By Rob Meyne
- March 16, 2022
- 4-min read
Opponents of CRT don’t need to mislead people or misrepresent it. When the truth is this damaging, you don’t need to make things up.
The accurate history of Critical Race Theory is so controversial that its supporters often aren’t even aware of it. Many others are aware but try to hide it. If the tenets of CRT sound suspiciously Marxist, it’s for a good reason: it is. We don’t mean Marxist in a general sense; we mean Marxist in that, literally, CRT is an outgrowth of Marxist teachings.
When you say a policy is Marxist, some people immediately disregard the comment. They’ve heard the charge so often they assume it’s false or hyperbole. That is kind of a problem since some of the policies promoted by the Democratic Party and its apparatchiks actually are Marxist. CRT is an example.
Forgive a bit of fairly dry, but hugely important, history. CRT was developed by Marxist activists well-versed in their preferred political theory. So are some other movements.
Black Lives Matter was founded by self-described “trained Marxists.” BLM is a great phrase and a terrible organization. And, yes, it is committed to eliminating capitalism, undermining the family, and destroying many of our institutions. The woke corporations who have thrown money at BLM mostly don’t even have a clue who they are supporting, where the money goes, or who BLM leaders are. See here: Black Lives Matter co-founder describes herself as ‘trained Marxist’
CRT is an outgrowth of Marxist Critical Theory, a product of the Frankfurt School of Marxism. CRT was developed as a strategy to change the economic systems of nations, ensure economic equality, and replace class structures. There is a good piece in the American Spectator that discusses the Marxist origins of Critical Theory. It also notes that many contemporary online entries on CRT have been completely scrubbed of any references to Marxism. Wikipedia, for example, doesn’t mention Marxism except in a few footnotes. See here: Marxism and Critical Race Theory – The American Spectator | USA News and Politics