Category Archives: Rob Meyne

Newest Study Confirms: Trying to Change A Youth’s Sex is A Bad Idea

By Rob Meyne

  • April 15, 2024
  • 3-min read

If you had traveled forward in time from 1990 and were suddenly plunged into contemporary America, you would find it very difficult to believe what you hear. Men can have babies, there are more than a hundred genders, men should use women’s bathrooms, it is OK when boys expose themselves to girls in a locker room, and you can get fired if you don’t call a boy who wants to be a woman “she or her.” People have lost their jobs for that.

“Misgendering” is considered harassment in some circles. “Misgendering” doesn’t mean you used a wrong term based on biology; it means you used the accurate term. By the same token, surgery that is gender “affirming” refers to one that CHANGES one’s genitals to more closely resemble what the patient THINKS they should be, not what the science shows to be true.

Patients have taken over the asylum.

This just in: you cannot change your sex. Sex isn’t “assigned” at birth. Sex is determined by the physical, scientific proof available to health care professionals. It is a question of scientific proof. It isn’t a guessing game. If you have two X chromosomes, you are female. If you have an X and a Y, you are male. It IS that simple.

Tom Slater, writing in Spiked, has done some excellent reporting on this. See pieces from him on April 12, and April 11, both available at Real Clear Politics. Great stuff.

Slater discusses a ground-breaking review by Dr, Hilary Cass. It appears to be the most comprehensive, and best-resourced, overview of these subjects extant. Cass, a top pediatrician in the UK, worked for four years, reviewing a vast array of research. Cass concludes trans interventions are seldom a good idea, are not proven beneficial, and do more harm than good. Slater: “It is a stunning piece of work: a 400-page triumph of reason over unreason.”

Based on this study alone, reason would suggest the current mess of gender confusion, surgeries, medical interventions, and finger-pointing should recede in favor of science and common sense. Perhaps our world will slowly return to sanity. Yet, as long as people pay a substantial price, either professionally or personally, for opposing this woke nonsense it will be hard to turn things around.

(On a related note, a Canadian man has taken the government to pay for surgery that will give him a vagina, or “mangina,” as it has been called. This is in addition to his penis which was, at last report, still present and accounted for. The best thing you can say about that case is that, if he is able to emerge from it all with both a mangina and a penis, it presents dozens of temptations to tell him to go f**k himself.)

Is there any wonder younger people are confused, unhappy, even suicidal, considering the number of things that are clearly true but are today routinely rejected by people in authority?

There is a huge difference, of course, between telling a child they can be whatever sex they wish, on the one hand, and telling them, on the other, that we love them, respect them, and will support them if they choose to live their lives in some unconventional way. I like it when people are happy. If my son or daughter wants to live their lives claiming they are a Ficus tree, well, o k, I guess I’ll stock up on plant food instead of Chick-Fil-A. This isn’t about respect or approval; it is about coercion to toe the party line. We can respect people all day long, and vigorously defend their rights, without pretending their decisions make sense or are rooted in reality.

We do not have to agree with every mental or emotional decision made by others. It does not make us hateful when we don’t. If my neighbor Dave wants to say he is a girl, I hope that makes him happy. I hope he would not expect me to say “Yes, you’re a girl.” Saying something does not make it so.

Back to Cass. Her study has concluded, more convincingly than any previous scholarly work, that in general sexual interventions, medical or surgical, do not improve a person’s overall health, mental or physical; they do not reduce suicides; they do not make people happier; they can ruin, irreversibly, a person’s plans on having children; and they are not without horrible and painful side effects. In short, messing around with a young person’s genitals, before they even understand sex, is a really bad idea.

The best way to deal with a child who has gender dysphoria is to support, comfort, educate, understand, and love them, but to not do anything to them that is damaging or irreversible. Let them grow up. Then, as informed adults, they can make a responsible decision.

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EVs Will Be the End of Mobility

By Rob Meyne

  • April 10, 2024
  • 5-min read

If you want yet another example of how freedom dies, spend fifteen consecutive seconds considering the EPAs’ recent rule that will require the death of internal combustion engine vehicles.

The insidious nature of the creeping bureaucratic state has been detailed by people as varied as Ronald Reagan, Ayn Rand, and anyone sentient and intelligent enough to pay attention.

