Tag Archives: Walmart

NEWS FEED WEDNESDAY: Walmart Goes Soft on Guns

J Robert Smith

  • Sept. 4, 2019
  • 2 min read

Walmart stepped forcefully into the national gun debate on Tuesday, saying it would stop selling ammunition that can be used in military-style assault rifles, would discourage its customers from openly carrying guns in its stores and would call on Congress to increase background checks and consider a new assault rifle ban.

— New York Times, September 4, 2019
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NEWS FEED FRIDAY: Springfield, Mo. – A Gun Saves Lives at a Walmart?

J Robert Smith

  • Aug. 9, 2019
  • 1 min read

Police say the man then made his way out an emergency exit where a former firefighter held the man at gunpoint. At that moment Springfield Police arrived on scene and detained the man.

— KY3-TV News NBC


Guns are evil, we hear over and over from the gun control mob. But guns are only tools and only bad in the wrong hands.
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