Tag Archives: wear masks

Do You Value Freedom More than Security? Vote Republican.

Rob Meyne

  • Sept. 24, 2020
  • 5 min read

No issue in memory reveals more clearly how differently two extremes of the political spectrum react to things. There are a number of assumptions/generalizations made about people, mostly conservatives, who don’t like things like mask mandates. As is often the case, I don’t think our opposition understands us. So here are a few generalizations that the left/progressives/socialists/mainstream media make about “us,” and thoughts on how many of us actually think. Not all of this applies to everyone, of course, but it is a start.

What they say, vs. what we think.

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If You Don’t Wear A Mask, You Must Hate People

Rob Meyne

  • Sept. 22, 2020
  • 3 min read

It’s human nature to think that whatever we are going through right now is the worst, most extreme, most memorable event of its kind. Ever. Sometimes it is true. Our tendency to exaggerate notwithstanding, I am confident that future historians will look at the COVID pandemic as one of the seminal issues of our lifetimes. It is at least as important as 911 and Viet Nam.

In 2020 we set a new standard for how we would react to a serious health crisis. We made a collective decision – or more accurately a few dozen governors, scientists, and regulators made it for us – that it is worth trashing our entire economy, driving millions of businesses into bankruptcy, and putting non-COVID health matters at the back of the line in order to potentially save some lives. Previously, it had not occurred to us that we should just shut things down. The downside was too great. Now it is precedent.

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