Tag Archives: Election Fraud

Dumping Biden Shows Which Party Doesn’t Give a Flip About Democracy

The Dems appear to be coalescing around Kamala. THIS is their best hope? I was happy to see Trump run against Biden, but if it can’t be him, Kamala is maybe the weakest replacement they could choose for him.

Again, the leadership of the national Dems – led, apparently, by Pelosi – have just given a big middle finger to every Democrat voter and to the whole democratic process. They rearranged primary dates to help Biden, kept others off of the ballot, denied Secret Service for Kennedy, tried to throw Trump off of state ballots, tried to put Trump in jail, and now have thrown away and semblance they may once had had of caring about democracy. They are vicious and playing for the highest stakes on the planet. There is quite literally NOTHING they could do that would surprise me.

Many folks will just vote for Harris based on race or gender, of course, and that is sad. But a GOP wouldn’t get those votes anyway.

Remembering Kamala, in no particular order:

ANY attack on Kamala will be called racist and misogynist. That will be their go-to. If Harris robs a bank, and is recorded in the process, and you mention it, you’ll be accused of being racist. Write it down.

Name one significant Harris achievement? Right. We can’t think of one, either.
She ran for president in 2020 and got zero votes and zero delegates.
She openly described Biden, accurately, actually, as a racist.
She was assigned the job of securing the border. It is today a complete disaster.
She got her first jobs in politics by sleeping with an older, married, powerful man. That probably doesn’t disqualify her, but certainly isn’t a plus. If you have a daughter, think about what you’ll tell her when, one day, she says “Why is it ok for Kamala Harris to use sex to get ahead but not for me?” Good luck with that.

Harris is a liar. She has contended for years that Biden is active, clear headed, and effective. That was a lie. Biden, as those of us who have been watching knows, didn’t suddenly decline into senility in the past three weeks.

Harris was a fraud as a prosecutor. She plead out a ton of cases to be able to claim she had a good conviction record. And she withheld exculpatory evidence in some cases.

She has actively supported, and helped to fund the defense of, people who committed acts of violence, arson, and even murder. She raised money for a bail fund that covered fees for hundreds of people who were part of the 2020 riots, which were the longest, most numerous, most expensive, and deadly in American history.

She cannot put together a coherent sentence on many occasions. The term “word salad” is often used to describe her speeches, and it is justified.
Of course, she has also trashed families of white people who had ancestors that held slaves. Unfortunately for her, her own family includes slave owners from Jamaica. Whoops.

Harris is NOT stupid, however, and very ruthless and ambitious.

There is much more to be said about her. But the biggest problem she has is that the failed policies of Biden are now hers to own, as she was part and parcel of all of it.

But, if you support Trump or even just America, DON’T underestimate Harris. She can absolutely win. If the election is even close, it can be stolen.

This is no time for Republicans and patriots to become complacent. Work like your life depends on it. It does.

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Biden’s Incompetence
Puts Us All at Risk

By Rob Meyne

  • June 28, 2024
  • 3-min read

Joe Biden’s performance last night is all you need to know about his senescence. The man is not capable of being president. Sorry, but if you don’t recognize that at this point, you are deluded or bigoted, frankly, and there is no hope for you. Go have a nice day, while you still have a country to enjoy. The rest of us will keep working to save America. You’re welcome.

Perhaps the most shocking realization is that none of the people who make decisions for Biden, enable him, prop him up, and make excuses for him, seem concerned about the nation. Biden is a threat to the safety of you and your family. He is a threat to global peace and to our security.

Biden is directed by people who don’t care about the nation. (They are in this to gain power and money, and it is working spectacularly for them so far. Under Biden we have grown less free while the elite have grown richer.)

The f***ing White House told us last week that the videos of him being lost, confused, and inept were fakes. They are lying, steaming piles of dung. And that is the best thing that can be said about them. If you believe anything from Biden’s puppet masters, please just do the world a favor, and don’t vote. Leave it to the people who care enough to be informed.

