Tag Archives: Republicans

Now is the Time to Go All-in on Trump

By Rob Meyne

  • July 17, 2024
  • 4-min read

Many people admire Donald Trump, while many hate him. How can so many presumably intelligent people view something so differently? The answer starts with these questions: what do you value; how much do you care about what happens in the country; how willing are you to express your opinion and listen to that of others; and how much effort do you make to be informed and rely on news sources that are reputable, reliable, and objective?

Do you just listen to MSNBC and read the NYT? Do you have the courage and energy to share your views, listen to others who share theirs, and be willing to learn and persuade in equal measure?

Most people don’t do those things. Many people go through their adult lives without giving ANY serious, objective thought to their values and political beliefs. It is certainly FAR easier to just tune out the information and the noise and quit thinking about it.

EXCEPT that it is the wrong thing for you and your family. And for mine, BTW. Pardon the bluntness, but if YOUR refusal to get engaged, and to get fair and accurate information, leads you to cast a vote that leads to a person getting elected who does things that put us in danger, well… YOUR actions, then, have hurt all of us. THAT is why I have limited patience for people who don’t think about, or learn about, politics.

What happens in this year’s presidential race affects all of us. When you make decisions that are based on inaccurate information, or popular narratives you have heard so often you assume they are true, it can lead to the election of, for example, someone who is pushing for war instead of someone who is an advocate for peace. You and your children could die in such a war. It is startling and shocking that millions of people vote based more on someone’s gender or skin color than on which candidate is more likely to lead us to a nuclear holocaust.

Decisions about politics are unlike most that you make. If you choose to bank at a particular place, vacation at a given place, or attend a specific church, it impacts you and you alone. But, what you do in regard to politics affects us all.

The underlying question is always one of what do you value? Do you place the highest value on freedom, safety, security, diversity, improving education, economic equality, or….what?

For me, freedom is the number one priority. I vote for the person and party that increases freedom, reduces the power of government, and celebrates individuals rather than groups. You may make other choices.

Which leads us to Trump. He did not have to run for president the first time. Or the second. Or now. He is a gazillionaire, married to literally a super model, in good health, and could have played golf and relaxed and helped his kids run their company. Instead, he has gone through hell.

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The Democrats are Proving
They Are a Threat to Democracy

By Anthony Trevlac

  • July 11, 2024
  • 4-min read

I certainly wish we had better choices, in the campaign and among political parties. I suspect most people would agree with that.

Unfortunately, that isn’t the same thing as saying both sides are the same. With respect, anyone who believes Democrat leaders are in a struggle to “save democracy” is asleep at the switch.

They are currently in a cluster f**k panic about how to remove Biden from the ticket, EVEN THOUGH MILLIONS OF PRIMARY VOTERS CHOSE HIM. So much for elections. Certainly, I get it — Biden is a disaster, and our nation is at risk, we are in danger — but a political party that is working hard to replace a candidate chosen by the voters cannot credibly claim they are saving democracy.

They are terrified the election might be left up to an actual vote of the people. There are two major party nominees. The Dems want to ignore the democratic process and put in their own preference.

As we write this, Senate Democrats are meeting privately with White House staff to figure out a way forward. House Dems met earlier this week. They are desperate to save their own political fortunes.

None of that would be needed, of course, if the Administration and mainstream media hadn’t worked diligently to keep you from knowing about Biden’s ineptness and senility. They covered it up. As recently as a month ago, they claimed videos of Biden showing him to be lost and confused were fraudulent. Suddenly, Dem leaders must admit it because Biden’s horrible mental and physical health was on full display in the debate. They can no longer deny it.

For years we have been governed by an unelected cabal that runs the country because the person who was elected president is non compos mentis. He is not mentally capable of functioning at the level needed to run the nation.

It is astonishing that not one prominent Democratic leader has made the point that Biden’s senility is a threat to the nation. Not one. ALL the discussion from the Democratic elite has been about how this crisis affects their chances of beating Trump and of winning House and Senate seats.

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When We Remain Silent, the Bad Guys Win

By Rob Meyne

  • July 4, 2024
  • 4-min read

A lot of people simply don’t want to discuss politics. You most certainly have that right. But it is sad when people don’t have opinions or don’t have the courage to own them.

