Tag Archives: American Marxism

What Biden’s Nomination of Saule
Omarova to be Comptroller of the Currency Tells Us

By J Robert Smith

  • Nov. 24, 2021
  • 1-min read

Not long ago, who would have believed that an American president would nominate a communist for an important U.S. Treasury job? Not a “I’ve seen the light” repentant communist, like Whittaker Chambers, but a person who must believe that the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union was fake, like the moon landings that tinfoil-hatters swear never happened.

Joe Biden is the president and Saule Omarova is the communist — or communist sympathizer, depending on reports. Then again, Omarova disavows being a Bolshevik. Easier to slip through the confirmation process with a disavowal, possibly. In any event, Omarova isn’t exactly a small government, free-market sort. Her positions are radical. Marxism (aka communism) isn’t a dirty word among Democrats and progressives nowadays.

Rounding out Omarova’s resumé: shoplifting, which is fitting in that communism is a form of organized thievery. Stalin committed crimes, too.

Once upon a time in America, there would have been collective outrage at plucking a communist or fellow traveler for any role in our government. You see, communism is antithetical to a free society. It’s darkness to our light. But in those bygone days, Americans — Republicans and Democrats — were reared to embrace liberty and the core beliefs that made freedom possible. Yes, we had differences, but we shared a culture rooted in traditional values.

To read my latest article in it’s entirety, go to American Thinker. Follow this link.

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Considering a National Divorce

J Robert Smith

  • Oct. 15, 2021
  • 2-min read

This past week at American Thinker, both William Sullivan (another longtime regular contributor) and I addressed the idea of a national divorce; meaning, red and blue America separating. Sullivan’s article can be found here. Mine is here.

The differences between left and right in America are stark and, regrettably, growing starker. Some conservatives have floated the idea that a national divorce might be achieved civilly, if not amicably. In my American Thinker analysis, I argued that a civil separation isn’t likely to occur because of the nature and worldview of the American left. The American left isn’t led by the equivalent of Swedish social democrats who merely want to expand the welfare state and who are agreeable to living and let live … and who may gladly part company amicably if that was best for all concerned.

I argue that the left has no intention of dissolving the U.S. peaceful and fairly. That runs contrary to their explicit aims. Here’s the nub of the matter from my piece:

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Our Liberty versus their Tyranny: Two Articles Worth Reading

Don’t surrender your freedom to “experts” and politicians

J Robert Smith

  • Aug. 10, 2021
  • 4 min read

This afternoon, I’m recommending two articles for you to read.

One is by Daniel Horowitz at The Blaze. (Horowitz: No, this is not an epidemic of the unvaccinated)

It’s a deeper dive into COVID vaccinations possible impact on individual and public health. Horowitz’s analysis is thoughtful and strongly sourced, as always.
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