And, BTW, all those who still claim Trump is the bigger threat can send me a bottle of whatever you are drinking and go pass out on your porch.

The most extreme criticisms of Trump have grown tired and ineffective. Most of the key tropes are simply not true, but they cling to them. Trump had four years to try to be a dictator and did not. He did not tell us to drink bleach. He didn’t praise white nationalists as very fine people. He didn’t try to jail his political opponents (but Biden has).

Of course, Trump was also correct that the intelligence community interfered in the 2020 election. That is one aspect that made 2020 unfair, unethical, possibly illegal and, yes, “rigged.”

Even if you aren’t clear on those points, or still reject the truth, get over it. We have a bigger problem. We have a senile and hapless incompetent as president. The threat to America about which we should be concerned is Biden’s incompetence and the nascent fascism advocated by him and the people, mostly Obama and his lackeys, who make decisions for him.

We are living through Obama’s third term. Meanwhile, America’s enemies, I guarantee you, are obsessing over the footage of Biden’s debate performance, and calling in the best intel they have from their human intelligence sources, considering what to do in the next few months.

The Bidens are bought and paid for by our enemies. That is no longer in dispute. Biden is incompetent and can’t stand up to our enemies because they have bribed him. Feel better? Neither do we.

What is wrong with us? How far have we fallen that almost all the discussion is about what it has done to the Democrat party or to Trump or to Cackling Kamala? WHERE are the people who are finally admitting having this cipher’s finger on the nuclear button is bad for America and the world? This isn’t about any person, party, or political movement. This is about saving the country. Get on board.

Are you an anti-Trumper who voted for Biden and still abhors Trump? You should apologize publicly and vote for Trump this year. But we’ll do you a favor: forget the apology, and just do the right thing this fall.

The footage of Jill Biden leading Joe off stage last night is a perfect symbol of his presidency at this point. He cannot, literally, get off the stage on his own. No wonder he can’t handle the toughest job in the world. There are a lot of people who enable Biden because they get their power and wealth from their association with him. Their support of this incompetent president is disgraceful and treasonous.

The main reason they wanted to debate early is probably that they wanted to road test him. They wanted to see if he could rise to the occasion. He did not, so now they have a few weeks to figure out how to replace him on the ticket.

In hindsight, the debate was a chance for Biden to prove to his sycophants that we could handle the campaign and the presidency. Manifestly, he cannot.

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Tucker Carlson’s Bombshell: Election Fraud is Far
Worse than You Think

By J Robert Smith

  • Feb. 18, 2024
  • 2-min read

This weekend, I was drafting a piece for American Thinker. The subject was the lack of adequate election reforms in battleground states, much of that to keep the cheating in place. Per The Epoch Times, Trump may have already lost the autumn presidential contest. That’s sobering in itself.

I took a break to watch Tucker Carlson’s latest podcast on X. After I watched the entire podcast, I dumped the draft I had been working on all day. What I was writing only touched the surface of a far more sophisticated, massive fraud being conducted by elements in the U.S. government. We’ve all heard of the Deep State, but the specifics on how it worked well ahead of the 2020 presidential election to defeat Trump were stunning.

Carlson’s guest was Mike Benz, who leads the Foundation for Freedom Online. Benz’s bio at the group’s website states that he “is a former State Department official with responsibilities in formulating and negotiating US foreign policy on international communications and information technology matters.” So, he poses expertise, experience, and insider knowledge about the Deep State’s workings in matters related to communications and the internet.

The tease to Carlson’s interview sums it up powerfully:

“The national security state is the main driver of censorship and election interference in the United States. ‘What I’m describing is military rule,’ says Mike Benz. ‘It’s the inversion of democracy.'”

