Tag Archives: Omarova communist

What Biden’s Nomination of Saule
Omarova to be Comptroller of the Currency Tells Us

By J Robert Smith

  • Nov. 24, 2021
  • 1-min read

Not long ago, who would have believed that an American president would nominate a communist for an important U.S. Treasury job? Not a “I’ve seen the light” repentant communist, like Whittaker Chambers, but a person who must believe that the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union was fake, like the moon landings that tinfoil-hatters swear never happened.

Joe Biden is the president and Saule Omarova is the communist — or communist sympathizer, depending on reports. Then again, Omarova disavows being a Bolshevik. Easier to slip through the confirmation process with a disavowal, possibly. In any event, Omarova isn’t exactly a small government, free-market sort. Her positions are radical. Marxism (aka communism) isn’t a dirty word among Democrats and progressives nowadays.

Rounding out Omarova’s resumé: shoplifting, which is fitting in that communism is a form of organized thievery. Stalin committed crimes, too.

Once upon a time in America, there would have been collective outrage at plucking a communist or fellow traveler for any role in our government. You see, communism is antithetical to a free society. It’s darkness to our light. But in those bygone days, Americans — Republicans and Democrats — were reared to embrace liberty and the core beliefs that made freedom possible. Yes, we had differences, but we shared a culture rooted in traditional values.

To read my latest article in it’s entirety, go to American Thinker. Follow this link.

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