Tag Archives: Social Issues

We’ve Ditched Twitter – and Glad to have Done It

By J Robert Smith

  • Jun 13
  • 2 min read

Looking at the Flyover page, you may have noticed that there are headers for Twitter threads for Rob and myself. The feeds are gone. We both quit Twitter. Good riddance.

In my case, I ended my account when oddball Jack Dorsey cancelled President Trump’s account. That was the last straw. Prior to that, beginning in July 2020, my 15,500 thousand-strong account was deboosted by Twitter. I wasn’t being singled out, though.


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Do Democrats Want a New Trail of Tears?

J Robert Smith

  • Mar 3
  • 5 min read

The times may change, but it’s reassuring to know that some things don’t, like the Democratic Party. Along with the cosmic sins of slavery and abortion, Democrats are chiefly culpable for a sin less often recognized: American Indian removal and extermination, the latter either being an expedient or last resort, depending on circumstances.

Democrats and their progenitors, who long preceded Republicans – Whigs were the minor party during the Democracy’s pre-Civil War zenith – created the template for the relentless subjugation of our red brethren. The Trail of Tears carries the Democrats’ seal.

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NEWSFEED TUESDAY: Prohibiting 18-year-old Soldiers Off to Afghanistan from Buying Tobacco

By  J Robert Smith

  • Dec. 17, 2019
  • 3 min read

Congress is on the verge of a sweeping health care reform: Federally prohibiting the sale of tobacco products to people under 21.

The legislation significantly raising the age cap from the current age of 18 on cigarettes and e-cigarettes is increasingly likely to be included in the year-end spending deal, the result of support from a diverse coalition of lawmakers, according to four people familiar with the matter. While the deal has not been finalized, it is more than likely to be in the package, according to sources in both parties.

Politico, December 16, 2019

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