Tag Archives: Kamala Harris

America’s Stasi Must Go

By Rob Meyne

  • Dec. 20, 2024
  • 4-min read

We want an FBI that is accountable, not independent.

Kash Patel lives here (Las Vegas, NV), we have met him a couple of times (we’re even FB friends), we have friends in common, and he will be exactly what is needed as Director of the FBI.

If you’ve been following the decline of the once-admirable law enforcement agency, you realize that Chris Wray and his sycophants have turned it into a threat to the nation they are supposed to serve.

Wray has covered up and withheld information from the public and Congress. He has ignored crimes committed by leftist protestors, such as the assault on the White House where a ton of police were injured, or the illegal harassment of SCOTUS justices. Yet he has prosecuted about a thousand people for their activities January 6, a majority of whom hurt no one and damaged no property.

Yes, anyone who attacked a police officer or broke a window deserves to be prosecuted. Grandmothers who simply walked around the lawn do not.

The FBI also claims it doesn’t know who brought cocaine into the White House, who built the gallows that were on the Capitol lawn January 6, who placed pipe bombs, or who leaked the SCOTUS decision on abortion. This just in: they are lying, or, alternatively, incompetent. In either case, they need to go.

The FBI denied for four years that they had operatives in the crowd on January 6, 2021. Now, they admit they did. They had more than 20 “Confidential Human” sources there. They play word games and try to conceal the truth by saying they didn’t have undercover agents in the crowd. Who cares what they call them? They had FBI employees undercover. And it is likely the Capitol Police, CIA, Secret Service, NSA, Homeland Security, etc., had people there too.

THAT is what an unaccountable FBI looks like. It is a threat to our freedom and the republic itself. The Chris Wray FBI would fit in perfectly in Iran. Not in the U.S.

Trump was injured in an assassination attempt in July. They have released almost no information about the shooter. Why? Probably because it shows he cooperated with either foreign actors or domestic agencies. If he was a lone shooter, a nut, a whacko who just tried to shoot Trump, you would know all about him.

If he was a right-wing terrorist and racist you’d know everything from his blood type to what size shirt he wore. They even cremated the shooter’s body three days after the assassination attempt, thus destroying key evidence. The only reason to rush the cremation was to cover up something.

Most importantly, don’t buy the BS that the FBI is supposed to be an independent agency. That is simply untrue. People who say that are either uninformed or intentionally misleading.

ALL of government is intended to be accountable to elected officials and ultimately the voters. The FBI isn’t supposed to be free of accountability and influence from the voters any more than the Social Security Administration, the Pentagon, or the Senate staff. ALL of government is intended to be managed and controlled by elected officials who are themselves accountable to citizens.

Like the idea of an “independent” FBI? How did independent police forces work out in Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, Kampuchea/Cambodia, or Iran? Do you want to live in fear that an unmoored FBI might knock on your door at 2 AM and drag you off to jail? That is what you get with an FBI that reports to no one. That is what we have now, actually. Do you like that? Neither do I.

Under Biden, the FBI has functioned as a political force pursuing and supporting Biden’s political goals. That is wrong. Biden is the first president to ever use all of the available judicial and police resources in a coordinated effort to keep his political opponents off the ballot and in jail. Fortunately, the effort has failed. The American people know the charges against Trump would not have been brought against anyone else. Their cases have all fallen apart, and the people pursuing them – like Fani Willis in Atlanta – have proven to be corrupt and immoral trash.

Fortunately, most Americans saw through it. Everyone who isn’t a leftist/socialist/anti-Trumper recognizes bias and incompetence when they see it.

And, yes, quite a few people who thought they would ever vote for Trump, for anything, realized he was the better choice in 2024.

America has rejected the police state tactics of Biden and Harris. Trump has pledged to put people in charge – people like Kash Patel – who won’t let it happen again.

Rather than being a threat to our republic, Trump is poised to be the person who saves it.

Our duty is to hold Trump and his team accountable for doing the things they said they will. For the first time in at least four years, we have a president who publicly acknowledges the freedoms we have lost and is committed to restoring them.

Thank God.

