This article originally appeared at American Thinker.

J Robert Smith
- Dec. 15, 2020
- 5 min read
It was in the musical Camelot (the movie) when King Pellinore (Lionel Jefferies) advices Arthur (Richard Harris) that the “uglier the truth, the truer the friend who tells you.”
Now, with mere weeks to go before the year changes, we have to confront an ugly truth. 2020 is just prelude to crises and conflicts to come. When they end, we cannot say. The 2020s may prove a troubled decade. I don’t pretend to have a crystal ball. But there are matters we can be sure of. One need only survey the scene – the wreckage, really – of 2020 to understand that America faces the gravest risks to its existence as a free and united country in 160 years.
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