look full of tropical storms gathering force and merging into a helluva hurricane. Battening down the hatches ain’t gonna be good enough.

Why is worse coming? As we’ve learned over the last, bitter nine years, the clash isn’t so much between two Americas. The preeminent fight is elites versus most of the rest of us. The elite are a tawdry mix of cynics who want power for profit and Jacobins whose neurotic obsession is to remake our lives, right down to what we say, eat, and do. They won’t be satisfied until we’re ant farm drudges.

You might believe that convicting Trump in a show trial was the worst. Yet, on July 11 at Trump’s sentencing, what happens if 45 is forced to appear Marchan’s circus wearing an orange jumpsuit and cuffs? You know Marchan is salivating like Biden with a triple scoop ice cream cone in hand to do just that. Yes, Trump’s appeals will forego imprisonment for a time.

If that spectacle doesn’t tank Trump’s poll numbers – his conviction has failed to dent his numbers so far – elites’ heads will detonate sometime thereafter. If their best punches aren’t bringing him down, what will?

What will is the big question. How desperate will elites get, to what extreme are they willing to go? Tucker Carlson has said he thinks Trump’s life is endanger. Trump and his Secret Service detail always have to contend with haters and lunatics who want him dead. But what about the establishment? If lawfare fails. If election rigging fails. How far is the establishment willing to go to stop Trump? It’s a sobering thought. Unfortunately, today we have to wonder.

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Their Ways are Intimidation and Violence

By J Robert Smith

  • June 2, 2024
  • 3-min read

After Donald Trump’s sham conviction last week, South Carolina Congressman Benny Thompson (D) introduced legislation to pull Secret Service protection from Trump. Thompson, the chair of the defuncted J6 inquisition, couldn’t have done so without knowing the consequences. Nor were Biden’s handlers ignorant of the consequences when they denied RFK Jr.’s requests for protection. Nor did Biden’s White House not know what could happen when security was shorted at conservative Supreme Court justices’ homes after Roe v. Wade was overturned. Thompson knows that without Secret Service protection, Trump’s life is endangered. Even with private security, Trump’s risk increases.

Trump is the target of every left-wing hater and lunatic across the country. That hellish lot make up an indispensable Democrat constituency. From that pool are the ones eager to break things and hurt people. Of course, Trump can afford private security. But not in prison, where an in-your-face hack Democrat masquerading as a judge – Juan Marchan – plans to sentence Trump. That sentencing will occur on July 11, just days before the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee. No bare-knuckled politics to see here, so move on.

But, heaven forbid, if Trump was attacked and his private security had to dispatch the attacker(s). It better happen in Florida or another red state. Otherwise, a Democrat hatchet man dressed up like a DA would indict Trump for murder. Do you really think that’s an exaggeration?

Thompson is a member of the Democrat minority in the U.S. House. His legislation won’t gain traction. The ballast we call House Republicans is good for at least inertia. But his legislation is more than window dressing. When Trump is sentenced, expect Thompson to make a full-throated call to withdraw protection. Thompson’s voice won’t be a voice in the wilderness. Since Democrats coordinate their hit jobs, Democrats and corporate media will manufacture an outcry.

Remember, prisons are convenient places to have troublesome people killed.

As if on cue, Profiles in Courage Republicans will mostly keep silent. Some will stand at podiums to beclown themselves by claiming that while Trump’s conviction is a bitter pill, we must abide by the rule of law – as if that transparently fraudulent proceeding in Manhattan wasn’t a good, old-fashioned fix. Who’s worse, the perpetrators of this injustice or their enablers?

But don’t dare publicly question the Trump trial or conviction. As Mike Benz (Foundation for Freedom Online) stated at X, “we’re at the stage where the system just straight-up tells you you can’t question the system.”

You have to hand it to the DC establishment, which at its heart is that bundle of intelligence and security bureaucracies who Schumer, Jefferies, and Pelosi bend knees to – and RINOs fear. They’ve received only scattered pushback for their crimes. The giant hasn’t been wakened yet, and that giant is the American majority – decent, hardworking, God-fearing, family and country loving Americans.

What’s the necessary pushback from our side? As conservative wags like Sean Davis have suggested at X, it’s time for red state DAs to begin indicting Democrats and Deep Staters for legitimate crimes. No need to twist the law as Democrats have done to indict Trump and others. Legit indictments for legit crimes.

Then, as Mike Benz suggests, red states need to become sanctuary states for freedom’s friends. That is, red states need to provide safe haven to liberty stalwarts who are targeted for malicious prosecution or other destruction in blue states.

Finally, support Trump. Yes, a financial contribution helps – whatever you can afford. The Trump campaign smashed records raising more money in the 24 hours following his sham conviction than any other presidential campaign has done in a 24-hour period. Give what you can. Money is critical.

Talk to family and friends who are willing to listen. If the DC establishment swipes the ’24 presidential election, it will brazenly double down shutting down our rights, starting with our 1st Amendment rights to free speech and peaceful assembly. Become ambassadors for Trump’s election. Never surrender. We are the majority. Working together, we will prevail.