Our nation was designed with the expectation our citizens will be informed, have opinions, and share them. The Federalist papers laid the foundation for a new government largely because average people read them. Those publications were designed to inform and influence, and it worked.

Public opinion, that is freely expressed and respected, is supposed to be a part of the process. The people who sacrificed to create this nation were counting on us to care enough about it to speak up.

If you have strong opinions, but remain interested in what others have to say, sometimes you learn something and maybe even change your mind. That’s a good thing.

The regime, the political and corporate elites, are not interested in hearing our opinions and don’t want us to be informed. They go to great lengths to prevent it.

We have learned, over the past several years, appalling details about how the government has censored truthful stories and individual opinions in the past several years. COVID, Hunter’s laptop, and Biden’s incapacity are three examples. Biden’s ineptitude and disfunction is arguably the most important scandal in our history.

It has become increasingly evident the president isn’t mentally or physically up to the job. White House aides are saying things like “He’s pretty focused between 10 AM and 4 PM.” Terrific. So… if there is an emergency, we’re counting on it not happening in the other eighteen hours in the day? Really?

Major media figures, the White House staff, and Democrat leadership have all known, for years, Biden is deteriorating. Did even one of them put the good of the country ahead of their political or personal interests? Did anyone say, “we have a problem?” No. They don’t care about you or your family.

Nearly the entirety of the mainstream media and Democrat leadership have colluded for years to keep you from knowing of Biden’s senescence. We have been kept in the dark and the executive branch of our government has been run, not by the president, but by people like Ron Klain, Jill Biden, Barack Obama, Susan Rice, and more. Not one of them is an elected official, but they have taken over the president’s functions. If this doesn’t prove to you how much disdain they have for America, I can’t help you.

Clearly, the people in power do not want you to be informed. They know Biden can’t handle the job, but they like theirs, so they lie to us. They say he is fine. Well, until they don’t.

The more they prevaricate, the more I want to know what it is that THEY don’t want us to know. That alone is reason enough for me to WANT TO be informed. And to speak out. Part of this may just be stubbornness or a contrarian tendency, but if it leads us to the right place, so be it.

If people and organizations like Jill Biden, Hunter, Barack Obama, the NYT, Washington Post, Schumer, Pelosi, Tony Fauci, or Jen Psaki don’t want us to have certain information, it makes it even more important that we do. If they don’t want you to know it, it proves it is important. Every time.

Their track record isn’t good. They don’t want us to know the truth.

Moreover, it isn’t just Democrats or Biden. If Mitch McConnell told me the world is round, I’d check with someone else to confirm it.

It is up to you. Every day you don’t dig a little deeper into a story, or check its accuracy, and exhibit a little curiosity, you help the people who threaten America. When you accept the prevailing “narrative,” you help your adversaries. They want themselves to be richer and more powerful, not you and your family.

Then, when you know the truth, speak up. Ask someone first why they believe what they do. Try to learn from them. Try to understand them. Don’t be afraid to learn you were wrong. For my part, I LOVE it when I find out I am wrong. My goal isn’t to win arguments; it is to learn and promote the truth for the good of my country.

Then maybe they’ll listen to you. And maybe you’ll find that many of us still have a lot in common. Our elite want us at odds with each other. But most of us have a lot in common. Focus on our similarities and minimize our differences.

An old friend and mentor, a former state Republican chair, had a bit of a change in attitude as he grew older. He grew more suspicious of big corporations and their leaders. He was already filled with disdain for career politicians and political grifters. But he saw that the political and corporate elite share a disdain for you and me, and do not work in our best interests. He saw evil and destructive intent where I didn’t yet, and he fully understood the risk they pose.

I wish he was still around so I could tell him “I get it. Thanks for showing the way.”

I hope we can preserve the nation he loved so much.

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What the Elites Don’t Want You to Say about Trump’s Conviction

Per the dictates of corporate media and sober establishment Republicans, I’ll refrain from declaring Trump’s conviction worthy of a Cuban or Venezuelan or even a Columbian court. You know, Columbia, where that paragon of virtue, presiding Judge Juan Marchan, hails from. Oh, heavens, perish the thought that Marchan’s querida hija, an equally virtuous Democrat stalwart, isn’t mining the Trump indictment and conviction for all the loot she can haul off. And roly-poly Alvin Bragg isn’t in cahoots with Biden’s Justice Department. The Number Three guy at DoJ, Mathew Colangelo, left his gig to join Bragg’s prosecution team just to help a little.