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How Trump Beat the Margin of Theft

By J Robert Smith

  • Nov. 7, 2024
  • 2-min read

How many of us expected the trouncing that President-elect Donald Trump administered to Kamala Harris? Okay, so the trends were good leading up to Trump’s win, but not many people foresaw the excrement-kicking Trump dealt Kamala. Trump is only the second president in history who’ll serve nonconsecutive terms – Grover Cleveland is the other. For presidential history buffs, that’s remarkable. But Trump is more than Cleveland could ever imagine on multiple levels. He’s had to run a gauntlet of biblical dimensions. He’s withstood malicious prosecutions, two assassination attempts, a corporate media and Democrats who never missed an opportunity to slander him as Hitler or a would-be dictator. If you don’t think there’s a God, think again.

Long before Tuesday’s elections, the consensus among conservatives and Trump backers was that for Trump to win, he’d have to “beat the cheat” – or perform better than the “margin of theft.” If you look at the totals and Trump’s margins of victory in the battleground states, his margins were tight, except for Arizona, where, at this writing, he enjoys about a five percent margin between Harris and himself. If Trump failed to perform better than the margin of theft but still won a resounding victory, how did he accomplish that?

Here are four reasons to consider:

1. In the aftermath of the highly suspect Biden victory in 2020, conservative alternative media and citizen journalists made the rigged 2020 election an unrelenting focus. The information, data, and analyses generated by these cadres spread to audiences throughout the country.
2. Such effective jobs were done in reaching audiences that a third or better of the public were convinced that cheating impacted the outcome of the Biden-Trump contest.
3. In many, though not all, battleground states, efforts were made by governors and state legislatures to reform election laws aimed at tightening ballot security. Lawsuits were filed as required. Georgia suffered the loss of the 2021 MLB All-Star game because of election reforms passed by the Georgia legislature.
4. The 2024 Trump campaign, and then the Republican National Committee (RNC), under the leadership of Lara Trump and Michael Whatley, dedicated resources to deploy an army of election watchers and lawyers to aggressively challenge any irregularities encountered. Grassroots groups weighed in, too. Thousands of eyes watching elections in swing states made it clear that election officials and workers would be held civilly and criminally liable for wrongdoing.

What Happened to Biden’s 2020 Voters?

Take a look at this bar-graph from zerohedge comparing presidential vote totals from 2012 through 2024. The outlier, as anyone can see, is Biden’s 2020 total. This certainly doesn’t prove cheating but it does raise the question: “Where did Biden’s voters go?”

Where did Biden’s voters vanish to this election? Or did they really ever exist?

J. Robert Smith is a regular contributor to American Thinker.

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Democrats are the Anti-Democratic Party of Election Deniers

By Rob Meyne

  • Oct. 14, 2024
  • 3-min read

Many of the common beliefs driving today’s political events are based on things that are simply not true. Unfortunately, the mainstream media promotes them non-stop, and it is easier to accept them than to do your homework.

Most notably, it is not true that Trump is a unique threat to our system of government. He is not alone in fighting to win the election using every legal avenue possible.

He has never been convicted of a single illegal act regarding the election. Not one. Democrats have charged him with crimes, many unrelated to the election, and those cases are slowly falling apart. No reasonable person believes the charges raised against him are driven by anything but political interests.

He has not been convicted of doing anything illegal regarding the 2020 election. Nor has a single piece of evidence been offered – not one – that he directed any violent efforts on January 6 or that there was a plan to prevent a vote by electors. (If you think there is proof of that, send it my way. I won’t hold my breath.) Again, NO such evidence exists. That is why neither he, nor anyone else, has even been charged with insurrection. Yet the media (and many of you) claim it to be true.

He is not the first to go to court, try to make sure all his votes are counted, or that they were cast legally and constitutionally, or to show the media and governmental agencies conspired to keep information from voters. In fact, we know the FBI, among others, interfered with social and traditional media to make sure they buried stories that could have hurt Biden and helped Trump. The FBI had Hunter’s laptop and knew it was real, contained evidence of potential crimes by the Biden’s, and kept the information from the voters. THAT ALONE is reason to justify the statement that the 2020 election was unfair, corrupt, and that federal agencies interfered with it.

The Democrat Party has challenged the results of EVERY presidential election they lost this century. Democrats have claimed the elections were stolen, encouraged electors to change their votes, have challenged nearly every effort to secure our elections, and even tried to get a national law that would prohibit asking for vote ID. In California, the Democrat governor has forbidden localities from requiring voter ID.

