Tag Archives: Donald Trump

The Truth Benefits Trump and America

By Rob Meyne

  • Nov. 11, ,2024
  • 3-min read

The few days following an election are traditionally a time of decompression, good will, and commitment to finding common ground. Trump and Biden seem to be doing their parts. The uproar from leftists, media, and many anti-Trumpers, however, has been less reserved.

If you listen to Biden’s statements, his message is essentially that people say a lot of bad things during a campaign but, after it is all over, we really can get along. Two days after Harris got trounced, Biden was smiling and said, “We’re going to be ok.” Two days earlier everyone on his side was saying Trump would be the end of democracy. Obviously, he didn’t mean it or believe it.

It was pure campaign hyperbole and vitriol. It is sad that millions of people are terrified of the many things Democrats said in the 2024 campaign are just not true. Democrats portrayed 2024 as a last fight for democracy. As the current Democrat president indicates, it wasn’t true, and he knows it.

Having lost badly in a democratic election, many Dems are saying they will do everything they can to oppose Trump. He was the winner and the best thing for the country would be to find common ground. Their hatred of Trump is greater than their love of country. They show no sign of goodwill, reaching out, or coming together.

The governors of Illinois and California, to name two, have marshaled resources to oppose Trump in whatever unnamed horrible things he is supposedly planning on doing. Gov. Gavin Newsom, who looks in a mirror and always sees a future president, has called for a special session of the California legislature to prepare for, well, he doesn’t exactly say. He wants to be ready for the terrible attacks Trump is planning, whatever they may be.

I am reminded of a few anti-Trumper friends and ex-friends who have been saying for nearly a decade that Trump is evil. He will ruin America. They always talk about the horrible things he WILL do, but it never happens. Trump did not strip women of their rights, try to put people of color in camps, or round up and imprison journalists or people of color, and he has no plans for it. Yet they keep saying it. Like Chicken Little, they say the sky is falling. But it hasn’t yet. Every day the credibility of the left is reduced. More people are catching on. That is one thing that explains the record level of support Trump got from Black and Hispanic Americans.

The entirety of the leftist/anti-Trumper narrative is that he WILL be a threat to America even though he has been president once and the nation was demonstrably better off for it.

Under Trump, unemployment and inflation were low, we were not involved in any new wars, we were energy independent, gas was cheap, and minorities enjoyed record low unemployment. Real incomes increased. All Americans got a tax cut. Importantly, real income grew at a faster rate for lower income Americans than for the richest among us, which is exactly the opposite of what Harris and company claimed.

That is the real Trump record. The left loses when people are better informed. Fortunately, the results of November 5 suggest at least some Americans are better informed than the anti-Trump crowd wants.

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How Trump Beat the Margin of Theft

By J Robert Smith

  • Nov. 7, 2024
  • 2-min read

How many of us expected the trouncing that President-elect Donald Trump administered to Kamala Harris? Okay, so the trends were good leading up to Trump’s win, but not many people foresaw the excrement-kicking Trump dealt Kamala. Trump is only the second president in history who’ll serve nonconsecutive terms – Grover Cleveland is the other. For presidential history buffs, that’s remarkable. But Trump is more than Cleveland could ever imagine on multiple levels. He’s had to run a gauntlet of biblical dimensions. He’s withstood malicious prosecutions, two assassination attempts, a corporate media and Democrats who never missed an opportunity to slander him as Hitler or a would-be dictator. If you don’t think there’s a God, think again.

Long before Tuesday’s elections, the consensus among conservatives and Trump backers was that for Trump to win, he’d have to “beat the cheat” – or perform better than the “margin of theft.” If you look at the totals and Trump’s margins of victory in the battleground states, his margins were tight, except for Arizona, where, at this writing, he enjoys about a five percent margin between Harris and himself. If Trump failed to perform better than the margin of theft but still won a resounding victory, how did he accomplish that?

