Tag Archives: illegals

In Pennsylvania, Fetterman is Beginning to Reel … and More

By J Robert Smith

  • Sept. 20, 2022
  • 4-min read

Fox News reports that John Fetterman’s U.S. Senate campaign is backing off Fetterman’s call to release over a thousand convicted 2nd degree murders from Pennsylvania prisons.

From the September 20 Fox News report:

Fetterman, the Pennsylvania lieutenant governor who chairs the state’s Board of Pardons (BOP), commissioned two reports last year released by Philadelphia Lawyers for Social Equity (PLSE) that recommended the BOP consider merit-based clemency for currently incarcerated second-degree murderers, as well as for the state legislature to reform the law that mandates life sentences without parole for second-degree murder convictions.

And then this from the story:

During a PLSE press conference on March 1, 2021, Fetterman said the reports documented “the lives that are destroyed” and “the resources that are wasted” due to Pennsylvania’s statute, and that he hoped the reports’ findings would “lead to a conversation” that would free close to 1,200 people.

“People,” as in convicted murderers.

Any voter living near a major Democrat-run city knows well how crime – including violent crime – has exploded in those jurisdictions. Urban crime has begun creeping into suburban areas from cities. Philadelphia has seen crime rates explode. Fetterman being a friend of murderers, robbers, rapists, and two-bit thugs is hurting his campaign for Pennsylvania’s open U.S. Senate seat.

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Mexico’s Cartel Wars Explode Along the U.S.-Mexican Border. When Will They Enter the U.S.?

By J Robert Smith

  • August 13, 2022
  • 3-min read

Of course, the corporate media is either downplaying this story or not reporting it. Mexico’s cartel wars are erupting along the U.S.-Mexican border. The big question is: When with the violence spillover into the U.S.? Because the odds are it will.

The reason why the cartels have been emboldened to bring their wars to the border? Monica Showalter at American Thinker offers this (August 13):

It’s the logical consequence of Joe Biden’s open borders policy, which has made control of Tijuana and all border cities worth fighting for to Mexico’s brutal cartels. Apparently, three have laid claim to these cities — and they are big ones. TJ is bigger than San Diego, which is America’s sixth largest city, for one, putting these cities under an unprecedented siege.

If you click on the story link above, Showalter has posted photos of the war violence now occurring in these Mexican cities just a stone’s throw away from the U.S.

War violence, folks, not disturbances or riots. Let that sink in.

More ominous, Newsweek reports that U.S. consulate employees have been told by the U.S. Department of State to “shelter in place.”

From the Newsweek report, August 13:

“The U.S. Consulate General Tijuana is aware of reports of multiple vehicle fires, roadblocks, and heavy police activity in Tijuana, Mexicali, Rosarito, Ensenada, and Tecate. U.S. government employees have been instructed to shelter in place until further notice,” the consulate’s official Twitter account said.

The consulate further advised U.S. citizens to avoid the area, seek shelter if in the area, inform their friends and families of their situation and monitor news reports for information.

Throughout human history – and in nature – the axiom is true: Weakness invites aggression. Biden and the Democrats are corrupt and weak. The Biden regime’s open border policies have incentivized Mexico’s cutthroat cartels to fight to control turf right on the border. Why? To control the massive movement of drugs (fentanyl and meth, notably) into the U.S. We’re talking amount illicit commerce that rings up tens – more likely, hundreds – of billions of dollars in revenues annually for the cartels. Human trafficking is also very lucrative. Cartel coyotes are generating tens of millions of dollars in payoffs moving illegals into the U.S. Cartel honchos are deadly series about making as much money as possible by addicting and killing Americans with drugs.

The now nonexistent border with Mexico isn’t the result of incompetence. It’s the thought-out result of policy. Democrats want to flood the U.S. with illegals because they believe they’ll create new government dependents beholden to them for welfare checks and vouchers. In other words, Democrats are willing to burden the country – and rip us apart with the stresses and violence that attends – by permitting millions of illegals to enter to increase their political power.

Democrats have little to no regard for the welfare and safety of American citizens. Power and money are their gods. Unfortunately, we must endure the Biden regime (Joe isn’t in charge; his handlers are) until January 2025. So much more damage will be done to this great nation in the meantime. But it can be repaired. American greatness can be recovered. All of us have to give our votes and some of our time and money to help flip Congress to the GOP this autumn. Then we need to get behind a very persecuted man, Donald Trump, to capture the presidency a little over two years from now.

God save America.

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Unlimited Dollars for Ukraine (But Pennies for the Border)

By J. Robert Smith

  • July 12, 2022
  • 1-min read

Bipartisanship is alive and well in Washington. Democrats and Republicans are providing Ukraine’s military with lots of stuff to fight the Russians. Even some conservative talkers and TV show opinionators are gung-ho for the U.S. lending ever greater support to the Ukrainians. Humanitarian aid has poured into that war-torn country as well.

Back in May, Congress approved an eye-popping $40 billion in aid to Ukraine. Imagine if only a fraction of that money was allocated to stop the epic troubles happening along what was once the U.S.-Mexican border? That’s not said flippantly. The U.S. southern border has effectively disappeared. It’s being overrun monthly by tens of thousands of “migrants.” Well, they’re migrants until they cross into the U.S. Then they become illegals. But that’s fine with Biden and Democrats, who as unspoken policy, not incompetence, laid bare the border for the invasion that’s taking place. Democrats want new constituents and voters. Big business wants cheap labor. It’s an unholy alliance.

So, showing that Ukraine matters more to the DC crowd than the security of our own border comes Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-ND), who dropped this bomb on the Charlie Kirk Show the other day. Said Cramer:

“Well, I don’t know that the line is a dollar amount, Charlie,” Cramer began. “I think each request or each requirement, each demand, each circumstance requires its own discovery if you will. I don’t think we should do a whole bunch, necessarily, at one time. I think we should do smaller tranches, just for the purpose of renegotiating, and reaccessing.”

So, Cramer is basically saying that the U.S. commitment to Ukraine is open-ended, but pouring resources into finishing the Wall and putting whatever is needed in terms of law enforcement and National Guard on the southern border, well, isn’t the priority. Fighting for liberty in Ukraine matters more to Biden and Democrat and Republican members of Congress like Cramer than securing our nation. I guess gangbangers, cartel thugs, and lots of bad drugs pouring into the country take second place – if that – in the minds of the pea-brains who are supposed to represent us in Congress.

When will we say enough is enough and elect men and women to Congress who put America first?

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NEW SFEED WEDNESDAY: Democrats to Fight Longer Hold of Illegal Families

J Robert Smith

  • Aug. 21, 2019
  • 2 min read

The new rule would eliminate a 20-day cap for detaining migrant children and create a new licensing regime that would make it easier for federal officials to expand family detention nationwide. [snip]

Exercising greater control over family detention would mark a major coup for the White House, which has said the Flores agreement is among the most significant “loopholes” spurring mass migration at the border. Smugglers have sold families discounted trips to the border and instructed them to seek asylum because the Flores agreement meant they were likely to be released. Such families are rarely deported, officials said.

— Washington Post, August 21, 2019
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