In the meantime, there is a nationwide effort, funded by the Harris campaign, Democrat voters, the DNC and leftist groups, to challenge a Trump win. They have already prepared, and in some cases filed, actions to challenge the 2024 election results IF Harris loses. Marc Elias is the single most prominent election denier in America, and Harris’s legal chief. He has made a fortune by challenging free and fair elections, and he isn’t shy about it.

If you are one of those who truly believes Trump tried to “overturn” an election and the other party never does is either willfully uninformed or bigoted. Sorry. Just the facts. If you value your citizenship, care about your families, and love this country, it is time to rethink your pre-conceived notions and vote for the person with the track record who did the better job as president.

He had four years to try to be a dictator and did not. Harris had four years to try to solve our problems and only made them worse. It is not hard to make the right decision.

Below if one article about the Democrat efforts to challenge the 2024 election if they lose it, including a few points showing where they have done so before. The Democrats are ALREADY planning to challenge this election based solely on whether they win.

With apologies, if you believe the Democrats are on the side of democracy, and the GOP is not, you have drunk the leftist Kool-Aid. This is a new year, a new election, and a new opportunity to help save the nation.

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Harris and Biden Have Made America More Dangerous

By Anthony Trevlac

  • Sept. 29, 2024
  • 3-min read

The Biden-Harris administration opened the border on day one. It was an intentional, strategic, and unprecedented action intended to do only one thing: get more Democrat voters in the country.

Please don’t be among those who believe even for a second that there are any altruistic motives behind their open border policy. If you believe Democrat leadership (or even most Republicans) do things primarily because they care about you, then you haven’t learned much in life.

Ten to twenty years ago, every Democrat leader was adamantly opposed to illegal immigration. Obama, Biden, Schumer, and Clinton all gave speeches laying out the threat posed by illegal immigration. They swore to protect our borders, enforce immigration law, protect American jobs, and keep our communities safe.

Why did they change their minds? One word: power. Democrat leaders looked at shifting patterns in voting behavior, and the unpopularity of the Democrat philosophy among working class Americans. They realized their best chance to build a majority was to flood America with non-citizens. This was a startling, craven policy reversal that had no benefits for the country or our citizens, but tons for the Democrat Party. These aliens would then be able to vote (although illegally) in our elections and would almost certainly be granted citizenship eventually.

Harris has already endorsed citizenship for all of the people here illegally.

Actions speak for themselves. Democrat elites could not care less about the damage unrestrained immigration has done to America. It has led to record drug overdoses, violent crimes against Americans, an erosion of the very value of citizenship, and it has fueled slavery and child sex trafficking. Harris thinks people should be rewarded for violating our laws and endangering your families.

The Biden Administration recently admitted they have completely lost track of 320,000 unaccompanied children they have let over the border. These are helpless, minor children our government brought in that have become lost in the nation, with untold thousands lost to prostitution, abuse, and slavery.

THAT is the Harris record. THAT is reason enough to make sure Harris never again sees the inside of the oval office.

Trump is continually criticized as racist because of his statement on immigration. The left calls people racist when they can’t win an argument based on facts. His statements on the issue are factual, reasonable, and stunning in their honesty.

One of the reasons many people like Trump is because of his authenticity. He says things others don’t have the nerve to say. Even if you don’t always like what he says, you feel like you know where he stands.

He points out, accurately, that a lot of criminals and terrorists have been welcomed into the U. S., unvetted, and that Americans have been assaulted, raped, and killed by them. That much is undeniable. It is not racist to point out that Americans have been the victims of these crimes.

Trump has never said “all” illegal aliens are criminals. When he speaks of dangerous people coming here illegally, he is referring – duh – to the people who are dangerous. Only people who intentionally try to misrepresent his positions believe he is against all immigration. He has said any times he wants immigrants to come here, but he wants them vetted and going through a legal process. In today’s irrational, emotional, fact-free political climate it is considered racist to say people should obey the law.

It is also factual to say that none of the people killed or assaulted by illegals – people like Laken Riley – would still be alive if our borders were secure. The person who killed Riley was let in by Biden & Harris. She would be alive today if Harris and Biden were not in office.

