Tag Archives: FBI

America’s Stasi Must Go

By Rob Meyne

  • Dec. 20, 2024
  • 4-min read

We want an FBI that is accountable, not independent.

Kash Patel lives here (Las Vegas, NV), we have met him a couple of times (we’re even FB friends), we have friends in common, and he will be exactly what is needed as Director of the FBI.

If you’ve been following the decline of the once-admirable law enforcement agency, you realize that Chris Wray and his sycophants have turned it into a threat to the nation they are supposed to serve.

Wray has covered up and withheld information from the public and Congress. He has ignored crimes committed by leftist protestors, such as the assault on the White House where a ton of police were injured, or the illegal harassment of SCOTUS justices. Yet he has prosecuted about a thousand people for their activities January 6, a majority of whom hurt no one and damaged no property.

Yes, anyone who attacked a police officer or broke a window deserves to be prosecuted. Grandmothers who simply walked around the lawn do not.

The FBI also claims it doesn’t know who brought cocaine into the White House, who built the gallows that were on the Capitol lawn January 6, who placed pipe bombs, or who leaked the SCOTUS decision on abortion. This just in: they are lying, or, alternatively, incompetent. In either case, they need to go.

The FBI denied for four years that they had operatives in the crowd on January 6, 2021. Now, they admit they did. They had more than 20 “Confidential Human” sources there. They play word games and try to conceal the truth by saying they didn’t have undercover agents in the crowd. Who cares what they call them? They had FBI employees undercover. And it is likely the Capitol Police, CIA, Secret Service, NSA, Homeland Security, etc., had people there too.

THAT is what an unaccountable FBI looks like. It is a threat to our freedom and the republic itself. The Chris Wray FBI would fit in perfectly in Iran. Not in the U.S.

Trump was injured in an assassination attempt in July. They have released almost no information about the shooter. Why? Probably because it shows he cooperated with either foreign actors or domestic agencies. If he was a lone shooter, a nut, a whacko who just tried to shoot Trump, you would know all about him.

If he was a right-wing terrorist and racist you’d know everything from his blood type to what size shirt he wore. They even cremated the shooter’s body three days after the assassination attempt, thus destroying key evidence. The only reason to rush the cremation was to cover up something.

Most importantly, don’t buy the BS that the FBI is supposed to be an independent agency. That is simply untrue. People who say that are either uninformed or intentionally misleading.

ALL of government is intended to be accountable to elected officials and ultimately the voters. The FBI isn’t supposed to be free of accountability and influence from the voters any more than the Social Security Administration, the Pentagon, or the Senate staff. ALL of government is intended to be managed and controlled by elected officials who are themselves accountable to citizens.

Like the idea of an “independent” FBI? How did independent police forces work out in Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, Kampuchea/Cambodia, or Iran? Do you want to live in fear that an unmoored FBI might knock on your door at 2 AM and drag you off to jail? That is what you get with an FBI that reports to no one. That is what we have now, actually. Do you like that? Neither do I.

Under Biden, the FBI has functioned as a political force pursuing and supporting Biden’s political goals. That is wrong. Biden is the first president to ever use all of the available judicial and police resources in a coordinated effort to keep his political opponents off the ballot and in jail. Fortunately, the effort has failed. The American people know the charges against Trump would not have been brought against anyone else. Their cases have all fallen apart, and the people pursuing them – like Fani Willis in Atlanta – have proven to be corrupt and immoral trash.

Fortunately, most Americans saw through it. Everyone who isn’t a leftist/socialist/anti-Trumper recognizes bias and incompetence when they see it.

And, yes, quite a few people who thought they would ever vote for Trump, for anything, realized he was the better choice in 2024.

America has rejected the police state tactics of Biden and Harris. Trump has pledged to put people in charge – people like Kash Patel – who won’t let it happen again.

Rather than being a threat to our republic, Trump is poised to be the person who saves it.

Our duty is to hold Trump and his team accountable for doing the things they said they will. For the first time in at least four years, we have a president who publicly acknowledges the freedoms we have lost and is committed to restoring them.

Thank God.

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Democrats are the Anti-Democratic Party of Election Deniers

By Rob Meyne

  • Oct. 14, 2024
  • 3-min read

Many of the common beliefs driving today’s political events are based on things that are simply not true. Unfortunately, the mainstream media promotes them non-stop, and it is easier to accept them than to do your homework.

