Monthly Archives: August 2024

If You Vote On Issues, You Have Exactly One Defensible Choice

By Rob Meyne

  • Aug. 31 2024
  • 5-min read

A recent article from a North Carolina columnist sums up the views of many anti-Trumpers.

His arguments are well-worn and widely accepted, but so are a lot of things that don’t rely on facts.

Tom Campbell has written a lot of good columns. His latest is not one of them. (His work can be found by searching for Tom Campbell & North Carolina.) His basic point: “Trump sucks,” (not his exact words), so how can anyone support him?

The author’s tactic is typical of those used by many politicians, commentators, and average people; attack the person, not the policy. If the left/media (but I repeat myself) can convince you that Trump is a threat to the nation, and people who support him are mindless zombies who worship him, they don’t have to discuss policy. This is very convenient for people who have records that are difficult to defend, or who are running against a president under whom America did well. That summarizes the 2024 election.

Biden and Harris have been a disaster. Harris and Walz favor Marxist policies, which threaten our freedom and economic strength. And most Americans realize Trump performed well as president, even if they don’t like him.

The ONLY tactic that is likely to succeed against Trump is to claim he is so dangerous literally a threat to the survival of the nation, while avoiding discussing issues, and lying when forced to confront your record.

Every time someone says YOU are a mindless cultist, what it really means is they can’t explain why they support Harris. Count on it. As has been said many times, in general, leftists win by lying, conservatives win when they tell the truth.

Campbell writes that Trump’s commitment to making America great again is “all show.” Apparently, he can read minds and possibly predict the future. Remind me to ask him what the next winning lottery number will be.

Trump entered politics as a rich, famous, successful employer in the private sector. He had taken a small family business and built it into an iconic global brand. Leading Democrats – Harris, Biden, Clinton, Obama, Pelosi, Schumer – spent all or most of their lives on the public dime and grew rich through selling influence and insider training.

Trump also delivered policies that helped mainstream Americans. If that is “all show” I’ll take it.

Trump’s personality, combativeness, and pettiness are a turn-off for many people. We get it. The question is what is most important to you? If it is more important to have a president who doesn’t send mean Tweets than, for example, to prevent nuclear war, then vote for Harris. If the future of the world is more important than personalities, vote for Trump. Decide what is most important and you’ll know what to do.

Campbell says, “And please help me understand why his cult seems willing to forgive his crimes, his outlandish conduct, absence of morality or his incessant lies and still pledge allegiance to him.”

Accusing people of “pledging allegiance to a candidate” is the accusation made by anti-Trumpers who can’t defend their policies and want to vilify you and me. When someone accuses you of being a cultist or of pledging allegiance to a person it proves they are, themselves, bigoted. They accuse you of doing what they are doing.

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It Don’t Come Easy, Kamala

By J Robert Smith

  • Aug. 21, 2024
  • 1-min read

Forget about all the smog that corporate media is belching. Kamala Harris is still a ditz. Her sidekick, Tim Walz, is a progressive Minnesota Fats. He’s all about the hustle. He’s a guy who stole valor thinking he could trade it for a beer. The Kamala that we’ve come to know is being memory-holed — or so our hubristic betters hope. For them, like The Fly, something new is aborning. Spinning sell-able narratives depends first on the old Kamala disappearing.

Corporate media’s pollsters are hired to massage numbers as needed. Number massaging is crucial. Kamala vying with Trump in the polls — in fact, leading him by a tittle in this or that battleground state sample — is necessary to bolster whatever narratives her handlers confect. It’s self-reinforcing. Those tight polls also serve as mighty good cover when ballot-counting starts in garden spots like Philly and Detroit.

Blank slate Kamala can be filled-in as perky but not cackling. She’s a woman who bakes, not barks. She strained her widdle eyes studying the southern border for nearly four years, and now she’s got an idea: she’ll close it. She’ll eat Walz’s “white guy tacos” to be a good sport. She’s Florida from Good Times until the Indian vote matters, then she’ll flip to some Bollywood persona.

Read the article in its entirety at American Thinker.

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If Harris and Walz Win, You Lose.
It is That Simple.

By Anthony Trevlac

  • Aug. 11, 2024
  • 4-min read

For those who pay close attention to public affairs, global or domestic, the quadrennial search for a new president is frustrating.

It is certain that huge majorities of people will vote without knowing very much about the challenges we face or about the people running, I have friends who say they don’t follow the news or the campaign, but are very certain they will never vote for Trump.

Really? You don’t even know what is at stake, the facts, or the records of the candidates, but you are certain of your decision? That doesn’t make sense. It isn’t logical to say BOTH that you don’t know much AND that you are certain for whom you will vote. It makes as much sense as your doctor saying they won’t examine you but are confident they have the right diagnosis.

We have a chance to vote for one of two people who have track records. This SHOULD be among the easiest voting decisions we’ve ever seen. Was the nation better off under Trump or under Harris & Biden? That will tell you how to vote.

Harris and Walz are the most socialist/leftist pair to ever seek our nation’s highest offices, and it isn’t even close. But they are running hard from their records and don’t even want you to know what they believe. Of course, Harris has been VP, and they say she was part of every action the Biden White House has taken, so she owns their dismal record. But, the good news is that, if you want to vote for a guy who signed a law requiring tampons to be available in boys restrooms, you’ve got your chance, because Walz did just that.