Today Biden’s own ICE officials released data showing we have let in about 425,000 known criminals, including 15,000 murderers and about 13,000 rapists. This is what Harris and Biden’s own government says. It is not racist or bigoted theories; it is not lies from conservatives. This is what they ADMIT.

The issue is not now, and never has been, whether illegals commit more crimes than anyone else. That doesn’t matter. What matters is that 100% of the crimes they commit are preventable. Every. One.

If you can’t understand that and why it is so important to get someone (not Harris) in the White House who has shown they will secure the border, then God help you. And us.

Laken Riley’s blood is on Harris’s hands. And if we don’t work to keep her out of the presidency, it will be on ours, too.

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Why Hasn’t She Done It?

By J Robert Smith

  • Sept. 13, 2024
  • 2-min read

It would have been so much better had Donald Trump’s closing remarks in last Tuesday’s presidential debate been his opening remarks. Why? Because Trump framed his fight against Harris powerfully. Asked the former president about Harris’ nearly four-year nonperformance: “Why hasn’t she done it?” That is, fix the problems she claims she’ll fix now – problems created by Biden-Harris.

Trump lost some traction coming out of Tuesday’s debate because, although Harris’ remarks came across as canned, she did succeed in making Trump the issue. Any election with an incumbent is supposed to be a referendum on the incumbent. That’s particularly true with Kamala Harris, who lacks the personal attributes to serve in the highest office, and as the “Harris” in the Biden-Harris administration is responsible for the woes that millions of Americans are experiencing – and will experience more deeply if Harris assumes the presidency.

The good news is that Trump has time to turn the tables. He needs to ask his question at every rally and in every interview he gives. His advertising needs to hammer away at it too. And it wouldn’t hurt to close this election with Regan’s memorable question: “Are you better off today than you were four years ago?”

Trump will be Trump, of course. He likes to riff. He tends to be too defensive, and spends more time explaining why he did what he did. But this election isn’t about Trump – or shouldn’t be. It’s about the struggles that tens of millions of working and middle-income wage earners are experiencing. It’s about Biden-Harris deliberately throwing open the southern borders to permit millions of illegals to enter. It’s about spreading crime. It’s about historic government and private sector corruption. It’s a bout the prospect of major war with Russia, China, or both. It’s about the future, which is shaky as hell thanks to Biden-Harris’ wretched leadership.

Trump, always the promoter and marketer, should brand merchandise and signs with “Harris: Why hasn’t she done it?” His ads should feature the question. Saturate it. And Trump should never leave a rally or interview having not asked that very potent question.

It’s a question that practically answers itself, and it’s a question Kamala Harris never wants asked.

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The Presidential Debate won’t Decide the Election

By J Robert Smith

  • Sept. 11, 2024
  • 3-min read

Look, no spin here. Donald Trump had a better debate against Biden. On Tuesday night, he looked tired and grumpy. Harris successfully baited Trump, who spent too much time on defense. Yes, the ABC News moderates were biased as hell. It was Harris and ABC News versus Trump. But did anyone expect otherwise?

Trump missed some golden opportunities to frame the election as a referendum on Biden-Harris. Truth is, Trump let Harris frame the contest as a referendum on him – for only a bit, if Trump and his team use the post-debate to dissect Harris’ lies and reposition this race as an up-or-down vote on nearly four miserable years of the Biden-Harris regime.

Kamala Harris? She came off as a bitch: lecturing, scolding, taunting. That won’t play well among a segment of independent voters who don’t want a nasty grade school teacher to be president. Male voters – younger males, in particular – will find Harris’ “Badass Momma” routine off-putting. It’ll be interesting to see how Harris’ performance registers among black men, who may be as turned off by woman wagging a finger in Trump’s face as are other male cohorts. Trump shut up Harris twice for interrupting, which was very good.

However canned Harris’ answers were, she didn’t come across as a ditz. That’s going to allay concerns among some independents about Harris’ competency to serve as president. She isn’t competent, but that’s the Trump campaign’s challenge in the coming days: peel back Harris’ facade.

The big takeaway is that much will happen in the coming days to shape the outcome of this election. The debate is just one battle. Trump has to do what he hasn’t done strongly enough so far: make the focus on Biden-Harris – on hurting working and middle income Americans with higher prices on everything. On choking off domestic energy production, which is the economy’s lifeblood. On deliberately collapsing the border. On crime. On using the law to not only persecute Trump, but many others.

