Tag Archives: Critical Race Theory

Americans Led the Fight Against Global Slavery

By Anthony Trevlac

  • Aug. 4, 2024
  • 3-min read

Elon Musk is a giant of common sense, facts, and free speech. He may have done more, by purchasing Twitter, to protect free speech than anyone alive. His courage and comments displayed in this interview with the hapless and clueless Don Lemon are spot on.

The left’s power depends on as many of us as possible feeling victimized and powerless. They say very little positive about America and do everything they can to divide us.

Most conservative Americans don’t look at other people primarily in terms of race or sex. Most leading Democrats do. They have invented this horseshit fiction called “white privilege,” which is itself a racist and bigoted view. It makes no sense to say all Black people are inferior or that all white people are privileged. We are a nation of individuals, not groups. If a ton of people in one group do not have the same economic resources, we should spend our efforts rooting out the causes rather than constantly using race as an excuse.

But, our leaders know it is easier to blame racism for our problems than it is to courageously admit we don’t yet have all the answers. It is far easier to blame others than to admit you don’t have the answers.

Give us equal opportunity and let us live our lives. We will never become less racist by embracing policies that are racist, like intersectionality. Many in education today teach people that certain groups are denied full access to our opportunities and resources. That is simply a lie. No federal or state laws deny benefits or employment to Black people or Hispanics or Asians or anyone else.

White Americans are not the most successful or richest cohort. Not even close. Look it up and you will see that various groups with Asian heritage are far and away the most “privileged.” If we care about people, we should be looking at what makes anyone successful and promote those policies. Anyone who just assumes whites are privileged and the source of all racism are just intellectually dishonest or ignorant.

The fact that some groups underperform others is the result of an infinitely complex set of circumstances, and we should address them as we can. But, unlike what Critical Race Theory maintains, unequal results are not proof of racism. It isn’t that simple.

The goal of the American experience has NEVER been to guarantee everyone will end up in the same place, as Kamala Harris advocates, but to make sure they all have equal opportunities. It is a hugely important, fundamental distinction. Equity means equal outcomes, based on groups. It is the opposite of equal opportunity. The Biden Administration, from Day One, turned its back on equal opportunity and embraced equity, literally through an Executive Order the day he was inaugurated. (It was between 10 AM and 4 PM, so he was still awake.)

When you spend all your time looking for reasons to think America is racist, you will find them. If you look for reasons to think we are irritable, fat, mean, or rude you will find them, too.

That is exactly what we should not do. We should spend our time focusing on what is good and decent and loving. You are controlled by your dominant thoughts. If you think you will be happy, successful, and strong, you will be.

As far as slavery goes… every cohort in America has ancestors that were slaves, if you go back far enough. White people have been slaves. So have Asians, Blacks, you name it. Some Black people, even in America, owned slaves. Most of the slave trade from Africa did NOT come to America. The thing that is unique about America is the effort we made to stop slavery, not propagate it.

Slavery was a human scourge, not a uniquely American one. America was one of the earliest nations to end slavery and outlaw the slave trade. We should celebrate the fact that we fought a war to get rid of it. We should look to the future united as brothers who celebrate our mutual freedom and individuality.
When a person needs a hand, we should offer it because they are human. The issue should not be the amount of melanin in their skin, their affiliation with an “underserved” community, or their chromosomes.

If you agree with that, you have one and only one presidential candidate to vote for this year. Pick a lane.

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When Something Actually IS Marxist, It Is OK to Call It That

By Rob Meyne

  • March 16, 2022
  • 4-min read

Opponents of CRT don’t need to mislead people or misrepresent it. When the truth is this damaging, you don’t need to make things up.

The accurate history of Critical Race Theory is so controversial that its supporters often aren’t even aware of it. Many others are aware but try to hide it. If the tenets of CRT sound suspiciously Marxist, it’s for a good reason: it is. We don’t mean Marxist in a general sense; we mean Marxist in that, literally, CRT is an outgrowth of Marxist teachings.

When you say a policy is Marxist, some people immediately disregard the comment. They’ve heard the charge so often they assume it’s false or hyperbole. That is kind of a problem since some of the policies promoted by the Democratic Party and its apparatchiks actually are Marxist. CRT is an example.