Here are four reasons to consider:

1. In the aftermath of the highly suspect Biden victory in 2020, conservative alternative media and citizen journalists made the rigged 2020 election an unrelenting focus. The information, data, and analyses generated by these cadres spread to audiences throughout the country.
2. Such effective jobs were done in reaching audiences that a third or better of the public were convinced that cheating impacted the outcome of the Biden-Trump contest.
3. In many, though not all, battleground states, efforts were made by governors and state legislatures to reform election laws aimed at tightening ballot security. Lawsuits were filed as required. Georgia suffered the loss of the 2021 MLB All-Star game because of election reforms passed by the Georgia legislature.
4. The 2024 Trump campaign, and then the Republican National Committee (RNC), under the leadership of Lara Trump and Michael Whatley, dedicated resources to deploy an army of election watchers and lawyers to aggressively challenge any irregularities encountered. Grassroots groups weighed in, too. Thousands of eyes watching elections in swing states made it clear that election officials and workers would be held civilly and criminally liable for wrongdoing.

What Happened to Biden’s 2020 Voters?

Take a look at this bar-graph from zerohedge comparing presidential vote totals from 2012 through 2024. The outlier, as anyone can see, is Biden’s 2020 total. This certainly doesn’t prove cheating but it does raise the question: “Where did Biden’s voters go?”

Where did Biden’s voters vanish to this election? Or did they really ever exist?

J. Robert Smith is a regular contributor to American Thinker.

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In the Weirdest Campaign On Record, the Best Decision is Still Obvious

By Rob Meyne

  • Oct. 30, 2024
  • 5-min read

The campaign has entered its last week. One certainty is that historians, if there are any left allowed to think and speak freely, will look back at this as perhaps the most extraordinary American presidential election.

The party in power spent more than three years claiming their president was mentally competent and up to the job. They argued, in contradiction of all evidence, that Joe Biden was fit, energetic, quick, and logical. The completely worthless Joe Scarborough wanted us to believe that Biden did cartwheels down the hallways in the West Wing, while juggling chainsaws, translating the Washington Post into Aramaic, and calculating the square root of Pi in his head.

It was like everyone in the media and the Party claimed Jabba the Hut wasn’t really overweight. When Biden’s senescence became too clear to deny, in the June debate, they decided he had to go. It always strains credibility when someone who has been claiming one thing is true for years on end suddenly switches their story completely. “Joe’s just fine” became “he has to go.”

Notably, the furor within the Democrat Party revealed a lot about their priorities. The discussion from their leaders was entirely about how Biden’s frailty affected their campaign. Not one person in Democrat leadership ever spoke about the good of the nation. Not one leader ever made a substantial argument that Biden had to leave because it was risky for America, and the world, to have an incompetent person, non-compos menses, with his finger on the nuclear button.

No. They only had to shoot Biden because he would have trouble winning the campaign. They cared about their power, but not the nation’s well-being. As the Democrats claim they are only concerned about preserving democracy, that is worth remembering.

Biden, the candidate who won the open Democrat primary process, receiving 14 million votes, was unceremoniously tossed aside by a self-appointed elite group of Democrat leaders and their billionaire donors. The American leftist oligarchy didn’t even cling to a pretense of openness or fairness. They installed in the presidential race a woman who has never received a single vote for the presidency.

Nor has she distinguished herself professionally. When choosing her, Biden didn’t ever claim she was best qualified to be president. He said he selected her primarily based on her sex and race, rather than on merit. He said it. Believe him.

Then, she spent four years in the vice presidency earning notoriety only for her failure to achieve anything related to two subject areas of which she was in charge: bringing broadband to rural America and securing the border. She is without accomplishments in these or any other discernible areas.

Harris is running as BOTH the proud owner of the four years of the Biden-Harris Administration AND the person who represents change. It is like having El Chapo encourage you to go to rehab. It makes zero sense.

Donald Trump has, to the chagrin of a lot of former Republicans and Republicans in Name Only (RINOs), dominated the GOP for a decade. He is the most unlikely of conservative leaders and not someone whose appeal to the working man is easily explained. I guess if millionaires like Obama can lecture us that too many Americans are rich, Trump can appeal to the average voter in Terre Haute. We find our heroes where we can.

Another oddity from 2024 is the GOP nominee has been the target of two, “count ‘em,” two, assassination attempts, being shot in one and narrowly escaping the other. The FBI, Secret Service, and DOJ continue to tarnish their reputations through incompetence on the job and cover-ups and lies to Congress and the public.

