The Dems appear to be coalescing around Kamala. THIS is their best hope? I was happy to see Trump run against Biden, but if it can’t be him, Kamala is maybe the weakest replacement they could choose for him.
Again, the leadership of the national Dems – led, apparently, by Pelosi – have just given a big middle finger to every Democrat voter and to the whole democratic process. They rearranged primary dates to help Biden, kept others off of the ballot, denied Secret Service for Kennedy, tried to throw Trump off of state ballots, tried to put Trump in jail, and now have thrown away and semblance they may once had had of caring about democracy. They are vicious and playing for the highest stakes on the planet. There is quite literally NOTHING they could do that would surprise me.
Many folks will just vote for Harris based on race or gender, of course, and that is sad. But a GOP wouldn’t get those votes anyway.
Remembering Kamala, in no particular order:
ANY attack on Kamala will be called racist and misogynist. That will be their go-to. If Harris robs a bank, and is recorded in the process, and you mention it, you’ll be accused of being racist. Write it down.
Name one significant Harris achievement? Right. We can’t think of one, either.
She ran for president in 2020 and got zero votes and zero delegates.
She openly described Biden, accurately, actually, as a racist.
She was assigned the job of securing the border. It is today a complete disaster.
She got her first jobs in politics by sleeping with an older, married, powerful man. That probably doesn’t disqualify her, but certainly isn’t a plus. If you have a daughter, think about what you’ll tell her when, one day, she says “Why is it ok for Kamala Harris to use sex to get ahead but not for me?” Good luck with that.
Harris is a liar. She has contended for years that Biden is active, clear headed, and effective. That was a lie. Biden, as those of us who have been watching knows, didn’t suddenly decline into senility in the past three weeks.
Harris was a fraud as a prosecutor. She plead out a ton of cases to be able to claim she had a good conviction record. And she withheld exculpatory evidence in some cases.
She has actively supported, and helped to fund the defense of, people who committed acts of violence, arson, and even murder. She raised money for a bail fund that covered fees for hundreds of people who were part of the 2020 riots, which were the longest, most numerous, most expensive, and deadly in American history.
She cannot put together a coherent sentence on many occasions. The term “word salad” is often used to describe her speeches, and it is justified.
Of course, she has also trashed families of white people who had ancestors that held slaves. Unfortunately for her, her own family includes slave owners from Jamaica. Whoops.
Harris is NOT stupid, however, and very ruthless and ambitious.
There is much more to be said about her. But the biggest problem she has is that the failed policies of Biden are now hers to own, as she was part and parcel of all of it.
But, if you support Trump or even just America, DON’T underestimate Harris. She can absolutely win. If the election is even close, it can be stolen.
This is no time for Republicans and patriots to become complacent. Work like your life depends on it. It does.