Tag Archives: Presidential Race

Democrats Depend on Monolithic Support from Minorities and Illegals

By Rob Meyne

  • Oct. 29, 2024
  • 4-min read

Almost everyone likes to say we need to keep politics out of one thing or another. Which is certainly a nice sentiment. Rainbows and unicorns would be nice, too, but they aren’t reality.

It is good to operate in the real world. The truth is that all the major decisions that determine the circumstances of life are political. If you recall your political science, politics has been defined as the authoritative allocation of goods and services. In other words, what happens in our society is directed or at least affected by the laws, regulations, and mores under which we operate.

Every rule imposed on us that is enforceable by a court is provided by the political process. Even the decisions we feel like we control – what to eat, where to go to school, or how much to exercise – are made within societal and governmental guidelines that limit us or empower us, as the case may be.

That is, basically, why this author is a conservative. Which means voting Republican more often than not.

Nothing in the Democrat Party agenda makes us freer. It all makes government more powerful and richer. Think if you can come up with even a single component of the Harris campaign that makes government less rich, powerful, and coercive. Just. One. We won’t hold our breath.

The border is a disaster today completely because of political acts. On taking office, Biden and Harris reversed about 90 executive orders put in place by President Trump. Trump’s policies, including “remain in Mexico,” led to a more stable border with fewer Illegal crossings. And violent crimes committed by people who didn’t come here legally were fewer.

If the border is a humanitarian crisis, it is one that was created intentionally. Even Democrat House leaders and former presidents admit it. Representative Jerry Nadler, President Bill Clinton, and others don’t even bother to deny it.

Of course this is not a revelation to anyone who pays attention. Democrats wanted this crisis and made it happen. Why? They want the workers, the new voters, and the political power.

The border under Biden and Harris was deliberately opened to allow as many foreigners in as possible, as quickly as possible, in violation of the law, to swell the ranks of current and future voters. If you think Democrat leaders have suddenly in the past few years been overwhelmed by an epiphany of compassion, you must be drinking some of whatever Kamala seems to overindulge in.

A decade or less ago, everyone in Democrat leadership was opposed to illegal immigration. Obama, Clinton, and Schumer are among those who spoke eloquently on this. Then some demographic changes came along and Democrats realized they could stack the deck in their favor.

Traditional Democrat constituencies aren’t having babies at a high rate. Those groups are not growing. Many Democrat voting blocks are starting to look to the GOP. Time will tell, but many polls now show a majority of Hispanics support Trump. Black Americans are also apparently growing more favorable toward Trump, but, again, we will see.

Recognize the Democrat’s worst nightmare would be for Hispanic and Black Americans to vote guided by informed and independent thought.

The Democrats have become largely the party of elites: corporate CEOs, Hollywood, Wall Street, the defense complex. Millionaires/Wall Street/High Tech give to Democrats today much more generously than to the GOP. It wasn’t always the case.

Democrats used to portray themselves as the party of free speech, peace, and working people. Today, the roles have completely flipped. Republicans are the party of free speech, enjoy broad blue collar support, and are actively trying to disengage in wars.

When Black voters deign to exercise independent thinking, or (shudder) vote Republican, they are vilified and called Uncle Toms, and worse, by the Dem leadership. The lesson: Democrats love Black people as long as they stay in their place and do what they are told.

Barack Obama has lectured, insulted, and criticized Black men for not supporting Harris. Obama’s lesson is that Black men are misogynist and hateful if they DON’T vote for a candidate because of their sex. Obama wants Black men to fall in line and do what they are told. Fortunately, there are a ton of smart, independent Black men who don’t want to be told what to do.

It does not mean you are rational, principled, and well-informed if you vote for or against someone because of their sex. In fact, it shows just the opposite.

The border crisis Harris and Biden created gives Democrat leaders and their donors cheap labor, illegal votes, and likely future voters.

If Kamala wins and takes both houses, non-citizens will be given immediate amnesty and citizenship. Game, set, match. Millions of new Dem voters will spring up overnight, changing the electoral composition of the nation forever.

Consider the Democrats have also pledged to pack the court, eliminate the filibuster, give DC and PR statehood, and we’ll never have another competitive election. The deck will be stacked in favor of the Democrats for our lifetimes and beyond.

Yes, the border is a political issue. As is everything else.

Trump is our best hope of saving our republic. If Trump wanted to be a dictator, he would have done it when he had the chance. He did not.

In the last four years, we have seen Democrats use the courts to stop their political opponents, including those within their own party. Only one party wants a functioning “democracy” with an informed and free-speaking citizenry, and it isn’t the Democrats.

