Rob Meyne
- Oct. 22, 2021
- 2-min read
Last week, White House prevaricator-in-chief, Jen Psaki, mentioned that the President wants to make “fundamental change” in our economy. She gave an air of urgency comparable to an announcement of what flavor of ice cream Biden chose. See here.
Psaki added that Biden thinks the pandemic is the perfect opportunity to launch a total rehaul of our economy. WTF? Why does that make sense? Even if one wanted to restructure the economy, why would it make sense to do it at a time when people are struggling to get jobs, earn a living, and get back to normal? It is like changing the rule in the middle of a game you are already losing.
Fundamental change? Who signed up for that? Did he campaign on that? Or anything, for that matter, on those race occasions when he ventured out of his basement?
You may remember this event from February 2. Biden wandered outside his house, saw his shadow, and that meant 2021 would be another year of incompetence and mendacity.