The EPA is the Devil’s Spawn. It was created under President Nixon, as a paean to the far left who thought all Republicans wanted to kill puppies, poison water, and finish it all over a heaping plate of Whooping Crane Helper. Nixon was, some would say, suckered into the con that you can get people who hate you to like you just by being more like them.

It seldom works, and old Tricky Dick lived long enough to realize his idea of empowering a bunch of unelected bureaucrats to regulate every small detail of our private lives, all in the name of saving the planet, has cost us much and not produced enough.

The EPA has gone to court to argue they have the power to regulate CO2. CO2 is, of course, a naturally occurring substance, without which life would not be possible. It amounts to a total of about 0.04 per cent of the atmosphere (that is four one-hundredths of one per cent). We exhale it, you and I, as do all animals. Plants can’t live without it. If Co2 disappeared, so would life. But we are to believe it is the enemy. Sure, yeah, let’s pretend it is evil and let some clown in DC make six figures bitching about it.

So now comes the most damaging, unintelligent, and eventually unpopular rule in the history of DC. It will result in the banning of cars and trucks, as we have come to know them. You read that correctly.

The rule will force American car companies to produce more electric vehicles, and fewer gas-powered ones, resulting in a de facto banning of traditional vehicle by 2032. You read that right. Eight years from now, everyone will be expected to go for EVs.

If you want a good summary, see the piece in Real Clear Policy, April 8, by analyst John Miltimore. It is clear and compelling. He says, “Forcing automobile companies to expand production of their least-profitable product lines at the expense of their best-performing ones is economic madness.”

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Third Trimester Abortions are Common & the Democrats Love Them

By Rob Meyne

  • March 23, 2024
  • 5-min read

It has been said you are entitled to your own opinion but not your own facts. Which brings us to probably America’s most contentious issue.

The facts on abortion have been challenged recently in these pages. That is understandable because the prevailing Democratic position on abortion is horrifying and indefensible.

Remember, I don’t ask people to just believe me; I want people to learn the facts. Most of us don’t go to the trouble. But we are a better, stronger nation when people know the truth. Plus, as I have often said, conservatives usually win when the people know the truth. The left usually wins when they don’t.

So, the following is the truth. I have even included a few references. If anyone wants to challenge me, please, buckle up. Let’s go. Do your best. But, please, those who keep just saying things like “no one supports third trimester abortions,” in spite of the reality that they do, just don’t talk about it anymore if you’re going to ignore reality.

  • The Democrats are today the extreme party on abortion. While members of both parties often have more varied opinions than their leaders, key Dem leadership supports abortion through nine months.
  • In his debate with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, California Gov. Gavin Newsom — a party star and disastrous governor — said it is just up to the woman and doctor, no matter how late in the pregnancy.

In a March campaign stop in Las Vegas, Biden said he had a message for Donald Trump: “Don’t mess with the women of America unless you want to get the benefit!” Whatever that means, in the same speech he said he supported abortion through three trimesters, but later argued that was not abortion on demand. Perhaps Biden thinks there is a fourth trimester. MSNBC reported on this as did many other outlets. In May, 2022, The Washington Post ran a piece showing that Democrat Tim Ryan and Bernie Sanders both support abortion through all nine months, and that, at the time, Biden’s press secretary wouldn’t provide a direct answer to the question.

  • When SCOTUS reversed Roe in 2022, Biden was asked directly if he thought there should be “any” restrictions on abortion. He said “no.” Such clarity is hard to ignore.
  • Most Republicans, including Trump, do not support a national ban. Trump has even criticized Ron DeSantis for Florida’s six-week limit being too severe. Trump said this past week, as reported by NBC News, that he favors a 15-week limit.
  • Most importantly, IF you opposed abortion through nine months, and were directly asked about it, you would say so. Biden and Harris refuse to, because they support it.
  • More telling, the entire Democratic U. S. Senate caucus (minus Joe Manchin) in 2022 voted for a bill that would have removed all gestational restrictions on abortion. Just one Democrat opposed it. (There are a ton of articles on this, including on Axios news has also reported on this.) Planned Parenthood spent millions to support it.
  • The abortion opinions of most GOP leaders are closer to the American mainstream than the opinions of their Dem counterparts.
  • Abortions are routinely performed in dozens of states in the third trimester. Seven states have NO time limits on abortion. Another 12 allow it through the whole pregnancy if it is claimed the mental, emotional, or physical health of the woman (despite what the Biden Administration says, men still can’t have babies) is at risk. If a woman says she doesn’t think she can mentally or emotionally handle motherhood, her doctor can abort. (There are many sources, but this is from the World Population Review. Go ahead, check for yourself, but save time by using a search engine that is more objective than Google, like DuckDuckGo.)
  • The difference between an abortion in the 8th or 9th month is essentially just what you do with the healthy, viable child. For an abortion, if the mother doesn’t want it, it is killed. In Nevada, where you can abort through six months, an abortion is performed by the doctor inserting shears into the mother and cutting off the child’s arms, legs, and head. The pieces are then assembled on a tray to make sure they didn’t miss anything. If this makes you sick, it should. You must be a normal human.
  • A good question is where do Americans stand? This is from a May 2022 Gallup survey. “When asked about the legality of abortion at different stages of pregnancy, about two-thirds of Americans say it should be legal in the first trimester (69%), while support drops to 37% for the second trimester and 22% for the third. Majorities oppose abortion being legal in the second (55%) and third (70%) trimesters.” Dozens of surveys over the years reflect similar data.