If you believe anything the FBI tells you, at this point, you probably think Ed McMahon is still going to send you a sweepstakes check. The FBI has released little information about the assassin in PA, even though the dribs and drabs that have come out raise more questions than they answer.

As it stands, we are to believe that a 20-year-old punk, with no formal training, was able to construct explosive devices, operate encrypted phones, elude the most prominent executive protection service on the planet, and kill a bystander while almost killing, and injuring, a former president. All this more easily than you could get Hillary to take a bribe.

Trump’s record as president is sterling compared to Harris/Biden. No reasonable person would look at the economic, crime, immigration, health, drug, or foreign policy landscape and say, “at least it is better than under Trump.” You cannot factually make a reasonable argument for Harris over Trump. It can’t be done.

All you can do is pile on top of Trump’s existing flaws, real and imagined, and claim they disqualify him from consideration. Trump has deficiencies, certainly, but so does Harris. One must willfully ignore Harris’s record, positions, and foibles to argue that her opponent’s flaws make her the better choice.

No competitive election is ever a choice where only one side should be evaluated. Logical and factual electoral choices are made in the context of the alternatives. If they are not made that way, they are not logical or informed. Anyone who says they must vote against Trump regardless of the other option is not making an intelligent decision. That simple.

This year will answer the question of whether an incumbent president or VP of the following description can win the presidency: they have a dismal track record, no significant achievements, issue positions most Americans abhor, aren’t capable of doing mainstream interviews, and refuse to even hold a press conference.

Having spent her entire service as VP trashing half of America, and suggesting that anyone who raises information that is inconvenient to them should be censored, Harris is not credible presenting herself as a unifier.

As America has learned more about Harris, we have found there is very little “there” there. She is like a glass onion; every layer that is pulled away reveals more of the vacuity of her core.
There is a better alternative to Harris. There is not a perfect one, just one that is clearly preferable for the nation.

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Why Hasn’t She Done It?

By J Robert Smith

  • Sept. 13, 2024
  • 2-min read

It would have been so much better had Donald Trump’s closing remarks in last Tuesday’s presidential debate been his opening remarks. Why? Because Trump framed his fight against Harris powerfully. Asked the former president about Harris’ nearly four-year nonperformance: “Why hasn’t she done it?” That is, fix the problems she claims she’ll fix now – problems created by Biden-Harris.

Trump lost some traction coming out of Tuesday’s debate because, although Harris’ remarks came across as canned, she did succeed in making Trump the issue. Any election with an incumbent is supposed to be a referendum on the incumbent. That’s particularly true with Kamala Harris, who lacks the personal attributes to serve in the highest office, and as the “Harris” in the Biden-Harris administration is responsible for the woes that millions of Americans are experiencing – and will experience more deeply if Harris assumes the presidency.

The good news is that Trump has time to turn the tables. He needs to ask his question at every rally and in every interview he gives. His advertising needs to hammer away at it too. And it wouldn’t hurt to close this election with Regan’s memorable question: “Are you better off today than you were four years ago?”

Trump will be Trump, of course. He likes to riff. He tends to be too defensive, and spends more time explaining why he did what he did. But this election isn’t about Trump – or shouldn’t be. It’s about the struggles that tens of millions of working and middle-income wage earners are experiencing. It’s about Biden-Harris deliberately throwing open the southern borders to permit millions of illegals to enter. It’s about spreading crime. It’s about historic government and private sector corruption. It’s a bout the prospect of major war with Russia, China, or both. It’s about the future, which is shaky as hell thanks to Biden-Harris’ wretched leadership.

Trump, always the promoter and marketer, should brand merchandise and signs with “Harris: Why hasn’t she done it?” His ads should feature the question. Saturate it. And Trump should never leave a rally or interview having not asked that very potent question.

It’s a question that practically answers itself, and it’s a question Kamala Harris never wants asked.

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The Presidential Debate won’t Decide the Election

By J Robert Smith

  • Sept. 11, 2024
  • 3-min read

Look, no spin here. Donald Trump had a better debate against Biden. On Tuesday night, he looked tired and grumpy. Harris successfully baited Trump, who spent too much time on defense. Yes, the ABC News moderates were biased as hell. It was Harris and ABC News versus Trump. But did anyone expect otherwise?