Forgive a bit of fairly dry, but hugely important, history. CRT was developed by Marxist activists well-versed in their preferred political theory. So are some other movements.

Black Lives Matter was founded by self-described “trained Marxists.” BLM is a great phrase and a terrible organization. And, yes, it is committed to eliminating capitalism, undermining the family, and destroying many of our institutions. The woke corporations who have thrown money at BLM mostly don’t even have a clue who they are supporting, where the money goes, or who BLM leaders are. See here: Black Lives Matter co-founder describes herself as ‘trained Marxist’

CRT is an outgrowth of Marxist Critical Theory, a product of the Frankfurt School of Marxism. CRT was developed as a strategy to change the economic systems of nations, ensure economic equality, and replace class structures. There is a good piece in the American Spectator that discusses the Marxist origins of Critical Theory. It also notes that many contemporary online entries on CRT have been completely scrubbed of any references to Marxism. Wikipedia, for example, doesn’t mention Marxism except in a few footnotes. See here: Marxism and Critical Race Theory – The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

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CRT: Built On Falsehoods

By Rob Meyne

  • Feb. 3, 2022
  • 2 min read

Critical Race Theory is a controversial topic. If you’ve been hearing from “both sides” of the debate, you might benefit from just looking at what its advocates say about it. As a conservative constitutionalist, I’d recommend you do just that.

Looking at what its supporters say gives you all the information you need to combat it. When the truth is this damaging, you don’t need to make things up.

There is no shortage of information out there about CRT. If you’re looking for a place to start, here is one option. Another piece takes an interesting look at the issue against the background of Glenn Youngkin’s victory in the governor’s race in Virginia. Youngkin won partially because of his opposition to CRT.

It is good to understand that CRT is a strategy with specific goals, not a body of knowledge. It is more about persuading, not facts.

This piece from the Heritage Foundation goes into the key tenets of CRT and touches on some of the activities being undertaken to push back on it. Many explanations of CRT list different concepts, but these are fairly consistent across-the-board:

  • CRT is a way to challenge and reform our government and economy, by viewing it all through the lens of race.
  • CRT asserts that racism is pervasive and unavoidable in America, embedded in our institutions and government. The belief is that our nation, as constituted, cannot combat racism because it is racist.
  • CRT puts a priority on examples and stories about racism conveyed by those who experienced it.
  • CRT proponents believe America has a class system where all white people are part of an oppressive elite, and benefit from white privilege, while all black people are victims and unable to succeed. (The fact that examples of the falsity of these premises are abundant doesn’t seem to discourage them. Nor do CRT advocates ever explain why, if we are so racist, the cohort with the highest average income and arguably greatest success, Asians, is non-white.)

That is a quick summary, and many would challenge some of these generalizations, but the overall message is clear: America is run by racists, through racist institutions, and oppressed groups cannot succeed unless we replace it with a new system.

It should not be hard to understand why parents, and others, have a problem with these theories being promoted in public schools. More to come on the arguments each side makes on CRT.

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Biden Thinks Racism Is OK

By Rob Meyne

  • Jan. 5, 2022
  • 3-min read

A major change was announced by the new Biden Administration nearly a year ago. It represented a significant policy shift, a fundamental change in philosophy, but received relatively little notice. Team Biden, led by Susan Rice, said that, moving forward, the federal policy would be to administer laws and regulations with an intention to pursue racial equity rather than equality.

Equality means that every person is entitled to equal opportunity to pursue the education, employment, and support that allows us to succeed and reach our potential. If everyone gets equal opportunity, then we are only separated by our talent, intelligence, and ambition.

Biden has rejected that philosophy, committing instead to equality of results for groups identified by race, gender, and ethnicity. Equity insists that groups, divided by factors of importance to leftists, matter more than individuals. People are thus entitled to more governmental largesse, if they happen to be black or Hispanic, than they would be if they were white.

If that sounds like an indefensible policy in a free nation, it is. A commitment to equity means that groups should share resources, benefits, status, and wealth equally, regardless of their own talent, effort, or performance.

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