And finally… finally… this election is about ballots. Trump must beat the margin of theft this November. If you don’t expect Democrats to “creatively” ballot in jurisdictions they control in swing states, you didn’t live through the 2020 presidential race. In my estimation, beating the cheat means defeating Harris in battleground states (or the right combination of swing states) by more than 3%. 5% might be what Trump needs to win. Getting pro-Trump voters casting ballots is imperative.

However unevenly Trump did in the debate, it’s only a round in this fight. Cliché as this is, the presidential contest will serve as an historic pivot. Either we move to recapture our liberties or we continue to march toward some form of tyranny. Transforming America comes down to tyrannizing America.

Trump’s election is terribly critical in ending the march of would-be tyrants and rebuilding a free republic. Let’s keep our eyes on the ball.

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Time for Courage

By Rob Meyne

  • Sept. 9, 2024
  • 3-min read

As the presidential campaign accelerates, let’s have a reality check.

Either Harris or Trump will be inaugurated president in 2025. Don’t like your choices? Neither do a lot of people. But those are the options. Put on your big girl panties and get over it.

Some ostensibly Republican conservative voters say they’ll come back to the GOP when Trump is gone. Clue phone, and it’s for you: the damage that four more years of Harris would do is far more important than whatever you think of the party. Put America first, not either party. If you do that, you’ll vote for Trump.

Harris is basically a socialist, and certainly proposes socialist policies. Trump is a conservative constitutionalist.

Trump is the more moderate of the two candidates, by far.

Trump was president for four years, in which time we had record low unemployment, low inflation, a more secure border, growing real personal income, and no new wars.

Under Harris, we have had nearly four years of record inflation, sky high drug overdoses, an open border with an epidemic of crimes by illegal aliens, America deep into two new wars, and she promises to pack the court, kill the filibuster, and add new states to boost Democrat power.

If you have trouble deciding which candidate is better for America – or think genitalia and skin color should determine your vote – God help us all.

Only one candidate can be considered a constitutional conservative. Your choices are these: vote for a person you dislike who did a good job as president. Or vote for a person you may or may not like who has done a terrible job.

One succeeded. The other did not.

For nearly a decade, I have watched former Republicans and conservatives drop out, check out, and divorce themselves from either the Party or politics in general. Astonishingly, thousands of these people across the country have convinced themselves this shows their honor and decency.

It shows just the opposite.

If you brag that you’re not going to vote Republican as long as Trump is involved with the party, you are by definition making the party the focus of your decision. I honestly don’t care what party Trump is affiliated with. If he was a Reformed Druid Baptist running against a committed leftist, and he had the best chance of beating them, I would vote for him.

Focus on the Party and you’ll get caught up in 3 AM dorm room-level discussions. Focus on what is best for the country, and the decision comes easily.

This just in: NO ONE CARES what you think about the parties. There is no such thing as a protest vote. There are just people without the courage to take a stand. If you oppose Trump, even though you do not favor socialism, it means your commitment to the good of the country is less important than virtue-signaling and being a part of the self-righteous, smug anti-Trump crowd.

Do you really think it is in the best interests of the country to have a president with Harris’s gross incompetence and socialist positions? Make the case. Go ahead. Convince us that is best for the country. Unless you are a socialist, you can’t.

It takes zero courage to turn your back on a party or a candidate when it is the popular thing to do. Courage is not usually found among the group of people standing at the side and making fun of someone.
Courage is found in sincere thought, facts, sound ideas, values, principles, and actions that back them up.

Hate Trump? Good for you. You’ll get a lot of self-congratulatory dithering from others who also haven’t the backbone to hang in for a tough fight.

I don’t know about you, but IF we lose, I will go down fighting. If we ever lose the country, it will be in spite of my best efforts. Quite literally, it may be over my dead body.

So you can choose. You can be courageous, strong, and patriotic, or you can hang out with the vacuous ciphers who pat each other on the back and claim they’re better than you are.

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It Don’t Come Easy, Kamala

By J Robert Smith

  • Aug. 21, 2024
  • 1-min read

Forget about all the smog that corporate media is belching. Kamala Harris is still a ditz. Her sidekick, Tim Walz, is a progressive Minnesota Fats. He’s all about the hustle. He’s a guy who stole valor thinking he could trade it for a beer. The Kamala that we’ve come to know is being memory-holed — or so our hubristic betters hope. For them, like The Fly, something new is aborning. Spinning sell-able narratives depends first on the old Kamala disappearing.