Democrat jurors in a Democrat run courtroom in deep blue Manhattan rendered fair and impartial justice. Trump deserved conviction. He poses an ‘existential threat” to our overlords’ grip on power. A Trump win this autumn is ominous for elites and us, their minions.

Imagine an America without the Biden administration? What would happen to the economy, the border, crime? Cities would go all Clockwork Orange. Without the establishment, neocons righteous quest for war with Russia – and put up your dukes, China and Iran – would come to naught. How would the military-industrial complex survive? Perhaps a big, beautiful war with Russia will be the marvelous October late summer surprise we’re awaiting?

We mustn’t question anything about the Trump verdict. Think that good Chinese and Russian citizens question court verdicts? Just send Bragg a baker’s dozen Dunkin’ Donuts and celebrate the rule of law, as splendid Republican defenders of order insist we do. Trump’s sentencing? Why, pure coincidence that it’s happening four days before the Republican National Convention kicks off in Milwaukee.

We won’t dis Trump’s conviction anyway, anyhow. What we’ll say is that the days ahead look full of tropical storms gathering force and merging into a helluva hurricane. Battening down the hatches ain’t gonna be good enough.

Why is worse coming? As we’ve learned over the last, bitter nine years, the clash isn’t so much between two Americas. The preeminent fight is elites versus most of the rest of us. The elite are a tawdry mix of cynics who want power for profit and Jacobins whose neurotic obsession is to remake our lives, right down to what we say, eat, and do. They won’t be satisfied until we’re ant farm drudges.

You might believe that convicting Trump in a show trial was the worst. Yet, on July 11 at Trump’s sentencing, what happens if 45 is forced to appear Marchan’s circus wearing an orange jumpsuit and cuffs? You know Marchan is salivating like Biden with a triple scoop ice cream cone in hand to do just that. Yes, Trump’s appeals will forego imprisonment for a time.

If that spectacle doesn’t tank Trump’s poll numbers – his conviction has failed to dent his numbers so far – elites’ heads will detonate sometime thereafter. If their best punches aren’t bringing him down, what will?

What will is the big question. How desperate will elites get, to what extreme are they willing to go? Tucker Carlson has said he thinks Trump’s life is endanger. Trump and his Secret Service detail always have to contend with haters and lunatics who want him dead. But what about the establishment? If lawfare fails. If election rigging fails. How far is the establishment willing to go to stop Trump? It’s a sobering thought. Unfortunately, today we have to wonder.

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Their Ways are Intimidation and Violence

By J Robert Smith

  • June 2, 2024
  • 3-min read

After Donald Trump’s sham conviction last week, South Carolina Congressman Benny Thompson (D) introduced legislation to pull Secret Service protection from Trump. Thompson, the chair of the defuncted J6 inquisition, couldn’t have done so without knowing the consequences. Nor were Biden’s handlers ignorant of the consequences when they denied RFK Jr.’s requests for protection. Nor did Biden’s White House not know what could happen when security was shorted at conservative Supreme Court justices’ homes after Roe v. Wade was overturned. Thompson knows that without Secret Service protection, Trump’s life is endangered. Even with private security, Trump’s risk increases.

Trump is the target of every left-wing hater and lunatic across the country. That hellish lot make up an indispensable Democrat constituency. From that pool are the ones eager to break things and hurt people. Of course, Trump can afford private security. But not in prison, where an in-your-face hack Democrat masquerading as a judge – Juan Marchan – plans to sentence Trump. That sentencing will occur on July 11, just days before the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee. No bare-knuckled politics to see here, so move on.

But, heaven forbid, if Trump was attacked and his private security had to dispatch the attacker(s). It better happen in Florida or another red state. Otherwise, a Democrat hatchet man dressed up like a DA would indict Trump for murder. Do you really think that’s an exaggeration?

