Tag Archives: Zelensky

NEWSFEED WEEKEND: Why is Trump Accuser, Yovanovitch, above Scrutiny & Criticism?

J Robert Smith

  • Nov. 16, 2019
  • 3 min read

Trump took to Twitter on Friday morning to claim that “everywhere” U.S. Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch went “turned bad” and suggested she was to blame for the situation in Somalia, where she did her first tour. Yovanovitch was asked to react to the tweets during the hearing on Friday which was being carried live on air, and described them as “intimidating.”

The president’s tweet ran counter to a desire by Republicans to avoid attacking the character of career public servants like Yovanovitch, who boasts decades of service in the diplomatic corps in both Republican and Democratic administrations.

The Hill, November 16, 2019

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NEWSFEED WEEKEND: Democrats’ Path to Defeat in 2020

J Robert Smith

  • Oct. 5, 2019
  • 3 min read

The gamble of a Biden nomination, then, is a big one. It’s a bet on whether Americans really do want a return to the political establishment when signs here and around the world seem to be pointing in the opposite direction, empowering both far-right strong men and socialists as center-left and center-right parties stumble. Biden’s chances in a general election also hinge whether he can muster support from enough Obama-loyal, reliable primary voters to counteract a lack of enthusiasm among younger and more progressive segments of the electorate, who won’t back him with nearly the same vim as they would Elizabeth Warren or (especially) Bernie Sanders. Did the mythical white working class voters that Biden is supposed to appeal to really just want to vote for another white guy (as cynical pundits have claimed) or did they too want to drain the swamp?

— The Guardian, October 5, 2019
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