Monthly Archives: September 2021

Leftists Are Trying to Redefine Racism

Fighting Racism Sets Us All Free

Many on the left want to atone for past racism by expanding today’s racism

Rob Meyne

  • Sept. 30, 2021
  • 2-min read

Part One

If you believe people should be treated the same regardless of race, you are not racist. Period. Racists treat people differently because of race. You may treat some better, others worse, but disparate treatment of others based on race is racism. It is that simple.
A familiar guideline is the Golden Rule, a nugget of wisdom that appears in many cultures. It is probably best known today as a biblical reference. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

If the above seems obvious, you are a reasonable person.

None of that suggests we are incapable of improving. No one acts impeccably. We make mistakes and often don’t live up to our own standards. But the suggestion that all white people are racist, that we can’t be “saved,” and our nation has to be fundamentally rebuilt is dangerous tripe.


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Democrats Are Officially America’s Socialist Party

Rob Meyne

  • Sept. 21, 2021
  • 3-min read

I am repeatedly astounded by the hatred that is spouted by the left on a regular basis. Leftists, anti-Trumpers, and the media (but I repeat myself) are the best examples extant of political “projection,” the tendency to accuse others of that which you are doing.

There is hypocrisy all around. True enough. That said, one party is in charge of the federal government. It shows no actual interest in bipartisanship. Its main tenets are based on lies or exaggerations. And the bile and corruption from people in charge is more damaging than from those who are on the sidelines. A bad decision by the quarterback on the field does more damage than anything done by the back-up sitting on the bench.

I wish we had better choices. I am not in love with the Republican Party, either. But politics is about dealing with the world as it is. The greatest so
urce of vitriol and hate currently is the left. And it isn’t even close.

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Fascism at the Tip of a Needle

J Robert Smith

  • Sept. 11, 2021
  • 2-min read

When Joe Biden and liars generally say, “This isn’t about (fill in the blank),” it’s invariably about the very thing they claim it isn’t about. Case in point, Biden’s assertion that his dictum mandating vaccinations for federal workers, federal contractors, and private enterprises with a hundred or more employees “is not about freedom and personal choice.”

We need to thank our marionette president for flagging the truth with his disclaimer. Forcing vaccinations on an estimated 80 million citizens through executive fiat is very much about robbing them of their ability to decide what’s best for their health. Doing so by compelling larger businesses to make employees vaccinate (or lose their jobs) is, well, the stuff of creeping fascism, which Ronald Reagan famously warned would come in the guise of liberalism if it came to the U.S.

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On 9/11, Vote No
Confidence In Joe Biden

J Robert Smith

  • Sept. 10, 2021
  • 1-min read

The 20th anniversary of 9/11 falls tomorrow. Joe Biden’s abject surrender in Afghanistan led to the deaths of U.S. soldiers and a lot of innocents. Biden needs to be held strictly accountable for his abominable leadership (if you care to call it that).

Here are excerpts from my latest at American Thinker:

On Thursday, August 26, Joe Biden made a contribution to the terror war… against us. On that infamous day, a suicide bomber attacked the Kabul airport, killing 13 U.S. soldiers and at least 170 Afghanis. How many of the dead Afghanis were American citizens is unreported. The deaths didn’t have to happen. Joe Biden made them happen.

Subsequent to the terror attack, in a televised address, Biden brazenly declared what an “extraordinary success” his cut-and-run was from Afghanistan. Only in the morally upside-down world of progressives and jaded D.C. players can ignominy, disaster, and deaths of innocents be the stuff of a victory lap.

(You can read the full article here.)

The men and women (among them first responders) who died on 9/11 and America’s fighting men and women who’ve since surrendered their lives to defeat the Islamic terrorist menace deserve far better from a president. These braves souls didn’t die in vain. They and we the living deserve far, far better from a commander-in-chief than the cut-and-run that Biden gave us in Afghanistan. God bless America.


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Calling America a Cult Is Useful for Leftists and Anti-Trumpers


  • Sept. 6, 2021
  • 2-min read

The nature of politics is that people don’t always have to answer for their actions and mistakes. Same goes for life in general. That’s probably a good thing. Count me among those who wouldn’t look forward to such an exercise, at least not in a terrestrial environment. I expect to be held accountable in the next life, but if I can skate for a while, in this one, cool.

Yet, it is frustrating that few significant political actors are held accountable for their roles in putting people in office who then damage the country. It is easy to vote for someone who ends up being a disaster and avoid accountability simply by staying out of relevant discussions. If you are a Jets fan you probably didn’t start a lot of discussions about football last year.


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Biden’s Unspoken Aim:
Demoralize Americans

J Robert Smith

  • Sept. 2, 2021
  • 1-min read

If you haven’t had a chance to catch my latest article at American Thinker, the link is below. Here are excerpts:

If you take the time to piece together the puzzle, you begin to see a very disturbing picture. In seven short months, the Biden administration hasn’t only, via policy and executive decisions, precipitated a dire crisis on the U.S. southern border and an unforced debacle in Afghanistan — the latter with dark strategic implications vis-à-vis the PRC, Russia, Iran, and North Korea, along with an anticipated resurgence in terrorism but appears to seek to break the American spirit.

The picture emerging strongly suggests that demoralizing Americans isn’t merely a consequence of bad policies, poor decision-making, and incompetence.

We know this: control requires submission. Saul Alinsky summed up the argument for demoralization to achieve control: “Rule 3: Whenever possible, go outside the experience of an opponent. Here you want to cause confusion, fear, and retreat.”

And this:

Which brings us back to a people’s submission. That’s indeed a goal of the elites who underwrite the Democratic Party, the left that provides votes and muscle, and the establishment players who profit from it. It’s easier to conquer the downtrodden.

Whether or not this sinister Biden-fronted coalition succeeds is in our hands — the hands of tens of millions of patriotic Americans. Our spirits can only break if we allow it. Unbroken, we can — we must — defeat this gathering tyranny.

My latest at American Thinker can be found here.


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