Category Archives: Anthony Trevlac

If Harris and Walz Win, You Lose.
It is That Simple.

By Anthony Trevlac

  • Aug. 11, 2024
  • 4-min read

For those who pay close attention to public affairs, global or domestic, the quadrennial search for a new president is frustrating.

It is certain that huge majorities of people will vote without knowing very much about the challenges we face or about the people running, I have friends who say they don’t follow the news or the campaign, but are very certain they will never vote for Trump.

Really? You don’t even know what is at stake, the facts, or the records of the candidates, but you are certain of your decision? That doesn’t make sense. It isn’t logical to say BOTH that you don’t know much AND that you are certain for whom you will vote. It makes as much sense as your doctor saying they won’t examine you but are confident they have the right diagnosis.

We have a chance to vote for one of two people who have track records. This SHOULD be among the easiest voting decisions we’ve ever seen. Was the nation better off under Trump or under Harris & Biden? That will tell you how to vote.

Harris and Walz are the most socialist/leftist pair to ever seek our nation’s highest offices, and it isn’t even close. But they are running hard from their records and don’t even want you to know what they believe. Of course, Harris has been VP, and they say she was part of every action the Biden White House has taken, so she owns their dismal record. But, the good news is that, if you want to vote for a guy who signed a law requiring tampons to be available in boys restrooms, you’ve got your chance, because Walz did just that.

The addition of Walz to the ticket confirms they think they can win by relying on identity politics and socialist/leftist policies. Maybe they can.

The Dems are presenting a marketing campaign, not a political campaign. They don’t even PRETEND to care about issues. And it has never been so clear.

Gov. Walz is a sign that the antisemitic cohort of the Democrat Party is in charge. Walz sucks up to the radical Islamists in MN and elsewhere. He has repeatedly hosted a MN cleric who celebrated the Oct. 7 attacks. That is the Dem choice for VP. He has explained that free speech guarantees don’t apply to hate speech and misinformation. Well… of course they do. The First Amendment was designed, specifically, to apply to free political speech that you don’t like. The Dem leaders are now saying, openly, that First Amendment protections do NOT apply to speech they don’t like.

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Americans Led the Fight Against Global Slavery

By Anthony Trevlac

  • Aug. 4, 2024
  • 3-min read

Elon Musk is a giant of common sense, facts, and free speech. He may have done more, by purchasing Twitter, to protect free speech than anyone alive. His courage and comments displayed in this interview with the hapless and clueless Don Lemon are spot on.

The left’s power depends on as many of us as possible feeling victimized and powerless. They say very little positive about America and do everything they can to divide us.

Most conservative Americans don’t look at other people primarily in terms of race or sex. Most leading Democrats do. They have invented this horseshit fiction called “white privilege,” which is itself a racist and bigoted view. It makes no sense to say all Black people are inferior or that all white people are privileged. We are a nation of individuals, not groups. If a ton of people in one group do not have the same economic resources, we should spend our efforts rooting out the causes rather than constantly using race as an excuse.

But, our leaders know it is easier to blame racism for our problems than it is to courageously admit we don’t yet have all the answers. It is far easier to blame others than to admit you don’t have the answers.

Give us equal opportunity and let us live our lives. We will never become less racist by embracing policies that are racist, like intersectionality. Many in education today teach people that certain groups are denied full access to our opportunities and resources. That is simply a lie. No federal or state laws deny benefits or employment to Black people or Hispanics or Asians or anyone else.

White Americans are not the most successful or richest cohort. Not even close. Look it up and you will see that various groups with Asian heritage are far and away the most “privileged.” If we care about people, we should be looking at what makes anyone successful and promote those policies. Anyone who just assumes whites are privileged and the source of all racism are just intellectually dishonest or ignorant.

The fact that some groups underperform others is the result of an infinitely complex set of circumstances, and we should address them as we can. But, unlike what Critical Race Theory maintains, unequal results are not proof of racism. It isn’t that simple.

The goal of the American experience has NEVER been to guarantee everyone will end up in the same place, as Kamala Harris advocates, but to make sure they all have equal opportunities. It is a hugely important, fundamental distinction. Equity means equal outcomes, based on groups. It is the opposite of equal opportunity. The Biden Administration, from Day One, turned its back on equal opportunity and embraced equity, literally through an Executive Order the day he was inaugurated. (It was between 10 AM and 4 PM, so he was still awake.)

When you spend all your time looking for reasons to think America is racist, you will find them. If you look for reasons to think we are irritable, fat, mean, or rude you will find them, too.

That is exactly what we should not do. We should spend our time focusing on what is good and decent and loving. You are controlled by your dominant thoughts. If you think you will be happy, successful, and strong, you will be.