Leftist propagandists and abortion fans want you to believe that every woman loves abortion and it is a genuine women’s rights issue. Nonsense. Some women promote abortion, some don’t, as is also true of men.

Perhaps the least defensible bromide repeatedly offered is that only the opinion of women should matter on the issue. Not to be too gentle, but that is bigoted, sexist crap. It takes a man and a woman to make a baby. They both should take responsibility for it, love it, care for it, and determine every important decision about it, including whether to kill it. There is no logical, reasonable, or ethical argument to be made for the suggestion that men should have no vote on whether a baby lives. This may be news to some, but millions of fathers, like me, love their children and wanted them very much. Men and women should be equal partners in this journey. It is indefensible to say that your opinion on whether your own child should live ONLY matters if you happen to have a vagina.

Like it or not, by the way, the issue with abortions is not, in any way, what a woman does with HER body. Support abortion or oppose it, the issue is completely about what happens to the separate body and life that is a developing human being. That person/fetus/baby/whatever term you prefer is a totally different living thing than the mother, with separate DNA. The “my body” line sounds good but doesn’t survive even cursory examination. With apologies for speaking so clearly, it is another life, not yours.

So, the real question is this: Which party more closely represents your views? Which is more extreme? Which is better for America, policies that represent a middle ground on the issue, or those that promote unrestricted abortion through nine months?

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Not An Exaggeration:
Civilization Itself Is At Risk

By Rob Meyne

  • March 18, 2024
  • 4-min read

If you haven’t read anything by Michael Shellenberger, check him out, and thank me later.

He is one of a very few honest and truly productive journalists around. He is by nature a leftist and award-winning environmentalist. He is anything but a traditional MAGA advocate. He’s never voted for Trump.

Yet, perhaps unlikely, he has become a hero to people who favor free speech and, thus, to many conservatives. It says a lot about the disreputable nature of journalism today that anyone who is objective and fair stands likely to be accused of being a Trump person.

Consider Alan Dershowitz, who is a lifelong liberal and Clinton voter. He is one of the most balanced, knowledgeable, and honest people anywhere in the legal profession (that may not be too high a bar, but still). He still stands up for equal and fair justice. As a result of pointing out the many ways in which Trump has been treated improperly, or just dramatically different than his political opponents, Dershowitz has been chided, criticized, abused, and no longer invited to the cool parties on Martha’s Vineyard. To his credit, Dershowitz laughs at them and says it is their loss.

There is no longer any doubt. If you dare to do anything against the “regime,” the self-appointed elite who want to run your lives, you are putting everything on the line. You will be trashed, threatened, and marginalized just for being objective.

Shellenberger is effective at debunking the climate hysteria. Fortunately, it seems like some of our leaders, companies, and organizations are waking up. We will see if it is too late.

Even if you think carbon emissions are ruining the world, there is no good argument for suddenly dropping fossil fuels and turning to things like wind and solar power that are not capable of meeting our needs, are more expensive, and less reliable.

Without carbon-based fuels, we could not sustain our world’s population, grow, and prosper. We do not currently have technologies that can instantly replace the essential sources on which we depend. The world improved dramatically in the past generation, and it is reflected in higher standards of living around the world. You know what made all that progress possible? Carbon-based fuels.

