Tag Archives: Corruption

Biden’s Failings Make Trump Look Like A Saint

By Anthony Trevlac

  • May 24, 2024
  • 3 min read

One of the saddest and least accurate themes you hear from Dems/anti-Trumpers/Dem Socialists is that Trump is somehow uniquely despicable. As any reasonable person knows, all human beings are flawed. And Trump is often unkind in his comments and takes on unnecessary arguments. There is much about him I do not like.

The key, though, is that America was much better off under Trump if you look at metrics involving things like inflation, war, crime, drug deaths, and the open border. Trump haters, though, don’t like to talk about issues, because they know Biden’s record is indefensible. So, they tend to claim Trump is just a foul person, as if Biden isn’t.

The argument, essentially, is that Biden may be pushing us toward nuclear war, but Trump is mean, and we don’t like his tweets. Somehow, they look at this situation and conclude they should vote for Biden.

Trump’s faults would be more meaningful and persuasive IF his main opponent was better. He is not. You can admit it, or you can be willfully ignorant, your choice, but Biden is provably immoral and detestable. Plus, the evidence is overwhelming that he and his family have received many millions in direct payoffs from our foreign adversaries.

The House of Representatives has already documented – proven – the Bidens received tens of millions funneled through scores of LLCs that were created JUST TO RECEIVE the bribes. This money was not paid for any actual work done; they were just payments, and they ended up in the hands of more than a dozen family members, including Biden grandchildren. Even Hunter’s business partners have testified that Joe was part of the shakedown and that Joe received money from it. The proof is there. If you are ignoring it, you are part of the problem. Sorry.

Again, your choices are to pretend it isn’t true, be willfully ignorant, or just hate Trump so much you don’t care how horrible the other choice is.

As ONE example, consider this: Ashley Biden, his daughter, has written extensively that she was coerced into taking showers with her dad, Joe, when she was far too old for it to be even remotely acceptable. She considers herself a sexual molestation victim. And she blames Joe’s abuse of her to be the main reason she has a problem with sexual addiction. She discusses all of it in her diary, which became public, and has admitted it is hers. IT IS HER DIARY.

If we had a reasonable media, or if the American people really gave a shit about the facts and the corruption of our leaders, this would have been front page news for years. Joe would have, and should have, been driven out of office. But this story receives little attention. If you are interested, even Newsweek and MSNBC have admitted her diary is real, and she has never walked away from its content.

Hate Trump? Good for you. How you use that to justify voting for a pedophile is astonishing.

Biden also lied for years about the driver who killed his wife and kid, claiming he was drunk; he was not, and eventually Biden apologized for it. Biden said poor kids are just as smart as white kids. Biden claimed Obama was the first “clean” black man to run for high office. Biden and his AG have long argued that black Americans need special treatment because they are either too stupid or otherwise incapable of accessing legal help, using computers, or even getting ID. Biden had to drop out of previous runs for the presidency because of plagiarism. He has lied about his academic record, going to jail for supporting Nelson Mandela, and defends racism and discrimination against high-achieving Asian Americans in higher ed. Hunter Biden even paid tens of thousands in “rent” to his dad and paid his household expenses with the money he had coerced foreign interests into giving him. The list goes on.

Trump is flawed – so are you and me. Trump was excoriated for making crude comments about his treatment of women, crude “locker room” talk that is disgusting and embarrassing. THAT receives nearly daily coverage. Biden molesting his daughter, however, hardly makes a ripple in the news. If you are OK with that, vote for the “pedo.” If not, grow a spine and vote for Trump or Kennedy. But not Biden.

The nation is at risk and too many Americans are asleep at the switch.

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How Much More Evidence of Biden’s Corruption Do We Need?

By Rob Meyne

  • June 21, 2023
  • 3 min-read

You are probably aware of the corruption that has infested the DOJ in general and especially the FBI. No reasonable person can deny America’s law enforcement infrastructure operates with a double standard. If you are leftist, rich, in elite professions and well-connected families, you generally get lenient treatment.

Hunter Biden got a slap on the wrist for serious tax and gun crimes. Anyone with thirty seconds and access to a search engine knows people are routinely sentenced to prison for the exact offenses to which Hunter pleaded guilty.

The DOJ has said their investigation of Hunter Biden is ongoing. While one is tempted to be reassured by this, hoping he will eventually be held accountable for more extreme crimes, there is a better explanation. If they claim it is an ongoing investigation, they have yet another reason not to cooperate with Congressional investigators.

Even the two charges they filed were based on evidence in their possession since 2016. If it takes them seven years to decide to charge someone when the evidence is undisputed and overwhelming, it doesn’t bode well for effective enforcement of the law to return any time in the future.

Information that has come out from an IRS whistleblower, meanwhile, shows the FBI had possession of Hunter’s laptop and confirmed it was authentic in 2019. That is more information (as if we needed it) that the leadership of the FBI is corrupt, hypocritical, and completely in the tank for America’s leftist elites. Is there another conclusion one can reasonably draw?

The FBI, CIA, DOJ, and even at times the Democratic National Committee (often working through the White House) took great pains throughout the 2020 cycle to push news media and social platforms not to cover stories that were damaging to the Biden campaign. About 80% of the American people get most of their news from social media, so this is important. The DOJ and FBI told Twitter, for example, the Hunter laptop story was unconfirmed, possibly stolen or hacked. They knew at the time that wasn’t true.

In addition, 51 intelligence agency leaders said the story appeared to be “Russian disinformation” so the media would not cover it. Yet they had no personal knowledge of the situation, had not reviewed the information, and had no evidence of Russian involvement. It didn’t stop them from pushing for censorship. Meanwhile, post-election surveys show that about 1 in 6 Biden voters would not have voted for him if they had known about the corruption revealed on the laptop. (For the record, at no time has the Biden family even denied the laptop belonged to Hunter. The media and deep state reflexively went farther to defend the Bidens than they did themselves.)

Leon Panetta, the former Secretary of Defense and Director of the CIA, signed the letter to help the Biden campaign. I’ve met Panetta and found him to be engaging and friendly. A fine guy with whom to share a cocktail. But a friend, who knows Panetta well, goes further. He says he is a great guy, a patriot, honest, and a straight shooter. BS. Panetta is a partisan hack, not to put too fine a point on it. You can be both charming and dishonest.

But the latest news is the new evidence of the attempt by Hunter to extort China to pay him $5 million for. The Federalist has the story, and it is linked here.

Hunter sent a message demanding payment and threatening to use his father, and his many friends, to hurt them, if they did not pay. Hunter’s associate in the Chinese Communist Party, Mr. Zhau, then forwarded $5 million to Hunter. If that isn’t clear evidence of corruption at its highest level, nothing is.

Another revelation confirmed what was already obvious: the DOJ moves at a glacial pace to investigate the criminal activity of Dem leaders, if they look at it at all, and many investigations are simply halted. An IRS whistleblower has testified to this before Congress.

Biden needs to go, stat. Even if we are doomed to have some months under a Kamala Harris presidency, Biden is a threat who needs to be neutralized. There is too much at stake to have a president in office who is bought and paid for by hostile foreign powers.

Stay tuned.

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