As far as slavery goes… every cohort in America has ancestors that were slaves, if you go back far enough. White people have been slaves. So have Asians, Blacks, you name it. Some Black people, even in America, owned slaves. Most of the slave trade from Africa did NOT come to America. The thing that is unique about America is the effort we made to stop slavery, not propagate it.

Slavery was a human scourge, not a uniquely American one. America was one of the earliest nations to end slavery and outlaw the slave trade. We should celebrate the fact that we fought a war to get rid of it. We should look to the future united as brothers who celebrate our mutual freedom and individuality.
When a person needs a hand, we should offer it because they are human. The issue should not be the amount of melanin in their skin, their affiliation with an “underserved” community, or their chromosomes.

If you agree with that, you have one and only one presidential candidate to vote for this year. Pick a lane.

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The Democrats are Proving
They Are a Threat to Democracy

By Anthony Trevlac

  • July 11, 2024
  • 4-min read

I certainly wish we had better choices, in the campaign and among political parties. I suspect most people would agree with that.

Unfortunately, that isn’t the same thing as saying both sides are the same. With respect, anyone who believes Democrat leaders are in a struggle to “save democracy” is asleep at the switch.

They are currently in a cluster f**k panic about how to remove Biden from the ticket, EVEN THOUGH MILLIONS OF PRIMARY VOTERS CHOSE HIM. So much for elections. Certainly, I get it — Biden is a disaster, and our nation is at risk, we are in danger — but a political party that is working hard to replace a candidate chosen by the voters cannot credibly claim they are saving democracy.

They are terrified the election might be left up to an actual vote of the people. There are two major party nominees. The Dems want to ignore the democratic process and put in their own preference.

As we write this, Senate Democrats are meeting privately with White House staff to figure out a way forward. House Dems met earlier this week. They are desperate to save their own political fortunes.

None of that would be needed, of course, if the Administration and mainstream media hadn’t worked diligently to keep you from knowing about Biden’s ineptness and senility. They covered it up. As recently as a month ago, they claimed videos of Biden showing him to be lost and confused were fraudulent. Suddenly, Dem leaders must admit it because Biden’s horrible mental and physical health was on full display in the debate. They can no longer deny it.

For years we have been governed by an unelected cabal that runs the country because the person who was elected president is non compos mentis. He is not mentally capable of functioning at the level needed to run the nation.

It is astonishing that not one prominent Democratic leader has made the point that Biden’s senility is a threat to the nation. Not one. ALL the discussion from the Democratic elite has been about how this crisis affects their chances of beating Trump and of winning House and Senate seats.

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The Rubicon Has Been Crossed

It was a bad day for America. Never has a former American president been convicted of a crime.

You can say it is because no one has ever been as despicable as Trump; or you can say no administration has been as unethical as Biden’s; or you can assume some combination of both. In no case is it a good thing for the country.

The Rubicon has been crossed. Once a precedent has been established, it can never go away. In the future, sadly, it may be commonplace for American presidents to use the courts to go after their opponents. Biden is the first to do so but will probably not be the last.

No one has ever been charged with a felony under these circumstances. To review, the FEC looked at Trump’s non-disclosure agreement with Daniels and decided not to get involved. In New York, business record violations of the kind they alleged are misdemeanors and the statute of limitations had run its course. The state had taken a pass as well. The DOJ looked at it and took a pass. Even Bragg himself had previously declined to prosecute.

Then, after running on a promise to prosecute Trump, and with resources and encouragement from Biden, Bragg reversed course and decided he would prosecute Trump for a felony. But he had to invent a category of crime to do so. He was able to charge Trump with felonies by claiming he misreported a non-disclosure agreement as a legal expense, and that it was used to cover up another crime. But… no other crime was proven or even alleged.

With us so far? Then, the judge said the jury does not have to be unanimous. WTF? He said they can agree he committed a felony, and convict him, without agreeing on the details.

That is akin to a judge saying you could be convicted of theft even if the jurors don’t agree on what was stolen. If this sounds like an unethical way to run a court, and probably an unconstitutional one, it is.

For comparison, Hillary, aka “The Hildebeast,” was fined for misreporting campaign expenses. She funded development of bogus opposition research. A foreign national, Christopher Steele, was paid to put together a memo describing alleged ties and activities involving Trump and Russia. It was made up, and completely unverified. Not one bit of it was proven to be true.

Yet, it was used as the basis for beginning a federal investigation into Trump’s supposed Russian links, to justify the FBI spying on the Trump campaign, and to launch the Robert Mueller investigation, at a cost of about 40 million of your dollars, which resulted in zero Russia-related charges.
The Clinton campaign reported the project as legal expenses. The money was funneled through their law firm and then paid to Steele. For this, Clinton paid a fine.
The non-disclosure agreement between Trump and Stormy Daniels, of course, did not involve campaign funds or expenses. Non-disclosure agreements are a normal part of life, common in business, perfectly legal, and not unique to a person running for office.