Plus, we’re already making progress. The EU’s carbon emissions peaked in the 1970s. America’s carbon emissions have declined for years and are now lower than a decade ago. Meanwhile, the two largest nations, China and India, are building coal-fired power plants and producing more CO2 all the time. Yet all you hear from the left is that we need to do OUR part. The focus is entirely on making America the villain.

Why? Because this isn’t really about climate. It is about control. The globalists who run our governments, policy organizations, and the mainstream media use climate as an excuse to restrict your freedom and build their own wealth. If you don’t understand this yet, just look at some photos of John Kerry on his private jet. Or of Barack Obama’s Massachusetts mansion, built in an area he claims will soon be underwater. You must reduce your carbon footprint, according to them, but they can’t be bothered.

The climate scare is being used to undermine western society, subvert our economies, and enrich the global elite. I know that sounds conspiratorial. But it is not a conspiracy, it is just the logical result of giving power to people who benefit from keeping others down.

Perhaps the most under-reported story of our lifetimes is that more than a billion people have been lifted out of poverty in the past two decades. The reason? More nations have successfully embraced freedom and capitalism, and nothing reduces poverty like capitalism.

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The Rubicon has Been Crossed –
A Long Piece on a Huge Problem

By Rob Meyne

  • March 15, 2023
  • 7-min read

Yet another in a series of important, and tragic, events in American history occurred: the indictment of a former president on federal charges. This is unprecedented. Whatever you may think of former President Donald Trump, it says as much about the forces determined to stop him as it does about Trump himself. In no sense is this a good thing for the country.

It is easier to make decisions on most issues based on emotion and your own biases (factually based or not) than to make them based on facts and objectivity. This is such a case.

While we like to say we are a nation of laws, most decisions regarding who to prosecute involve an overwhelming amount of subjectivity. If you believe most prosecutions are based on facts alone then, with respect, you don’t know much about our system. Nearly all prosecutorial choices involve opinion, bias, and preferences. It is called “prosecutorial discretion.” The DA who indicted Trump in NY, for example, immediately on taking office, reduced the charges against thousands of people accused of violent crimes from felonies to misdemeanors. The facts had not changed, only the opinion of the DA.

I’ll go further and say that any lawyer who doesn’t recognize the decision to charge Trump is unjustifiable based on past actions in similar cases – and doesn’t say so – is at this point a hypocrite not deserving of membership in the bar. Any political observer who doesn’t admit this is an entirely unjustified prosecution is also either uninformed, corrupt, or lying. If that is too pointed or confrontational for you, my apologies, and maybe this piece isn’t your cup of tea. The stakes are high and the time for timidity is gone.

How is that for direct? 😊 You know who you are! With love and apologies all around, the time for being afraid to express your opinion is gone. We are in many ways losing our country, and if you don’t work to preserve it you are part of the problem.

The decision to charge Trump is politically driven. Period.

From the political side, it is very likely, in my view, that leading Democrats are pushing for prosecution of Trump because the know it will inflame his base and make his nomination more likely. They WANT Trump to be the nominee because they think they can beat him. At the same time, they know moderates and non-partisans will be hesitant to vote for someone under indictment or convicted.

The political ramifications will be interesting, but the legal outline is clear.

Every executive in Washington must follow a complex system of requirements and procedures for record-keeping. It is rare for Washington’s denizens NOT to violate a procedure, either intentionally or inadvertently. In almost all such cases there is either no punishment or only minor fines. That is what makes the Trump indictment indefensible. None of his predecessors has been subject to the same level of investigation, scrutiny, or potential sanctions.

Let’s be clear: The DOJ works for the president and is taking actions to affect his leading opponent and to impact the election. Anyone who doesn’t recognize that should just, candidly, go home and stay there on election day, because they are hopelessly naïve.

Memos and emails have already shown the White House was involved in the decision to search Mar-A-Lago, even though Biden claimed he didn’t even know it was going to happen. This White House spews more lies in a week than Pinocchio did in a lifetime, and they aren’t even particularly clever about it.

Remember: Bill Clinton had classified docs in his sock drawer.

Obama took thousands of docs to Chicago and said “we have thousands of classified documents. We will get them to you eventually.” But to date he has not.