In an interview that ran a little over an hour, Benz skillfully provides loads of detail and a narrative thread that puts meat on the contention that we citizens really aren’t in control of of our government. Our impact on a presidential election – at least starting with the 2020 contest – is minimal if at all.

This isn’t said to dishearten anyone. Knowledge is power, goes the the old saying. Acquiring the knowledge about how elements within “permanent government” are acting in brazenly unconstitutional ways to determine the outcome of presidential and, perhaps, congressional elections is knowledge we must possess in order to defeat this novel form of tyranny. We mustn’t be intimidated by the scope of this attack on our rights and the rule of law. Fighting back isn’t an option.

Carlson’s interview with Benz can be found at here at X (formerly Twitter). You’ll be derelict in your duty as a patriot if you fail to watch this important podcast.

Mike Benz’s X account can be found here. If you have an X account, it will be well worth following Benz for more insights into what appears to be the greatest threat to our liberties in the nation’s long history.

The Foundation for Freedom Online website is located here.

American Thinker’s Andrea Widburg offers an excellent summary of the Carlson-Benz interview here.

American Thinker feature writer Clarice Feldman also offers this in-depth analysis here.

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Georgia GOP Playing Wrong Game in Warnock-Walker Runoff

By J Robert Smith

  • Dec. 3, 2022
  • 5-min read

If we could go “Back to the Future” in the 1990s, the likes of James Carville, George Stephanopoulos, and Paul Begala (Bill’s Clinton’s hired guns) would tell us that elections today are “About the ballots, stupid.” And, as much as conservative grassroots and Republicans detest hearing that, it’s true. Thanks to the infamous Covid lockdowns, changes made to election laws in the states, early voting and mail-in balloting have dramatically altered the elections landscape.

Democrats are gleefully stealing marches in mail-in voting, in particular. It’s a monumental tactical error for Republicans and Trump activists to urge voters to wait until Election Day to vote. Why? Because not all pro-Republican voters get out to vote, for various reasons. Democrats no longer try to persuade voters to vote. They’ve put in place systems to obtain their target voters’ ballots early.

Case in point, the Georgia U.S. Senate runoff between incumbent Ralph Warnock and Hershel Walker. The election finale is this Tuesday, December 6.

The betting is that Warnock has a slight edge because the instant Democrats were free to start extracting ballots from their voters, they did so. Not haphazardly, mind you, but systematically. It doesn’t appear that Georgia Republicans are doing anything comparable. That may prove fatal.

From ABC News, December 3:

Georgians swarmed to the polls on the last day of early voting before next week’s Senate runoff, setting a new record for single-day early in-person turnout.

At least 352,953 people voted in person on Friday, bringing the total number of votes, either in person or absentee, to over 1.8 million. That number represents 26.4% of active voters.

Of course, we can’t know for certain that more of those votes are Democrat or Republican ballots, but it appears the trend is repeating itself. Like the 2022 general elections in Georgia and elsewhere, Democrats are clocking the GOP in mail-in and early voting.

From CNN Politics, December 1:

So far in early voting, Black voters make up a little more than 33% of the electorate, while White voters account for 54%. At a roughly similar point in the general election based on the number of early votes cast, about 31% of voters were Black and about 57% were White.

This may seem like a small difference, but given the large partisan gap between Black and White voters, it suggests that those who have gone to the polls so far are more Democratic than at a similar point in the general election.

I should note that a number of Democratic counties opened up early in-person voting sooner than Republican-leaning counties. That said, voters in all Georgia counties have been able to cast a ballot for a number of days now, and the racial voting gap between the general election and runoff has not gone away.

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Two Reasons Why the Red Wave Wasn’t… and What Republicans can do about It

By J Robert Smith

  • Nov. 24, 2022
  • 3-min read

There’s more than a couple of reasons why the expected Red Wave didn’t happen. Here, we’re referring specifically to congressional elections. But there are two reasons that aren’t very sexy but most definitely blunted Republican gains. One is early voting and mail-in balloting.