It requires willful ignorance not to recognize the double standard and intent to weaponize our judicial system. But the goal of the leftist fascists now pulling Biden’s strings was to find a way to call Trump a felon. So, they alleged a bogus crime, forbade testimony from subject matter experts on election law, allowed witnesses hostile to Trump to talk about things unrelated to the issue at hand, and gave the jury instructions that they need not be unanimous in their opinions.
Every word of Stormy Daniel’s testimony was irrelevant. Whether they had sex, under what circumstances, if she was paid or just offered it for free, and every other sordid detail had nothing to do with the reporting of business expenses. But it made Trump look bad, so they allowed it. They threw the concepts of justice and constitutional rights out the window.

The case will likely be reversed on appeal, possibly by the Supreme Court, but the damage has been done.

ALL you need to know to affirm Biden’s corruption is this: the Biden DOJ’s third-highest ranking official was sent to prosecute it. He left one of the three highest-profile legal job in America to handle a state prosecution. Why would you do that, other than to ingratiate yourself to the partisan president you serve? Right. You wouldn’t. There is no other reason.

Team Biden thinks we are so uninformed, and so gullible, that we either don’t know that or don’t care. In fact, the left’s hope for winning in 2024 depends on a huge swath of Americans not being informed, not caring, or simply hating Trump so much they don’t care about Biden’s corruption.

Recall that the FBI said Hillary could have been prosecuted for espionage, mishandling sensitive information. But given the chance, Trump chose not to. He thought it would be wrong to go after a political opponent, even though they were probably guilty of a crime.
Trump cared more about the nation than about revenge. Biden does not.

The Dems want you to be afraid of Trump because he is a threat to expose their own corruption. Yet it is only Trump who has demonstrated restraint in using the courts for political purposes. Biden is more than happy to do so. Biden’s conduct is more appropriate for Tony Soprano than for a president.

Recently, when asked about getting revenge, just after his conviction, Trump said he would not use the justice system to put his opponents away, saying, “No, it has to stop.”

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Biden’s Failings Make Trump Look Like A Saint

By Anthony Trevlac

  • May 24, 2024
  • 3 min read

One of the saddest and least accurate themes you hear from Dems/anti-Trumpers/Dem Socialists is that Trump is somehow uniquely despicable. As any reasonable person knows, all human beings are flawed. And Trump is often unkind in his comments and takes on unnecessary arguments. There is much about him I do not like.

The key, though, is that America was much better off under Trump if you look at metrics involving things like inflation, war, crime, drug deaths, and the open border. Trump haters, though, don’t like to talk about issues, because they know Biden’s record is indefensible. So, they tend to claim Trump is just a foul person, as if Biden isn’t.

The argument, essentially, is that Biden may be pushing us toward nuclear war, but Trump is mean, and we don’t like his tweets. Somehow, they look at this situation and conclude they should vote for Biden.

Trump’s faults would be more meaningful and persuasive IF his main opponent was better. He is not. You can admit it, or you can be willfully ignorant, your choice, but Biden is provably immoral and detestable. Plus, the evidence is overwhelming that he and his family have received many millions in direct payoffs from our foreign adversaries.

The House of Representatives has already documented – proven – the Bidens received tens of millions funneled through scores of LLCs that were created JUST TO RECEIVE the bribes. This money was not paid for any actual work done; they were just payments, and they ended up in the hands of more than a dozen family members, including Biden grandchildren. Even Hunter’s business partners have testified that Joe was part of the shakedown and that Joe received money from it. The proof is there. If you are ignoring it, you are part of the problem. Sorry.

Again, your choices are to pretend it isn’t true, be willfully ignorant, or just hate Trump so much you don’t care how horrible the other choice is.

As ONE example, consider this: Ashley Biden, his daughter, has written extensively that she was coerced into taking showers with her dad, Joe, when she was far too old for it to be even remotely acceptable. She considers herself a sexual molestation victim. And she blames Joe’s abuse of her to be the main reason she has a problem with sexual addiction. She discusses all of it in her diary, which became public, and has admitted it is hers. IT IS HER DIARY.

If we had a reasonable media, or if the American people really gave a shit about the facts and the corruption of our leaders, this would have been front page news for years. Joe would have, and should have, been driven out of office. But this story receives little attention. If you are interested, even Newsweek and MSNBC have admitted her diary is real, and she has never walked away from its content.

Hate Trump? Good for you. How you use that to justify voting for a pedophile is astonishing.

