Tag Archives: crime

Why Hasn’t She Done It?

By J Robert Smith

  • Sept. 13, 2024
  • 2-min read

It would have been so much better had Donald Trump’s closing remarks in last Tuesday’s presidential debate been his opening remarks. Why? Because Trump framed his fight against Harris powerfully. Asked the former president about Harris’ nearly four-year nonperformance: “Why hasn’t she done it?” That is, fix the problems she claims she’ll fix now – problems created by Biden-Harris.

Trump lost some traction coming out of Tuesday’s debate because, although Harris’ remarks came across as canned, she did succeed in making Trump the issue. Any election with an incumbent is supposed to be a referendum on the incumbent. That’s particularly true with Kamala Harris, who lacks the personal attributes to serve in the highest office, and as the “Harris” in the Biden-Harris administration is responsible for the woes that millions of Americans are experiencing – and will experience more deeply if Harris assumes the presidency.

The good news is that Trump has time to turn the tables. He needs to ask his question at every rally and in every interview he gives. His advertising needs to hammer away at it too. And it wouldn’t hurt to close this election with Regan’s memorable question: “Are you better off today than you were four years ago?”

Trump will be Trump, of course. He likes to riff. He tends to be too defensive, and spends more time explaining why he did what he did. But this election isn’t about Trump – or shouldn’t be. It’s about the struggles that tens of millions of working and middle-income wage earners are experiencing. It’s about Biden-Harris deliberately throwing open the southern borders to permit millions of illegals to enter. It’s about spreading crime. It’s about historic government and private sector corruption. It’s a bout the prospect of major war with Russia, China, or both. It’s about the future, which is shaky as hell thanks to Biden-Harris’ wretched leadership.

Trump, always the promoter and marketer, should brand merchandise and signs with “Harris: Why hasn’t she done it?” His ads should feature the question. Saturate it. And Trump should never leave a rally or interview having not asked that very potent question.

It’s a question that practically answers itself, and it’s a question Kamala Harris never wants asked.

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New York City … Or the Rotting Apple

By J Robert Smith

  • April 4, 2023
  • 2-min read

New York City was once celebrated as the “Big Apple.” Frank Sinatra sang about it. Small town and farm boys and girls dreamt about moving to NYC and making their marks. As Old Blue Eyes crooned, “If you can make there, you can make it anywhere, New York, New York”…

It used to be that the Bronx was notorious for poverty, crime, and squalor, but thanks to progressive Democrats (are there any other kind?), New York and it’s boroughs have become sumps of homelessness and crime. Under Giuliani and Bloomberg, Manhattan – midtown, anyway – was safe to walk at night. Midtown, then, was family-friendly. But who walks Manhattan at night, anywhere, particularly alone? Bring families?

Things started going downhill for the now Rotting Apple with the election of Warren Wilhelm Jr, aka, Bill de Blasio. De Blasio, the “social justice warrior,” who started to make lawbreakers and hardened criminals into victims. Who started to tight-leash the once-vaunted NYPD. Warren started turning NYC into a version of the dystopic novel, A Clockwork Orange, where the thugs, murderers, and rapists owned the streets, especially nights.

After Warren, New York voters, in their infinite wisdom, elected Eric Adams mayor. One is hard-pressed to decide which of the two is the dumber progressive box-checker. Since de Blasio has faded into the woodwork – for the time being – and Adams currently holds the office, we’ll say Adams, because he’s The Guy, who, along with every other office-holding progressive Democrat in NYC, is driving New York into the ground.

While Adams pushes pot smoking on the late night shows and laughs it up with cronies, nights, at some of New York’s finer eateries and watering holes (Adams has a security detail, so he doesn’t have to worry about burgeoning street crime), all sorts of New Yorkers have to watch their backs for attacks and/or being accosted by homeless looking for a buck… Or having to play dodge ’em on city sidewalks. Dodge the piles of human feces or vomit and puddles of urine. Oh, and syringes, because shooting up in the streets ain’t so bad anymore in the Rotting Apple.

Trump’s indictment by New York’s other big dolt, Manhattan District Attorney, Fat Alvin Bragg, merely underscores New York’s growing reputation as a Third World banana republic. Not only is Bragg a Soros tool, who obediently follows the script handed to him by letting off hardened criminals to terrorize New Yorkers – the old, disabled, poor, and disproportionately people “of color” (black-on-black crime is soaring). After all, when you think of Rio, what do you think of other than its annual decadent Carnival? Scads of government corruption, impotent or bribed cops, widespread filth, rampant crime, open-air drug markets, and plenty of real victims.

Rio is where the Rotting Apple is heading – without the flare of Carnival, unless St, Paddy’s Day is thoroughly debauched by “progressive” New Yorkers. Don’t bet against that.

If you don’t think that New York can’t be reduced to has-been status, take a look at Detroit. Detroit was once a thriving, world-class manufacturing powerhouse. Over the course of two short decades – the 60s and 70s – Detroit was reduced to the wreck it is today. It’s never recovered. It may never, ever recover. Does the same fate await NYC?

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In Pennsylvania, Fetterman is Beginning to Reel … and More

By J Robert Smith

  • Sept. 20, 2022
  • 4-min read

Fox News reports that John Fetterman’s U.S. Senate campaign is backing off Fetterman’s call to release over a thousand convicted 2nd degree murders from Pennsylvania prisons.

From the September 20 Fox News report:

Fetterman, the Pennsylvania lieutenant governor who chairs the state’s Board of Pardons (BOP), commissioned two reports last year released by Philadelphia Lawyers for Social Equity (PLSE) that recommended the BOP consider merit-based clemency for currently incarcerated second-degree murderers, as well as for the state legislature to reform the law that mandates life sentences without parole for second-degree murder convictions.

And then this from the story:

During a PLSE press conference on March 1, 2021, Fetterman said the reports documented “the lives that are destroyed” and “the resources that are wasted” due to Pennsylvania’s statute, and that he hoped the reports’ findings would “lead to a conversation” that would free close to 1,200 people.

“People,” as in convicted murderers.

Any voter living near a major Democrat-run city knows well how crime – including violent crime – has exploded in those jurisdictions. Urban crime has begun creeping into suburban areas from cities. Philadelphia has seen crime rates explode. Fetterman being a friend of murderers, robbers, rapists, and two-bit thugs is hurting his campaign for Pennsylvania’s open U.S. Senate seat.

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Smashing and Grabbing
Blue America into Ruin

By J. Robert Smith

The recent spate of brazen organized store lootings in Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, and surroundings aren’t the beginning of societal unraveling in those places, but the latest manifestations. They represent a new stage and an acceleration. It’s no accident that this mayhem is lopsidedly centered in blue strongholds.

Note that these smash-and-grab robberies aren’t confined to poor neighborhoods in big blue cities, but have spread to middle-class and upscale areas — areas frequented or inhabited by the affluent, (mostly) white progressives who have favored defunding police and emptying prisons.

Their virtue-signaling about equity and justice is well and good until they become victims — or, at least, feel threatened. The chickens are coming home to roost throughout blue America, to amend Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s famous dictum.

This article can be read in it’s entirety at American Thinker. Follow this link. Thank you.

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