Tag Archives: Pope Francis

NEWSFEED MONDAY: Eco-sins, Pope Francis, & the Road to Draconian Laws

J Robert Smith

  • Dec. 2, 2019
  • 4 min read

VATICAN CITY — Following through on a proposal made at the Synod of Bishops for the Amazon, Pope Francis said there are plans to include a definition of ecological sins in the church’s official teaching.

“We should be introducing — we were thinking — in the Catechism of the Catholic Church the sin against ecology, ecological sin against the common home,” he told participants at a conference on criminal justice Nov. 15.

Catholic News Service, via EarthBeat, November 15, 2019

Climate change is a favorite issue for Pope Francis. It is almost certain that it will be a major aspect of the catechism on “ecological sin.”

But his understanding of environmental care and climate change is bankrupt theologically and scientifically. [snip]

The Christian Post, November 24, 2019


Roman Catholics beware. Pope Francis wants to introduce “ecological sins” into Catholic teachings. But the pontiff wants even more than sins against the environment, evidently. Francis has declared that eco-sins are crimes. Presumably, Francis will leave writing legal codes to secular powers. But that’s no consolation. Here’s why.

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