By Rob Meyne
- March 3, 2022
- 5-min read
The Russian invasion of Ukraine offers a window into how American political discourse has changed. The Biden Administration, and their media sycophants, declare anyone who even wants to discuss possible American actions to be Putin allies. They attempt to demonize anyone who does not blindly embrace whatever Biden wants to do.
I’m old enough to remember a day when Americans valued, even celebrated, robust exchanges of ideas. Those days have gone the way of the carrier pigeon. If you suggest we should hesitate to get deeply involved in a conflict that could start World War III, it is assumed you have borscht for lunch, get paid in rubles, and text Vlad hourly.
How often does Biden or another national Democratic Party leader call for more rigorous, open, diverse, and inclusive opinions? Almost never. The left likes to assign everyone to groups and then dismiss them accordingly. You’re white and oppose CRT? You must be racist. You heard that on Fox? It has to be a lie. You think we need voter ID? You’re a Trump cultist.
It is all easier than being intelligent and logical.
The tactic is clearly on display regarding the Ukraine. Team Biden is promoting a false narrative that conservatives in general, and GOP leaders specifically, side with Putin. For generations, the GOP stood for a strong military, a commitment to freedom, and a muscular foreign policy. Suddenly, they say Republicans have become commie stooges and any deviation from the Democratic narrative is treasonous. If the stakes weren’t so high, it would be hilarious.