Tag Archives: Kamala Harris

Getting Crazy with Speculation

Democrats will shortly elevate Vice President Kamala Harris to the Democrat presidential nomination. Democrats will spin her nomination furiously. (Photo by Gage Skidmore)

By J Robert Smith

  • July 22, 2024
  • 3-min read

In the aftermath of the near-assassination of Donald Trump, there was a deluge of speculation on X (formerly Twitter) and other social media. A lot of higher profile conservatives suggested that the shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks, was somehow linked to a conspiracy to kill the former president. Some of the speculation has been wild.

The speculation about Crooks was fueled, in part, by the lack of transparency by the FBI, Secret Service, and other law enforcement agencies. Granted, with an ongoing investigation, law enforcement must withhold some details, lest the investigation be hampered. But there’s plenty about Crooks and the event’s general circumstances that could be discussed. Lack of communications has only ratcheted up guesswork.

Now, does that mean we should write off the possibility that Crooks was the gunman in a scheme to kill Trump? No. Certainly, authorities should have or are exploring that avenue. Should we trust law enforcement? Maybe not, but let’s see what they claim first.

Based on the information that has surfaced about Crooks to date, it seems unlikely that he was anything more than a misfit. He was another in a long line of losers who decided killing – in this case a former president – was a way of evening scores for failures in his own life. And/or Crooks was a radicalized left-winger.

Democrats and corporate media spent months demonizing Trump as the next Hitler, a wannabe dictator, and the destroyer of democracy. It may be that such highly inflammatory, hate-filled language helped Crooks rationalize attempting to assassinate Trump. Perhaps, Crooks believed that important establishment voices branding Trump as dangerous gave him license to commit murder? Perhaps, in his twisted mind, he thought he’d be celebrated as a hero for killing Trump?

“Where’s Biden” Craziness

Joe Biden hasn’t been seen since – well, for days. In fact, he issued (or someone did) a statement declaring that he was backing out of the presidential contest. It was announced a few days ago that Biden was battling COVID. That may explain why he hasn’t been visible. It may also be that Biden is stewing because he didn’t chose to leave the race. Chances are, Biden was forced out of the contest. Who knows, he may have been induced to leave with financial guarantees and guarantees of legal cover for himself and his clan of grifters. But that’s guesswork, too.

Nonetheless, Biden being scarce has sparked oodles of speculation that the Democrats or whoever are keeping him out of the public eye for whatever nefarious reason. Again, we can’t exclude that Biden is being kept under wraps to serve some dark purpose, but not likely. Biden is sick, and he and Dr. Jill are probably taking time to lick their wombs. If Biden stays out of sight much longer, then there may be legitimate questions about his well being and whereabouts. We’ll find out more shortly, so let’s exercise a little patience and not spin crazy tales.

Tag, Kamala is It

Meanwhile, the Democrats will shortly elevate Kamala Harris to the Democrat presidential nomination. They’ve already locked up the delegates. Democrats will spin her nomination furiously. They’ll gaslight like maniacs hoping that no stink clings to her as part of Biden’s failed presidency. Along with corporate media, they’ll use all their powers to try to make Kamala who she isn’t and never was.

Kamala Harris is a silly, unsmart, untalented politician. Harris is a double box check: Female and part Black. Harris has no slave ancestry – at least, not related to the American south. She spent a big chunk of her growing up years in Toronto, Canada. She’s a knee-jerk left-winger. She would be a terrible president if she’s elected (with a little help from creative balloting).

A Harris presidency would extend the Barack Obama team’s hold on the White House and executive authority. Harris would simply replace Biden as chief puppet.

You can take all that to the bank.

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Trump’s Out at Facebook. Let’s Stop Chasing Big Tech Platforms

By J Robert Smith

  • May 5, 2021
  • 3 min read

The Facebook Oversight Board ruled earlier today that former president Donald Trump is gone from its platform – for good, it appears. Throw in Instagram.

The statement released by the Board is a bunch high-minded sounding goop. Read the decision here. Bottom-line: Banishing Trump when he was president was a powerplay. Keeping Trump off Zuckerberg’s platforms is – yes, you guessed it – a powerplay. It’s a powerplay premised on a Big Lie.

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The Creepy Shadowing of Biden by Harris

J Robert Smith

  • March 7, 2021
  • 3 min read

I remarked to a colleague the other day that doesn’t it seem creepy that anytime Joe Biden surfaces for a – fleeting – public appearance, more often than not, Kamala Harris is lurking in the background? Does it not seem like an exec who’s privately informed his higher ups that he plans to retire but will slow walk it to give his heir apparent a chance to get familiar with whatever she needs to become familiar with?

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Either Way, It Will Make History

A New Way to Run for President

Rob Meyne

  • Oct. 9, 2020
  • 5 min read

Updated: Oct 10, 2020

Two competing narratives are being promoted regarding the 2020 election.

One says Joe Biden is far ahead, people hate Trump, and the public polls are accurate. National polls show Biden in the lead, and in many the lead is double digits. If the polls giving Biden the biggest leads are even close to accurate, he is headed for the largest victory of a Democratic candidate in our lifetimes.

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Needed: More Showgirls Running for Congress

Rob Meyne

  • Aug. 14, 2019
  • 4 min read

It shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone that politicians will do almost anything to get elected. If that astonishes you, I would refer you to other recent news: water is wet, fish swim, and birds fly.

If hypocrisy were money, the political class could retire, en masse, move to desert islands, leave the rest of us alone, and let Buck, your yard guy, run the country. If he cares as much about us as he does about the palm trees, he’s my guy.
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