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Let’s Skip Ousting Mike Johnson …
For Now

By J Robert Smith

  • April 22, 2024
  • 5-min read

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has been joined by two of her House Republican colleagues in calling for Speaker Mike Johnson’s ouster. These three have ample cause. But when – not if – Johnson is booted matters. Trump wants Johnson to stay, saying, “I stand with the speaker, we’ve had a very good relationship.” Lindsey Graham claims Trump helped win Ukraine funding. But after the elections are over, Trump needs to ditch Johnson. The speaker has all the signs of being another Paul Ryan.

As conservative activist Ned Ryun remarked about Johnson last Sunday on X:

“I say this as an evangelical: this guy is one of the worst combinations you can ever have in politics. A smarmy evangelical who bends to the will of Democrats and the administrative state. And thinks he’s righteous in doing so.”

Last Saturday, the U.S. House, led by Speaker Johnson, committed an outrage. House Democrats and Republicans passed a stand-alone $60.8 billion funding bill for Ukraine, though there’s a carve out to “replenish [U.S.] weapons and stocks.” There’s also $13.8 billion for “advanced weapons systems.” The defense industry must get its kickbacks.

To flaunt their victory, uniparty members waved little Ukrainian flags on the House floor.

Despite Johnson’s oft-stated concerns for border security, not a penny was approved to stop the illegals deluge. Johnson’s words are meaningless. His actions speak volumes.

The uniparty’s display was one of defiance. Such congressional brazenness might be a first for the Republic. Democrats and a Republican faction showcased their contempt for the people’s will. Their votes were a statement. They’re jobs are to promote establishment interests. Those interests? A crass drive for money.

Mike Benz, a former State Department cyber security expert and analyst stated at X:

“Ukraine “Aid” & The Blob Uniparty: it ain’t about ideology, it ain’t about democracy — it’s strictly business.”

Benz offers a deeper dive about “The Blob” in his February 16 interview with Tucker Carlson.

Despite Marjorie Taylor Green’s very public attacks on Johnson, he isn’t going anywhere. Only one member of the GOP caucus is needed to cause the speaker’s chair to be vacated. Removing Johnson now and starting another speaker’s election – surely contentious and protracted – may satisfy a political blood lust but would make all sorts of trouble as election season kicks into higher gear. It’s trouble for Trump on his flank. Trump is picking his way through a perilous minefield as is.

Booting Johnson for his weak-kneed leadership risks more defections by establishment Republicans. Given the one-seat margin House Republicans enjoy, it wouldn’t take a RINO stampede out to flip the lower chamber to Hakheem Jefferies. If you don’t think Jeffries and his collection of statists, America haters, and cultural degenerates would make worse legislation on a broader range of issues, think again.

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Why Did Democrats Spiff Up San Fran for Murderous Dictator Xi?

By J Robert Smith

  • Nov. 15, 2023
  • 2-min read

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but some people’s eyes are downright screwy. Case in point, San Francisco, where multitudes of homeless roam the streets. Said streets, sidewalks, and entrance ways are depositories for human feces, urine, vomit, blood, and whatever else humans exude from their bodies. There are also plenty of criminals who wander among the walking dead.

This is how Democrats – who laughably style themselves as “progressive” – want it. We know so because Democrats, led by their slick-haired, used car salesman-of-a-governor Gavin Newsom, just cleaned up the streets of San Francisco for Xi Jinping, the despicable tyrant atop China’s communist pyramid. Evidently, Xi doesn’t share Democrats’ sensibility that filth, crime, and general nastiness make for a pleasant, hospitable environment.

So, why do you think California Dreamin’ Democrats would go to such great pains to make San Francisco resemble a livable city again?

Sure, Democrats admire the hell out Xi and the PRC model for controlling organizing society from the top down. Scratch most progressive Democrats and there’s a Mao admirer just below the surface. More and more Democrats don’t worship God. They worship money and power – or power to get money. Power, also, to impose their debauched values on you and yours.

But for all Democrats’ blather about equity, fairness, inclusivity, and compassion, they love money and the high life. While working- and middle class Americans struggle in the Not-Golden State and across the republic, Democrats up the food chain are living like Xi and his Politburo chums live: fat and happy. You can bet their neighborhoods are homeless-free and clean as a whistle.

California enterprises – particularly high tech outfits – make bundles of dough off Xi’s China. You don’t think that California’s Democrat elite have their grubby fingers in those high tech pies?

Keeping Xi happy – and not revolted by the craphole that San Fran usually is – matters to Newsom and his own version of Xi’s politburo. San Francisco is disgusting and crime-ridden because Democrats perverted ethos makes it so.

Bet on it.

Hat tip: American Thinker contributor Olivia Murray

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DC Lifers want Gaza Ceasefire; Where were they with Ukraine?

By J Robert Smith

  • Nov. 14, 2023
  • 3-min read

Per Y! News, November 14:

More than 400 political appointees and staff members representing some 40 government agencies sent a letter to President Joe Biden on Tuesday protesting his support of Israel in its war in the Gaza Strip.

