Rob Meyne
- Dec. 13, 2020
- 5 min read
No discussion of anti-Trumpers would be complete without a look at the Lincoln Project. They were promoted as Republicans who were so offended by President Trump’s character, rhetoric, actions, or morals they simply could not support him. They claim to be conservative constitutionalists who find Trump so reprehensible they would prefer to have a far left/nascent socialist in office.
That’s worthy of reflection. Assume for a moment you’re a hardcore Constitutional Conservative. Short of compelling proof of a crime, a candidate going on a killing spree, kidnapping elderly nuns, or assassinating puppies, what would they have to do to persuade you to support the most extreme leftist ticket in your lifetime? Right. Hard to think of anything. Especially once your candidate had established an actual governing track record that was indisputably conservative in most ways.
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