Tag Archives: Wolf Blitzer

Twitter and Facebook Are Now the Biden Campaign

Rob Meyne

  • Oct. 15, 2020
  • 4 min read

As we have observed, the polls continue to suggest Biden is headed for a big with. Some of the battleground states are close and getting closer. Yet overall Biden still looks strong. The Democratic campaign/mainstream media continues to run interference for Biden by ignoring stories that may help Trump and rarely holding Biden accountable for anything. They ask Biden tough questions at two times: seldom and never.

Emails from Hunter Biden were released this week. They prove that Hunter sold access to his Dad to get huge payments from the Ukrainian company, Burisma, who has testified that they considered the payments to be a Biden bribe. Burisma was under investigation at the time Joe threatened Ukraine with withholding a billion dollars in U. S. aid unless they fired the prosecutor. Which they did. Biden bragged about doing this on camera. Not smart. Joe has said previously that he has never discussed his son’s business with him and that he never met with Burisma officials. Those claims have never been credible. And we now have proof they were lies.

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