Tag Archives: Ronald Reagan

Biden Looks Moderate Only Next to the Clown Car of Candidates He Ran Against

Rob Meyne

  • Jun 3, 2020
  • 4 min read

Updated: Jun 4, 2020

The Democratic Party has, indisputably, grown more liberal/socialist over the few years. Surveys have shown that 75% of Democratic voters would vote for a socialist. Today, a fair number of Democratic Party leaders are acknowledged socialists, support socialist policies, or try to put a different spin on things by claiming to be “Democratic” Socialists.

That, of course, is a contradiction in terms. Being a Democratic Socialist makes as much sense as saying you support free slavery or non-lethal capital punishment. Socialism, by definition, reduces freedom. That’s the point, and many Democrats are now openly comfortable with it.

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Where Are the Happy Warriors?

Rob Meyne

  • Aug. 26, 2019
  • 4 min read

In previous political seasons, successful politicians were known for their optimism. Hubert Humphrey was referred to as the “Happy warrior,” as was Sir Winston Churchill. Churchill was optimistic in the face of some of the greatest challenges any nation has ever faced.

Humphrey was upbeat, pleasant, and confident. I saw him speak many years ago, and he seemed like someone with whom I would enjoy having lunch. He knew that people are attracted to those who are joyous, fun, and happy.

Ronald Reagan reflected on the good that is intrinsic in people, especially Americans. He was cognizant of the need to make changes, but it did not define him. There was nothing depressing about Reagan. He was unashamedly proud of our country.
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