Tag Archives: Banana Republic

America’s Politics are Getting More Like Russia’s, Only Less Trustworthy!

It is not always easy to know when you are experiencing an historic event. But bank on this: people will be talking about this election for decades to come. Unless the left wins, in which case we’ll probably see the end of free speech, and history will be rewritten. But that is a topic for a future column.

This is the first quadrennial U. S. election in which one of the two major political parties has attempted to imprison their leading opponent. This is the stuff of Putin, Mao, and the Woody Allen movie “Bananas.” More importantly, it has become the “stuff” of America’s leading leftist group: the Democratic Party.

The Democratic Party embodies America’s Socialist/Marxist movement. Republicans are the conservative wing, although the GOP clings less faithfully to conservative principles than the Democrats cling to leftist ones. Although that sounds simplistic, it is also manifestly true. If there is a left and a right cohort in American politics, it is the Dems who are the left and the GOP who is the right. It is a complex question, but that much generalization is accurate.

There is no doubt you could find millions of Democratic voters who love America, support freedom, capitalism, and the Constitution. There is also no doubt you will find very few of those people in positions of leadership in the national Democratic Party. It is equally true that average Democrats are becoming more leftist and more comfortable with socialist and fascist activities. They even say so.

Democrats are now accepting, with almost no pushback, ridiculous tropes that most people could even mutter without rolling their eyes. Their party is led by people who accept things on face value that are demonstrably false. For example: there are hundreds of genders; men can have babies; killing a baby in the final trimester only involves the body of the mother; America is systemically and irredeemably racist; all white people are racist; all black people are victims; or police murders of unarmed blacks are a daily occurrence. Those statements are all provably false but widely accepted by Democratic leaders and their sycophants.

The Dems have also rejected the concept of equal opportunity, preferring the concept of equity. Equal opportunity has long been the basis of the American Dream. No longer. Today, our leaders plead for equal outcomes – equity – based on a worldview that values groups but not individuals.
If you seek a party that puts a priority on the individual, the GOP welcomes you. If you seek one that cares about your sex and race, but not you, the Democratic Party is your home.

There should also be no doubt about which is America’s fascist party. Hint: it isn’t the GOP. Nearly every major policy proposal from the Dem leadership involves strengthening the government, and Washington, in particular; reducing freedom; or restricting speech. Their policies depend on big government working in an alliance with rich elites and corporate media.

When a corporate leader strays away from their playbook, he is despised. Consider Elon Musk. He has long been the darling of the left. He believes climate change is a problem and that electric vehicles are a big part of the solution. Then he dared to buy Twitter and become a vocal advocate for free speech. He questioned liberal dogma and exposed the actions by the FBI, White House, DOJ, and even the Democratic National Committee to unconstitutionally censor the speech of individuals and organizations. Now, he is excoriated. This is mostly because he supports free speech. Got it? A principle that used to be the foundation of liberal thought has now become the reason the left rejects people.

Unfortunately, it is not just the Dem leaders who abhor free speech. Public opinion surveys show huge numbers of Democratic voters – ordinary people –think Americans have too much freedom and that speech should be restricted. Just a few short years ago Dems and GOPs alike valued free speech. But one party is turning its back on it.

The differences between the leadership of the two major parties are profound. But the differences among the rank and file of both parties are becoming starker as well.

In a new RealClear Opinion Research poll, a startling 47 percent of Democratic voters said speech should be legal “only under certain circumstances,” and 52 percent approve of government censoring social media posts. A third of Democrats believe Americans have “too much freedom.”

Those saying speech should be “legal under any circumstances” included 74 percent of registered Republicans and 61 percent of independents.” Just five years ago the numbers were at parity. Something has happened to cause the number of Democrats who oppose free speech to skyrocket, and it happened very quickly. Be afraid. Be very afraid!

America’s Socialist/Democratic Party is hell-bent on growing the size and power of government; they are committed to reducing your freedom while they build their own wealth and influence; and they don’t mind using police powers to do it.

A precedent has been established that the party in power should use all means available to destroy their opponents, even to the point of tying them up with legal battles and potentially imprisoning them. This will be the most astonishing and dangerous election in our history. Fascist socialism has overtaken the Dem leadership and many of their followers. It is happening now, and it should concern you deeply.

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New York City … Or the Rotting Apple

By J Robert Smith

  • April 4, 2023
  • 2-min read

New York City was once celebrated as the “Big Apple.” Frank Sinatra sang about it. Small town and farm boys and girls dreamt about moving to NYC and making their marks. As Old Blue Eyes crooned, “If you can make there, you can make it anywhere, New York, New York”…

It used to be that the Bronx was notorious for poverty, crime, and squalor, but thanks to progressive Democrats (are there any other kind?), New York and it’s boroughs have become sumps of homelessness and crime. Under Giuliani and Bloomberg, Manhattan – midtown, anyway – was safe to walk at night. Midtown, then, was family-friendly. But who walks Manhattan at night, anywhere, particularly alone? Bring families?

Things started going downhill for the now Rotting Apple with the election of Warren Wilhelm Jr, aka, Bill de Blasio. De Blasio, the “social justice warrior,” who started to make lawbreakers and hardened criminals into victims. Who started to tight-leash the once-vaunted NYPD. Warren started turning NYC into a version of the dystopic novel, A Clockwork Orange, where the thugs, murderers, and rapists owned the streets, especially nights.

After Warren, New York voters, in their infinite wisdom, elected Eric Adams mayor. One is hard-pressed to decide which of the two is the dumber progressive box-checker. Since de Blasio has faded into the woodwork – for the time being – and Adams currently holds the office, we’ll say Adams, because he’s The Guy, who, along with every other office-holding progressive Democrat in NYC, is driving New York into the ground.

While Adams pushes pot smoking on the late night shows and laughs it up with cronies, nights, at some of New York’s finer eateries and watering holes (Adams has a security detail, so he doesn’t have to worry about burgeoning street crime), all sorts of New Yorkers have to watch their backs for attacks and/or being accosted by homeless looking for a buck… Or having to play dodge ’em on city sidewalks. Dodge the piles of human feces or vomit and puddles of urine. Oh, and syringes, because shooting up in the streets ain’t so bad anymore in the Rotting Apple.

Trump’s indictment by New York’s other big dolt, Manhattan District Attorney, Fat Alvin Bragg, merely underscores New York’s growing reputation as a Third World banana republic. Not only is Bragg a Soros tool, who obediently follows the script handed to him by letting off hardened criminals to terrorize New Yorkers – the old, disabled, poor, and disproportionately people “of color” (black-on-black crime is soaring). After all, when you think of Rio, what do you think of other than its annual decadent Carnival? Scads of government corruption, impotent or bribed cops, widespread filth, rampant crime, open-air drug markets, and plenty of real victims.

Rio is where the Rotting Apple is heading – without the flare of Carnival, unless St, Paddy’s Day is thoroughly debauched by “progressive” New Yorkers. Don’t bet against that.

If you don’t think that New York can’t be reduced to has-been status, take a look at Detroit. Detroit was once a thriving, world-class manufacturing powerhouse. Over the course of two short decades – the 60s and 70s – Detroit was reduced to the wreck it is today. It’s never recovered. It may never, ever recover. Does the same fate await NYC?

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