Tag Archives: KKK

Americans Led the Fight Against Global Slavery

By Anthony Trevlac

  • Aug. 4, 2024
  • 3-min read

Elon Musk is a giant of common sense, facts, and free speech. He may have done more, by purchasing Twitter, to protect free speech than anyone alive. His courage and comments displayed in this interview with the hapless and clueless Don Lemon are spot on.

The left’s power depends on as many of us as possible feeling victimized and powerless. They say very little positive about America and do everything they can to divide us.

Most conservative Americans don’t look at other people primarily in terms of race or sex. Most leading Democrats do. They have invented this horseshit fiction called “white privilege,” which is itself a racist and bigoted view. It makes no sense to say all Black people are inferior or that all white people are privileged. We are a nation of individuals, not groups. If a ton of people in one group do not have the same economic resources, we should spend our efforts rooting out the causes rather than constantly using race as an excuse.

But, our leaders know it is easier to blame racism for our problems than it is to courageously admit we don’t yet have all the answers. It is far easier to blame others than to admit you don’t have the answers.

Give us equal opportunity and let us live our lives. We will never become less racist by embracing policies that are racist, like intersectionality. Many in education today teach people that certain groups are denied full access to our opportunities and resources. That is simply a lie. No federal or state laws deny benefits or employment to Black people or Hispanics or Asians or anyone else.

White Americans are not the most successful or richest cohort. Not even close. Look it up and you will see that various groups with Asian heritage are far and away the most “privileged.” If we care about people, we should be looking at what makes anyone successful and promote those policies. Anyone who just assumes whites are privileged and the source of all racism are just intellectually dishonest or ignorant.

The fact that some groups underperform others is the result of an infinitely complex set of circumstances, and we should address them as we can. But, unlike what Critical Race Theory maintains, unequal results are not proof of racism. It isn’t that simple.

The goal of the American experience has NEVER been to guarantee everyone will end up in the same place, as Kamala Harris advocates, but to make sure they all have equal opportunities. It is a hugely important, fundamental distinction. Equity means equal outcomes, based on groups. It is the opposite of equal opportunity. The Biden Administration, from Day One, turned its back on equal opportunity and embraced equity, literally through an Executive Order the day he was inaugurated. (It was between 10 AM and 4 PM, so he was still awake.)

When you spend all your time looking for reasons to think America is racist, you will find them. If you look for reasons to think we are irritable, fat, mean, or rude you will find them, too.

That is exactly what we should not do. We should spend our time focusing on what is good and decent and loving. You are controlled by your dominant thoughts. If you think you will be happy, successful, and strong, you will be.

As far as slavery goes… every cohort in America has ancestors that were slaves, if you go back far enough. White people have been slaves. So have Asians, Blacks, you name it. Some Black people, even in America, owned slaves. Most of the slave trade from Africa did NOT come to America. The thing that is unique about America is the effort we made to stop slavery, not propagate it.

Slavery was a human scourge, not a uniquely American one. America was one of the earliest nations to end slavery and outlaw the slave trade. We should celebrate the fact that we fought a war to get rid of it. We should look to the future united as brothers who celebrate our mutual freedom and individuality.
When a person needs a hand, we should offer it because they are human. The issue should not be the amount of melanin in their skin, their affiliation with an “underserved” community, or their chromosomes.

If you agree with that, you have one and only one presidential candidate to vote for this year. Pick a lane.

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Dems Object to Racism Only When It Benefits Them

Rob Meyne

  • July 4, 2020
  • 3 min read

Although many voters would like to have more palatable choices November 3, we know how the field for this contest will be striped. But there are interesting wild cards that could make an already unpleasant year even worse. Or better. Let’s look at a few today, with more to come.

– Biden is weak and not up to the task. The campaign is following a “less is more” strategy. If he could hide in his basement for four more months, not even exiting long enough to see his shadow, they’d consider it ideal. The more voters learn about Biden the less they like him. Former VA Governor Terry MacAuliffe, one of the Clinton’s leading bag men, discussed it in a call with supporters.

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SPECIAL: Abolish the Democratic Party

J Robert Smith

  • June 25, 2020
  • 4 min read

Updated: June 27, 2020

I am a Republican, a black, dyed in the wool Republican, and I never intend to belong to any other party than the party of freedom and progress.

Fredrick Douglass, BrainyQuote


BLM and ANTIFA backed mobs are doing their level best to tear down America. It’s an ongoing project under the guise of moral outrage. Portraits and statues of long dead Confederates are the offenders. And, increasingly, non-rebel historic figures, like U.S. Grant and George Washington, among other founders. Images of the Europeanized Jesus and stained glass windows are up next. The white-skinned portrayal of Jesus makes him an eternal racist and slaveholder, intimates BLM savants.

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If Everyone Is Racist, No One Is

Rob Meyne

  • Sept. 15, 2019
  • 3 min read

Updated: Sept. 24, 2019

One of the most interesting parts of our political system is that there are no rules or requirements regarding how a person can decide how to vote. One is free to vote for the candidate who is taller, more handsome, from their home state, plays tennis, went to A. S. U., or happens to sound the most like their cousin Ed.

A system where people were somehow required to base their decisions on facts and issues would sometimes yield a different result than does ours. But among our freedoms is the freedom to be stupid. We can be uninformed, unintelligent, and unconcerned, and still vote. That is a freedom that millions of people embrace on a quadrennial basis.
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