Most notably, it is not true that Trump is a unique threat to our system of government. He is not alone in fighting to win the election using every legal avenue possible.

He has never been convicted of a single illegal act regarding the election. Not one. Democrats have charged him with crimes, many unrelated to the election, and those cases are slowly falling apart. No reasonable person believes the charges raised against him are driven by anything but political interests.

He has not been convicted of doing anything illegal regarding the 2020 election. Nor has a single piece of evidence been offered – not one – that he directed any violent efforts on January 6 or that there was a plan to prevent a vote by electors. (If you think there is proof of that, send it my way. I won’t hold my breath.) Again, NO such evidence exists. That is why neither he, nor anyone else, has even been charged with insurrection. Yet the media (and many of you) claim it to be true.

He is not the first to go to court, try to make sure all his votes are counted, or that they were cast legally and constitutionally, or to show the media and governmental agencies conspired to keep information from voters. In fact, we know the FBI, among others, interfered with social and traditional media to make sure they buried stories that could have hurt Biden and helped Trump. The FBI had Hunter’s laptop and knew it was real, contained evidence of potential crimes by the Biden’s, and kept the information from the voters. THAT ALONE is reason to justify the statement that the 2020 election was unfair, corrupt, and that federal agencies interfered with it.

The Democrat Party has challenged the results of EVERY presidential election they lost this century. Democrats have claimed the elections were stolen, encouraged electors to change their votes, have challenged nearly every effort to secure our elections, and even tried to get a national law that would prohibit asking for vote ID. In California, the Democrat governor has forbidden localities from requiring voter ID.

In the meantime, there is a nationwide effort, funded by the Harris campaign, Democrat voters, the DNC and leftist groups, to challenge a Trump win. They have already prepared, and in some cases filed, actions to challenge the 2024 election results IF Harris loses. Marc Elias is the single most prominent election denier in America, and Harris’s legal chief. He has made a fortune by challenging free and fair elections, and he isn’t shy about it.

If you are one of those who truly believes Trump tried to “overturn” an election and the other party never does is either willfully uninformed or bigoted. Sorry. Just the facts. If you value your citizenship, care about your families, and love this country, it is time to rethink your pre-conceived notions and vote for the person with the track record who did the better job as president.

He had four years to try to be a dictator and did not. Harris had four years to try to solve our problems and only made them worse. It is not hard to make the right decision.

Below if one article about the Democrat efforts to challenge the 2024 election if they lose it, including a few points showing where they have done so before. The Democrats are ALREADY planning to challenge this election based solely on whether they win.

With apologies, if you believe the Democrats are on the side of democracy, and the GOP is not, you have drunk the leftist Kool-Aid. This is a new year, a new election, and a new opportunity to help save the nation.

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How Much More Evidence of Biden’s Corruption Do We Need?

By Rob Meyne

  • June 21, 2023
  • 3 min-read

You are probably aware of the corruption that has infested the DOJ in general and especially the FBI. No reasonable person can deny America’s law enforcement infrastructure operates with a double standard. If you are leftist, rich, in elite professions and well-connected families, you generally get lenient treatment.

Hunter Biden got a slap on the wrist for serious tax and gun crimes. Anyone with thirty seconds and access to a search engine knows people are routinely sentenced to prison for the exact offenses to which Hunter pleaded guilty.

The DOJ has said their investigation of Hunter Biden is ongoing. While one is tempted to be reassured by this, hoping he will eventually be held accountable for more extreme crimes, there is a better explanation. If they claim it is an ongoing investigation, they have yet another reason not to cooperate with Congressional investigators.

Even the two charges they filed were based on evidence in their possession since 2016. If it takes them seven years to decide to charge someone when the evidence is undisputed and overwhelming, it doesn’t bode well for effective enforcement of the law to return any time in the future.

Information that has come out from an IRS whistleblower, meanwhile, shows the FBI had possession of Hunter’s laptop and confirmed it was authentic in 2019. That is more information (as if we needed it) that the leadership of the FBI is corrupt, hypocritical, and completely in the tank for America’s leftist elites. Is there another conclusion one can reasonably draw?

The FBI, CIA, DOJ, and even at times the Democratic National Committee (often working through the White House) took great pains throughout the 2020 cycle to push news media and social platforms not to cover stories that were damaging to the Biden campaign. About 80% of the American people get most of their news from social media, so this is important. The DOJ and FBI told Twitter, for example, the Hunter laptop story was unconfirmed, possibly stolen or hacked. They knew at the time that wasn’t true.