Trump missed some golden opportunities to frame the election as a referendum on Biden-Harris. Truth is, Trump let Harris frame the contest as a referendum on him – for only a bit, if Trump and his team use the post-debate to dissect Harris’ lies and reposition this race as an up-or-down vote on nearly four miserable years of the Biden-Harris regime.

Kamala Harris? She came off as a bitch: lecturing, scolding, taunting. That won’t play well among a segment of independent voters who don’t want a nasty grade school teacher to be president. Male voters – younger males, in particular – will find Harris’ “Badass Momma” routine off-putting. It’ll be interesting to see how Harris’ performance registers among black men, who may be as turned off by woman wagging a finger in Trump’s face as are other male cohorts. Trump shut up Harris twice for interrupting, which was very good.

However canned Harris’ answers were, she didn’t come across as a ditz. That’s going to allay concerns among some independents about Harris’ competency to serve as president. She isn’t competent, but that’s the Trump campaign’s challenge in the coming days: peel back Harris’ facade.

The big takeaway is that much will happen in the coming days to shape the outcome of this election. The debate is just one battle. Trump has to do what he hasn’t done strongly enough so far: make the focus on Biden-Harris – on hurting working and middle income Americans with higher prices on everything. On choking off domestic energy production, which is the economy’s lifeblood. On deliberately collapsing the border. On crime. On using the law to not only persecute Trump, but many others.

And finally… finally… this election is about ballots. Trump must beat the margin of theft this November. If you don’t expect Democrats to “creatively” ballot in jurisdictions they control in swing states, you didn’t live through the 2020 presidential race. In my estimation, beating the cheat means defeating Harris in battleground states (or the right combination of swing states) by more than 3%. 5% might be what Trump needs to win. Getting pro-Trump voters casting ballots is imperative.

However unevenly Trump did in the debate, it’s only a round in this fight. Cliché as this is, the presidential contest will serve as an historic pivot. Either we move to recapture our liberties or we continue to march toward some form of tyranny. Transforming America comes down to tyrannizing America.

Trump’s election is terribly critical in ending the march of would-be tyrants and rebuilding a free republic. Let’s keep our eyes on the ball.

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If You Vote On Issues, You Have Exactly One Defensible Choice

By Rob Meyne

  • Aug. 31 2024
  • 5-min read

A recent article from a North Carolina columnist sums up the views of many anti-Trumpers.

His arguments are well-worn and widely accepted, but so are a lot of things that don’t rely on facts.

Tom Campbell has written a lot of good columns. His latest is not one of them. (His work can be found by searching for Tom Campbell & North Carolina.) His basic point: “Trump sucks,” (not his exact words), so how can anyone support him?

The author’s tactic is typical of those used by many politicians, commentators, and average people; attack the person, not the policy. If the left/media (but I repeat myself) can convince you that Trump is a threat to the nation, and people who support him are mindless zombies who worship him, they don’t have to discuss policy. This is very convenient for people who have records that are difficult to defend, or who are running against a president under whom America did well. That summarizes the 2024 election.

Biden and Harris have been a disaster. Harris and Walz favor Marxist policies, which threaten our freedom and economic strength. And most Americans realize Trump performed well as president, even if they don’t like him.

The ONLY tactic that is likely to succeed against Trump is to claim he is so dangerous literally a threat to the survival of the nation, while avoiding discussing issues, and lying when forced to confront your record.

Every time someone says YOU are a mindless cultist, what it really means is they can’t explain why they support Harris. Count on it. As has been said many times, in general, leftists win by lying, conservatives win when they tell the truth.

Campbell writes that Trump’s commitment to making America great again is “all show.” Apparently, he can read minds and possibly predict the future. Remind me to ask him what the next winning lottery number will be.

Trump entered politics as a rich, famous, successful employer in the private sector. He had taken a small family business and built it into an iconic global brand. Leading Democrats – Harris, Biden, Clinton, Obama, Pelosi, Schumer – spent all or most of their lives on the public dime and grew rich through selling influence and insider training.

Trump also delivered policies that helped mainstream Americans. If that is “all show” I’ll take it.