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Biden Makes It Clear:
He Doesn’t Like Us

By Rob Meyne

  • March 15, 2024
  • 5-min read

For those keeping score at home… The “success” in Biden’s SOTU speech was that… wait for it… he didn’t fall down, soil himself (maybe he only does that when he is with the Pope), or stand for a half hour frozen without speaking. Those were the highlights.

It was not a presidential speech so much as a campaign event that revealed more than they probably intended. There may never have been a more hate-filled speech given in the well of the House. The loathing of huge swaths of Americans was palpable and hard to miss given that he yelled most of it.

If you want to give the most important and powerful job in the world to the crazy old man who lives down the street and keeps yelling at you to keep your dog off his lawn, you will have your chance this November.

Let’s add this caveat: if certain terms like “hate” offend you, or seem excessive, think of your own term. Whatever is the right word – and hate doesn’t seem too strong to me – it is clear Biden no longer even bothers to pretend he likes many of us. If he doesn’t use the word “hate,” find your own. What do you prefer? Loathes, despises, vilifies? Get out you thesaurus and have at it.

He brags about it. If you are Republican, Independent, Conservative Democrat, corporate leader, or advocate for peace or financial responsibility – just a partial list – he despises you and considers you the enemy.

The field is stripped. It could not be clearer.

It is odd to me, as a lifelong political hack and campaign communications trainer, to see the Dems rejecting a clear component of any effective speech: you want to be likable. This isn’t as sacrosanct, I suppose, as it was at one time. Most people don’t find Trump warm and cuddly. Maybe we are beyond all that. But at least Trump is clearly fond of average, run of the mill Americans. Biden makes it clear he is not.

The Republican nominee is an unlikely hero for those who love freedom. Like the Kennedys or the Roosevelts, he is a wealthy man who somehow still has a link to the common person. Sometimes a lifeline is thrown to us from an unexpected source. President Trump is spectacularly right: they are coming for you and me. They aren’t even subtle about it. Please, please be cognizant enough to realize it before it is too late.

Unless you’re a Democratic Socialist (which is like being a free slave; it isn’t possible) or just a brainless sycophant, you can’t name a major human cohort he didn’t attack. He slammed businesses and their owners, the Supreme Court, and anyone who doesn’t buy into open borders and his brand of bigotry.
Basically, if you like free speech, a secure America, or a society where we know what a woman is, Biden hates you. If you are not willing to support the racist policies they promote in the name of DEI, he hates you. If you aren’t in love with the idea of another long war, he hates you.

He did nothing to build bridges. A man who has claimed he wants to be president of all the people gave most of us a middle finger. Typically, even the most partisan presidents spend quite a bit of their speech claiming they want unity. Several years ago, it was even a key part of Biden’s address. But no more.

Today, he doesn’t even bother to make a pitch for unity. He did claim the border bill, which is dying a well-deserved death, is bipartisan, except that…. Well, it really isn’t. Mitch McConnell, who is thankfully stepping down as leader this year, and his hand-picked stooge agreed to the latest draft. It wasn’t bipartisan in any significant way, and even if it were, so what? It is a bad bill. The border bill doesn’t restrict illegal immigration, it enshrines it into law. The legislation would allow nearly two million illegals to enter the nation each year, without triggering any enforcement at all. If that is your idea of sealing the border, you belong in the open borders party. Maybe you can be the first person in America to put up a Biden sign.

This just in: having one or two GOP senators support a bill does not make it bipartisan in any meaningful sense. Bipartisanship is not a useful adjective unless it represents a sample from both parties that is sufficient to affect the process.

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Welcome to the Biden Police State

By Rob Meyne

  • March 7, 2024
  • 3-min read

If you want to know what it is like to live in a police state, just look around. We’re officially there.

That isn’t to say it can’t get much worse; undoubtedly it can, and it will if Biden’s nascent fascists are given four more years.

Shamefully, there are very few in the media who are willing to stand up for their free speech rights, much less yours. If it were up to the Times, the Post, and CNN, you would be silenced and shuffled off to one of the re-education camps the Hildebeast once suggested we deploy to change the way conservative Republicans think.

It is no longer debatable that our freedoms are being chipped away. The only thing that IS debatable is why don’t more people seem to care? Most people simply don’t know how bad it is; but they will when the state targets THEM.

Most air marshals, according to the Marshal’s Service, were taken off their jobs – providing security on aircraft – and deployed to follow people who just happened to be in Washington on January 6. These people are suspected of being Trump supporters but did not even go to the protest. You read that right. Federal officers are traveling the nation, following people who aren’t even suspected of a crime. If that does not remind you of the Gestapo, I don’t know what would.