In addition, 51 intelligence agency leaders said the story appeared to be “Russian disinformation” so the media would not cover it. Yet they had no personal knowledge of the situation, had not reviewed the information, and had no evidence of Russian involvement. It didn’t stop them from pushing for censorship. Meanwhile, post-election surveys show that about 1 in 6 Biden voters would not have voted for him if they had known about the corruption revealed on the laptop. (For the record, at no time has the Biden family even denied the laptop belonged to Hunter. The media and deep state reflexively went farther to defend the Bidens than they did themselves.)

Leon Panetta, the former Secretary of Defense and Director of the CIA, signed the letter to help the Biden campaign. I’ve met Panetta and found him to be engaging and friendly. A fine guy with whom to share a cocktail. But a friend, who knows Panetta well, goes further. He says he is a great guy, a patriot, honest, and a straight shooter. BS. Panetta is a partisan hack, not to put too fine a point on it. You can be both charming and dishonest.

But the latest news is the new evidence of the attempt by Hunter to extort China to pay him $5 million for. The Federalist has the story, and it is linked here.

Hunter sent a message demanding payment and threatening to use his father, and his many friends, to hurt them, if they did not pay. Hunter’s associate in the Chinese Communist Party, Mr. Zhau, then forwarded $5 million to Hunter. If that isn’t clear evidence of corruption at its highest level, nothing is.

Another revelation confirmed what was already obvious: the DOJ moves at a glacial pace to investigate the criminal activity of Dem leaders, if they look at it at all, and many investigations are simply halted. An IRS whistleblower has testified to this before Congress.

Biden needs to go, stat. Even if we are doomed to have some months under a Kamala Harris presidency, Biden is a threat who needs to be neutralized. There is too much at stake to have a president in office who is bought and paid for by hostile foreign powers.

Stay tuned.

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Did the FBI Raid Mar-a-Lago to Protect… the FBI?

By J Robert Smith

  • Aug. 21, 2022
  • 2-min read

The FBI’s raid on Donald Trump’s Florida compound violated his 4th Amendment rights against baseless searches and seizures. The raid may have more to do with than just trying to scuttle Trump’s anticipated 2024 presidential run.

The FBI may have undertaken the raid to seize sensitive documents related to the Crossfire Hurricane fiasco and the blatant smear-and-destroy campaign known as the “Russia Collusion Hoax.” It’s quite possible that higher ups in the FBI were worried that Trump, if elected in 2024, would use the documentation as a basis to appoint special prosecutors. The prospect of opening investigations into Democrat and Deep State wrongdoing, including the FBI, seems to have been a big motivation. Investigations, mind you, that could lead to indictments and prosecutions, which could result in convictions.

From The Epoch Times, August 19:

The DOJ’s coordinated FBI raid of Trump was likely related to the potential unsealing and public presentation of this information—particularly in relation to Trump’s Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) suit against Hillary Clinton, the DNC, and former FBI officials like former Director James Comey, former Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, former agent Peter Strzok, and former FBI lawyer Lisa Page—and his amended RICO suit, which added more defendants.

It appears that the fix is in, starting with those orchestrating the Mar-a-Lago raid. From The Epoch Times, August 19:

Former FBI counterintelligence official and lawyer Mark Wauck said he is troubled by signs that the same cast of characters from the Russiagate scandal appears to be involved in the Mar-a-Lago investigation.

“If these people, who were part of a major hoax that involved criminal activity and displays of bias and seriously flawed judgment, are still involved, then that’s a major scandal,” he said in an interview.

Why do we know that the FBI is up to no good? This from World Tribune, August 20:

What if your superiors or colleagues [at the FBI] have betrayed your bedrock principals for political or financial purpose? What if you find yourself involved in the highly-charged investigations involving Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump? What if you were handed that ultimate hot potato, the abandoned laptop of the son of a certain former vice president?

Forced to choose between sworn duty and a leadership that has become alarmingly partisan, you know there is great risk in coming forward. You must be willing to abandon your career, your colleagues, and your personal security.

When one whistleblower was asked if he was concerned about coming forward with his information, his response was: “I’m more worried about what happens if I don’t.”