Trump’s personality, combativeness, and pettiness are a turn-off for many people. We get it. The question is what is most important to you? If it is more important to have a president who doesn’t send mean Tweets than, for example, to prevent nuclear war, then vote for Harris. If the future of the world is more important than personalities, vote for Trump. Decide what is most important and you’ll know what to do.

Campbell says, “And please help me understand why his cult seems willing to forgive his crimes, his outlandish conduct, absence of morality or his incessant lies and still pledge allegiance to him.”

Accusing people of “pledging allegiance to a candidate” is the accusation made by anti-Trumpers who can’t defend their policies and want to vilify you and me. When someone accuses you of being a cultist or of pledging allegiance to a person it proves they are, themselves, bigoted. They accuse you of doing what they are doing.

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Getting Crazy with Speculation

Democrats will shortly elevate Vice President Kamala Harris to the Democrat presidential nomination. Democrats will spin her nomination furiously. (Photo by Gage Skidmore)

By J Robert Smith

  • July 22, 2024
  • 3-min read

In the aftermath of the near-assassination of Donald Trump, there was a deluge of speculation on X (formerly Twitter) and other social media. A lot of higher profile conservatives suggested that the shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks, was somehow linked to a conspiracy to kill the former president. Some of the speculation has been wild.

The speculation about Crooks was fueled, in part, by the lack of transparency by the FBI, Secret Service, and other law enforcement agencies. Granted, with an ongoing investigation, law enforcement must withhold some details, lest the investigation be hampered. But there’s plenty about Crooks and the event’s general circumstances that could be discussed. Lack of communications has only ratcheted up guesswork.

Now, does that mean we should write off the possibility that Crooks was the gunman in a scheme to kill Trump? No. Certainly, authorities should have or are exploring that avenue. Should we trust law enforcement? Maybe not, but let’s see what they claim first.

Based on the information that has surfaced about Crooks to date, it seems unlikely that he was anything more than a misfit. He was another in a long line of losers who decided killing – in this case a former president – was a way of evening scores for failures in his own life. And/or Crooks was a radicalized left-winger.

Democrats and corporate media spent months demonizing Trump as the next Hitler, a wannabe dictator, and the destroyer of democracy. It may be that such highly inflammatory, hate-filled language helped Crooks rationalize attempting to assassinate Trump. Perhaps, Crooks believed that important establishment voices branding Trump as dangerous gave him license to commit murder? Perhaps, in his twisted mind, he thought he’d be celebrated as a hero for killing Trump?

“Where’s Biden” Craziness

Joe Biden hasn’t been seen since – well, for days. In fact, he issued (or someone did) a statement declaring that he was backing out of the presidential contest. It was announced a few days ago that Biden was battling COVID. That may explain why he hasn’t been visible. It may also be that Biden is stewing because he didn’t chose to leave the race. Chances are, Biden was forced out of the contest. Who knows, he may have been induced to leave with financial guarantees and guarantees of legal cover for himself and his clan of grifters. But that’s guesswork, too.

Nonetheless, Biden being scarce has sparked oodles of speculation that the Democrats or whoever are keeping him out of the public eye for whatever nefarious reason. Again, we can’t exclude that Biden is being kept under wraps to serve some dark purpose, but not likely. Biden is sick, and he and Dr. Jill are probably taking time to lick their wombs. If Biden stays out of sight much longer, then there may be legitimate questions about his well being and whereabouts. We’ll find out more shortly, so let’s exercise a little patience and not spin crazy tales.

Tag, Kamala is It

Meanwhile, the Democrats will shortly elevate Kamala Harris to the Democrat presidential nomination. They’ve already locked up the delegates. Democrats will spin her nomination furiously. They’ll gaslight like maniacs hoping that no stink clings to her as part of Biden’s failed presidency. Along with corporate media, they’ll use all their powers to try to make Kamala who she isn’t and never was.

Kamala Harris is a silly, unsmart, untalented politician. Harris is a double box check: Female and part Black. Harris has no slave ancestry – at least, not related to the American south. She spent a big chunk of her growing up years in Toronto, Canada. She’s a knee-jerk left-winger. She would be a terrible president if she’s elected (with a little help from creative balloting).

