Tag Archives: Charges

If Trump is so bad, why lie about him?

By Rob Meyne

  • Nov. 6, 2023
  • 4-min read

It is astonishing, but no longer surprising, how little connection exists between facts and the left’s weaponization of the media and judicial system against their political opposites. Many of the statements that are bandied about as facts simply do not hold up under even minor scrutiny.

A friend, who is a rabid anti-Trumper. He says this letter generally reflects how he feels.

The LTE (Letter to The Editor) includes many of the charges spewed millions of times every day in an attempt to portray Trump and his supporters as villains. Like so many things you hear when politics is the topic, the key charges are simply lies. And remember this: there are plenty of valid, factual things to criticize about both Biden and Trump. If you’re an anti-Trumper, you do not need to make things up. So why do you?


  • The writer says there was an effort to establish Trump as dictator for life. There is precisely zero evidence of that. Have you seen evidence that Trump wants to be a dictator? Neither have I. Because there is none.
  • The writer also claims it was an attempt to overthrow the government. There was a riot on January 6, 2021, and people have gone to jail. But no one tried to overthrow the government.

Think logically for fifteen seconds and you will realize there was no effort to overthrow anything. The president was Donald Trump. Therefore, an attempt to overthrow the government would have been an attempt to remove Trump. An overthrow is precisely what the rioters did not seek.

  • By the same reasoning, there was no insurrection. An insurrection involves an effort to replace the people in power. The rioters supported Trump. They didn’t want to replace him.
  • One also hears January 6 was an attempt to interfere with the “peaceful transfer of power.” Yet, again, that isn’t even logical. The transfer of power DOES NOT take place on January 6. It happens on January 20. Power was not being transferred January 6, so the riot, factually, could not have been an attempt to interfere with it.
  • The letter mentions that at “least two people died that day.” The implication is, clearly, that rioters killed them. They did not. No one died at the hands of Trump supporters. Not. One. Person.

The only person killed during the riot itself was an unarmed woman shot in the face, without warning, by a Capitol Hill Police officer. Again, the description of the riots as “deadly” is an intentionally misleading statement. It is factually untrue.

There’s more:

  • The accusation that the crowd was “white supremacist goons” says nothing factual about them but does speak volumes about the bigotry and stupidity of the writer. The crowd supporting Donald Trump that day included people of all races, from all states, and represented hundreds of occupations. Anyone capable of coming up with the “white supremacist goon” line must have the knowledge and IQ of a random bag of vomit. Although that is a bit insulting to bags of vomit.
  • On a related note, we often hear the accusation that the riots on 1/6 were an effort to stop the counting of the electoral college votes. Again, there is not one shred of evidence of that. You’ve heard it but it just isn’t true.

The only specific action ANYONE advocated is the suggestion that a few select slates of state electors – where their accuracy or legitimacy was in question – be returned to their state legislatures for a final review and approval. That action would not have stopped the count or interfered in the process.

It is a FEATURE of the process, provided by law and the Constitution. It has been done before. It would have resulted in a higher degree of confidence in the results. It would not have prevented a vote count or impeded it. If you ask to get $100 out of the bank, and the teller has to confirm you have it in your account, is he or she impeding the process? Of course not. Anti-Trumpers are saying that Trump committed treason by trying to do something that is provided by law.

  • We also know that dozens, if not hundreds, of police officers and federal agents were in the crowd that day. Were they encouraging violence? We don’t know, because the FBI refuses to tell us even how many were there.
  • We also know that many police officers peacefully and politely let people into the Capitol that day. We have footage of it. The suggestion that every demonstrator entered violently or illegally is simply, again, a lie.
  • Finally, make note that President Trump has been accused of orchestrating the riot on January 6. Even after more than a year of the one-sided House committee investigation, they failed to find even a single piece of direct evidence that Trump wanted violence that day. Not. One. President Trump called for the protestors to be peaceful. So, they claim he wanted violence.

It is mind-numbing that anyone could agree with the drivel in the LTE, or the broader anti-Trump beliefs it represents, and think it is insightful, persuasive, or even factual. It is none of those things. The accusations in it are baseless, unhinged, and the product of bigotry and ignorance.

If you agree with those views, you should go back to wherever you attended school and demand your money back.

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