Tag Archives: The Federalist

Their Ways are Intimidation and Violence

By J Robert Smith

  • June 2, 2024
  • 3-min read

After Donald Trump’s sham conviction last week, South Carolina Congressman Benny Thompson (D) introduced legislation to pull Secret Service protection from Trump. Thompson, the chair of the defuncted J6 inquisition, couldn’t have done so without knowing the consequences. Nor were Biden’s handlers ignorant of the consequences when they denied RFK Jr.’s requests for protection. Nor did Biden’s White House not know what could happen when security was shorted at conservative Supreme Court justices’ homes after Roe v. Wade was overturned. Thompson knows that without Secret Service protection, Trump’s life is endangered. Even with private security, Trump’s risk increases.

Trump is the target of every left-wing hater and lunatic across the country. That hellish lot make up an indispensable Democrat constituency. From that pool are the ones eager to break things and hurt people. Of course, Trump can afford private security. But not in prison, where an in-your-face hack Democrat masquerading as a judge – Juan Marchan – plans to sentence Trump. That sentencing will occur on July 11, just days before the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee. No bare-knuckled politics to see here, so move on.

But, heaven forbid, if Trump was attacked and his private security had to dispatch the attacker(s). It better happen in Florida or another red state. Otherwise, a Democrat hatchet man dressed up like a DA would indict Trump for murder. Do you really think that’s an exaggeration?

Thompson is a member of the Democrat minority in the U.S. House. His legislation won’t gain traction. The ballast we call House Republicans is good for at least inertia. But his legislation is more than window dressing. When Trump is sentenced, expect Thompson to make a full-throated call to withdraw protection. Thompson’s voice won’t be a voice in the wilderness. Since Democrats coordinate their hit jobs, Democrats and corporate media will manufacture an outcry.

Remember, prisons are convenient places to have troublesome people killed.

As if on cue, Profiles in Courage Republicans will mostly keep silent. Some will stand at podiums to beclown themselves by claiming that while Trump’s conviction is a bitter pill, we must abide by the rule of law – as if that transparently fraudulent proceeding in Manhattan wasn’t a good, old-fashioned fix. Who’s worse, the perpetrators of this injustice or their enablers?

But don’t dare publicly question the Trump trial or conviction. As Mike Benz (Foundation for Freedom Online) stated at X, “we’re at the stage where the system just straight-up tells you you can’t question the system.”

You have to hand it to the DC establishment, which at its heart is that bundle of intelligence and security bureaucracies who Schumer, Jefferies, and Pelosi bend knees to – and RINOs fear. They’ve received only scattered pushback for their crimes. The giant hasn’t been wakened yet, and that giant is the American majority – decent, hardworking, God-fearing, family and country loving Americans.

What’s the necessary pushback from our side? As conservative wags like Sean Davis have suggested at X, it’s time for red state DAs to begin indicting Democrats and Deep Staters for legitimate crimes. No need to twist the law as Democrats have done to indict Trump and others. Legit indictments for legit crimes.

Then, as Mike Benz suggests, red states need to become sanctuary states for freedom’s friends. That is, red states need to provide safe haven to liberty stalwarts who are targeted for malicious prosecution or other destruction in blue states.

Finally, support Trump. Yes, a financial contribution helps – whatever you can afford. The Trump campaign smashed records raising more money in the 24 hours following his sham conviction than any other presidential campaign has done in a 24-hour period. Give what you can. Money is critical.

Talk to family and friends who are willing to listen. If the DC establishment swipes the ’24 presidential election, it will brazenly double down shutting down our rights, starting with our 1st Amendment rights to free speech and peaceful assembly. Become ambassadors for Trump’s election. Never surrender. We are the majority. Working together, we will prevail.

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Biden is Hard at Work Trying to Steal the Midterms

By J Robert Smith

  • June 23, 2022
  • 1 min read

Mollie Hemingway, Editor-in-Chief of The Federalist, has a must-read article posted today at The Federalist. The Biden administration has been hard at work for many months using federal programs and offices in the states to identify, register, and turnout voters for the midterms – their voters, meaning Democrats and Democrat-leaners. Or anyone receiving federal government handouts. This is illegal – or just skirts the law. The Democrats did practically the same thing in 2020 as part of a comprehensive campaign to steal the presidential election from Donald Trump.

Hemingway is author of the super analysis on the 2020 election theft, Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech, and the Democrats Seized Our Elections. If you’re interested in one very important aspect of how Democrats foisted Joe Biden on the nation, read Mollie’s book. And also see Dinesh D’Souza’s eye-opening 2000 Mules documentary, which lays out the old fashioned way Democrats swiped the 2020 presidential contests: ballot box stuffing.

Charges Hemingway in her June 23 analysis:

When President Biden ordered all 600 federal agencies to “expand citizens’ opportunities to register to vote and to obtain information about, and participate in, the electoral process” on March 7, 2021, Republican politicians, Constitutional scholars, and election integrity specialists began to worry exactly what was up his sleeve.

They had good reason. The 2020 election had suffered from widespread and coordinated efforts by Democrat activists and donors to run “Get Out The Vote” operations from inside state and local government election offices, predominantly in the Democrat-leaning areas of swing states. Independent researchers have shown the effect of this takeover of government election offices was extremely partisan and favored Democrats overwhelmingly.

The full article can be found at The Federalist. Follow this link to read it.

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