Tag Archives: San Francisco crime

Why Did Democrats Spiff Up San Fran for Murderous Dictator Xi?

By J Robert Smith

  • Nov. 15, 2023
  • 2-min read

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but some people’s eyes are downright screwy. Case in point, San Francisco, where multitudes of homeless roam the streets. Said streets, sidewalks, and entrance ways are depositories for human feces, urine, vomit, blood, and whatever else humans exude from their bodies. There are also plenty of criminals who wander among the walking dead.

This is how Democrats – who laughably style themselves as “progressive” – want it. We know so because Democrats, led by their slick-haired, used car salesman-of-a-governor Gavin Newsom, just cleaned up the streets of San Francisco for Xi Jinping, the despicable tyrant atop China’s communist pyramid. Evidently, Xi doesn’t share Democrats’ sensibility that filth, crime, and general nastiness make for a pleasant, hospitable environment.

So, why do you think California Dreamin’ Democrats would go to such great pains to make San Francisco resemble a livable city again?

Sure, Democrats admire the hell out Xi and the PRC model for controlling organizing society from the top down. Scratch most progressive Democrats and there’s a Mao admirer just below the surface. More and more Democrats don’t worship God. They worship money and power – or power to get money. Power, also, to impose their debauched values on you and yours.

But for all Democrats’ blather about equity, fairness, inclusivity, and compassion, they love money and the high life. While working- and middle class Americans struggle in the Not-Golden State and across the republic, Democrats up the food chain are living like Xi and his Politburo chums live: fat and happy. You can bet their neighborhoods are homeless-free and clean as a whistle.

California enterprises – particularly high tech outfits – make bundles of dough off Xi’s China. You don’t think that California’s Democrat elite have their grubby fingers in those high tech pies?

Keeping Xi happy – and not revolted by the craphole that San Fran usually is – matters to Newsom and his own version of Xi’s politburo. San Francisco is disgusting and crime-ridden because Democrats perverted ethos makes it so.

Bet on it.

Hat tip: American Thinker contributor Olivia Murray

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