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Time for Courage

By Rob Meyne

  • Sept. 9, 2024
  • 3-min read

As the presidential campaign accelerates, let’s have a reality check.

Either Harris or Trump will be inaugurated president in 2025. Don’t like your choices? Neither do a lot of people. But those are the options. Put on your big girl panties and get over it.

Some ostensibly Republican conservative voters say they’ll come back to the GOP when Trump is gone. Clue phone, and it’s for you: the damage that four more years of Harris would do is far more important than whatever you think of the party. Put America first, not either party. If you do that, you’ll vote for Trump.

Harris is basically a socialist, and certainly proposes socialist policies. Trump is a conservative constitutionalist.

Trump is the more moderate of the two candidates, by far.

Trump was president for four years, in which time we had record low unemployment, low inflation, a more secure border, growing real personal income, and no new wars.

Under Harris, we have had nearly four years of record inflation, sky high drug overdoses, an open border with an epidemic of crimes by illegal aliens, America deep into two new wars, and she promises to pack the court, kill the filibuster, and add new states to boost Democrat power.

If you have trouble deciding which candidate is better for America – or think genitalia and skin color should determine your vote – God help us all.

Only one candidate can be considered a constitutional conservative. Your choices are these: vote for a person you dislike who did a good job as president. Or vote for a person you may or may not like who has done a terrible job.

One succeeded. The other did not.

For nearly a decade, I have watched former Republicans and conservatives drop out, check out, and divorce themselves from either the Party or politics in general. Astonishingly, thousands of these people across the country have convinced themselves this shows their honor and decency.

It shows just the opposite.

If you brag that you’re not going to vote Republican as long as Trump is involved with the party, you are by definition making the party the focus of your decision. I honestly don’t care what party Trump is affiliated with. If he was a Reformed Druid Baptist running against a committed leftist, and he had the best chance of beating them, I would vote for him.

Focus on the Party and you’ll get caught up in 3 AM dorm room-level discussions. Focus on what is best for the country, and the decision comes easily.

This just in: NO ONE CARES what you think about the parties. There is no such thing as a protest vote. There are just people without the courage to take a stand. If you oppose Trump, even though you do not favor socialism, it means your commitment to the good of the country is less important than virtue-signaling and being a part of the self-righteous, smug anti-Trump crowd.

Do you really think it is in the best interests of the country to have a president with Harris’s gross incompetence and socialist positions? Make the case. Go ahead. Convince us that is best for the country. Unless you are a socialist, you can’t.

It takes zero courage to turn your back on a party or a candidate when it is the popular thing to do. Courage is not usually found among the group of people standing at the side and making fun of someone.
Courage is found in sincere thought, facts, sound ideas, values, principles, and actions that back them up.

Hate Trump? Good for you. You’ll get a lot of self-congratulatory dithering from others who also haven’t the backbone to hang in for a tough fight.

I don’t know about you, but IF we lose, I will go down fighting. If we ever lose the country, it will be in spite of my best efforts. Quite literally, it may be over my dead body.

So you can choose. You can be courageous, strong, and patriotic, or you can hang out with the vacuous ciphers who pat each other on the back and claim they’re better than you are.

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Now is the Time to Go All-in on Trump

By Rob Meyne

  • July 17, 2024
  • 4-min read

Many people admire Donald Trump, while many hate him. How can so many presumably intelligent people view something so differently? The answer starts with these questions: what do you value; how much do you care about what happens in the country; how willing are you to express your opinion and listen to that of others; and how much effort do you make to be informed and rely on news sources that are reputable, reliable, and objective?

Do you just listen to MSNBC and read the NYT? Do you have the courage and energy to share your views, listen to others who share theirs, and be willing to learn and persuade in equal measure?

Most people don’t do those things. Many people go through their adult lives without giving ANY serious, objective thought to their values and political beliefs. It is certainly FAR easier to just tune out the information and the noise and quit thinking about it.

EXCEPT that it is the wrong thing for you and your family. And for mine, BTW. Pardon the bluntness, but if YOUR refusal to get engaged, and to get fair and accurate information, leads you to cast a vote that leads to a person getting elected who does things that put us in danger, well… YOUR actions, then, have hurt all of us. THAT is why I have limited patience for people who don’t think about, or learn about, politics.

What happens in this year’s presidential race affects all of us. When you make decisions that are based on inaccurate information, or popular narratives you have heard so often you assume they are true, it can lead to the election of, for example, someone who is pushing for war instead of someone who is an advocate for peace. You and your children could die in such a war. It is startling and shocking that millions of people vote based more on someone’s gender or skin color than on which candidate is more likely to lead us to a nuclear holocaust.