The second, which pertains to U.S. House contests, is redistricting. Republicans actually won about 6 million more votes in House elections in 2022 than did Democrats. The trouble was that district lines were drawn in such ways that diluted GOP strengths.

Redistricting is mandated by the U.S. Constitution. It isn’t a sexy topic. In fact, it’s sort of wonky, but in redrawing U.S. House district lines in 2021, Republicans were either out maneuvered by Democrats or victims of “redistricting commissions.” That depends on how states decide the every ten years reapportionment of House seats. Democrats were definitely aggressive in New York and New Mexico, drawing lines that lopsidedly favored them. Surprisingly, the New York Supreme Court struck down the Democrats’ grossly gerrymandered map, replacing it with a map that actually allowed Republicans to gain seats. No such thing happened in New Mexico, where Democrats drew lines that cost the GOP the one seat it held.

We can add that the U.S. Census, which was conducted in 2020, undercounted population gains in some red states, while overcounting population in some blue states. That’s more than a little suspicious.

There’s no point into getting deep into the weeds about redistricting. The next round of redistricting happens in 2030, though the U.S. Supreme Court will hear a Civil Rights case about Alabama’s lines being racially discriminatory in early 2023. Nonetheless, the cake is baked.

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Oz Beats Fetterman?
Well, there’s a Catch

By J Robert Smith

  • Oct. 20, 2022
  • 2-min read

Newsweek reports that Dr. Mehmet Oz is expected to slide past stroke victim and knee-jerk leftist John Fetterman for Pennsylvania’s open U.S. Senate seat.

From the Newsweek report, October 20:

An analysis by Real Clear Politics (RCP), based on opinion polling adjusted to take account of past inaccuracies, projects Oz will win Pennsylvania by 1.9 percent of the vote.

That’s welcome news, except there’s a variable that isn’t being considered: mail-in voting fraud. Pennsylvania is a “No Questions” mail-in balloting state. That means fraud isn’t only possible, but likely. What it’ll boil down to is the scope of the fraud. Will it be sufficient to tip election outcomes?

The Keystone State has made scant reforms to its election system since 2020. Republicans control the legislature and have advanced election reform measures, only to have them struck down by Tom Wolfe, PA’s lameduck Democrat governor.

There’s every reason to believe that a critical, high profile Senate election will be prone to ballot hijinks. Shifting control of the U.S. Senate away from Democrats (Vice President Kamala Harris holds the tie-breaking vote) means a switch of just one seat. So, the stakes are high. The PA contest may decide which party runs the Senate in 2023.

Unfortunately, there’s a back story. Pennsylvania legislative Republicans created this mess. In 2019, many months before the Covid pandemic began, Republicans cut a deal with Wolfe. In exchange for wide-open mail-in balloting and really early voting, straight-ticket voting would be struck from ballots.

Republicans actually thought that they’d benefit from ending straight-ticket voting, while, evidently, not considering what “No Questions” mail-in voting could lead to. It was an asinine deal then that proved disastrous in 2020. The presidential contest was fraught with “irregularities.” Since then, Republicans have tried to walk back this epic stupid deal. Needless to say, Democrats have no interest in reform.

Oz needs more than a 1.9% margin to beat Fetterman. Election fraud – ballot fraud, in particular – thrives on close elections. The greater the margin between a Republican who leads voting and a Democrat, the tougher it is for Democrats to produce enough fraudulent ballots.

Fetterman is physically and mentally incapable of meeting the daily demands of a U.S. Senator. But, then, Joe Biden was and is unable to meet the demands of the presidency. Yet, in key states – critically, Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania — Biden won… with a little help from Democrats and their allies who have no interest in fair elections when they cut against their candidates.

