Tag Archives: Mainstream media

CNN’s Lame Push Poll: Boosting Biden and Voter Suppression

“The sample contains a whopping 250 respondent over-sample of black, non-Hispanic adults.”


  • June 9, 2020
  • 3 min read

It has been several cycles since neutral political observers could look at any of the polling from major media outlets with confidence of their accuracy. Mainstream media uses polling as a way to mold public opinion as much as reflect it. The better, and more neutral independent polling organizations care a bit more about their reputations because they have clients from the corporate and not-for-profit world. Most contemporary media organizations are just pushing an agenda. The latest example comes from CNN. They are actively attempting to mold public opinion, fire-up the Democratic base, and discourage Republicans.

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Is Compromise Possible When You Can’t Even Agree on Whether the Sky Is Blue

Rob Meyne

  • April 1, 2020
  • 4 min read

Most in the mainstream media place President Trump somewhere on a spectrum that runs from worthless, to dangerous, to evil. Hopefully, the opinions of future historians will not necessarily be clouded by slavish devotion to the Left/Democratic Party/Socialists/media (but I repeat myself).

It would seem logical that people who fail at something, and want not to fail the next time, would ask what they need to do differently? If you hit a golf ball into the rough, you generally assume you did something wrong. You don’t assume the bad shot was the result of demonic intervention, a gypsy spell, or the heartbreak of psoriasis. If you want to hit the next shot better, you need to, well, hit it better.

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