Decisions about politics are unlike most that you make. If you choose to bank at a particular place, vacation at a given place, or attend a specific church, it impacts you and you alone. But, what you do in regard to politics affects us all.

The underlying question is always one of what do you value? Do you place the highest value on freedom, safety, security, diversity, improving education, economic equality, or….what?

For me, freedom is the number one priority. I vote for the person and party that increases freedom, reduces the power of government, and celebrates individuals rather than groups. You may make other choices.

Which leads us to Trump. He did not have to run for president the first time. Or the second. Or now. He is a gazillionaire, married to literally a super model, in good health, and could have played golf and relaxed and helped his kids run their company. Instead, he has gone through hell.

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The Democrats are Proving
They Are a Threat to Democracy

By Anthony Trevlac

  • July 11, 2024
  • 4-min read

I certainly wish we had better choices, in the campaign and among political parties. I suspect most people would agree with that.

Unfortunately, that isn’t the same thing as saying both sides are the same. With respect, anyone who believes Democrat leaders are in a struggle to “save democracy” is asleep at the switch.

They are currently in a cluster f**k panic about how to remove Biden from the ticket, EVEN THOUGH MILLIONS OF PRIMARY VOTERS CHOSE HIM. So much for elections. Certainly, I get it — Biden is a disaster, and our nation is at risk, we are in danger — but a political party that is working hard to replace a candidate chosen by the voters cannot credibly claim they are saving democracy.

They are terrified the election might be left up to an actual vote of the people. There are two major party nominees. The Dems want to ignore the democratic process and put in their own preference.

As we write this, Senate Democrats are meeting privately with White House staff to figure out a way forward. House Dems met earlier this week. They are desperate to save their own political fortunes.

None of that would be needed, of course, if the Administration and mainstream media hadn’t worked diligently to keep you from knowing about Biden’s ineptness and senility. They covered it up. As recently as a month ago, they claimed videos of Biden showing him to be lost and confused were fraudulent. Suddenly, Dem leaders must admit it because Biden’s horrible mental and physical health was on full display in the debate. They can no longer deny it.

For years we have been governed by an unelected cabal that runs the country because the person who was elected president is non compos mentis. He is not mentally capable of functioning at the level needed to run the nation.

It is astonishing that not one prominent Democratic leader has made the point that Biden’s senility is a threat to the nation. Not one. ALL the discussion from the Democratic elite has been about how this crisis affects their chances of beating Trump and of winning House and Senate seats.

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Biden’s Incompetence
Puts Us All at Risk

By Rob Meyne

  • June 28, 2024
  • 3-min read

Joe Biden’s performance last night is all you need to know about his senescence. The man is not capable of being president. Sorry, but if you don’t recognize that at this point, you are deluded or bigoted, frankly, and there is no hope for you. Go have a nice day, while you still have a country to enjoy. The rest of us will keep working to save America. You’re welcome.

Perhaps the most shocking realization is that none of the people who make decisions for Biden, enable him, prop him up, and make excuses for him, seem concerned about the nation. Biden is a threat to the safety of you and your family. He is a threat to global peace and to our security.

Biden is directed by people who don’t care about the nation. (They are in this to gain power and money, and it is working spectacularly for them so far. Under Biden we have grown less free while the elite have grown richer.)

The f***ing White House told us last week that the videos of him being lost, confused, and inept were fakes. They are lying, steaming piles of dung. And that is the best thing that can be said about them. If you believe anything from Biden’s puppet masters, please just do the world a favor, and don’t vote. Leave it to the people who care enough to be informed.

And, BTW, all those who still claim Trump is the bigger threat can send me a bottle of whatever you are drinking and go pass out on your porch.

The most extreme criticisms of Trump have grown tired and ineffective. Most of the key tropes are simply not true, but they cling to them. Trump had four years to try to be a dictator and did not. He did not tell us to drink bleach. He didn’t praise white nationalists as very fine people. He didn’t try to jail his political opponents (but Biden has).

Of course, Trump was also correct that the intelligence community interfered in the 2020 election. That is one aspect that made 2020 unfair, unethical, possibly illegal and, yes, “rigged.”

Even if you aren’t clear on those points, or still reject the truth, get over it. We have a bigger problem. We have a senile and hapless incompetent as president. The threat to America about which we should be concerned is Biden’s incompetence and the nascent fascism advocated by him and the people, mostly Obama and his lackeys, who make decisions for him.

We are living through Obama’s third term. Meanwhile, America’s enemies, I guarantee you, are obsessing over the footage of Biden’s debate performance, and calling in the best intel they have from their human intelligence sources, considering what to do in the next few months.