Corporate media’s pollsters are hired to massage numbers as needed. Number massaging is crucial. Kamala vying with Trump in the polls — in fact, leading him by a tittle in this or that battleground state sample — is necessary to bolster whatever narratives her handlers confect. It’s self-reinforcing. Those tight polls also serve as mighty good cover when ballot-counting starts in garden spots like Philly and Detroit.

Blank slate Kamala can be filled-in as perky but not cackling. She’s a woman who bakes, not barks. She strained her widdle eyes studying the southern border for nearly four years, and now she’s got an idea: she’ll close it. She’ll eat Walz’s “white guy tacos” to be a good sport. She’s Florida from Good Times until the Indian vote matters, then she’ll flip to some Bollywood persona.

Read the article in its entirety at American Thinker.

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If Harris and Walz Win, You Lose.
It is That Simple.

By Anthony Trevlac

  • Aug. 11, 2024
  • 4-min read

For those who pay close attention to public affairs, global or domestic, the quadrennial search for a new president is frustrating.

It is certain that huge majorities of people will vote without knowing very much about the challenges we face or about the people running, I have friends who say they don’t follow the news or the campaign, but are very certain they will never vote for Trump.

Really? You don’t even know what is at stake, the facts, or the records of the candidates, but you are certain of your decision? That doesn’t make sense. It isn’t logical to say BOTH that you don’t know much AND that you are certain for whom you will vote. It makes as much sense as your doctor saying they won’t examine you but are confident they have the right diagnosis.

We have a chance to vote for one of two people who have track records. This SHOULD be among the easiest voting decisions we’ve ever seen. Was the nation better off under Trump or under Harris & Biden? That will tell you how to vote.

Harris and Walz are the most socialist/leftist pair to ever seek our nation’s highest offices, and it isn’t even close. But they are running hard from their records and don’t even want you to know what they believe. Of course, Harris has been VP, and they say she was part of every action the Biden White House has taken, so she owns their dismal record. But, the good news is that, if you want to vote for a guy who signed a law requiring tampons to be available in boys restrooms, you’ve got your chance, because Walz did just that.

The addition of Walz to the ticket confirms they think they can win by relying on identity politics and socialist/leftist policies. Maybe they can.

The Dems are presenting a marketing campaign, not a political campaign. They don’t even PRETEND to care about issues. And it has never been so clear.

Gov. Walz is a sign that the antisemitic cohort of the Democrat Party is in charge. Walz sucks up to the radical Islamists in MN and elsewhere. He has repeatedly hosted a MN cleric who celebrated the Oct. 7 attacks. That is the Dem choice for VP. He has explained that free speech guarantees don’t apply to hate speech and misinformation. Well… of course they do. The First Amendment was designed, specifically, to apply to free political speech that you don’t like. The Dem leaders are now saying, openly, that First Amendment protections do NOT apply to speech they don’t like.

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Harris and Walz: Atop the Democrats’ Wedding Cake

By J Robert Smith

  • Aug. 8, 2024
  • 1-min read

On Wednesday, Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris named her running mate. Minnesota governor Tim Walz got the nod over Josh Shapiro, Pennsylvania’s governor. Rumors of Michelle Obama wanting second banana were fanciful. The Obamas aren’t second anything.

Walz’s selection is a bit of a surprise. Shapiro would have brought more to the ticket, and Pennsylvania is critical to Harris’ chances this autumn. Donald Trump enjoys a slim lead in the Keystone State. Democrats may figure that they’ll just steal PA from Trump, as happened in 2020. Shapiro may have threatened Kamala’s sense of self. Kamala is said to be insecure, self-doubting, and bullying. In an increasingly volatile world, she’s the perfect choice to helm the ship-of-state.

What can we say about a man [Walz] who protects those who mutilate children’s bodies in the name of “gender-affirming health care?” How about promoting the savagery of no-limits abortion? How about banning counseling for gender dysphoria sufferers? How about safeguarding graphic LGBTQ themed pornography in public libraries and schools?

To read the article in full, go to: American Thinker.

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