Thompson is a member of the Democrat minority in the U.S. House. His legislation won’t gain traction. The ballast we call House Republicans is good for at least inertia. But his legislation is more than window dressing. When Trump is sentenced, expect Thompson to make a full-throated call to withdraw protection. Thompson’s voice won’t be a voice in the wilderness. Since Democrats coordinate their hit jobs, Democrats and corporate media will manufacture an outcry.

Remember, prisons are convenient places to have troublesome people killed.

As if on cue, Profiles in Courage Republicans will mostly keep silent. Some will stand at podiums to beclown themselves by claiming that while Trump’s conviction is a bitter pill, we must abide by the rule of law – as if that transparently fraudulent proceeding in Manhattan wasn’t a good, old-fashioned fix. Who’s worse, the perpetrators of this injustice or their enablers?

But don’t dare publicly question the Trump trial or conviction. As Mike Benz (Foundation for Freedom Online) stated at X, “we’re at the stage where the system just straight-up tells you you can’t question the system.”

You have to hand it to the DC establishment, which at its heart is that bundle of intelligence and security bureaucracies who Schumer, Jefferies, and Pelosi bend knees to – and RINOs fear. They’ve received only scattered pushback for their crimes. The giant hasn’t been wakened yet, and that giant is the American majority – decent, hardworking, God-fearing, family and country loving Americans.

What’s the necessary pushback from our side? As conservative wags like Sean Davis have suggested at X, it’s time for red state DAs to begin indicting Democrats and Deep Staters for legitimate crimes. No need to twist the law as Democrats have done to indict Trump and others. Legit indictments for legit crimes.

Then, as Mike Benz suggests, red states need to become sanctuary states for freedom’s friends. That is, red states need to provide safe haven to liberty stalwarts who are targeted for malicious prosecution or other destruction in blue states.

Finally, support Trump. Yes, a financial contribution helps – whatever you can afford. The Trump campaign smashed records raising more money in the 24 hours following his sham conviction than any other presidential campaign has done in a 24-hour period. Give what you can. Money is critical.

Talk to family and friends who are willing to listen. If the DC establishment swipes the ’24 presidential election, it will brazenly double down shutting down our rights, starting with our 1st Amendment rights to free speech and peaceful assembly. Become ambassadors for Trump’s election. Never surrender. We are the majority. Working together, we will prevail.

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Let’s Skip Ousting Mike Johnson …
For Now

By J Robert Smith

  • April 22, 2024
  • 5-min read

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has been joined by two of her House Republican colleagues in calling for Speaker Mike Johnson’s ouster. These three have ample cause. But when – not if – Johnson is booted matters. Trump wants Johnson to stay, saying, “I stand with the speaker, we’ve had a very good relationship.” Lindsey Graham claims Trump helped win Ukraine funding. But after the elections are over, Trump needs to ditch Johnson. The speaker has all the signs of being another Paul Ryan.

As conservative activist Ned Ryun remarked about Johnson last Sunday on X:

“I say this as an evangelical: this guy is one of the worst combinations you can ever have in politics. A smarmy evangelical who bends to the will of Democrats and the administrative state. And thinks he’s righteous in doing so.”

Last Saturday, the U.S. House, led by Speaker Johnson, committed an outrage. House Democrats and Republicans passed a stand-alone $60.8 billion funding bill for Ukraine, though there’s a carve out to “replenish [U.S.] weapons and stocks.” There’s also $13.8 billion for “advanced weapons systems.” The defense industry must get its kickbacks.

To flaunt their victory, uniparty members waved little Ukrainian flags on the House floor.

Despite Johnson’s oft-stated concerns for border security, not a penny was approved to stop the illegals deluge. Johnson’s words are meaningless. His actions speak volumes.

The uniparty’s display was one of defiance. Such congressional brazenness might be a first for the Republic. Democrats and a Republican faction showcased their contempt for the people’s will. Their votes were a statement. They’re jobs are to promote establishment interests. Those interests? A crass drive for money.

Mike Benz, a former State Department cyber security expert and analyst stated at X:

“Ukraine “Aid” & The Blob Uniparty: it ain’t about ideology, it ain’t about democracy — it’s strictly business.”

Benz offers a deeper dive about “The Blob” in his February 16 interview with Tucker Carlson.

