Daily Archives: December 27, 2020

Will President Trump Release the Dogs of War?

J. Robert Smith has a weekly article that appears at American Thinker. His archived articles can be found here.

J Robert Smith

  • Dec. 27, 2020
  • 3 min read

Updated: Dec. 28, 2020

President Trump faces perhaps the most momentous decision a president has had to make. Will he invoke the 2018 executive order pertaining to elections fraud and foreign interference therein? The truth is, the president may have no other choice. The federal courts – the U.S. Supreme Court, to date, in particular – have turned their backs on redressing November’s historic elections fraud. GOP controlled legislatures in contested battleground states aren’t likely to decertify Biden electors (fraud slates) and install electors who reflect the will of a majority of voters. And, really, what do we expect from Congress on January 6?

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