The addition of Walz to the ticket confirms they think they can win by relying on identity politics and socialist/leftist policies. Maybe they can.

The Dems are presenting a marketing campaign, not a political campaign. They don’t even PRETEND to care about issues. And it has never been so clear.

Gov. Walz is a sign that the antisemitic cohort of the Democrat Party is in charge. Walz sucks up to the radical Islamists in MN and elsewhere. He has repeatedly hosted a MN cleric who celebrated the Oct. 7 attacks. That is the Dem choice for VP. He has explained that free speech guarantees don’t apply to hate speech and misinformation. Well… of course they do. The First Amendment was designed, specifically, to apply to free political speech that you don’t like. The Dem leaders are now saying, openly, that First Amendment protections do NOT apply to speech they don’t like.

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Harris and Walz: Atop the Democrats’ Wedding Cake

By J Robert Smith

  • Aug. 8, 2024
  • 1-min read

On Wednesday, Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris named her running mate. Minnesota governor Tim Walz got the nod over Josh Shapiro, Pennsylvania’s governor. Rumors of Michelle Obama wanting second banana were fanciful. The Obamas aren’t second anything.

Walz’s selection is a bit of a surprise. Shapiro would have brought more to the ticket, and Pennsylvania is critical to Harris’ chances this autumn. Donald Trump enjoys a slim lead in the Keystone State. Democrats may figure that they’ll just steal PA from Trump, as happened in 2020. Shapiro may have threatened Kamala’s sense of self. Kamala is said to be insecure, self-doubting, and bullying. In an increasingly volatile world, she’s the perfect choice to helm the ship-of-state.

What can we say about a man [Walz] who protects those who mutilate children’s bodies in the name of “gender-affirming health care?” How about promoting the savagery of no-limits abortion? How about banning counseling for gender dysphoria sufferers? How about safeguarding graphic LGBTQ themed pornography in public libraries and schools?

To read the article in full, go to: American Thinker.

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Americans Led the Fight Against Global Slavery

By Anthony Trevlac

  • Aug. 4, 2024
  • 3-min read

Elon Musk is a giant of common sense, facts, and free speech. He may have done more, by purchasing Twitter, to protect free speech than anyone alive. His courage and comments displayed in this interview with the hapless and clueless Don Lemon are spot on.

The left’s power depends on as many of us as possible feeling victimized and powerless. They say very little positive about America and do everything they can to divide us.

Most conservative Americans don’t look at other people primarily in terms of race or sex. Most leading Democrats do. They have invented this horseshit fiction called “white privilege,” which is itself a racist and bigoted view. It makes no sense to say all Black people are inferior or that all white people are privileged. We are a nation of individuals, not groups. If a ton of people in one group do not have the same economic resources, we should spend our efforts rooting out the causes rather than constantly using race as an excuse.

But, our leaders know it is easier to blame racism for our problems than it is to courageously admit we don’t yet have all the answers. It is far easier to blame others than to admit you don’t have the answers.

Give us equal opportunity and let us live our lives. We will never become less racist by embracing policies that are racist, like intersectionality. Many in education today teach people that certain groups are denied full access to our opportunities and resources. That is simply a lie. No federal or state laws deny benefits or employment to Black people or Hispanics or Asians or anyone else.

White Americans are not the most successful or richest cohort. Not even close. Look it up and you will see that various groups with Asian heritage are far and away the most “privileged.” If we care about people, we should be looking at what makes anyone successful and promote those policies. Anyone who just assumes whites are privileged and the source of all racism are just intellectually dishonest or ignorant.

The fact that some groups underperform others is the result of an infinitely complex set of circumstances, and we should address them as we can. But, unlike what Critical Race Theory maintains, unequal results are not proof of racism. It isn’t that simple.

The goal of the American experience has NEVER been to guarantee everyone will end up in the same place, as Kamala Harris advocates, but to make sure they all have equal opportunities. It is a hugely important, fundamental distinction. Equity means equal outcomes, based on groups. It is the opposite of equal opportunity. The Biden Administration, from Day One, turned its back on equal opportunity and embraced equity, literally through an Executive Order the day he was inaugurated. (It was between 10 AM and 4 PM, so he was still awake.)

When you spend all your time looking for reasons to think America is racist, you will find them. If you look for reasons to think we are irritable, fat, mean, or rude you will find them, too.

That is exactly what we should not do. We should spend our time focusing on what is good and decent and loving. You are controlled by your dominant thoughts. If you think you will be happy, successful, and strong, you will be.

As far as slavery goes… every cohort in America has ancestors that were slaves, if you go back far enough. White people have been slaves. So have Asians, Blacks, you name it. Some Black people, even in America, owned slaves. Most of the slave trade from Africa did NOT come to America. The thing that is unique about America is the effort we made to stop slavery, not propagate it.

Slavery was a human scourge, not a uniquely American one. America was one of the earliest nations to end slavery and outlaw the slave trade. We should celebrate the fact that we fought a war to get rid of it. We should look to the future united as brothers who celebrate our mutual freedom and individuality.
When a person needs a hand, we should offer it because they are human. The issue should not be the amount of melanin in their skin, their affiliation with an “underserved” community, or their chromosomes.

If you agree with that, you have one and only one presidential candidate to vote for this year. Pick a lane.

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