Biden also lied for years about the driver who killed his wife and kid, claiming he was drunk; he was not, and eventually Biden apologized for it. Biden said poor kids are just as smart as white kids. Biden claimed Obama was the first “clean” black man to run for high office. Biden and his AG have long argued that black Americans need special treatment because they are either too stupid or otherwise incapable of accessing legal help, using computers, or even getting ID. Biden had to drop out of previous runs for the presidency because of plagiarism. He has lied about his academic record, going to jail for supporting Nelson Mandela, and defends racism and discrimination against high-achieving Asian Americans in higher ed. Hunter Biden even paid tens of thousands in “rent” to his dad and paid his household expenses with the money he had coerced foreign interests into giving him. The list goes on.

Trump is flawed – so are you and me. Trump was excoriated for making crude comments about his treatment of women, crude “locker room” talk that is disgusting and embarrassing. THAT receives nearly daily coverage. Biden molesting his daughter, however, hardly makes a ripple in the news. If you are OK with that, vote for the “pedo.” If not, grow a spine and vote for Trump or Kennedy. But not Biden.

The nation is at risk and too many Americans are asleep at the switch.

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Communism’s Fundamental Error – And It’s a Big One

By Anthony Trevlac

  • May 6, 2024
  • 6-min read

If socialism ever officially ends up on the ash heap of history, where it certainly belongs, it will be because it is based at least one fundamental error. There is a fatal flaw in its basic approach that no amount of misdirection, finger-pointing, or excuse-making can overcome.

The problem is that socialism/Marxism/Democratic Socialism are all based on the assumption that groups are the dominant and fundamental operating units in a society. That notion is wrong. The embrace of it undermines everything on which it is based.

The individual is the building block of society, here and in every other nation. This has been true from the moment the first primordial sign of life appeared on the planet. This was billions of years ago, even before Keith Richards was born.

To recognize the primacy of the individual is not to say what government wants to be true: it is a statement about what is true. Opinions have no more impact on this than they do on determining the freezing temperature of water.

Putin or Xi or Biden can develop policies, tactics, and strategies that try to force groups to do something. But the people those policies affect react as individuals, not groups.

They may give an order to share food equally. But lots of people will disobey it given half a chance. They will care more about their own child than about another’s. They will care more about themselves than their neighbor. They may disobey any and every directive if they disagree with it, think ignoring it will help them, and are unlikely to be punished for their recalcitrance.

Lots of individuals will disobey an order if they can do it without getting shot or otherwise sanctioned. The fact that people don’t act in unison, without fail, every time, means that disparate outcomes are a certainty.

The exercise of executive fiat at the state and national levels led to disastrous policies during. Certainly, millions of people just said “ok” when told to wear a mask or stay home, but millions also told authorities to take a long walk on a short pier. This historical exercise should have told our government that trying to herd these cats is a pointless effort and doomed to fail.

One is astonished at time at how many people seem to just love to follow rules. They can’t want to be told what to do. And huge swaths of them don’t even give it a second thought. The feds say we have to wear yellow shirts, walk backwards, and yell “Spongebob rules” incessantly. Let’s do it! Don’t ask questions. Have they ever lied to us before?

Well, yes, they have.

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Plenty of Blame to Go Around In Education

By Anthony Trevlac

  • April 29, 2024
  • 4-min read

Most Americans have long recognized that education is a prerequisite for happiness, success, and well-being. It is also fair to say there is a widespread feeling that our schools are failing us.

There is a lot of debate about what to do to improve our schools, but it is important to remember they do not operate in a vacuum. Public education reflects the values in our communities, our nation, and ourselves.

Teachers and administrators should be held accountable, but our educational system can only do so much when the environment in which our children are raised has changed so dramatically. There is enough blame to go around. If our schools aren’t good enough, it is also important to ask if we are good enough.

The disintegration of the family is key. Most black children in the 1960’s had two-parent households. Most today do not. About three-fourths of black children in America today are born to unmarried women.

Only the most naïve of us – or the most willfully ignorant – would deny the devastating effect this has had on the ability of children to concentrate in school, get support at home, follow good role models, and stay out of trouble. Children from intact, two-parent homes perform better on every important metric.

Then there is the worst self-inflicted wound in our history. America shut down the economy and public education during Covid. Millions of us complained at the time and were widely reviled by those people who think you should just fall in line.

We objected to the loss of freedom and predicted it would result in terrible long-term damage to the economy. Many unconstitutional actions were taken, and sanctions were applied randomly. Why was it OK to go to Lowe’s or Kroger, but not to Larry’s Hardware or Sam’s grocery? Why was it safe to wait in line at Wal-Mart but not to wait in line to vote?

Those who defend our response to Covid claim we didn’t know much about it, we learned as we went along, and we did our best. That certainly is a charitable way to look at things. The physicians who used to use leeches and bled their patients said the same thing.

There was never good science behind several of the tactics we were told to use (masks, six-feet distancing), and many policies were continued long after we knew better. They are still promoted today.

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