Tag Archives: Socialism

Communism’s Fundamental Error – And It’s a Big One

By Anthony Trevlac

  • May 6, 2024
  • 6-min read

If socialism ever officially ends up on the ash heap of history, where it certainly belongs, it will be because it is based at least one fundamental error. There is a fatal flaw in its basic approach that no amount of misdirection, finger-pointing, or excuse-making can overcome.

The problem is that socialism/Marxism/Democratic Socialism are all based on the assumption that groups are the dominant and fundamental operating units in a society. That notion is wrong. The embrace of it undermines everything on which it is based.

The individual is the building block of society, here and in every other nation. This has been true from the moment the first primordial sign of life appeared on the planet. This was billions of years ago, even before Keith Richards was born.

To recognize the primacy of the individual is not to say what government wants to be true: it is a statement about what is true. Opinions have no more impact on this than they do on determining the freezing temperature of water.

Putin or Xi or Biden can develop policies, tactics, and strategies that try to force groups to do something. But the people those policies affect react as individuals, not groups.

They may give an order to share food equally. But lots of people will disobey it given half a chance. They will care more about their own child than about another’s. They will care more about themselves than their neighbor. They may disobey any and every directive if they disagree with it, think ignoring it will help them, and are unlikely to be punished for their recalcitrance.

Lots of individuals will disobey an order if they can do it without getting shot or otherwise sanctioned. The fact that people don’t act in unison, without fail, every time, means that disparate outcomes are a certainty.

The exercise of executive fiat at the state and national levels led to disastrous policies during. Certainly, millions of people just said “ok” when told to wear a mask or stay home, but millions also told authorities to take a long walk on a short pier. This historical exercise should have told our government that trying to herd these cats is a pointless effort and doomed to fail.

One is astonished at time at how many people seem to just love to follow rules. They can’t want to be told what to do. And huge swaths of them don’t even give it a second thought. The feds say we have to wear yellow shirts, walk backwards, and yell “Spongebob rules” incessantly. Let’s do it! Don’t ask questions. Have they ever lied to us before?

Well, yes, they have.

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Do You Really Want Socialism?

By Rob Meyne

  • Feb. 21, 2022
  • 4-min read

As we have discussed in this space, most public policy decisions involve a distinct choice between alternatives that either decrease or increase freedom for our citizens. Invariably, expensive national programs that are purported to benefit Americans do so at a high cost of reducing our freedom while increasing the size and power of government..

On a broad scale, the major policies advocated by the more conservative of U. S. political parties, the Republicans, tend to protect our constitutionally guaranteed freedoms. The more leftist of the major parties, the Democrats, generally promote actions that place more power and resources in government, particularly Washington.

There are several prominent Democratic leaders and officeholders who embrace socialism and proudly claim that moniker for themselves. On the GOP side, there are none. You could hold a meeting of Republican Socialists in a phone booth (remember those?) and have room left over for an adult manatee. (In some cases, that animal might be a significant upgrade over the incumbents!)

One can argue about the extent of the ideological differences in the two parties but cannot dispute its existence. The parties are neither as similar, nor as different, as many claim. However, depending on what you value – freedom, for example – you cannot make a coherent argument there is no difference.

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Democrats Are Officially America’s Socialist Party

Rob Meyne

  • Sept. 21, 2021
  • 3-min read

I am repeatedly astounded by the hatred that is spouted by the left on a regular basis. Leftists, anti-Trumpers, and the media (but I repeat myself) are the best examples extant of political “projection,” the tendency to accuse others of that which you are doing.

There is hypocrisy all around. True enough. That said, one party is in charge of the federal government. It shows no actual interest in bipartisanship. Its main tenets are based on lies or exaggerations. And the bile and corruption from people in charge is more damaging than from those who are on the sidelines. A bad decision by the quarterback on the field does more damage than anything done by the back-up sitting on the bench.

I wish we had better choices. I am not in love with the Republican Party, either. But politics is about dealing with the world as it is. The greatest so
urce of vitriol and hate currently is the left. And it isn’t even close.

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NEWSFEED MONDAY: Why Leftists Add “Democratic” to Socialism

J Robert Smith

  • March 2, 2020
  • 3 min read

Disinformation [ dis-in-fer-mey-shuhn, dis-in- ]

deliberately misleading or biased information; manipulated narrative or facts; propaganda:


[Winston] Smith works at the Ministry of Truth, and his job is to rewrite the reports in newspapers of the past to conform with the present reality. Smith lives in a constant state of uncertainty; he is not sure the year is in fact 1984.

The Conversation, June 12, 2019


What’s so bad about socialism that leftists have to qualify it with “democratic?” Isn’t socialism supposed to be inherently… democratic?

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