The Bidens are bought and paid for by our enemies. That is no longer in dispute. Biden is incompetent and can’t stand up to our enemies because they have bribed him. Feel better? Neither do we.

What is wrong with us? How far have we fallen that almost all the discussion is about what it has done to the Democrat party or to Trump or to Cackling Kamala? WHERE are the people who are finally admitting having this cipher’s finger on the nuclear button is bad for America and the world? This isn’t about any person, party, or political movement. This is about saving the country. Get on board.

Are you an anti-Trumper who voted for Biden and still abhors Trump? You should apologize publicly and vote for Trump this year. But we’ll do you a favor: forget the apology, and just do the right thing this fall.

The footage of Jill Biden leading Joe off stage last night is a perfect symbol of his presidency at this point. He cannot, literally, get off the stage on his own. No wonder he can’t handle the toughest job in the world. There are a lot of people who enable Biden because they get their power and wealth from their association with him. Their support of this incompetent president is disgraceful and treasonous.

The main reason they wanted to debate early is probably that they wanted to road test him. They wanted to see if he could rise to the occasion. He did not, so now they have a few weeks to figure out how to replace him on the ticket.

In hindsight, the debate was a chance for Biden to prove to his sycophants that we could handle the campaign and the presidency. Manifestly, he cannot.

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Elections 2020: An Honest Poll Shows Trump Leading


  • Oct. 4, 2020
  • 6 min read

From the National Pulse:

Now, a Sunday Express/Democracy Institute poll shows Donald Trump in the lead because it does not weight against Republicans.

The Express‘ David Maddox reported:

The monthly Democracy Institute Sunday Express poll for the Presidential election shows that Mr Trump is still on course for victory with 46 percent of the popular support compared to his Democrat rival Joe Biden’s 45 percent. READ MORE AT: The National Pulse

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Elections 2020: Trump Must-win States, Florida and Arizona


  • Sept. 27, 2020
  • 4 min read


Arizona/Florida: As a polling entity, the ABC News/Washington Post effort is rated as one of six A+ pollsters on the FiveThirtyEight statistical organization rating card. The media partners just released a pair of polls this week, one from Arizona and the other Florida. They both capture how much a survey sample can swing based upon segmentation, in this case from registered to likely voters.

The Arizona poll (9/15-20; 701 AZ registered voters; 579 AZ likely voters) finds President Trump trailing former Vice President Joe Biden, 47-49% with registered voters, but leading 49-48% among those who are most likely to vote. In Florida, we see an even greater split. That ABC/WP survey (9/15-20; 765 FL registered voters; 613 FL likely voters) projects that Mr. Biden is holding a bare 48-47% edge among those registered to vote but leads 51-47% within the segment of those most likely to cast their ballot. This example underscores the importance of the voter participation model in determining election outcomes.

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2020 Elections: Presidential Polls and More


  • Sept. 19, 2020
  • 4 min read


Florida: Two more Florida polls were released this week showing a tightening of the race between President Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden. Both Monmouth and Florida Atlantic Universities were in the field during the September 9-13 period. Monmouth (9/10-13; 428 FL likely voters; live interview) found Mr. Biden leading 50-45% under their high turnout model, and an almost identical 49-46% if the voter participation factor proves lower. FAU (9/11-12; 831 FL likely voters; live interview and online) finds the two candidates tied at 50-50% when all respondents are pushed to make a decision. Once again, Florida is a very close state but a must-win for President Trump.

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Elections 2020: Will Biden Debate Trump? And Senate Developments


  • Sept. 8, 2020
  • 4 min read


Debates: Last October, the Commission on Presidential Debates announced the entire series schedule for both the presidential and vice-presidential forums and the details have only slightly changed. Because of the COVID crowd restrictions, the University of Notre Dame declined to host the first forum. It has been re-located to Case Western University in Cleveland and remains scheduled for Tuesday, September 29th. The lone Vice-Presidential debate then follows on Wednesday, October 7th at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City. We return to the presidential debate series on Thursday, October 15th, tabbed for the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts in Miami that will feature a town hall format. The finale occurs a week later on October 22nd from Belmont University in Nashville.

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Elections 2020: Trump Trails Biden in Arizona


  • May 30, 2020
  • 2 min read

Sunday, join us for a look at U.S. House and Senate races.

Focus: President

Arizona Poll: In the middle of May, OH Predictive Insights (5/9-11; 600 AZ likely general election voters) released their Arizona statewide survey that received considerable attention in the political pundit community due to the Grand Canyon State’s importance in the presidential campaign. With its 11 electoral votes, Arizona is a must-win state for the Trump campaign. The OH poll found former Vice President Biden leading 50-43%, his largest margin to date, but little in the way of analysis accompanied the poll release.

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