Often, things aren’t what they appear to be – or aren’t entirely what they appear to be. It’s very, very likely that the Mar-a-Lago raid was primarily about seizing sensitive documents that incriminate Democrats, DOJ and FBI players. The establishment is always determined to protect its own.

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The Unconscionable Treatment of the January 6 Protesters

By J Robert Smith

  • Nov. 10, 2021
  • 1-min read

The DC jail isn’t Andersonville Prison, but its conditions have been long reputed as wretched.

This from Colbert I. King, The Washington Post, November 6:

The U.S. Marshals Service conducted an unannounced inspection and found evidence of “systemic” mistreatment of detainees, including unsanitary living conditions and the punitive denial of food and water. Inspectors found “large amounts of standing human sewage” in toilets in multiple cells, and cells that had been lacking water for days. Staff members “were observed antagonizing detainees” and “directing detainees not to cooperate.” One inmate was warned by a staffer to “stop snitching.”

The Marshals transferred 400 federal detainees out of the prison as a result of their findings. About 40 January 6 protesters remain confined there, however.

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The FBI and DOJ Were Once Respected: We Used to Have Dinosaurs, Too

In this photo we see Bob Mueller lying, We know that because people who attended the event confirmed his lips were moving.

Rob Meyne

  • Aug. 12, 2021
  • 2-min read

When we last visited, we had begun to discuss the decline of the FBI. Its failures go hand in hand with the corruption of the DOJ. At one point, our nationally prominent law enforcement apparatus was the envy of the world. No more.

Here are a few more instances to ponder.

As much as you may have grown weary of hearing about it, remember Hillary’s emails? There was abundant evidence she committed a crime. The FBI director laid it out publicly. Yet, “J. Edgar” Comey took it upon himself to announce a decision not to prosecute. In spite of the fact that he has zero authority to make that determination.

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If You Aren’t Worried About the DOJ and FBI, You Aren’t Paying Attention

Two-Tiered Law Enforcement is Here

Once respected, the FBI has become a disgrace

Rob Meyne

  • Aug. 10, 2021
  • 3-min read

At one point most of us trusted the nation’s pre-imminent law enforcement agency to be effective, honorable, and non-partisan. I remember watching the FBI Story, with Jimmy Stewart (he was in the movie, not watching with me). A good flick that holds up well.
No institution has ever been perfect, but Americans in general had confidence in the FBI. Even under the tutelage of a flawed and narcissistic J. Edgar Hoover, the agency was revered. (If people had known Hoover was dressing up in women’s clothes, as widely reported, it might have changed things years ago. Today, of course, it wouldn’t be a big deal. Cross-dressing? Who doesn’t?) The agency that was once thought to be above politics is now a hostage to it.

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If You Aren’t Scared by FBI Corruption You Must Not Be Paying Attention

Rob Meyne

  • Dec. 28, 2019
  • 4 min read

For more than two years, President Trump, his supporters, and Americans who are trying to be fair and factual, have known the FBI was at fault in the Russia probe. Not the agency, of course, but high-ranking officials in it. Agencies don’t do anything; people acting on their behalf do. But the respect that most Americans have for the FBI, as we should, do not prohibit us from calling out the corrupt actions of a few of its leaders. People who hide behind the reputation of their employer to avoid accountability are reprehensible.

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NEWSFEED MONDAY: Booing Trump: The Swamp is more than a Place. It’s an Addiction

J Robert Smith

  • Oct. 28, 2019
  • 3 min read

Updated: Oct. 29, 2019

The partisan Washington Nationals crowd was not pleased when President Trump was shown on the ballpark’s video screen during Game 5 of the World Series between the hometown Nationals and visiting Houston Astros, as fans greeted him with a crescendo of boos in the third inning of the ballgame.

In addition, fans mockingly yelled “lock him up,” a chant Trump supporters began in 2016 against his opponent, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

— Fox News, October 28, 2019
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NEWSFEED WEEKEND: Is Obama at the Center of the Russia Hoax?

J Robert Smith

  • Oct. 25, 2019
  • 2 min read

The opening of a criminal investigation is likely to raise alarms that Mr. Trump is using the Justice Department to go after his perceived enemies. Mr. Trump fired James B. Comey, the F.B.I. director under whose watch agents opened the Russia inquiry, and has long assailed other top former law enforcement and intelligence officials as partisans who sought to block his election.

— New York Times, October 24, 2019
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