Despite Marjorie Taylor Green’s very public attacks on Johnson, he isn’t going anywhere. Only one member of the GOP caucus is needed to cause the speaker’s chair to be vacated. Removing Johnson now and starting another speaker’s election – surely contentious and protracted – may satisfy a political blood lust but would make all sorts of trouble as election season kicks into higher gear. It’s trouble for Trump on his flank. Trump is picking his way through a perilous minefield as is.

Booting Johnson for his weak-kneed leadership risks more defections by establishment Republicans. Given the one-seat margin House Republicans enjoy, it wouldn’t take a RINO stampede out to flip the lower chamber to Hakheem Jefferies. If you don’t think Jeffries and his collection of statists, America haters, and cultural degenerates would make worse legislation on a broader range of issues, think again.

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How Dark Money Could Harm Trump in 2024

By J Robert Smith

  • Nov. 21, 2023
  • 2-min read

Pennsylvania just had off-year elections. They weren’t for high-profile offices. That made them un-sexy. But the results of those contests offer clear warning shots for Trump and Republicans in 2024.

A state supreme court seat was filled along slews of lesser judgeships. County offices and school boards in some places were filled, too.

The Democrats did well, too well. Much of that is attributable to “dark money.” That’s money from sources where the donors are generally anonymous. Dark money involves a lot of big dollar contributors (as in multimillionaires and billionaires) giving huge chunks of cash to national groups who, in turn, target contests in states. The money is used not only to boost Democrat – most often “progressive” – candidates, but to run negative campaigns against Republicans.

This November in Pennsylvania, dark money made significant differences in contests that most voters pay scant attention to. Yet, the mostly local offices targeted serve as building blocks for bigger offices. They’re foundational, so critical in their ways.

If Trump and Republicans aren’t fretting now about what dark money means in statewide and larger district races in 2024 (legislative, governorships, attorneys general, secretaries of state, state treasurers, Congress, and last but hardly least, the presidency), they better start fretting and figuring out ways to raise money to counter this onslaught of rich progressives across the country … accomplished people who don’t hesitate to stroke big checks that are funneled through progressive groups to win elections.

To that end, it’s best to read Matthew Brouillette’s article at Real Clear Wire, Democrat’s National Dark Money Machine Dominates PA Elections.

Even if you don’t live in PA or give much of a damn about what happens there, what is happening there is happening – or will happen – in your state.

Here’s one pull from Brouillette’s piece that sums up the danger. In the statewide contest for a seat on the PA Supreme Court:

The media howls about outside money or individual Pennsylvanians engaging on behalf of Republicans but largely turns a blind eye to special interests bankrolling Democrats. With final spending reports still coming in, nearly 95% of McCaffery’s [pro-abortion Democrat nominee] funding came from unions, trial lawyers, other special interests, and dark-money groups.

Dark money, along with tactics (put charitably) to identify and harvest ballots, made the difference in battleground states in 2020. Trump lost those states – including Pennsylvania – by razor thin margins.

History can repeat itself if Trump and Republicans fail to fully appreciate the dark money threat and put in place strong countermeasures today.

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Two Fools: Tlaib and Graham

By J Robert Smith

  • Oct. 16, 2023
  • 4-min read

Last week, after Hamas attacked Israeli civilians, welcomed words of sympathy and support poured forth for Israel from Americans. Prominent Americans doing so included politicians, of course, though a good many Democrats were mute. Their quiet was reminiscent of 2020, when BLM and Antifa stoked “George Floyd” riots ran riot in Democrat-run cities. Silence is a form of consent.

Some, like Rashida Tlaib, a Detroit congresswoman – and notoriously, vehemently anti-Israel – couldn’t bring herself to answer a simple question from Fox News reporter Hillary Vaughn about those valiant Hamas terrorists butchering Israeli infants. Why, a five-year-old would have had no difficulty condemning such an act. But for Tlaib, judging by her silence, the question was fraught with circuit-overloading complexity. Or maybe it was just a case of quiet approval?

In the last couple of days, under withering criticism – and a possible House censure vote – Tlaib is backpedaling. But, heck, we kinda really knew where her heart is, and it ain’t with dead innocent Jews.

