Tag Archives: Marxist

Defeating the Gathering Tyranny

J Robert Smith

  • Jan. 21, 2021
  • 5 min read

A spectre is haunting America – the spectre of tyranny.

So, sue me, Karl. But why would Marx have objected to his most famous line being expropriated? Taking from the literary rich and distributing that wealth to a poor scribbler is a virtue, no? Karl may have been offput by the tweak – substituting tyranny for communism – or not. If you read the Communist Manifesto, Marx wasn’t shy about calling for social destruction across the globe, and then dictatorship among the ruins. Then utopia – yeah, right. The guy was outright demonic.

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This is War

This article originally appeared at American Thinker.

J Robert Smith

  • Dec. 1, 2020
  • 5 min read

We are at war with enemies of liberty, domestic and foreign. Domestic enemies are now pressing us all the more. Why shrink from the word “enemy,” the simple definition of which is “one seeking to injure, overthrow, or confound an opponent.” Who other are these warmakers?

This war is much more than disputes over fraudulent elections, though that would be cause enough. The Democratic Party is a means. The new war has been imagined, developed, and phased in over decades by the left. It’s unconventional, asymmetric, and cunning. It’s insidious, and has been about stealth and infiltration more so than outright confrontation – until this year, when state shutdowns have been imposed to test the limits of tyranny… to gauge the level of tolerance of unconstitutional centralized rule over a free people. Targeted violence has been employed in cities to engender angst, a sense of helplessness, and, consequently, to demoralize us.

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Must We Fight Cancel Culture with Cancel Culture?

J Robert Smith

  • Aug. 14, 2020
  • 5 min read

This article originally appeared at www.americanthinker.com.

As of August, 2020, we Americans are embroiled in an intensifying cold civil war. Democrats and the left are the aggressors. Cancel culture is a chief weapon. It’s not being employed wholesale – yet – but is being selectively used as a means of instilling fear in the citizenry. Cancel culture, in other words, is a terror weapon.

As morally repugnant as cancel culture is, in war the question is invariably asked: Must we fight fire with fire? Must we cancel the left and its allies to stop their Jacobin terror? It’s a legitimate question.

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