By Rob Meyne
- July 14 2023
- 2-min read
Sound of Freedom is a fantastic film that celebrates people who devote their lives to rescuing children who are part of the slave trade. Many experts estimate there are more slaves in the world today than at the time when it was legal. Yet you don’t hear a word from our president or his minions on this.
Slaves are widely held in many nations today, even though it is illegal.
BTW, America appears to be the leading consumer of child sex media and slavery. There is much we can do here to prevent it.
Astonishingly, the Biden Department of Justice has recently removed from its web site information about child trafficking and sex slavery. It isn’t even on the site anymore. At the same time, the Biden Administration admits it has totally lost track of at least 85,000 children who came into the country over our open southern border. They have no idea where they are, who controls them, and whether they have been sold into slavery. Does this sound like a government whose priorities are in the right place?
Sound of Freedom is excellent. It tells the story of Tim Ballard, a former Homeland Security agent, who has devoted his life to saving children. Unsurprisingly, because it celebrates courage, decency, and faith, many on the left and in the Democratic Party have attacked it.
Remember: When your political opponents focus on a person, group, or organization with this much vehemence, it tells you they are afraid, and you must be doing something right. When we irritate and anger our opponents, we are making progress.
Sometimes you can learn exactly what people are like just by watching and listening to them. Tons of commentators, news outlets, and social media sites are trashing Sound of Freedom. It focuses on the scandalous and horrific trafficking of children, primarily for sexual slavery.
Many on the left have excoriated this film and its creators. Think about it. This is a great film about a man who is dedicated to saving children, and the left hates it. There is nothing remotely controversial about the movie unless you are against saving children. The backlash against this film is disgusting, as are the people who oppose it. No extreme views are promoted in it, no conspiracies, no lies. Just the truth. And the left hates it. What more proof do you need about who these people are?
Here is a brief story with a video clip from CBS News embedded in it about Ballard and his successful rescue of children: CBS, nearly a decade ago, did a segment on Tim Ballard, now film on child trafficking ‘is QAnon’
What is there about that message that decent human beings should oppose?
Watch what people say, what they do, who they criticize, and you will see them for what they really are.