A Harris presidency would extend the Barack Obama team’s hold on the White House and executive authority. Harris would simply replace Biden as chief puppet.

You can take all that to the bank.

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Dumping Biden Shows Which Party Doesn’t Give a Flip About Democracy

The Dems appear to be coalescing around Kamala. THIS is their best hope? I was happy to see Trump run against Biden, but if it can’t be him, Kamala is maybe the weakest replacement they could choose for him.

Again, the leadership of the national Dems – led, apparently, by Pelosi – have just given a big middle finger to every Democrat voter and to the whole democratic process. They rearranged primary dates to help Biden, kept others off of the ballot, denied Secret Service for Kennedy, tried to throw Trump off of state ballots, tried to put Trump in jail, and now have thrown away and semblance they may once had had of caring about democracy. They are vicious and playing for the highest stakes on the planet. There is quite literally NOTHING they could do that would surprise me.

Many folks will just vote for Harris based on race or gender, of course, and that is sad. But a GOP wouldn’t get those votes anyway.

Remembering Kamala, in no particular order:

ANY attack on Kamala will be called racist and misogynist. That will be their go-to. If Harris robs a bank, and is recorded in the process, and you mention it, you’ll be accused of being racist. Write it down.

Name one significant Harris achievement? Right. We can’t think of one, either.
She ran for president in 2020 and got zero votes and zero delegates.
She openly described Biden, accurately, actually, as a racist.
She was assigned the job of securing the border. It is today a complete disaster.
She got her first jobs in politics by sleeping with an older, married, powerful man. That probably doesn’t disqualify her, but certainly isn’t a plus. If you have a daughter, think about what you’ll tell her when, one day, she says “Why is it ok for Kamala Harris to use sex to get ahead but not for me?” Good luck with that.

Harris is a liar. She has contended for years that Biden is active, clear headed, and effective. That was a lie. Biden, as those of us who have been watching knows, didn’t suddenly decline into senility in the past three weeks.

Harris was a fraud as a prosecutor. She plead out a ton of cases to be able to claim she had a good conviction record. And she withheld exculpatory evidence in some cases.

She has actively supported, and helped to fund the defense of, people who committed acts of violence, arson, and even murder. She raised money for a bail fund that covered fees for hundreds of people who were part of the 2020 riots, which were the longest, most numerous, most expensive, and deadly in American history.

She cannot put together a coherent sentence on many occasions. The term “word salad” is often used to describe her speeches, and it is justified.
Of course, she has also trashed families of white people who had ancestors that held slaves. Unfortunately for her, her own family includes slave owners from Jamaica. Whoops.

Harris is NOT stupid, however, and very ruthless and ambitious.

There is much more to be said about her. But the biggest problem she has is that the failed policies of Biden are now hers to own, as she was part and parcel of all of it.

But, if you support Trump or even just America, DON’T underestimate Harris. She can absolutely win. If the election is even close, it can be stolen.

This is no time for Republicans and patriots to become complacent. Work like your life depends on it. It does.

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The Democrats are Proving
They Are a Threat to Democracy

By Anthony Trevlac

  • July 11, 2024
  • 4-min read

I certainly wish we had better choices, in the campaign and among political parties. I suspect most people would agree with that.

Unfortunately, that isn’t the same thing as saying both sides are the same. With respect, anyone who believes Democrat leaders are in a struggle to “save democracy” is asleep at the switch.

They are currently in a cluster f**k panic about how to remove Biden from the ticket, EVEN THOUGH MILLIONS OF PRIMARY VOTERS CHOSE HIM. So much for elections. Certainly, I get it — Biden is a disaster, and our nation is at risk, we are in danger — but a political party that is working hard to replace a candidate chosen by the voters cannot credibly claim they are saving democracy.

They are terrified the election might be left up to an actual vote of the people. There are two major party nominees. The Dems want to ignore the democratic process and put in their own preference.

As we write this, Senate Democrats are meeting privately with White House staff to figure out a way forward. House Dems met earlier this week. They are desperate to save their own political fortunes.

None of that would be needed, of course, if the Administration and mainstream media hadn’t worked diligently to keep you from knowing about Biden’s ineptness and senility. They covered it up. As recently as a month ago, they claimed videos of Biden showing him to be lost and confused were fraudulent. Suddenly, Dem leaders must admit it because Biden’s horrible mental and physical health was on full display in the debate. They can no longer deny it.

