Tag Archives: Hoover Institute

A Must Read by Victor Davis Hanson

By J Robert Smith

  • July 29, 2024
  • 2-min read

Certainly, guilt over their largess, together with our 21st century
secular update of sanctimonious New England puritanism, explain
this overweening left-wing new zealotry
to change the world, but largely at others’ expense.
They are the descendants of Salem, who share the same
superstitions and fanaticism to punish all
who doubt their purity and wisdom.

— Excerpt, Victor Davis Hanson, America’s Lab Rats?

There’s no one better than Professor Victor Davis Hanson in surveying the national landscape and providing comprehensive diagnoses of what ails America.

The nation’s cultural divide is at the heart of the troubles and conflicts that beset the country. A mega-wealthy elite – representing a tiny percentage of the U.S. – have embraced radical beliefs and values. They’re the cutting edge. They have sought for nearly a generation to inflict their radicalism on us, the majority who instinctively reject the elites society-destroying experiments. Theirs is, as Professor Hanson points out, an insufferable sanctimony borne of their professional accomplishments and the wealth produced. Further, as with the old Puritans, their righteousness is to be regarded as unassailable. The penalties for doing otherwise promise to be severe.

All true, but Professor Hanson’s diagnoses lead us to an inevitable conclusion. There’s no accommodation with these wealthy radicals and their minions. How do you find accommodation with people who have no intention to meet others somewhere in the middle? They aren’t content to limit themselves in any way.

Their intention is to conquer America. We are to be subjugated to their anti-God, debauched morality. We are to meekly surrender our lives to woke and DEI (diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) orthodoxies. If we suffer – if our families, friends, and neighbors suffer – it’s in service of their twisted concept of social justice. We will bend knees or suffer even greater depravations and humiliations.

This is an internal conquest. It’s a rough parallel, but what is happening now does hold some similarities to the subjugation that the American Indian experienced.

Yet, tens of millions of Americans aren’t a stone age people. We are the doers and builders and maintainers of America. We are the nation’s backbone – break it, and the nation breaks, too. But that appears the intent of the elite.

How does this end? It is a zero-sum game. It’s intended by the elite to be just that. No guess is ventured here as to the particulars of how this intensifying conflict resolves, but it must resolve with a victory for traditional America. Not defeating this determined foe means there won’t be much left of the America that a multitude of patriots died for.

Professor Hanson’s article can be found at his website, “Blade of Perseus.”

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