In the Weirdest Campaign On Record, the Best Decision is Still Obvious

By Rob Meyne

  • Oct. 30, 2024
  • 5-min read

The campaign has entered its last week. One certainty is that historians, if there are any left allowed to think and speak freely, will look back at this as perhaps the most extraordinary American presidential election.

The party in power spent more than three years claiming their president was mentally competent and up to the job. They argued, in contradiction of all evidence, that Joe Biden was fit, energetic, quick, and logical. The completely worthless Joe Scarborough wanted us to believe that Biden did cartwheels down the hallways in the West Wing, while juggling chainsaws, translating the Washington Post into Aramaic, and calculating the square root of Pi in his head.

It was like everyone in the media and the Party claimed Jabba the Hut wasn’t really overweight. When Biden’s senescence became too clear to deny, in the June debate, they decided he had to go. It always strains credibility when someone who has been claiming one thing is true for years on end suddenly switches their story completely. “Joe’s just fine” became “he has to go.”

Notably, the furor within the Democrat Party revealed a lot about their priorities. The discussion from their leaders was entirely about how Biden’s frailty affected their campaign. Not one person in Democrat leadership ever spoke about the good of the nation. Not one leader ever made a substantial argument that Biden had to leave because it was risky for America, and the world, to have an incompetent person, non-compos menses, with his finger on the nuclear button.

No. They only had to shoot Biden because he would have trouble winning the campaign. They cared about their power, but not the nation’s well-being. As the Democrats claim they are only concerned about preserving democracy, that is worth remembering.

Biden, the candidate who won the open Democrat primary process, receiving 14 million votes, was unceremoniously tossed aside by a self-appointed elite group of Democrat leaders and their billionaire donors. The American leftist oligarchy didn’t even cling to a pretense of openness or fairness. They installed in the presidential race a woman who has never received a single vote for the presidency.

Nor has she distinguished herself professionally. When choosing her, Biden didn’t ever claim she was best qualified to be president. He said he selected her primarily based on her sex and race, rather than on merit. He said it. Believe him.

Then, she spent four years in the vice presidency earning notoriety only for her failure to achieve anything related to two subject areas of which she was in charge: bringing broadband to rural America and securing the border. She is without accomplishments in these or any other discernible areas.

Harris is running as BOTH the proud owner of the four years of the Biden-Harris Administration AND the person who represents change. It is like having El Chapo encourage you to go to rehab. It makes zero sense.

Donald Trump has, to the chagrin of a lot of former Republicans and Republicans in Name Only (RINOs), dominated the GOP for a decade. He is the most unlikely of conservative leaders and not someone whose appeal to the working man is easily explained. I guess if millionaires like Obama can lecture us that too many Americans are rich, Trump can appeal to the average voter in Terre Haute. We find our heroes where we can.

Another oddity from 2024 is the GOP nominee has been the target of two, “count ‘em,” two, assassination attempts, being shot in one and narrowly escaping the other. The FBI, Secret Service, and DOJ continue to tarnish their reputations through incompetence on the job and cover-ups and lies to Congress and the public.

If you believe anything the FBI tells you, at this point, you probably think Ed McMahon is still going to send you a sweepstakes check. The FBI has released little information about the assassin in PA, even though the dribs and drabs that have come out raise more questions than they answer.

As it stands, we are to believe that a 20-year-old punk, with no formal training, was able to construct explosive devices, operate encrypted phones, elude the most prominent executive protection service on the planet, and kill a bystander while almost killing, and injuring, a former president. All this more easily than you could get Hillary to take a bribe.

Trump’s record as president is sterling compared to Harris/Biden. No reasonable person would look at the economic, crime, immigration, health, drug, or foreign policy landscape and say, “at least it is better than under Trump.” You cannot factually make a reasonable argument for Harris over Trump. It can’t be done.

All you can do is pile on top of Trump’s existing flaws, real and imagined, and claim they disqualify him from consideration. Trump has deficiencies, certainly, but so does Harris. One must willfully ignore Harris’s record, positions, and foibles to argue that her opponent’s flaws make her the better choice.

No competitive election is ever a choice where only one side should be evaluated. Logical and factual electoral choices are made in the context of the alternatives. If they are not made that way, they are not logical or informed. Anyone who says they must vote against Trump regardless of the other option is not making an intelligent decision. That simple.

This year will answer the question of whether an incumbent president or VP of the following description can win the presidency: they have a dismal track record, no significant achievements, issue positions most Americans abhor, aren’t capable of doing mainstream interviews, and refuse to even hold a press conference.

Having spent her entire service as VP trashing half of America, and suggesting that anyone who raises information that is inconvenient to them should be censored, Harris is not credible presenting herself as a unifier.

As America has learned more about Harris, we have found there is very little “there” there. She is like a glass onion; every layer that is pulled away reveals more of the vacuity of her core.
There is a better alternative to Harris. There is not a perfect one, just one that is clearly preferable for the nation.

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