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Biden was Desperate in Philly

By J Robert Smith

  • Sept. 2, 2022
  • 3-min read

Biden’s speech in Philadelphia last night was one for the history books. Joe’s fist-waving anger was daytime soap opera convincing. Half of America, disparaged as “MAGA” or in other venues, as “Ultra-MAGA” are working overtime to destroy democracy, claims our semi-cogent president. We’re fascists or “semi-fascists,” Joe charged days before at a Maryland Democrat rally. What, pray tell, is a “semi-fascist?” Right. Tens of millions of honest, hardworking, patriotic Americans are enemies of liberty, dedicated to waylaying the democratic process, just spoiling for chances to tear down government! Vive la révolution!

So, Biden’s speech, made before hallowed Independence Hall, was bathed in an ominous red light – the color of real revolution (check in with any commie revolution in the last 100 years). In the background, Biden was flanked by two U.S. Marines. I feel sorry for those guys. They were used as props in last night’s lurid theater.

Though the speech that Biden parroted had multiple purposes, it’s immediate purpose was crassly political. Democrats are fearful and growing desperate that the midterm elections are going against them in a Big Way. Biden was using his speech, stuffed with inflammatory rhetoric, as red meat thrown to his party’s true-believing leftist base. Biden’s handlers are scared that the base is demoralized and may not turnout in the numbers Democrats need to hold Congress, governorships, and down-ballot offices. A elections bloodbath looms.

What can we do to make that bloodbath a reality? Vote. Yeah, I know, elections will be rigged, so what’s the point? First, there are plenty of red states where Democrats can’t election-rig. There are “purple” states (like Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Georgia) that are highly competitive. In those states, turnouts by pro-freedom forces need to be so substantial that those high numbers overcome any Democrat chicanery. At the very least, we have a moral obligation as patriots to make the effort.

Also, volunteer a little of your time and money to good-guy candidates. We all have busy schedules, and thanks to Biden’s handlers firing up inflation and crushing domestic energy production, our paychecks are being stretched every month. But $5, $10, $25 to a candidate of your choice goes a long way. A little sweat-equity from us helps campaigns a lot.

As a run up to last night’s speech, I had an article run at American Thinker Thursday. If you haven’t read, Biden Takes On the Soul of the Nation, please do! Here’s an excerpt:

“Thursday night, Joe Biden takes to the airwaves to “continue his battle for the soul of the nation.” Sounds kinda biblical — this must be God at work. As to the outcome of this battle, Joe and his godless legions might be in for a little surprise.

“Ahead of the midterms, Biden, whose handlers smell a shellacking coming Democrats’ way, is expected to try to frame the elections as a choice between Orange Man Bad’s 74 million voters and Joe’s collection of Marxists, establishment hacks, wannabe oligarchs, lifer bureaucrats, race hustlers, LGBTQIA+ zanies, and freeloaders.

“Joe, at a Maryland Democrat rally the other day, described America First voters as a “semi-fascist” horde determined to kill democracy. Joe was mum about the game plan Democrats have been pursuing to “transform” democracy. For Democrats, democracy is authoritarianism with a lot of lipstick, rouge, and uses the pronoun “we,” as in we’ve got the power and you don’t.”

The link to that American Thinker article is here: Biden Takes On the Soul of the Nation


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Are Democrats Preparing to Steal the Virginia Governor’s Election?

By J Robert Smith

  • Oct. 29, 2021
  • 2-min read

The latest polling from Fox News shows Republican gubernatorial nominee Glenn Youngkin vaulting to an eight-point lead over former Democrat governor Terry McAuliffe. The margin of error is plus or minus 3%.

A word of caution about the Fox News poll: it could very well be an outlier. Fox News said “irregularities” filled presidential state contests for Biden early on Election Night in 2020. Even if contests in key swing states were on the up and up, the presidential race proved razor thin, and the outcome was really a coin flip.

As reported by Liberty Daily, McAuliffe has made a hire that suggests his campaign expects a close finish with Youngkin. Who was hired speaks volumes.