We had no trouble anticipating how Tlaib, Omar, AOC – and the other fools who make up the ridiculous Squad – would react to Hamas atrocities. Nor did we expect neocons – of a GOP stripe – to respond in any other way than calling for war.

Mind you, the Israelis have never asked the U.S. to fight it’s wars. They’ve asked for the means to fight, which we’ve gladly provided, but not for American boots on the ground. The military industrial complex isn’t complaining. Arms sales are profit. Israel eviscerating Hamas is a good and necessary thing, no question. American support is a plus.

But arm sales or not, neocons want in on the action. That would be young Americans dying in a conflict somewhere. Since Iran backs Hamas – financially, with weapons, and training – they’re focusing on warring with Iran.

The biggest mouth among the neocons – South Carolina Republican senator Lindsey Graham – wants war with Iran; he’s blustering about it a lot. War – any war, anywhere – is his default position, actually. Rev up the tanks and let the missiles fly, be that toward Russia, China, Iran, or fill in the blank. Graham is open to suggestions.

Not getting a major war with Russia – to date, anyway – has frustrated neocons in both parties. Hillary Clinton and Democrats have had a weird Russia obsession for nearly a decade. The sinister Russians have been the cause of everything bad in the Democrats universe, they bleat incessantly. The reptilian Hillary lost the presidency in 2016 because Donald Trump colluded with Vlad Putin. Yeah, and aliens want to abduct Bill and Hillary. Maybe little green men are conspiring with Putin, too?

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Two Reasons Why the Red Wave Wasn’t… and What Republicans can do about It

By J Robert Smith

  • Nov. 24, 2022
  • 3-min read

There’s more than a couple of reasons why the expected Red Wave didn’t happen. Here, we’re referring specifically to congressional elections. But there are two reasons that aren’t very sexy but most definitely blunted Republican gains. One is early voting and mail-in balloting.

The second, which pertains to U.S. House contests, is redistricting. Republicans actually won about 6 million more votes in House elections in 2022 than did Democrats. The trouble was that district lines were drawn in such ways that diluted GOP strengths.

Redistricting is mandated by the U.S. Constitution. It isn’t a sexy topic. In fact, it’s sort of wonky, but in redrawing U.S. House district lines in 2021, Republicans were either out maneuvered by Democrats or victims of “redistricting commissions.” That depends on how states decide the every ten years reapportionment of House seats. Democrats were definitely aggressive in New York and New Mexico, drawing lines that lopsidedly favored them. Surprisingly, the New York Supreme Court struck down the Democrats’ grossly gerrymandered map, replacing it with a map that actually allowed Republicans to gain seats. No such thing happened in New Mexico, where Democrats drew lines that cost the GOP the one seat it held.

We can add that the U.S. Census, which was conducted in 2020, undercounted population gains in some red states, while overcounting population in some blue states. That’s more than a little suspicious.

There’s no point into getting deep into the weeds about redistricting. The next round of redistricting happens in 2030, though the U.S. Supreme Court will hear a Civil Rights case about Alabama’s lines being racially discriminatory in early 2023. Nonetheless, the cake is baked.

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2022 Midterms: No Stink on the Republican Establishment?

By J Robert Smith

  • Nov. 13, 2022
  • 1-min read

Attacks on Donald Trump have begun in the aftermath of the midterm elections. We should have set our watches. Washington’s Republican establishment is pushing the line that the GOP’s underperformance in the midterms is “100%” Trump’s fault. Of course, there’s no stink on D.C. Republicans — not Kevin McCarthy, not Mitch McConnell, not Ronna McDaniel, not Tom Emmer (chairman, RNCC), not GOP consultants and pollsters… Not on any Republican who hangs out at the Capitol Hill Club.

Conservatives shouldn’t be goaded into a Trump versus DeSantis fight. Trump and DeSantis shouldn’t permit themselves to be baited, either. It’s so transparent, it’s laughable. That’s exactly what the establishment is trying. Washington Republicans don’t intend to just knock out Trump, but split conservatives. Is that rank odor wafting through the air from Karl Rove and Jeb! lurking behind the curtains?

Read the full article at American Thinker. Follow this link. Thanks.

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