Tag Archives: Trump assassination attempt

America’s Stasi Must Go

By Rob Meyne

  • Dec. 20, 2024
  • 4-min read

We want an FBI that is accountable, not independent.

Kash Patel lives here (Las Vegas, NV), we have met him a couple of times (we’re even FB friends), we have friends in common, and he will be exactly what is needed as Director of the FBI.

If you’ve been following the decline of the once-admirable law enforcement agency, you realize that Chris Wray and his sycophants have turned it into a threat to the nation they are supposed to serve.

Wray has covered up and withheld information from the public and Congress. He has ignored crimes committed by leftist protestors, such as the assault on the White House where a ton of police were injured, or the illegal harassment of SCOTUS justices. Yet he has prosecuted about a thousand people for their activities January 6, a majority of whom hurt no one and damaged no property.

Yes, anyone who attacked a police officer or broke a window deserves to be prosecuted. Grandmothers who simply walked around the lawn do not.

The FBI also claims it doesn’t know who brought cocaine into the White House, who built the gallows that were on the Capitol lawn January 6, who placed pipe bombs, or who leaked the SCOTUS decision on abortion. This just in: they are lying, or, alternatively, incompetent. In either case, they need to go.

The FBI denied for four years that they had operatives in the crowd on January 6, 2021. Now, they admit they did. They had more than 20 “Confidential Human” sources there. They play word games and try to conceal the truth by saying they didn’t have undercover agents in the crowd. Who cares what they call them? They had FBI employees undercover. And it is likely the Capitol Police, CIA, Secret Service, NSA, Homeland Security, etc., had people there too.

THAT is what an unaccountable FBI looks like. It is a threat to our freedom and the republic itself. The Chris Wray FBI would fit in perfectly in Iran. Not in the U.S.

Trump was injured in an assassination attempt in July. They have released almost no information about the shooter. Why? Probably because it shows he cooperated with either foreign actors or domestic agencies. If he was a lone shooter, a nut, a whacko who just tried to shoot Trump, you would know all about him.

If he was a right-wing terrorist and racist you’d know everything from his blood type to what size shirt he wore. They even cremated the shooter’s body three days after the assassination attempt, thus destroying key evidence. The only reason to rush the cremation was to cover up something.

Most importantly, don’t buy the BS that the FBI is supposed to be an independent agency. That is simply untrue. People who say that are either uninformed or intentionally misleading.

ALL of government is intended to be accountable to elected officials and ultimately the voters. The FBI isn’t supposed to be free of accountability and influence from the voters any more than the Social Security Administration, the Pentagon, or the Senate staff. ALL of government is intended to be managed and controlled by elected officials who are themselves accountable to citizens.

Like the idea of an “independent” FBI? How did independent police forces work out in Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, Kampuchea/Cambodia, or Iran? Do you want to live in fear that an unmoored FBI might knock on your door at 2 AM and drag you off to jail? That is what you get with an FBI that reports to no one. That is what we have now, actually. Do you like that? Neither do I.

Under Biden, the FBI has functioned as a political force pursuing and supporting Biden’s political goals. That is wrong. Biden is the first president to ever use all of the available judicial and police resources in a coordinated effort to keep his political opponents off the ballot and in jail. Fortunately, the effort has failed. The American people know the charges against Trump would not have been brought against anyone else. Their cases have all fallen apart, and the people pursuing them – like Fani Willis in Atlanta – have proven to be corrupt and immoral trash.

Fortunately, most Americans saw through it. Everyone who isn’t a leftist/socialist/anti-Trumper recognizes bias and incompetence when they see it.

And, yes, quite a few people who thought they would ever vote for Trump, for anything, realized he was the better choice in 2024.

America has rejected the police state tactics of Biden and Harris. Trump has pledged to put people in charge – people like Kash Patel – who won’t let it happen again.

Rather than being a threat to our republic, Trump is poised to be the person who saves it.

Our duty is to hold Trump and his team accountable for doing the things they said they will. For the first time in at least four years, we have a president who publicly acknowledges the freedoms we have lost and is committed to restoring them.

Thank God.

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Getting Crazy with Speculation

Democrats will shortly elevate Vice President Kamala Harris to the Democrat presidential nomination. Democrats will spin her nomination furiously. (Photo by Gage Skidmore)

By J Robert Smith

  • July 22, 2024
  • 3-min read

In the aftermath of the near-assassination of Donald Trump, there was a deluge of speculation on X (formerly Twitter) and other social media. A lot of higher profile conservatives suggested that the shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks, was somehow linked to a conspiracy to kill the former president. Some of the speculation has been wild.

The speculation about Crooks was fueled, in part, by the lack of transparency by the FBI, Secret Service, and other law enforcement agencies. Granted, with an ongoing investigation, law enforcement must withhold some details, lest the investigation be hampered. But there’s plenty about Crooks and the event’s general circumstances that could be discussed. Lack of communications has only ratcheted up guesswork.

Now, does that mean we should write off the possibility that Crooks was the gunman in a scheme to kill Trump? No. Certainly, authorities should have or are exploring that avenue. Should we trust law enforcement? Maybe not, but let’s see what they claim first.

Based on the information that has surfaced about Crooks to date, it seems unlikely that he was anything more than a misfit. He was another in a long line of losers who decided killing – in this case a former president – was a way of evening scores for failures in his own life. And/or Crooks was a radicalized left-winger.

Democrats and corporate media spent months demonizing Trump as the next Hitler, a wannabe dictator, and the destroyer of democracy. It may be that such highly inflammatory, hate-filled language helped Crooks rationalize attempting to assassinate Trump. Perhaps, Crooks believed that important establishment voices branding Trump as dangerous gave him license to commit murder? Perhaps, in his twisted mind, he thought he’d be celebrated as a hero for killing Trump?

“Where’s Biden” Craziness

Joe Biden hasn’t been seen since – well, for days. In fact, he issued (or someone did) a statement declaring that he was backing out of the presidential contest. It was announced a few days ago that Biden was battling COVID. That may explain why he hasn’t been visible. It may also be that Biden is stewing because he didn’t chose to leave the race. Chances are, Biden was forced out of the contest. Who knows, he may have been induced to leave with financial guarantees and guarantees of legal cover for himself and his clan of grifters. But that’s guesswork, too.

Nonetheless, Biden being scarce has sparked oodles of speculation that the Democrats or whoever are keeping him out of the public eye for whatever nefarious reason. Again, we can’t exclude that Biden is being kept under wraps to serve some dark purpose, but not likely. Biden is sick, and he and Dr. Jill are probably taking time to lick their wombs. If Biden stays out of sight much longer, then there may be legitimate questions about his well being and whereabouts. We’ll find out more shortly, so let’s exercise a little patience and not spin crazy tales.

Tag, Kamala is It

Meanwhile, the Democrats will shortly elevate Kamala Harris to the Democrat presidential nomination. They’ve already locked up the delegates. Democrats will spin her nomination furiously. They’ll gaslight like maniacs hoping that no stink clings to her as part of Biden’s failed presidency. Along with corporate media, they’ll use all their powers to try to make Kamala who she isn’t and never was.

Kamala Harris is a silly, unsmart, untalented politician. Harris is a double box check: Female and part Black. Harris has no slave ancestry – at least, not related to the American south. She spent a big chunk of her growing up years in Toronto, Canada. She’s a knee-jerk left-winger. She would be a terrible president if she’s elected (with a little help from creative balloting).

A Harris presidency would extend the Barack Obama team’s hold on the White House and executive authority. Harris would simply replace Biden as chief puppet.

You can take all that to the bank.

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