One reporter who was in the Capitol, covering the event – the news – has been arrested. Why? What horrible crime did he commit? Assault? Rape? Murder? No. He is essentially charged with trespassing misdemeanors. His real “crime” seems to be that he is an honest and objective reporter trying to find the underlying cause of what happened that day. He is not charged with insurrection, terrorism, or violence of any type. He is targeted only because he was in the building doing his Constitutionally protected job.

His name is Steve Baker. He currently works for the Blaze. He was carried off in handcuffs and leg irons and taken to prison.

Importantly, on January 6, Baker did not protest, interfere with anyone, or do anything even remotely violent. When Capitol police asked him to leave, he left. For that, he is being prosecuted. In the meantime, New York Times reporters who stood at his side have not been prosecuted.

Baker has recently been reporting on the pipe bombs found at the headquarters of the Republican and Democratic National Committees. (My old office at the RNC was within 50 feet of where the pipe bomb was found.)

There are a ton of problems with the popular narrative on this. For one thing, the timers used were basic kitchen timers, which can be set for a maximum of one hour. Yet we are told they were placed the night before. What? We are to believe terrorists placed these pipe bombs and then planned on coming back the next day to set the timers. Is anyone that stupid?

Finally, consider that an FBI informant by the name of Smirnoff – not Grey Goose or Tito’s – has been charged with lying to the FBI. He has served as a trusted, paid informant for the FBI for fourteen years. They have come to respect and depend on the intelligence he has provided. So, what happened? Why did they suddenly decide he is a crook?

It is simple. He reported that he was informed by a Ukrainian businessperson that they had paid the Biden’s $10 million, 5 for Hunter and 5 for Joe. The information came from an official at Burisma, the company paying the Bidens, and for which Hunter Biden was paid for a no-show assignment.

What is the message the DOJ and FBI want to send? It is clear. They are attempting to intimidate anyone who may have information that puts Biden in a bad light. If you deliver information that is inconvenient for the fascists of the left, you can go to jail.

Christopher Steele, who was also a paid FBI informant, delivered unverifiable dirt on Trump – all of which turned out to be made up out of whole cloth – and has faced no penalty for it. Steele got secondhand rumors from Russian sources, all untrue, and the FBI used them as an excuse to spy on the Trump presidential campaign.

If liberals did not have double standards, they’d have none at all.

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Pick A Lane:
America is At Risk, and We Can’t Afford the Luxury of Protest Votes

By Rob Meyne

  • Feb. 22, 2024
  • 5-min read

If you’re like us, you’ve probably heard a lot of folks expressing the usual quadrennial complaint that “both candidates suck.” That may be a tad inelegant, but you get the point.

Many surveys show a huge majority of voters wish we had better choices.
You can count me among them. I’d love to be able to pick between Thomas Jefferson and Abe Lincoln. Let me know when we can work that out.

There is, however, this thing called “reality,” and it says that, barring a miracle, one of the two major party candidates will be elected president. The only relevant decision a person needs to make is this: under which of these two candidates can we reasonably expect the nation to be better off?

There is a lot of talk about the “lesser of two evils.” If one wants to look at politics in that way, be our guest. The question we would offer to inform the discussion a bit is this: in what part of life are we not faced with alternatives that are the “lesser of two evils?” Put another way, what part of your life is perfect? (My wife is perfect, and please tell her I said so.)

Most of human existence involves choosing from among two or more options, and they are never perfect. That is the nature of life, and certainly of human beings. As long as politics involves people, our choices among candidates will be imperfect. Get used to it, get over it, and next time support better candidates.

For today, let’s get back to reality.

For those who want to sit this one out – to note vote, or to vote for a third-party candidate with no chance of winning – you need to ask yourself whether the future of the country is more important than casting some kind of protest by way of a wasted vote?

If you don’t vote, no one sits and cries. No one will beg you to reconsider. No one will write it down and say, “Mr. Jones in Topeka didn’t like the candidates, so we need to do better next time.”

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Racist Leaders Presume You Are, Too

By Rob Meyne

  • Feb. 4, 2024
  • 3-min read

The names of many contemporary movements, organizations, and legislation are focused-grouped tested to ensure they sound as appealing as possible. Nomenclature has a lot to do with the ability to successfully market something.

