Rob Meyne
- Oct. 18, 2021
- 1-min read
The mainstream media, leftists, socialists, Democratic leaders, and anti-Trumpers – but I repeat myself – have worked 24/7 to convince you the January 6 riot was worse than it was.
Question: if January 6 was the worst attack on our democracy in history, WHY do they have to lie, exaggerate, and claim it was something it was not? No one had to exaggerate the negative aspects of the Civil War, MLK assassination, or 9-11. Those were genuinely terrible events based entirely on a reasonable look at the facts.
Yet, with January 6, there are non-stop articles that exaggerate, mischaracterize, and lie.
The attached article raises just five of the lies and injustices that are involved in reacting to these events. Among them:
- A federal judge has ordered an investigation into violations of civil rights of people arrested in the riot. Some have even been denied necessary medical care.
- People are being sentenced to longer terms than even prosecutors requested, for crimes as innocuous as entering the Capitol to take selfies.
- People have been held in solitary confinement for being in the Capitol, denied bail, and not yet even assigned a trial date.
- No one has been charged with insurrection, treason, etc. The FBI has said they found no evidence that it was a coordinated, planned, national act of insurrection.
- The most egregious lie being spread is that the attack was deadly. Well, it was if you were a Trump supporter. The ONLY person killed in the Capitol was Ashli Babbitt, a veteran who was shot, in cold blood, with no warning, by a Capitol Police Officer. She was unarmed and presented no threat to anyone. Yet the officer claimed he saved lives that day.
In addition to Babbitt, a Capitol Police officer died later, after the riot, from a stroke. Others also died from natural causes. But Trump supporters killed no one. They carried no guns. And they did not present a deadly threat. Period.
There isn’t a person in leadership or prominent in the media who has said the January 6 attack was a good thing. None. For the nascent fascists in charge of our nation, however, it is important for you to believe it was something that it was not: a planned, deadly, coordinated effort to overthrow the government carried out by armed domestic terrorists.
It was a mostly impromptu riot, with fights and scuffles, by people who are frustrated by an election they do not believe was legally conducted. The violence they actually carried out was bad enough. No one defends it. But it was not the worst attack on our Democracy in a century. Anyone who claims that is either uninformed or intentionally lying to you. Or both.
Ashli Babbitt did indeed rec’ve warning to “Get Back!”, “Get Down!”, “Back Away from the Door!”. She chose to ignore those warnings and was trying to crawl through the broken glass of the door when she was shot.
She was attempting to break into the House Chambers, so her shooting and consequential death was no one’s fault but her own.
Still…you don’t shoot the person, you make an arrest. She wasn’t carrying a weapon or wasn’t a threat to anyone. You are ridiculous.