Oh, yeah? So, where have these DC lifers been when it comes to Ukraine? Since the Russian invasion happened in February 2022, mum’s been the word. If estimates are true, anywhere from 400,000-650,000 Ukrainian combatants have lost their lives in that misbegotten conflict. Millions of Ukrainians have fled their country, living as refugees in Central Europe.

Russia has lost 50,000 soldiers by some counts.

Ukraine’s summer offensive pushed by the Biden administration proved a tragic bust. Ukraine has spent itself. It didn’t have to be this way.

Whatever the propaganda from Ukraine and the U.S., the Russians didn’t want war. Putin wanted a negotiated settlement. His primary ask was that Ukraine not join NATO… that Ukraine position itself as unaligned. Period.

At first, the Ukrainians were open to the idea, but Biden’s handlers insisted otherwise. They convinced Zelenskyy to fight. The U.S. would give his regime full backing, including billions of dollars in aid. We’ve learned since that an untold amount of that money was siphoned off and pocketed by By generals and bureaucrats. Corruption is rife in Ukraine.

And let’s not forget that U.S. defense contractors are turning tidy profits off the war.

So, the war happened, but not once – not once – did the usual DC suspects send a letter to Biden calling for a halt to the killing and destruction in Ukraine.

But now they send a letter to Biden asking that his administration insist that Israel halt it’s offensive in Gaza … that humanitarian aid be rendered the Palestinians. Never mind that Hamas leaders are worth billions of dollars.

From NewsNation via MSN:

(NewsNation) — While the people of Gaza are struggling for food, water and medical care, Hamas’ wealthy leadership lives luxuriously in Qatar, according to Israeli officials.

The terrorist group has ruled the Gaza Strip since 2007 after winning parliamentary elections and violently seizing control from the internationally recognized Palestinian Authority.

Now, its top three leaders are worth over $11 billion together, according to reports confirmed by the U.S. Treasury.

While there is a web of men who lead the terror organization, Abu Marzouk, Khaled Mashaal and Ismail Haniyeh are the primary heads, each worth billions. Haniyeh, the “prime minister,” does not live in Gaza and allegedly flies between Turkey and Qatar in a private jet.

So, why this side of the Suez Canal should the U.S. send humanitarian aid to Gaza when Hamas leaders are sitting on billions of dollars in fortunes? Where’s the concern for their fellow Palestinians?

Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu insists that the war in Gaza will continue until Hamas is effectively wiped out. He’s not wrong to do so. If similar gruesome attacks had occurred in the U.S. by a (fill in the blank) terrorist group, what do you think our response would be? Would it be unlike the Israelis?

The only way the Israelis should settle is if Hamas is forced from Gaza for good with ironclad guarantees that Hamas or like terrorist outfits will be kept out. The Israelis must be permitted to police Gaza.

Israel is right to wage war. Hamas demonstrated that it’ll engage any savagery to kill Israelis. “No more” is Netanyahu’s cry. As it should be.

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Fear Not RFK Jr.

By J Robert Smith

  • Oct. 25, 2023
  • 5-min read

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. gives some conservatives the willies. Kennedy is a vote stealer – from Trump more than Biden come autumn 2024, they claim. The fear was, is, and will be baseless. Kennedy just came out for reparations, which is a zany proposition. Even in whacko California, they’re having second thoughts about this fabulous free lunch justice measure for blacks or anyone who has Rachel Dolezal’s or Jessica A. Krug’s hutzpah.

Reparations, however, are adored by scads of affluent, progressive whites. This crowd is always looking for ways of relieving their perpetual white guilt. Kennedy’s call for reparations resonates with them. They’re mighty fine pickings for RFK Jr. That should give you a hint where Kennedy’s votes will come from. America First has nothing to do with it.

Kennedy won’t pull Trump’s voters, not many, anyway. His strategy of bestriding the ideological spectrum to gain support from the right and left is destined to fail. So, who should have the jitters? Democrats.

RFK Jr. will siphon off most of his votes from Joe the dementia sufferer. Joe, the frail, befuddled guy who a year from now – if he’s not pushing up daisies – is going to be even more feeble and witless. But if Joe is gone, you say, Democrats will move on to a more attractive candidate, say, Gavin Newsom. Surely, Newsom complicates things? He isn’t old Joe.

Au contaire! Newsom is no less a puppet – a cogent one, but no less than Joe. He has no intentions of “messing with the primal forces of [the establishment].” The moneybags will have their puppet.

Newsom, if he’s the nominee, will end up running a crimped campaign. His record as governor may appeal to California flakes and the bluest of blue precincts elsewhere, but voters who make up the broad middle will be appalled.

But Newsom has to scramble to the center. The establishment knows the game.

It may, and Newsom’s instinct will be to try, unless he has a suicide wish. But how far can Newsom stray from the weird mélange of globalism, woke, and racism that’s become orthodoxy among progressives?

Even if the string-pullers give Newsom wiggle room, he won’t venture to the middle in a void.

Unless they’re entirely lame – and they won’t be – the Trump and Kennedy campaigns will unload on Newsom as he tries to dance toward the middle. Super PACs aligned with Trump and Kennedy will weigh in. And Newsom needs to be made to own Biden’s awful policies and governance. Continue reading

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