Terms like Black Lives Matter, or Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), or the Inflation Reduction Act are designed to generate support for policies that do not reflect what their name suggests.

No reasonable person questions that black lives matter. Nor do they oppose the ideas of inclusion or inflation reduction. Yet frequently a majority of reasonable people oppose the specific actions being taken in pursuit of those objections. The devil is always in the details.

Years ago, you may recall there was opposition to harvesting tuna, because marine mammals were often killed in the process. Accordingly, there was a suggestion that tuna operators should form an alliance and call it “Friends of the Dolphin.” No doubt you could have generated cash contributions to such a group from a lot of people who would have been horrified to find out what it really was.

If you’ve paid attention to the dumpster fire that is also known as the Biden Administration, you will remember they tried to enact components of the “Green New Deal” (AKA, the Green New Steal). These were radical revisions to the way we use and generate energy, manufacture and distribute products, and to whom we give huge taxpayer-funded subsidies. It was politically unpopular and economically devastating. The bill went nowhere. So, they just called it the Inflation Reduction Act. Members of Congress had only a few days to read the thousand page bill, and team Biden just put most of the elements of the Green New Steal into it.

The voters don’t like it? Simple: change its name and pass it anyway.

If you said you were opposed to the Inflation Reduction Act people thought you were in favor of inflation. Sadly, this kind of disingenuousness, and outright lying, drives much of the political process.

Monikers like DEI are crafted to sound like a commitment to a laudable goal but do nothing to tell you the nuts and bolts of the proposals. You can certainly favor the concepts of DEI without favoring the methods leftist elites use to make them happen. The left routinely disguises their true intentions – their actual policies – by labeling them in a misleading way.

It has often been said the left succeeds when the people are not informed but conservatives succeed when they are.

Consider this: any policy that treats people differently based on their skin color or national heritage is racist. That is the definition of racism; treating people differently because of the amount of melanin in their skin. Yet that is exactly what most DEI programs require.

Equity, in fact, is the polar opposite of equal opportunity. Equity requires the allocation of benefits and opportunities based on race. Management by equity requires that merit be a secondary consideration. That is an uncomfortable reality, but until we come to grips with it, we will continue to struggle to find answers to some of our most important problems.

For as long as I can remember, I have been astonished at how people on the left look at everything through the lens of race. Leftist leaders simply don’t believe race isn’t the first thing conservatives think about when they begin their day. Most Democratic leaders assume we are all obsessed with race because they are.

Perhaps more than anything, solutions to problems of race will elude us as long as half the nation assumes the other half shares their obsession with race. Saying that out loud is not likely to make you friends among Democratic leaders.

More to come.

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If You Trust the Government,
You May Need Therapy

By Rob Meyne

  • Jan. 27, 2024
  • 4-min read

The portion of Americans who trust the government to do the right thing has plummeted to historic lows. Less than 20% of us trust the government. The other 80% might ask “are you not paying attention?”

It takes a willingness to ignore facts, and reject common sense, to believe much of what the government tells us. This is true for all levels of government, but particularly nationally.

This is not the same thing as saying the government never tells the truth. Sometimes it does. But every sentient creature in America should view governmental messages with skepticism and do their own homework before determining what is true.

Pew comments on the lack of trust in government:

“Public trust in the federal government, which has been low for decades, has returned to near record lows following a modest uptick in 2020 and 2021. Currently, fewer than two-in-ten Americans say they trust the government in Washington to do what is right “just about always” (1%) or “most of the time” (15%). This is among the lowest trust measures in nearly seven decades of polling. Last year, 20% said they trusted the government just about always or most of the time.”

The real question, today, is why WOULD you trust the government?

The Gallup survey shows, unsurprisingly, that Americans trust their local government much more than the federal.

This is a fairly good rule of thumb. If all politicians should be viewed with skepticism – all PEOPLE should be viewed with some healthy skepticism – certainly, it is easier to learn about your local office holders than those who work in area code 202 and spend their nights at places like the Capital Grille.

A related, and hugely important, question is what media should we trust? The quick answer is “not many.” But here is another good rule of thumb: you should put more trust in people who encourage you to personally learn about issues than those who discourage it. You will likely never hear someone from MSNBC or CNN telling you to learn about things for yourself. That is the mark of a news outlet that is more interested in propaganda than truth.

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