For years we have been governed by an unelected cabal that runs the country because the person who was elected president is non compos mentis. He is not mentally capable of functioning at the level needed to run the nation.

It is astonishing that not one prominent Democratic leader has made the point that Biden’s senility is a threat to the nation. Not one. ALL the discussion from the Democratic elite has been about how this crisis affects their chances of beating Trump and of winning House and Senate seats.

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Their Ways are Intimidation and Violence

By J Robert Smith

  • June 2, 2024
  • 3-min read

After Donald Trump’s sham conviction last week, South Carolina Congressman Benny Thompson (D) introduced legislation to pull Secret Service protection from Trump. Thompson, the chair of the defuncted J6 inquisition, couldn’t have done so without knowing the consequences. Nor were Biden’s handlers ignorant of the consequences when they denied RFK Jr.’s requests for protection. Nor did Biden’s White House not know what could happen when security was shorted at conservative Supreme Court justices’ homes after Roe v. Wade was overturned. Thompson knows that without Secret Service protection, Trump’s life is endangered. Even with private security, Trump’s risk increases.

Trump is the target of every left-wing hater and lunatic across the country. That hellish lot make up an indispensable Democrat constituency. From that pool are the ones eager to break things and hurt people. Of course, Trump can afford private security. But not in prison, where an in-your-face hack Democrat masquerading as a judge – Juan Marchan – plans to sentence Trump. That sentencing will occur on July 11, just days before the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee. No bare-knuckled politics to see here, so move on.

But, heaven forbid, if Trump was attacked and his private security had to dispatch the attacker(s). It better happen in Florida or another red state. Otherwise, a Democrat hatchet man dressed up like a DA would indict Trump for murder. Do you really think that’s an exaggeration?

Thompson is a member of the Democrat minority in the U.S. House. His legislation won’t gain traction. The ballast we call House Republicans is good for at least inertia. But his legislation is more than window dressing. When Trump is sentenced, expect Thompson to make a full-throated call to withdraw protection. Thompson’s voice won’t be a voice in the wilderness. Since Democrats coordinate their hit jobs, Democrats and corporate media will manufacture an outcry.

Remember, prisons are convenient places to have troublesome people killed.

As if on cue, Profiles in Courage Republicans will mostly keep silent. Some will stand at podiums to beclown themselves by claiming that while Trump’s conviction is a bitter pill, we must abide by the rule of law – as if that transparently fraudulent proceeding in Manhattan wasn’t a good, old-fashioned fix. Who’s worse, the perpetrators of this injustice or their enablers?

But don’t dare publicly question the Trump trial or conviction. As Mike Benz (Foundation for Freedom Online) stated at X, “we’re at the stage where the system just straight-up tells you you can’t question the system.”

You have to hand it to the DC establishment, which at its heart is that bundle of intelligence and security bureaucracies who Schumer, Jefferies, and Pelosi bend knees to – and RINOs fear. They’ve received only scattered pushback for their crimes. The giant hasn’t been wakened yet, and that giant is the American majority – decent, hardworking, God-fearing, family and country loving Americans.

What’s the necessary pushback from our side? As conservative wags like Sean Davis have suggested at X, it’s time for red state DAs to begin indicting Democrats and Deep Staters for legitimate crimes. No need to twist the law as Democrats have done to indict Trump and others. Legit indictments for legit crimes.

Then, as Mike Benz suggests, red states need to become sanctuary states for freedom’s friends. That is, red states need to provide safe haven to liberty stalwarts who are targeted for malicious prosecution or other destruction in blue states.

Finally, support Trump. Yes, a financial contribution helps – whatever you can afford. The Trump campaign smashed records raising more money in the 24 hours following his sham conviction than any other presidential campaign has done in a 24-hour period. Give what you can. Money is critical.

Talk to family and friends who are willing to listen. If the DC establishment swipes the ’24 presidential election, it will brazenly double down shutting down our rights, starting with our 1st Amendment rights to free speech and peaceful assembly. Become ambassadors for Trump’s election. Never surrender. We are the majority. Working together, we will prevail.

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