From J.D. Rucker at the Liberty Daily, October 28:

“It all started when a report broke that McAuliffe was hiring Marc Elias, a Hillary Clinton operative who specializes in stealing elections for Democrats. Paying him $60,000 was bad optics for a campaign that has been fading quickly due to an onslaught of electoral missteps by McAuliffe down the homestretch. Hiring Elias is an admission that the campaign believes they will lose, so when requests for comment started coming in, the campaign panicked.”

McAuliffe has run a slack, gaffe-filled campaign.

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Will Democrats’ Ballot Chicanery Torpedo Glenn Youngkin?

J Robert Smith

  • Oct. 25, 2021
  • 2-min read

If the polls are accurate, Republican Glenn Youngkin and Democrat Terry McAuliffe are in a dead heat for Virginia’s governorship. The election is officially on November 2, but with mail-in balloting and early onsite voting, the Commonwealth’s elections are well underway.

Here’s the big question: How honest will the governor’s contest be? Does Youngkin have a fair shot of being elected or will Democrats “tweak” the results?

Virginia is run by Democrats. There’s only one reason for that: Northern Virginia, which is a bedroom community of Washington, D.C. Without “NOVA,” Virginia would be reliably red. NOVA is chockful of federal bureaucrats, government contractors, and all sorts of businesses and services that make money off a big government clientele.

In fact, NOVA includes three of the most affluent counties in the nation: Fairfax, Loudoun, and Arlington. The people in these counties are also predictably, reliably Democrats.

So, statewide elections are settled in populous Northern Virginia. And in Democrat-run Fairfax County, there are now questions about how honest the counting is.

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If January 6 Was So Bad,
Why Do They Lie About It?

Rob Meyne

  • Oct. 18, 2021
  • 1-min read

The mainstream media, leftists, socialists, Democratic leaders, and anti-Trumpers – but I repeat myself – have worked 24/7 to convince you the January 6 riot was worse than it was.

Question: if January 6 was the worst attack on our democracy in history, WHY do they have to lie, exaggerate, and claim it was something it was not? No one had to exaggerate the negative aspects of the Civil War, MLK assassination, or 9-11. Those were genuinely terrible events based entirely on a reasonable look at the facts.

Yet, with January 6, there are non-stop articles that exaggerate, mischaracterize, and lie.

The attached article raises just five of the lies and injustices that are involved in reacting to these events. Among them:

  • A federal judge has ordered an investigation into violations of civil rights of people arrested in the riot. Some have even been denied necessary medical care.
  • People are being sentenced to longer terms than even prosecutors requested, for crimes as innocuous as entering the Capitol to take selfies.
  • People have been held in solitary confinement for being in the Capitol, denied bail, and not yet even assigned a trial date.
  • No one has been charged with insurrection, treason, etc. The FBI has said they found no evidence that it was a coordinated, planned, national act of insurrection.
  • The most egregious lie being spread is that the attack was deadly. Well, it was if you were a Trump supporter. The ONLY person killed in the Capitol was Ashli Babbitt, a veteran who was shot, in cold blood, with no warning, by a Capitol Police Officer. She was unarmed and presented no threat to anyone. Yet the officer claimed he saved lives that day.

In addition to Babbitt, a Capitol Police officer died later, after the riot, from a stroke. Others also died from natural causes. But Trump supporters killed no one. They carried no guns. And they did not present a deadly threat. Period.

There isn’t a person in leadership or prominent in the media who has said the January 6 attack was a good thing. None. For the nascent fascists in charge of our nation, however, it is important for you to believe it was something that it was not: a planned, deadly, coordinated effort to overthrow the government carried out by armed domestic terrorists.

It was a mostly impromptu riot, with fights and scuffles, by people who are frustrated by an election they do not believe was legally conducted. The violence they actually carried out was bad enough. No one defends it. But it was not the worst attack on our Democracy in a century. Anyone who claims that is either uninformed or intentionally lying to you. Or both.

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